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093. The Last Tranquility

Early next morning.

At the door of Kushina's house, I received a notice that the escort mission was over. The six-month-long escort mission of the ANBU team was over. Of course, it was called a mission, but in fact, Kushina spent more time taking care of them.

Hinata Zang had already expected this. As Kushina's belly got bigger and bigger, the day of delivery was getting closer and closer.

I just ended a half-year-long mission hastily, and I can't help but feel a little idle.

Now Kushina should be under the heavy protection of ANBU, and she also prevented Kakashi from leaking secrets. Although she doesn't think it is of much use, it can be regarded as thanks to the Yondaime couple for their care.

At least in the past six months, he and Yin did not need to go out to perform tasks, reducing the possibility of encountering danger.

With their current status as ANBU chunin, the missions they go out to carry out are at least B-level missions, and anything can happen on B-level missions.

After stopping for a moment in front of Kushina's door, looking at the increasingly familiar layout of the door numbers, Hinata Zou left with a voice.

I have done what I should do, and the fourth generation did not let me and others participate in the escort. I can only look forward to their safety in my heart and hope that nothing will happen to them.

The two of them had nothing to do and started walking in the village.

The walking places are very random, from the Hokage Building to the bustling streets of the village, and even the outskirts of the major ninja clans.

It must be said that the level of governance of the fourth generation is good and the village is peaceful.

Disputes occasionally occurred, but they were gradually subsided under the handling of the police force. The Uchiha police force was still unable to avoid them in the law enforcement process.

However, under the compulsory requirements of the fourth generation, they must explain the specific illegal terms when taking away illegal persons.

In this way, although the villagers criticized the police force, they also clearly understood that the police force strictly enforced the village's regulations, and the regulations were formulated jointly by the village's top leaders for the sake of the tranquility of the village.

Although Uchiha is difficult to get along with, they are all doing it for the village.

When Uchibo looked at his clansmen, although his face was still indifferent, it was less contemptuous.

From this point of view, the response to the new policies promulgated by the Fourth Generation is indeed good, but some of his other policies have really touched the interests of the major ninja clans. These ninja clans are not powerful, but the combined number of ninjas

But it's not too little.

What can be expected is that the fourth generation will definitely be secretly slandered and even framed by these ninjas.

Bypassing the security team that was enforcing the law, Hinata was dragged to a shop on the street by Yin. Yin also learned this bad habit of Kushina, or it should be said that this matter did not need to be learned in the first place.

Fortunately, Yin is a sensible person and knows what the ninja needs, so all he buys are weapons.

It's just that the number of weapons in Hyuga Zang's hands is increasing. Obviously, these can be used as an excuse to go whoring at the ANBU base.

Help Yin bring these equipment to the Uchiha clan, endure the gazes of the Uchiha people, and arrive in front of Yin's house.

Hyugazo refused Yin's invitation to sit in the house and walked alone on Uchiha Street.

Looking at the various Uchiha in the Uchiha clan, Hinata secretly thought about the issue of sound.

Yin's situation is the same as mine. They are both ninjas who have lost their parents. All that is left is their feelings for the village. If he persuades her to leave the village together, what are the chances?

However, the ninja world will become more and more dangerous in the future, with S-class rebellious ninjas emerging one after another, and it seems that there are not many places where they can live a stable life.

Forget it, let's talk about it then. If the problem of the caged bird is not solved, everything will be a delusion.

After collecting his divergent thoughts, Hinata Zang realized that he had arrived in front of his house.

It was still early, so Hinata Zou glanced next door, knocked on the door, and walked into Hinata Xiong's house.

Hinata Xiong was sitting on a chair basking in the sun. He opened his eyes and looked at himself. He had no energy left in his eyes. This was a sign that he was about to die soon.

Once the uncle dies, there will be one less shackle in his heart that binds him to leave the village.

"It's Zang," Hinata Xiong raised his eyes and looked at Hinata Zang and said, "Let's come over and bask in the sun together."

Hinata nodded, moved a stool and sat over it. The sun in October was not as harsh as in summer, but it still made the tip of the nose sweat slightly.

After basking in the sun for a while, Hinata Xiong took the initiative to start the topic, mentioning that important matters were being discussed within the clan, related to the relationship between the clan and the branch families for the next generation.

Hinata Zou echoed a few words, saying that he didn't care much about the affairs within the clan, and Hinata didn't need the voice of splitting up the family.

As the chat continued, Hinata pondered for a moment and made a request. He wanted to feel the taste of a caged bird again.

Hinagaxiong frowned, stood up from the recliner, and said solemnly: "Zang, do you want to crack the caged bird?"

"I..." Having seen through his thoughts, Hinata was a little flustered.

However, before Hinata Zang could explain, Hinata Xiong continued:

"The curse seal of the caged bird cannot be broken by the branch family. There are many branch families who want to break the caged bird like you, but they all failed, and the end was very miserable. You don't even know what the caged bird means?"

Suddenly, Hinata Xiong formed seals with his hands and shouted: "Forbidden!"

As Hyugao drank, the caged bird mark on Hinata's forehead began to shine, and a pinprick-like sting appeared in his brain, making it difficult to think.

Hyugazo gritted his teeth and did not ask to stop. Instead, he took advantage of this opportunity to feel the restriction of the caged bird. The restriction of the caged bird was engraved on his forehead and could destroy the eyes and brain when the clan launched the spell.

However, Hyugazo discovered that the Caged Bird Curse Seal was not only in the brain, but also involved the soul.

He did not observe all this through his white eyes, but his other ability, the mysterious black pattern. The black pattern is something more powerful than the mark of the caged bird, and it is it that works to resist the caged bird.

A minute later, Hyugao stopped forming the seal, and the light of the bird in the cage also dissipated.

After looking deeply at Hinata Zang for a few times, Hinata Xiong's eyes showed an unnoticeable sparkle. At the same time, he sighed and said: "Zang, are you satisfied? Don't try to crack the caged bird. It's impossible."

"Go back. I'll have something important to talk to you about in a few days."

"whats the matter?"

"Let's talk about it then. I will let you know the time."


Hinata nodded lightly and returned to his home. He rubbed his sore and swollen temples. The confrontation between the caged bird and the black pattern almost made his head explode.

"Come out, stop hiding."

After saying that, Hinata looked towards the corner of the house, where a figure was hiding.

"I was discovered by you unexpectedly. Even without turning on the Byakugan, your perception ability is still so good."

Uchibo walked out of the shadows with an unhappy look on his face.

"Why are you here?" Hinata asked with a frown, "Who asked you to come? How was the door locked?"

"The key was given by your uncle, and the person was also called here by your uncle." Uchibo replied.

Hinata Zang's face became even more gloomy, Hinata Xiong's secret seemed to be catching up with him.

This chapter has been completed!
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