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059. Changes in treaties

Inside the guest house.

Hyugazo and Uchibo were secretly hiding in the room, discussing how to pretend to be internally injured.

Pretending to be injured was something they often did in their genin career, attracting many stray ninjas to rob the rich and give to the poor.

But in front of a ninja of the fourth generation's level, it was even more difficult to pretend to be injured.

They had suffered a loss from the third generation before and had become hawk-like ANBU. They could not suffer any more from the fourth generation.

"Yin, for the sake of our stable life in the future, give me a few knives."

After pondering for a while, Hinata made up his mind. It was difficult to pretend to be injured, so he would just create injuries on his body.

"Are you sure?" Uchibo hesitated.

"Very sure!" Hyugazo's attitude was unusually resolute, and he looked at Uchibo and nodded heavily.

"It will be useless if you regret it later!" Uchibo reminded, slowly pulling out the dagger, "You should be very aware of the power of the toxin on this!"

"Come on!" Hinata Zou said. He couldn't bear to bear the child but couldn't trap the wolf. It's just a toxin, so why bother.

At this moment, the door to the room was pushed open, and Jiraiya casually entered the ANBU's room.

"Xiao Zang... about the material..."

Halfway through Jiraiya's words, when he saw Hinata taking off his clothes in front of him, he gave the latter a meaningful look and closed the door.

"Jiraiya-sama, what's the matter?"

Hinata stood up, walked to the door and opened it. At the same time, he felt scared because he didn't even notice Jiraiya's arrival.

"Nothing, I just came to visit my juniors..."

Jiraiya looked at Hinata Zou with a meaningful expression, "It's just that this may not be the time. Please continue, just pretend I haven't been here."

As he said that, Jiraiya walked down the stairs without even turning his head, his back looking quite cool.

"What's going on?" Hinata Zang was puzzled, and there was a hint of alarm in his heart.

Why did Jiraiya ask him to continue with the sound? Why did he show such a lewd smile? Could it be that his intention to pretend to be injured was discovered.

Damn it! I calculated that the fourth generation would not return from the negotiation, but I didn't calculate that Jiraiya would come back early. I was negligent.

Secretly regretting in his heart, Hinata went back to the room and whispered the doubts in his heart, but Uchibo refused to use the knife on him anymore.

It’s so baffling!

But I feel relieved when I think about it, their behavior is likely to be discovered by Jiraiya.

Jiraiya and the Yondaime were masters and disciples. If he found out, it would be equivalent to the Yondaime finding out. No matter how they pretended, it would be useless.

Yin is worthy of being someone who can understand him, and he is so thoughtful.

While thinking, there was a sound of footsteps downstairs. Hinata looked out the window. It was the end of a busy day for the envoys.

The members of the envoy had faint smiles on their faces, and the negotiation went more smoothly than expected, and they even had a slight upper hand.

And all this is because of the fourth generation's strong arguments. The fourth generation's performance at the meeting has been deeply engraved in the minds of the members of the envoy.

The Fourth Generation is a great Hokage who is not inferior to the Third Generation.

The Yondaime who returned to the guest house did not stop and walked to Kakashi's side. Hyugazo and Oto also went downstairs to follow.

Compared with the daytime, Kakashi's mental state was much better, and his hands were wrapped with gauze.

The Chidori is a very powerful thunder escape ninjutsu. When it hurts the enemy, it will also cause certain damage to itself.

After staying next to Kakashi for a while, there wasn't much conversation between master and disciple, just a few perfunctory words.

After complex glances at his disciples, the fourth generation looked at Hinata Zou and Yin who were standing aside, and walked over.

"Thank you so much during the day. Otherwise, if the Iwa ninja was accidentally killed by Kakashi, the signing of the peace agreement would definitely have twists and turns. The same was true for the previous mission. After the deaths of Obito and Lin, few ninjas can tolerate him like this."

"Yondaime-sama, this is what we should do. After all, we are all companions of the same team, and the previous missions were also taken care of by Captain Kakashi."

Hinagazou said with a chuckle.

"Is that so..." After a pause, Yondaime looked at Hinata Zou and Yin with a smile, "You must have suffered some injuries during the battle during the day. Do you need some time to recuperate?"

"Need, need." Hyugazo and Uchibo looked at each other and nodded repeatedly.

Before they mentioned it, the fourth generation took the initiative to let them take a vacation. The fourth generation's image in their hearts suddenly became much taller, at least taller than the third generation.

But the next moment, the fourth generation changed the subject, "You don't need to participate in these days of negotiations, just treat it as a vacation."

Hyugazo's smile gradually solidified. What's the difference between taking a vacation during negotiations and performing a mission? Aren't they both staying in the dire straits of Iwagakure Village?

The Yondaime noticed the change in Hyugazo's expression, smiled and left.

What he didn't know was that in Otowazo's mind, his reputation had dropped a lot, and was almost the same as the Sandaime, second only to Sarutobi Asuma, the source of all evil.

Negotiations in Iwakakure continued for two weeks.

After several negotiations, the specific content of the peace agreement was finally finalized and the peace agreement was signed.

In general, with the efforts of the Fourth Hokage, although Konoha has not yet gained too many benefits, it has gained a reputation. At least Iwagakure admitted the illegality of its invasion of the Land of Fire and paid a small price for it.

Although the price was small, the agreement that Konoha signed as a victor felt completely different.

It's not that the fourth generation never thought about fighting for more benefits for Konoha, but Iwagakure, unlike Sunagakure, still retains considerable war potential. Although there is no spare power to attack the Land of Fire, it is more than enough to protect itself.

After all, the difference between home and away games will leave an impression on the outcome of the battle.

The most important thing is that although Konoha won the war, it also consumed too much of its population. The price of the war victory was those genin who graduated at the age of nine and died.

After signing the agreement, the delegation happily left Iwagakure Village and embarked on their way back to Konoha.

Unlike the joy of the envoys, the villagers of Iwagakure Village were not overly happy after signing the peace agreement.

They ended the war in Konoha, but the war between the Eastern Front and Kumogakure was far from over, and was still shrouded in the clouds of war.

Standing on the top of the Iwagakure Building, Onoki looked at the Konoha envoys gradually leaving the village in the distance.

In the previous war, he saw the power of Namikaze Minato's flying thunder god technique, and this time at the negotiation table, he also saw the political talent of the other party.

Although the other party's political methods are a bit immature, under the guidance of the previous Hokage, there won't be any major problems.

What worries him the most is that the other person is under thirty years old and is far from reaching his peak.

And if nothing else goes wrong, Namikaze Minato can still be in power for at least twenty years, but he still has no successor, or the several successors he has planned have not yet reached a level that satisfies him.

With emotion, Onoki thought about the Konoha ANBU he met a few days ago, and they were all young ninjas with considerable potential.

Iwagakure has not even decided on the next Tsuchikage, but Konoha has begun to train a new generation of ninjas.

This chapter has been completed!
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