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Chapter 180 A prison without restraints?

 Bibi Dong knew that Qian Renxue had just returned to Wuhun City to take the divine examination, because Tian Crocodile personally came to the Pope's Palace to tell her about it.

At that time, Bibi Dong was still worried about things in the Killing City. She was thinking about whether it was necessary for her to go to the Killing City.

The King of Slaughter disappeared in the City of Slaughter. This incident did not attract the attention of the fallen in the City of Slaughter, because the King of Slaughter himself had little contact with them, and they did not even know when the King of Slaughter left.<


Only those messengers and members of the law enforcement team knew about the departure of the King of Slaughter.

These envoys and members of the law enforcement team didn't know exactly where the King of Slaughter was going, what he was doing, and how long it would take, but they didn't dare to ask because of the majesty the King of Slaughter had accumulated over a long period of time.

Wang is extremely irritable.

They watched in confusion as the King of Slaughter flew out of the Slaughter City. No one could stop him, and no one dared to stop him.

The King of Slaughter is gone, but life in the City of Slaughter continues, and they do not intend to tell the outside world that the King of Slaughter is no longer in the City of Slaughter.

However, the members of the law enforcement team discovered something that horrified them. Like the fallen who were struggling, lost, and degenerated in the Killing City, their soul skills could no longer be used.

The King of Slaughter controls everything in the City of Slaughter. The real strong men in the law enforcement team are composed of Contras who have been given the ability to use soul rings and soul skills by the King of Slaughter. The captain is even a titled Douluo. Once upon a time

Many people want to break out, but the results are without exception.

It’s not like no one has thought about getting out of here, but how can a soul master who cannot use soul rings and soul skills force his way out of the Killing City from a group of law enforcers who can use soul power and whose level is not low.

Soul bones are scarce, and in the Killing City, the vast majority of the fallen do not have them.

People who have lived in the Slaughter City for a long time will naturally not deliberately challenge the bottom line of the law enforcers, nor will they deliberately seek trouble for the envoys who can represent the meaning of the Slaughter King to a certain extent.

But there are always a few newbies who are determined to try these things. As a result, things that have been concealed are exposed a little bit.

With the appearance of the first successful escapee after the disappearance of the King of Slaughter, the local Wuhun Temple noticed this.

After killing the prison escapee, they saw the law enforcers chasing from the underground and learned the reason for the incident.

A prison without restraints.

Bibi Dong frowned and wrote these words. This is something that needs to be worried about.

She is one of the Gods of Killing. She can enter and leave the Killing City freely, and she can also use soul skills in the Killing City.

But that is the inheritance place of God Shura, and Bibi Dong is not sure whether he has the ability to give others the ability to use soul skills in the Killing City.

The body of the prison escapee was brought back by the law enforcement team, and the body was hung high on the city wall as a warning.

[It’s easy to get in here, but it’s almost impossible to get out.]

The law enforcers use this corpse to warn those degenerates who have small thoughts in their hearts.

They still chose to hide the fact that they were unable to use soul rings and soul skills.

The City of Slaughter continues to operate as it did when the King of Slaughter existed, but some things are different.

This kind of peace will not last long.

"Miss has already started taking the spiritual test."

Putting down her pen, Bibi Dong looked at the Crocodile and listened to what the Crocodile said to her.

Pushing Tian Meng out from behind, Tian Crocodile's eyes became complicated, mixed with murderous intent, but for some reasons, he suppressed the murderous intent.

"This is the lady's seventh soul ring - the wisdom soul ring. He also added a new martial spirit to the lady."

Tian Crocodile briefly and clearly introduced Tianmeng's situation. In the process, he pushed Tianmeng all the way until he reached Bibi Dong's side.

"The young lady has not come out since she entered the Douluo Palace. The chief priest said that the young lady is taking an exam. I want you and our brothers to discuss the matter of Tianmeng together."

Looking at Tianmeng with a frown, Bibi Dong gave up her plan to go to the Killing City. Instead of talking about Tianmeng with Tianmeng first, she handed the information to Tianmeng.

"The Wuhun Palace masters in these places need to change their positions, otherwise there will be big problems."

"Yeah." Looking through the information, Tian Crocodile frowned and agreed with Bibi Dong's words.

After watching Bibi Dong write down the new deployment candidates, the two began to interrogate Tianmeng.

"So, how much do you know about the new martial spirit you gave Xiaoxue? And how much planning do you have?"

That day, Tian Meng walked out of the Pope's Palace in a daze. Questions about the new martial arts were asked by Bibi Dong one after another. Tian Meng went from answering the questions quickly at the beginning to hesitating at the end, unable to vomit for a long time.

Write half a word.

"So you didn't think about anything and just risked my daughter's life as a joke?" Bibi Dong shouted coldly.

Tian Meng was shocked, but he really didn’t have much to say to defend himself.

Tianmeng had her own little thoughts, and after Bibi Dong’s series of questions, Bibi Dong figured it out.

Spirit beasts with spiritual attributes are hard to find.

The Far North, located in the northernmost part of Douluo Continent, is extremely cold and dangerous, and is known as a forbidden zone for humans.

"There are not soul beasts without spiritual attributes in the Star Dou Forest, so why do they have to risk going to the far north?" Bibi Dong asked in confusion.

Tianmeng's tone was very sure, as if in the far north, Tianmeng had already found a martial soul filling content for Qian Renxue.

"That's my hometown. I'm very familiar with it, and..." Tian Meng's expression changed subtly, as if he was recalling something.

"I can find a very powerful martial spirit for Qian Renxue."

Bibi Dong looked at Tianmeng with half-squinted eyes, watching the change in Tianmeng's expression and listening to the difference in Tianmeng's tone.

"But this requires the old man to go with Qian Renxue. He is the old man who accompanied Qian Renxue in the divine examination. He is strong enough." Tian Meng rolled his eyes and added.

"What is it? I need to know this clearly. If you can't convince me with the reasons you gave me, then you don't have to think about how to persuade the great worshiper."

Tianmeng turned off the engine, opened his mouth, and wrinkled his face, as if he was looking for a suitable reason.

From here Bibi Dong can see that Tianmeng has more selfish motives than just following Qian Renxue to the God Realm.

Looking at the clear answers, vague answers and questions Tianmeng couldn't answer that she had recorded on the paper, Bibi Dong clicked on the paper.

He took out the small book he wrote about the twin martial soul cultivation methods from his soul guide, and compared the similarities and differences between the two.

These are just theories, Bibi Dong still needs practice, but obviously Qian Renxue doesn’t have time to cooperate with Bibi Dong to verify these newly written things.

This chapter has been completed!
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