160. Heaven Payne

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After Tiandao took action, a huge pulling force came.

Hinata Zang couldn't stand firm at all, and flew towards Tendo Payne along with the sand and gravel on the ground.

During the flight, Hyugazo unhurriedly pulled out the dagger from his waist, pointed the blade at Pain's palm, and slowly condensed an inconspicuous purple tailed beast jade in his other hand.

After Tiandao noticed the purple tailed beast jade, his face darkened, he stopped the pupil technique, and shouted: "Shinra Tenzheng!"

In an instant, Hinata Zou, who was still in mid-air, was instantly ejected. He was like a kite that was out of line and kept rolling in the air. It took him a long time to regain his balance.

And the condensed tailed beast jade fell off directly and fell on the sand dunes a few kilometers away.

The dunes were annihilated in the explosion, forming huge holes that attracted quicksand to pour in. Crystals of various forms were formed in the center of the explosion.

After using the 'Shinra Tensei', Tendo Payne did not take action again, and looked at Hinata Zang with a more solemn expression.

He originally thought that the previous explosion was caused by Ichibi, but he did not expect that it was the other party.

A ninja who can cast the Tailed Beast Tama is a veritable human-shaped Tailed Beast, and more importantly, can cast the massive amount of chakra required for the Tailed Beast Tama.

With the eyes of a fairy, he is not afraid of tailed beasts that he can easily defeat.

But a ninja with a chakra as huge as a tailed beast is completely different. His chakra was once evaluated by Jiraiya teacher as huge, and only with so much chakra can he afford the Rinnegan.

After a fight, they realized that there was nothing they could do to each other, and the two sides tacitly stopped fighting.

As for Hyugazo, he doesn't want to have a life-and-death fight with Nagato, and it's not the time yet.

For Nagato, since Ichibi Shukaku has died and his plan has been delayed, there is no need to continue to make enemies and provoke unnecessary enemies.

Although he is already strong enough, he also understands that he is too weak to challenge the entire ninja world.

After patting the dust on his body, Hinata Zou found that even his clothes were not damaged.

After focusing his attention on Tendou Pain, Hinata Zang said: "I didn't expect such a powerful ninja to appear in Amegakure Village. Does Sanshouyu Hanzo want Amegakure to become the sixth great nation?"

Tiandao did not answer directly, but said:

"You are not bad either. You can actually withstand a blow from the gods. You are definitely not an ordinary ninja. Sunagakure cannot train a ninja like you. You should be a ninja from Konoha, right?"

Hinata Zang smiled at this time and said ambiguously: "Maybe, I was born in the country of fire, but now I am on my side, fighting for money..."

"Fighting for money?"

Tendo Payne thought for a while, remembered the report from his previous subordinates, and immediately looked at Hinata and asked: "Are you the person behind the Fire Country Tailed Beast Chamber of Commerce?"

Hinata looked slightly surprised and nodded slightly.

This is also the identity he plans to reveal to Tendo Payne, the president of the Chamber of Commerce and the ninja who fights for money.

Even if he wanted to conceal his identity, he would be exposed by the guards here. It would be better to sacrifice a layer of vest to mislead Nagato.

After pretending to think for a while, Hinata Zoucai said: "The red cloud suit you are wearing reminds me of Orochimaru and Red Sand Scorpion. They should be in the same organization as you."

Tiandao Pain did not deny it. After thinking seriously for a long time, he said: "Since you are not affiliated with the five great ninja villages, you might as well join my organization..."

After seeing the strength of Hyugazo, Tendo Payne had some thoughts of recruiting.

Hinata Zang stood there and did not refuse immediately, but asked: "I saw on the black market that your organization seems to be wanted by Konoha. I don't want to offend the strongest ninja village..."

Tendo Pain glanced at Hinata Zang and said, "With your strength, do you still care about Konoha?"

Hyugazo shook his head slightly: "Businessmen want to be friendly and make money, and if they offend Konoha, how can I run a business in the Land of Fire?"

Tiandao Pain looked at Hinata Zang playfully and said, "Aren't you worried about us destroying your business?"

As if being caught, Hinata's eyes became dangerous: "You will be punished by God if you interrupt the businessman's business. Your goal is the tailed beast, I don't mind hunting the tailed beast..."

Tiandao Pain waved, and several more six-path puppets came from the sand dunes in the distance.

Looking at three of the six paths standing in front of him, Hinata's expression changed and he fell into silence.

"The path of heaven, the path of hell, and the most troublesome path of animals!" Thinking secretly, Hinata recognized the identity of the puppet.

After a moment of silence, Hyugazou sighed helplessly: "If you want me to join your organization, you must explain the organization's sightings and plans in advance, so that it won't be just murder and arson."

Hyugazo has no objection to joining the Akatsuki organization, and he can also use this to obtain more information.

However, the Akatsuki organization will restrict freedom to a certain extent, and if exposed, they will be surrounded by many powerful ninjas and enjoy the treatment of the King of Dance.

Tiandao Payne nodded lightly.

Then, he briefly described his plan to collect tailed beasts, create a world-destroying weapon, and deter the five major nations.

After hearing the plan, Hinata curled his lips in disdain and couldn't help but said: "Don't you think this plan is stupid? Collect weapons from major ninja villages and then make bigger weapons."

Tiandao Payne said seriously: "Only the threat of destruction can promote long-term peace."

Hyugazo asked directly: "Then after you die, how do you ensure peace after death?"

"As a god, I will never die," Tiandao Payne paused and said, "Even if I die, all countries will still maintain corresponding peace."

Hinata smiled and asked again: "Your plan is still so ridiculous. I don't think there will be permanent peace in the ninja world. I can only talk about relative peace. Besides, I pay more attention to my business than peace."

Tiandao Payne's expression changed, and the others also came closer, and cold voices sounded.

"Are you going to refuse my solicitation?"

Nagato's attitude is very clear. If he learns of his plan and does not join the organization, he will destroy the person in front of him no matter what the cost.

"No, I will join your organization."

After a pause, Hyugazo continued: "Your plan is ridiculous, but the ideal is good. Only a peaceful environment can lead to better business.

But I agreed in advance that I will participate in your capture of the tailed beast, but my chamber of commerce will not."

Tiandao fell into silence and seemed to be seriously considering Hinata Zang's proposal. The other party's conditions were harsh.

It wasn't until a moment later that Tiandao Payne nodded and agreed to the conditions.

Hinagazou smiled and said to Tiandao Payne: "I will take you to visit the town, maybe it will change your extreme thoughts in your heart, maybe."

This chapter has been completed!
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