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Chapter 86 Materialization

Xifa took a deep breath, gently turned the door handle, opened the door and walked in.

In front of him is a spiral staircase, unlike the secret passage in the tower that he just walked through, which is made of stone.

On the contrary, it is made of wooden boards. If you step on it, it will probably make the unique creaking sound of wooden boards.

Xifa carefully set his feet on it. It may have been a solidification spell. The wooden board was as hard as a stone slab and made no sound.

Xifa breathed a long sigh of relief and quickly slipped down the stairs while remaining alert.

At the end of the stairs, there was a corner. Turning out of it, Xifa suddenly saw a bright light.

At this time, Xifa looked shocked. He thought about countless possibilities, but he swore that he really didn't expect the scene in front of him.

In front of us is not a room where the teleportation array is housed, nor a warehouse where combat supplies are stored, but an extremely simple office.

This is a ring-shaped room with a flat roof. The walls are made of unpolished stone slabs, which are uneven and extremely rough.

A pure wooden table without paint, a round stool made of solid wood piles, and a bookshelf with empty shelves that can be seen on the slate wall behind.

Apart from these, there is nothing else, and even the faceless man just now doesn’t know where he went.

Xifa carefully walked to the table and checked it.

I saw documents and letters on the table. The documents and letters were neatly stacked in different categories.

This style made Xifa's mind involuntarily picture the face of his dean.

Damn it! Isn’t this the secret office of the Head of House? This is Ravenclaw’s Astronomy Tower, it’s very possible!

Wait a minute? Xifa was shocked again. What is the faceless man doing here? Didn't Dumbledore imply that he was a teleportation array?

Do you mean the vice-principal? No! Absolutely impossible! He is Elise’s grandfather and a colleague who has known Dumbledore for many years.

Xifa forced himself to calm down, moved his eyes away from the desk, and did not think about this problem.

Since you don’t look at the desk, all that’s left is the almost empty bookshelf.

Xifa came to the bookshelf and found a hanging portrait.

After hesitating again and again, Xifa turned it over with the hand of a mage.

It looks like a group photo with four pairs of male and female witches.

Xifa recognized several of them.

For example, Mrs. Fergus, whom Elise has a crush on, although she is disguised by Silentmon, her appearance is exactly the same.

The person smiling at him next to her should be Elise's father. Behind them are the relatively young vice-principal and his wife.

On the other side, it looks like Luna’s mother, father, and grandparents.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Elise’s mother’s eyes seemed to reveal help and sadness.

Xifa shook his head and put back the portrait without magic fluctuations. He felt that it was his illusion just now, because the last time left a psychological shadow in Elise's heart.

Putting down the portrait, Xifa continued to browse the books on the bookshelf, because in his impression, many books would reveal secret passages after being moved correctly.

But he never thought that before the secret words appeared, the contents of the book attracted his attention first.

These information are all about the interpersonal relationships between the Hill family and the Fergus family in the wizarding world.

Looking at the paper, it looks like it was written in recent years.

It shouldn't be. What is the vice principal doing to sort out these interpersonal relationships at his old age? Does he think that in this war, he may die on the battlefield at any time, so that Luna and Elise can better take advantage of the shelter of these family members?
Yes, Luna said in the first Potions class that she had seen the name of Professor Slughorn. Sure enough, in the records of recent years, the name of Horace Slughorn appeared.
Luna also said that her grandfather had disappeared for many years. If he had not taken care of the only remaining member of the family, he would have wandered around the world to seek revenge. This is why Luna came to Hogwarts to keep Elise company...
I feel a little uneasy, but these speculations are still reasonable.

Xifa silently put the book back and used his perception technique to observe whether there were any small traces that he had missed.

At this time, the sound of a metal chain breaking came from the stone wall next to it.

Xifa quickly turned his gaze over there, and it looked like a stone wall without any magic fluctuations.

When he came to the wall, Xifa hesitated for a moment, then reached forward and found that his hand had passed through the wall.

Is this so? Western France has taken a big step forward.

The eyes suddenly brightened. Although there was a circular diagonal path that could accommodate two people walking side by side, there was a burning torch stuck on the wall at every step.

Can we go to the next floor through here? Xifa thought, maybe in normal times, Vice Principal Fergus would sort out documents here while guarding the open portal.

Due to the recent turmoil, he went abroad to attend a meeting. Naturally, the teleportation array here was unguarded.

Slowly running to the end of the trail, Xifa found that in front of him was a gate with a broken chain.

Listen carefully, there is some movement.

Without any further hesitation, Xifa pushed the door open with his mage's hand, then quickly got into it with his wand.

What appears to be a huge open-air platform in front of me, however, I am sure I have never experienced space movement.

Therefore, this platform is not open-air! Xifa overturned his first impression.

This method is more like the method of projecting the outside world on the ceiling in a large auditorium. It should be convenient for observing the stars in this secret room.

In addition to the shocking ceiling, there are more than a dozen thick stone pillars covered with patterns on the platform.

Xifa guessed that a traceless expansion spell must have been cast here. The diameter of the entire tower would never be so sparse enough to accommodate a dozen such thick stone pillars.

At this time, the magic patterns on the thick stone pillars exuded light blue magic light, flickering like a breathing lamp.

Is it still running or is it about to be destroyed? Xifa was confused.

By the way, where has the Faceless Man gone? Neither the pupil technique that comes with his soul-sealing soul nor the compass can detect his presence.

Just when Xifa was patrolling around, something happened suddenly.

Under the cold moonlight on the ceiling, these radiant light blue magic patterns gradually dimmed.

At this time, Xifa was surprised to see, yes, he saw it with his eyes.

The faceless man is standing in the center of the platform. It seems that it is integrated with the teleportation array, making it invisible to him.

At this time, it held up a wooden stick shrouded in black mist, and the magic power on the stone pillars gathered above the top of its wand, forming a black-green vortex in the air.

Immediately afterwards, an ink-like substance flowed out of the center of the vortex.

The faceless man's blurred body is like a glass container.

As the 'ink' is injected, the translucent material gradually solidifies.

This...can't wait any longer.

"Burning in flames!"

The red to yellow fireball condensed in front of Xifa and flew towards the center of the field.

***The author has something to say***

This week is the last 4000. Laugh every day

This chapter has been completed!
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