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056. Friendly exchanges

.Tsuchikage Building, Iwagakure Village located high in the mountains is extremely hot.

Hinata stood in the shade, looking out of boredom and yawning.

Many times, ninjas and ninjas cannot empathize and understand each other's feelings.

Just like now, Hinata Zou, standing in the shade, looks at the group of provocative Iwa nin under the sun with a comfortable look.

They were dissatisfied with their own Konoha Anbu. They released their hostility from the beginning, and then directly provoked them verbally, and even directly engaged in physical conflicts.

Hyugazo didn't care about those verbal provocations. He only knew one thing.

He was enjoying the coolness in the shade, while those Iwa ninjas could only endure the harsh sunlight outside. This was the difference.

Kakashi and Uchibo next to them didn't pay too much attention. The former was a dead fish face who prioritized tasks, and the latter didn't care about these verbal provocations.

It is said that the Konoha envoys are timid and do not dare to accept the challenge of friendly competition. What does this have to do with their ANBU?

Even if it has something to do with ANBU, what does it have to do with Hyuuga Zou? They are ANBU, not Mingbu.

At noon, the sun became more and more fierce, Hinata Zou was sweating slightly under the mask, and the Iwa Ninja below had already stopped.

After all, people need to eat. Only when they are full can they have the strength to continue quarreling.

The Iwa ninja squatted outside the venue, took out the food and drinking water he had prepared in advance, and glanced at the ANBU team provocatively. Then several people started lunch, making a loud chewing sound.

Hinagazou glanced at Iwa Ninja. He has always been a gentle ninja and can be called a model ninja in the ninja world.

So after giving a signal with his eyes, Uchibo took out the scroll and channeled two boxed dishes. The content of the dishes was also simple, that is, some tuna sushi and matsutake caviar, which are ingredients that can be found everywhere.

After opening the marble soda, Hyugazo and Uchibo took off half of their masks and started eating and cooking.

"That's tuna from the Land of Waves!"

“That’s the matsutake mushroom that grows abundantly in the mountains outside the village!”

"That's caviar from the Fire Nation!"

"That's marble soda... Wait, marble soda is everywhere, it's not surprising at all!"

The captain of the Iwa Ninja who led the team was very angry about the behavior of his ninjas. When performing tasks, they had never understood so thoroughly.

After signaling his subordinates to calm down, Captain Iwa Ninja glanced at the Konoha ANBU. His palm-sized hands held chopsticks and kept shaking as he fed food into his mouth.

He needs to calm down. He is already a ninja who is close to twenty years old. He must not be angry with Konoha's young ANBU.

Even though he was wearing a mask, he still guessed the age of the ANBU team. Judging from their stature, they were definitely not adults.

But when he thought that the person facing him was just a young man, he became even more furious. He was Iwagakure's Jonin.

Adhering to the principle of not wasting food and finishing the rice, Iwagakure Jonin didn't know if his provocation mission had been completed, but he admitted that he had been provoked.

After understanding this, Iwagakure Jonin decided to follow his inner thoughts, walked directly in front of the ANBU team, and concluded the Seal of Opposition.

In the moment before the opposing forces formed, Hyugazo and Uchihara turned their heads, but they saw nothing.

To form a seal of opposition, we have to fight each other. Is there such a thing?

"Villages from Konoha, let's fight for the glory of each other's ninja villages!"

Iwagakure Jōnin went straight to the point. This was the request of the Third Generation. Although the process was different, the result was a battle.

The third generation of Lord Onoki discovered very early that the ANBU who followed the Hokage were all teenagers, and the strength of the teenagers largely determined the potential and future of the Ninja Village.

The same principle applies to the Chunin Examinations held publicly in each village, showing the potential of the younger generation.

It is precisely because of this that the Amegakure Village, which shined brightly in the last war, has been dormant in this Ninja War.

Although the demigod Sansho Hanzo is a powerful man at the pinnacle of the ninja world, he has no descendants to entrust him to.

Facing the Iwa Ninja who had formed the Seal of Opposition, Kakashi made a move. He took a step forward and spoke slowly: "I can't bet on the glory of the village, but I can fight as a Konoha ninja!"

The Iwa Ninja Jonin nodded slightly and looked towards Hinata Zang and Uchibo, "What about you?"

Under the mask, Hinagazou and Yin's face fell, and he looked at Iwagakure Jonin in confusion.

Didn't their captain Kakashi go to the battle? Why call them? Kakashi is the youngest Jonin and can handle all troubles.

They really wanted to explain it this way, but it was definitely useless. When they appeared here, they represented the ninjas of Konoha.

If the village loses face, they won't be held accountable by the fourth generation, but there will definitely be a lot of pressure from within the clan.

Although the ANBU is a secret force directly under the Hokage, it is not a secret in the eyes of the big family.

I hope I won’t be targeted and my strength won’t be exposed too much!

In desperation, Hinata Zou and Yin had to follow Kakashi and formed the Seal of Opposition together.

The two parties who had formed a seal of opposition came to a spacious area nearby, and there were many more Iwa ninja watching the excitement.

Konoha's side is a three-person ANBU team, and Iwagakure's side is a standard four-person team, with one more person.

Hyugazo raised objections at the right time, but was put off by the other party on the grounds that he was an elite ANBU.

"The sparring begins!"

The onlookers nearby issued orders for the battle, and their professionalism made Hinata have to suspect that this was a conspiracy.

Before the words were spoken, the two sides opened the fighting distance and entered a state of combat.

First there was a dazzling throw of shurikens, and then they attacked each other with knives. The teams on both sides were all ninjas who had experienced ninja battles, and they knew how to maximize their strength.

Since it was a sparring match and the enemy could not be killed, Yinhezang did not use the detonating talisman.

Instead, they approach the enemy and engage in close combat with taijutsu. In the battle, more ninjas die from kunai than from ninjutsu.

Bang bang bang!

Hyugazo, who used soft fists to fight in close quarters, experienced a new version of taijutsu. The Iwa ninja used rocks to wrap his fists, making it difficult for his soft fists to work accordingly and seal the opponent's acupuncture points.

Uchibo, who was on the side, also felt the difficulty. She was used to the help of the detonating talisman. Without the help of the detonating talisman, it was difficult for her to cut through a one-foot-thick rock wall. She was proficient in swordsmanship and hated enemies who were like iron turtles.

These rock ninjas are definitely not ordinary ninjas, at least they are elite chunin.

Hinata Zou and Yin secretly thought in their hearts as they assisted each other back to back, and at the next moment they decided to use their Byakugan and Sharingan.

"Escape Earth Current Wall!"

At this moment, Kakashi next to him shouted low and used the Earth Current Wall to block the incoming rock cannonballs.

After the initial battle of taijutsu, the two sides ushered in the contest of ninjutsu and blood inheritance.

This chapter has been completed!
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