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157. The behemoth that swallows oil

After taking Gaara out of the sandstone, Hyugazo took the initiative to ask about everything that had happened before. He still maintained a skeptical attitude towards Ye Cang's words.

At this time, Gaara also recognized Hinata Zou's identity as the Konoha ninja who had saved him not long ago.

Out of trust in the rescuer, Gaara was a little panicked, but he still told the whole story.

After hearing this, Hinata furrowed his brows and thought for a while before making a judgment.

Hagakure, the hero of Sunagakure, is most likely dead. What is unexpected is that she ended up dying to protect her rival's son.

I feel relieved when I think about it. In the original time and space, Ye Cang seemed to have died while performing Sunagakure's mission.

He almost died at the hands of one of Sunagakure's own people, and he looked aggrieved even when he was in the dark.

Shaking his head to disperse the distracting thoughts in his mind, Hyugazo looked at Gaara again. He didn't know if Gaara's heart would change after experiencing this.

However, the top priority is to deal with Gaara properly, he still needs to chase Shukaku.

After thinking for a while, Hyugazo cut his finger and channeled the bell cat, asking it to protect Gaara here.

Although Bell Cat looked extremely reluctant, he accepted the task and lay lazily on the sand. Now it was not only Yin, but also him who had a deep cooperation with the Ninja Cat Clan.

After the coercion and inducement, Hyugazo looked at Gaara and said, "Don't move around here. Someone will come to take you back to Sunagakure later."

"What are you going to do?" Gaara hesitated and said, "Isn't it the same as Aunt Yekura?"

"..." Hinata Zang remained silent, refraining from raising a flag and disappeared in place.

Shortly after Hinata left, the bell cat licked its paws, looked at Gaara and said: "Boy, I am responsible for protecting you now. If you move around at will... hum."

Gaara was very curious about the talking cat, and soon he started chatting with Gaara.

About a few hours later, Uchibo appeared here. Looking at the happy man and the cat, his expression was a little helpless, and then he followed Hinata Zang's instructions and took them away.

But before leaving, Yin couldn't help but glance at the direction Hinata Zang left.


In the desert, Hinata put on a mask and tracked Shukaku based on the traces of chakra.

Compared with before, this tracking was much more difficult. On the one hand, Shukaku became smaller in size, and on the other hand, knowing that he was being hunted, Shukaku became more cautious.

After Shukaku was extra careful, Byakugan couldn't even follow and could only rely on the faint connection between chakra.

I tracked it for hundreds of kilometers.

After the sky turned white, Hinata continued to track while eating.

After seeing the surrounding environment and becoming more familiar with it, Hyugazo gradually frowned. Shukaku actually ran near Loulan Oasis, where Queen Sarah of Loulan lived.

After Queen Loulan fully cooperated with the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce established a stronghold of the Kingdom of Wind there.

Hinata Zou felt a headache when he thought that the next battle might destroy his family's property and even attract Suna ninjas.

Soon, Hinata Zou in disguise appeared in Loulan Oasis and found Queen Sarah.

Queen Sarah is having a meeting in the tent, discussing the future development of Loulan.

Compared with before, Queen Sarah looked much better, her brows were more energetic, and she even began to discuss Loulan's reconstruction plan.

Suddenly, Sarah waved her hand and signaled her subordinates to disperse.

Hinata Zang walked out from behind the screen and said with a smile: "Your Highness, long time no see."

Sarah also smiled and said hello: "Thanks to Chairman Mao, Loulan is developing well now, but I am worried that after the oil is exploited, the people will fall back into the predicament of the past."

Hinata nodded slightly: "This is what you, the queen, need to consider. It is you who will lead Loulan's future, not me. I just gave you a choice."

"That's right." After a pause, Sarah showed a sly smile and said, "The president's visit this time is not just to inspect the work."

"I'm not the president..." Hinata Zang corrected the title, and then said: "Her Royal Highness, I ran to Loulan Oasis at one end. I came here just for one."

"One tail?!" Sarah's expression changed.

Sarah, who was once trained as the queen of a country, cannot possibly not know the village of tailed beasts. Tailed beasts have the ability to be called a natural disaster and can destroy cities with one strike.

After pondering for a while, Sarah expressed her doubts: "Isn't Ichibi Sunagakure guarding me? How could it be?"

Hinagazou said: "Due to various changes, one tail escaped from Sunagakure, and a big battle is likely to occur here! I can't control the scale of the battle."

Sarah's eyes were filled with worry as she said, "President, can you deal with the tailed beast?"

After thinking carefully for a while, Hyugazo said: "I can't seal the one tail, but I can still do it by killing it or driving it away."

"..." Sarah was silent, and after a moment she said: "I will evacuate the citizens right now. You must be careful. Thank you for coming to inform me."

With that said, Sarah bowed to Hinata Zang.

Facing the bow, Hinata Zang said impatiently: "I'm just trying to protect the Chamber of Commerce's property in Loulan."

Sarah smiled at this explanation and didn't ask too much.

He immediately summoned his subordinates who had just left and talked about evacuating the citizens. However, in order to avoid panic, the evacuation was for the purpose of a drill.

Soon, the order for the drill was issued to every household, and the Loulan survivors left one after another.

They were still convinced of Sarah as the queen. After all, Sarah had led them out of the fate of being homeless.

Hyugazo, who appeared in another face, appeared on the water tower, looking at the entire oasis.

With his white eyes open, he searched everything within a kilometer around him, not even the poultry and livestock.

It didn't take long for him to see the chakra traces left by Shukaku, and he followed the traces. On the way, he passed the fence where cattle and horses were kept, and also visited the stoves of residents' homes.

Even though he was always serious, he couldn't help but look strange when it came to where Shukaku had appeared.

Tracking, Hyugazo discovered Shukaku's traces in the oil field outside Loulan Oasis. For some reason, Shukaku got into the drilling well, greedily devouring the crude oil underground.

And as if he had discovered Hinata Zou's prying eyes, Shukaku emerged from the ground and stared at Hinata Zou.

At this moment, after a night of recovery, Shukaku's body has gradually returned to a size of more than ten meters. Although it is not as good as the dozens of meters he had been during the entire journey, Hinata Zang could feel the slightest hint of threat from it.

Without too much hesitation, Hyugazo gradually walked towards Shukaku's position.

After hiding his identity, he has no scruples about the exposure of his strength.

This chapter has been completed!
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