Chapter 184 What should I do?

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 "Qian Renxue has spoken."

His eyes instantly retracted, and Qian Daoliu looked sideways, with some surprise. Tianmeng still had the same puzzled look on his face, mumbling incessantly, but did not make a sound.

Qian Daoliu believed in his hearing. In this hall, there was no one else except himself, Tian Meng, Qian Renxue and Qian Hanyu.

Qian Daoliu has been watching Qian Renxue. He cares more about Qian Renxue's divine test than anyone else. She is his granddaughter.

Qian Daoliu reflected on whether the way he loved Qian Renxue was sometimes too selfish. Qian Daoliu also knew that Qian Renxue had been hurt by this way of caring, and Qian Daoliu wanted to make a change.

Qian Renxue complained about Qian Daoliu, and Qian Daoliu could hear it, but Qian Renxue did care about his safety and whether he could survive.

Qian Hanyu talked with Qian Daoliu before the divine examination. Qian Daoliu was proud because Qian Renxue had always been recognized by Qian Hanyu, because Qian Renxue and Qian Hanyu told her concerns, and these concerns were

Qian Daoliu's fate.

His granddaughter, no matter how much she felt puzzled and sad about him as an old man, she couldn't bear to watch Qian Daoliu die because of her again.

Qian Daoliu was also afraid. Qian Daoliu was in awe of Qian Hanyu because he was his ancestor and because Qian Hanyu was a god. Qian Daoliu didn't see much awe from Qian Renxue's words and deeds. Qian Renxue would show his respect to Qian Renxue.

Qian Hanyu made the request, Qian Renxue said with a little respect, not because Qian Hanyu is a genius.

Qian Daoliu wanted to correct Qian Renxue's attitude towards Qian Hanyu, but he didn't know where to start.

Xiaoxue is different from me. Xiaoxue has become a god, and she is still an angel god. There is nothing wrong with this attitude, but that is the ancestor of gods, and it is the belief of our thousands of families for generations. Xiaoxue should probably respect it more.

The two ideas often fight, but Qian Daoliu only thinks about it, because Qian Renxue was forcibly released by him and Bibi Dong during that time, and Qian Daoliu had no chance to talk to Qian Renxue in person.

For Qian Hanyu, Qian Daoliu only had a family impression. He was afraid that Qian Renxue would not offend Qian Hanyu unintentionally because of these words and deeds.

【She cares about you very much. She is a good child.】

[The ninth test, she doesn’t need you to use your life to open it.]

Is it a compliment?

But the last sentence is a good thing. He can always stay with his granddaughter, watch Qian Renxue grow up, and watch a new angel god emerge from the Qian family.

His granddaughter has a lot to bear. Although Qian Renxue and Qian Daoliu have talked about this, how could Qian Daoliu not hear Qian Renxue's hidden anxiety and eagerness?

Qian Renxue is uneasy, scared, and apprehensive. Because she has lost something, she cares more than ever before. She is afraid that she will not do well, she is afraid that she will make the same mistakes again, she is afraid... her

Nothing can be done.

The helplessness and confusion hidden under the calm words.

Qian Renxue wants to rely on their elders, but Qian Renxue also wants to be independent without the help of their elders.

I may not be a competent grandpa. Qian Daoliu thought melancholy.

It depends on your consideration.

This is what Qian Hanyu and Qian Daoliu have said. Qian Renxue's divine examination will undergo huge changes, most of which are caused by Qian Renxue's heart.

"What did Xiaoxue say?"

Some threads have become loose, which proves that Qian Renxue's divine examination is proceeding smoothly, and Qian Daoliu can see it.

"She said she wanted to come out and leave." Frowning in confusion, Tianmeng repeated these two sentences.

"Old man, what can I do at this time?" Looking up at Qian Renxue who was still trapped in the divine test, Tianmeng bit his lower lip and thought awkwardly.

"You can't hear her, but I can, so I must be able to help Qian Renxue." Turning to look at Qian Daoliu, Tian Meng spoke sincerely.

"What should I do?"

How to do it?

He withdrew his gaze, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked like he was thinking.

He also wanted to know what Tianmeng should do.

Tianmeng was an accident, an accident that Qian Daoliu wanted to erase.

For Tian Meng, those who knew about it were all unhappy, but they would not express their displeasure directly in front of Tian Meng.

It will threaten Xiaoxue.

But the Divine Ancestor said that this is a section of Xiaoxue’s Divine Examination, and it is useful.

Therefore, Qian Daoliu allowed Tian Meng to move around in Wuhun City, allowed Tian Meng to live here, and allowed Tian Meng to come to Douluo Palace to guard the Qian Renxue Divine Examination with him.

Qian Daoliu didn't know what role Tianmeng played, nor how Tianmeng would participate in Qian Renxue's divine examination.

Tianmeng's own beast didn't know about this, Qian Daoliu could see it and hear it, from the bunch of unwelcome questions and Tianmeng's usual actions.

Tianmeng lived very freely in Wuhun City, and no one really harmed him, so Tianmeng thought that this was proof that he was accepted.

Tianmeng didn't understand the divine test, but Tianmeng saw the consequences of failing the divine test early, that is, Tang Chen, who was almost half-body buried in the ground.

Tianmeng makes Qian Renxue succeed because it concerns Tianmeng himself.

Tianmeng has his own little thoughts, but in front of the divine test, those little thoughts have to take a back seat. Even if Tianmeng wants to use Qian Renxue to realize those little thoughts, he still has to wait for Qian Renxue to be free before taking the divine test.

During the break, let Qian Renxue go to the far north tentatively and with a sense of inducement.

"I don't know." After thinking for a while, Qian Daoliu shook his head under Tian Meng's increasingly serious gaze.

Qian Hanyu didn't give him any hint. He still hasn't figured out the role of Tianmeng in the divine examination, so how can he know whether Tianmeng can help Qian Renxue.

"How come you can suddenly hear Xiaoxue's voice?"

Qiandao moved his ears to ensure that his hearing was fine. He also didn't see Qian Renxue's lips move, but Tianmeng said Qian Renxue had spoken.

"How did you hear that?" Tianmeng tilted his head and thought for a while.

He raised one hand, his palm facing Qian Renxue in the air, and the soul rings appeared around Qian Renxue. Not all seven rings, but only the seventh ring alone, exuding a platinum halo.

Where Tianmeng couldn't see, Qian Daoliu's eyes darkened, which was very abnormal.

This is the first time Tian Meng has shown this ability in front of Qian Daoliu, although Tian Crocodile and Qian Daoliu have mentioned it before.

A soul ring that is not controlled by the soul master.

This is still different from the description of the Second Enshrinement. This is because the soul ring came out on its own. Tianmeng did not control it sequentially, and there was a time difference.

"Is that so?" Tianmeng murmured, looking at the soul ring thoughtfully.

This is one of the connections between him and Qian Renxue. Although this thing is a bit awkward to use now, Tianmeng can still control it.

Tianmeng didn't think there was anything strange about this phenomenon. After all, it was the soul ring that was attached to Qian Renxue.

Maybe the soul ring has adapted to Qian Renxue, so I can't control it as I wish.

This chapter has been completed!
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