Chapter 93: Experience Muggle life

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 Chapter 93 Experience Muggle life

After waiting for so long, the sun naturally appeared on the horizon. However, after entering the forest, the darkness still enveloped the three of them.

You can vaguely see Old Buck clearing the way ahead, and there are two dogs circling around the three of them.

Even if he couldn't cast the super-sensory spell-Eagle Eye on himself, Xifa's steps were still very relaxed. As for Elise and Luna, they didn't even need the spell, they just needed to slightly change their eyes, dim.

The scene is no different from tomorrow.

The three of them strolled leisurely in the seemingly dangerous forest, enjoying the silence in the forest.

As for why Western France can't cast magic spells at will.

That's because Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic have jointly established a clear rule that young wizards are prohibited from casting spells outside the school unless they have no choice but to obtain permission.

On the day he left school and returned home, he had just had some quarrels with Dumbledore, and the three of them were using the dean's fireplace to bring Diagon Alley, so Xifa did not apply for permission.

In order to prevent the Ministry of Magic from sending them warning letters and trial notices, the three of them decided not to cast spells easily since they left Diagon Alley.

What Xifa didn't know was that there were no traces on him, and the same was true for Elise and Luna. Because their wands were 'illegal' wands.

(For traces, I set the wand to be a signal receiver. If you live in a Muggle environment and there are magical fluctuations around you, it will report it to the Ministry of Magic. If it is in a place where wizards gather, the Ministry of Magic will not be able to control it. Deng

The ones Bledo customized for them naturally do not have this function.)

Just speak like a whisper and your words will be transmitted clearly to others.

Naturally, the sound of branches breaking under their feet sounded like thunder. Similarly, Buck's gentle footsteps in the distance naturally could not reach the ears of the three of them.

Fortunately, this is not a season full of vitality, and the bushes with bare branches and trunks cannot block the three people's sight of Buck ahead.

This must be the first time that the two of them walked in the forest with a relaxed and playful attitude, and Xifa felt a little emotional.

This feeling is different from the usual feeling of being together to study and communicate. There is a feeling of being squeezed together unconsciously in a closed space. (Like a large elevator, you will get closer to people you are close to, but you will feel closer to strangers.

It feels like you are too close to me.laugh)

Gradually, under the influence of the environment, the three of them care about each other, their footsteps gradually begin to be consistent, and their breathing rhythms gradually become synchronized.


"Woo~" The two hounds quietly left and returned to the three of them at some point. At this time, they were whimpering softly around the three of them.

The sudden intervention of foreign objects made the tacit feeling of understanding begin to disappear, and the three of them naturally woke up.

There is prey! While the feeling of tacit understanding was still there, Xifa didn't say a word, or even moved the corner of his mouth. Just a look, and the two women were surprised to find that they understood Xifa's meaning.

It's a pity that this is not a place for the three of them to stop and think about what is going on.

Elise and Luna quickly took off the bows on their shoulders, while Xifa picked up the hand crossbow bitterly. Because Xifa could not guarantee that the bow could be drawn steadily.

Picking up their hunting gear, the three of them quickly and quietly came to Old Buck.

It's a big hare.

Facing the arrogant Old Buck, although Elise and Luna understood what he meant, they managed to hold back their smiles because it was too eye-catching for Old Buck to look like a rabbit.

Holding back their smiles, they nodded to show their understanding.

Buck nodded with a slightly worried expression and waved his hand forward.

Two hounds quietly sprang out to lead the way. The movement of the three catching up just now alarmed the hare. It had disappeared from everyone's sight, but it could not avoid the noses of the two hounds.

The hound that ran out ended up lying motionless on the ground behind a tree.

Buck stopped and motioned for the three of them to hunt the rabbit.

Bows and arrows were bent, and the three of them quietly came behind the tree.

It turned out to be a big fat rabbit. There was joy in the eyes of the three of them. Xifa was holding a crossbow. He had a free hand and gestured with three fingers.

Three, two, one...

The three of them shot arrows simultaneously with a tacit understanding.

The rabbit was lying on the ground peacefully, nibbling some buds under the withered grass.

"Whoosh!" I heard a sound breaking through the air.

The rabbit just raised its ears, and it was nailed to the ground by three arrows.

"Yeah!" It was the first time they caught prey without using magic. The two girls cheered excitedly.

Seeing that the three of them had succeeded, Buck also caught up from behind.

He patted Xifa on the shoulder, and then praised the performance of the two girls.

"Although your posture is not standard, you are so strong that you can draw the bow without shaking. In comparison, Xifa does not look like a man at all, and he still uses a crossbow..."

"I was worried that you two would react when seeing blood, but I didn't expect that I was overly worried..."


Xifa looked helplessly at the two people opposite who were smiling coquettishly, and in his mind, Old Buck, who praised Barabara, said.

Although they look like harmless little girls, when they work together to brew the potion, they can dissect toads and other creatures without changing their expressions and take out their internal organs with their bare hands...

As if aware of Xifa's evil intentions, Elise clenched her fists and gestured towards Xifa.

"Xifa, you look very unconvinced?!"

The 'frightened' Xifa waved his hands to deny it, and denied it three times in a row. "I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

The joy spread by the fight between the three also infected Buck.

It started so smoothly, and Buck was happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Work harder and hunt two more, so that you little guys will be full!"

Old Buck said with a smile.


Between about half past nine and ten o'clock, the three of them hunted their first prey.

The time now is eleven o'clock sharp. Luna took out an exquisite mechanical watch from her arms and told everyone the time.

The group of people gained a lot, including Buck, each of them had something in their hands.

After hearing that Luna said it was almost lunch time, Old Buck said he would go back now.

Xifa was about to agree, but he was already exhausted from such a long activity, not to mention there was already enough food.

But Elise suddenly said: "Mr. Buck, please go back with the prey first. We still have some inspirations that we want to talk about and record."

Old Buck was startled, and then he looked strange and left the three young people deep in the forest...

Forget it, it’s not like Xifa runs into the forest every day for a day or two, and his friend doesn’t seem to have any hunting experience. What’s more, he hasn’t seen traces of large prey here for a long time.

"Okay, but Big Tom needs to stay with you!" Buck said solemnly after hesitation, "It can help you be alert to the dangers around you."

Elise was about to say no, but Xifa answered for her. "Okay, we really had some inspiration before, which was about holiday homework. Let's summarize it quickly while the inspiration is not forgotten."

After hearing Xifa's repeated assurances that the three of them were not doing anything dangerous, it was more like they couldn't let go of their conversation because they were here.

So, Old Buck smiled and took over the prey from the hands of the three. Except for the rabbit at the beginning, which was in Buck's hand, the remaining pheasants and wild birds were captured by the three of them based on their own strength.

He took the prey and then the hunting gear, leaving a dagger for each of them for self-defense.

Old Buck just turned his back to the three of them, carrying a sumptuous prey under the dappled sunlight filtering through the branches. Little Tom followed at his feet, and disappeared from the sight of the three of them with brisk steps.

? ?Tsk 2300 Because there are two more brackets, I will fill them in for you

This chapter has been completed!
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