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096. Uchiha Retrograde [4000-word chapter]

Konoha Park.

Uchibo stood on tiptoes and looked around for a long time, but no one came to the appointment.

Zang was one hour late. Counting the hour she came earlier, it was a full two hours.

Zang shouldn't have been so late. Could it be that he was caught up in other things?

Uchibo looked worried, and he couldn't help but think of Hinata's solemn expression and serious tone when they agreed to meet.

Sighing, Uchibo left the park. Waiting would not solve any problems.

She planned to go to the Hyuga clan in person to ask clearly. She had walked the roads to the Hyuga clan several times and it was not unfamiliar to her.

Walk out of the quiet park to the lively streets and become a member of the crowd.

Uchibo was keenly aware that there were many ANBU colleagues among the crowd, which made her frown secretly.

With so many ANBU colleagues showing up, could anything major happen tonight?

However, the fourth generation did not issue any form of orders to the team she belonged to, and even took a few days off specially.

With her mind in confusion, she stopped thinking and continued to rush towards the Hyuga clan.

At this moment, Uchibo saw two familiar figures coming towards him and slowly stopped.

"Kakashi, don't be so cold? Has the darkness of ANBU eroded you?"

Kai, who was walking side by side with Kakashi, said that he finally met his close friend Kakashi on the road, but he was greeted by Kakashi's indifference.

However, Kakashi's eyes were more helpless than indifferent.

He really didn't know how to refuse Kai's challenge. Forgetting the usual sparring, why should he challenge rock, paper, scissors?

If he refuses, not only will Kai not be disappointed, but he will be even more motivated to fight.

Are all ninjas who practice taijutsu so tortured these days? The same goes for Hinata Zou.

At this time, he needs to read books for entertainment. Recently, he found a batch of treasures in the bookstore. They are real art that can fill his increasingly empty heart.

Thinking of this, the noisy Kai next to him is not that annoying.

"Yin, you are here like this, where is my best friend Zang?"

Kai next to him noticed Uchibo and waved to the latter.

Kakashi also looked over, looking at Uchibo, who was walking towards here with dark hair and a panicked look on his face.

Regarding Uchibo, his impression was that she just liked being around Hinata Zou. She didn't have much interest in other things and kept staring at Hinata Zang quietly.

He couldn't help but recall that as Obito stared at Lin, were all Uchiha's emotions so pure?

Uchibo walked up to Kakashi and Kai and asked them, "Have you seen Zang? I'm looking for him."

Kakashi and Kai shook their heads and asked, "Don't you always stay together?"

Uchibo's expression darkened when he heard this, and he had no intention of talking to the two of them anymore, and was ready to continue to the Hyuga clan.

At this moment, a huge black shadow appeared in the distance, the height of the black shadow was only one line shy of Shadow Rock.


Accompanied by a shrill roar of a beast, the originally noisy crowd fell into silence, and they all looked at the tall black shadow like a mountain.

After the silence ended, there were panicked crowds, and the streets suddenly fell into chaos.

The Anbu who had been lurking in the crowd early appeared one after another to stop the chaos from continuing, maintaining order and evacuating the crowd.

The eyesight of ninjas is higher than that of ordinary people. After the ANBU saw the black shadow clearly, they gave up the idea of ​​fighting it.

They had seen similar monsters on the battlefield, and that was a battle that only Jonin was eligible to enter.

Soon, the crowd rushed towards the shelter under the guidance of ANBU. The ANBU jounin noticed the three people who stayed in the same place. The three people took out their weapons and were ready to fight.

The ANBU jounin recognized them as ninjas in the village, but in peaceful times, children were not needed to participate in battles.

"You follow the villagers to evacuate..." Falling in front of Yin and others, the ANBU jounin added: "This is the order of the previous Hokage. You are the future of the village, and no mistakes are allowed."

With that said, the ANBU jounin arranged for other ANBU to lead them towards the barrier outside the village.

Kakashi and Gai looked at each other. They couldn't help but refuse the order from the Hokage. Facing such a monster, they also felt that it was difficult to fight against it.

During the evacuation, Uchibo kept staring at the dark monster, which was in the center of the village, blocking the road to the Hyuga tribe.

At the same time, when the monster waved its claws and caused the ground to shake, she saw those people who were unable to struggle, including shop owners and Uchiha tribesmen.

At this time——

Uchibo stopped evacuating, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and disappeared in an instant.

When the Anbu who led the evacuation secretly lamented such a superb teleportation technique, they left behind a cold sentence:

"I am not a child who needs protection, but an Uchiha warrior who can protect myself."

The ANBU did not stop him, and with his speed, he could not catch up. He could only lead the remaining two teenagers and continue to retreat towards the outside of the village.

But when he turned back, the two teenagers also disappeared.

When they discovered it again, they were already rushing towards the direction where the monster was raging without any hesitation.

"Are all children today so impudent?"

The ANBU was quite emotional, and then shook his head, "No, they are all qualified ninjas in the village."

Judging from their movement speed, the strength of these three children even surpassed him, enough to be called qualified ninjas, and they had inherited the will of fire.

After sighing, Anbu did not stop. His mission was to protect the villagers.

Kakashi and Gai, who were going retrograde, quickly caught up with Uchibo. At this moment, they were less than half a kilometer away from the raging monster.

Uchibo glanced back at Kakashi and Kai, then opened his Sharingan and started the rescue work.

After glancing around, Uchibo didn't capture much of the breath of life. There were almost no living people in the ruins. Those unfortunate residents who stayed here were either evacuated or turned into cold corpses.

Under the raging monsters comparable to natural disasters, there is no difference between ordinary ninjas and civilians.

After taking off the obstructive goggles, the bright red three-magatama was particularly conspicuous in the night. Uchiharu, who was holding the child, walked to Kai and Kakashi and put the crying child into Kai's hands.

"Yin, are you okay..." Kakashi said worriedly as he looked at San Magatama's Uchibo.

In his impression, Uchibo had always been the eyes of a single magatama, and the progression from a single magatama to a triple magatama required intense emotional stimulation.

Uchibo shook his head slightly and said: "I will leave this child to you. You should take him and evacuate as soon as possible. The ANBU is right, this is not suitable for you."

"But..." Just as Kai was about to say something more, the look of three magatama reflected in his eyes.

Uchibo had no intention of talking nonsense with Kai. After looking at each other, he subdued Kai with an illusion and ordered him to take the child and rush to a safe area.

"Captain Kakashi, please leave too, and take that idiot with you."

Kakashi looked at Uchi Bo for a long time, and he realized that Yin's three magatama sharingan had not just advanced, because the opponent's eye power was stronger than he imagined.

He had awakened Sanmagatama for at least a year, but he couldn't completely subdue Kai.

After looking deeply at Yin, Kakashi left in the direction of Kai. The ruins were too dangerous, and there was no breath of living people anymore, but he didn't know what Yin was going to do.

After Kakashi and Gai left, Uchibo looked at the monster with its teeth and claws. The monster's aura was very familiar to her. It was the aura of the tailed beast Nine Tails.

The nine-tailed jinchuriki is the Hokage's wife, Kushina.

What happened to Mrs. Kushina? Where did Zang go at this time?

Uchibo suddenly felt powerless in her heart. She didn't know what to do now or just stay in the ruins.

The confusion only lasted for a moment. After a while, Uchiha's eyes regained their vitality. After glancing at the Hyuga clan, he rushed towards the direction of the Uchiha clan.

Hinagazou is much stronger than her, so there is no need to worry about her roots. At this time, she only needs to take care of herself.


Konoha back mountain.

In the embers of the explosion, the fourth generation was angry, with undisguised murderous intent in his eyes. No one could remain calm at such a time.

The masked man in front of him forced him to make a choice to protect his family and children.

He didn't know how the masked man sensed Kushina's position. He had obviously used the Flying Thunder God technique several times to move Kushina's position.

But the other party still found this place, as if he had sensed the breath of the nine tails.

Just now, in Kushina's expectation, he chose the child who had not yet opened his eyes. At the same time, Kushina's child fell into the hands of the enemy. He knew very well that the enemy's target was not Kushina's, but the tailed beast Nine Tails.

Holding the child in his arms, the fourth generation kept using the flying thunder technique to locate the enemy.

Even though he was very angry now, he still forced himself to stay calm. Only by being calm can he analyze the enemy's weaknesses in the intelligence.

It can be seen from the previous fights that the opponent has mastered the pupil technique of time and space and can avoid attacks and move in space.

The rules of the ability to evade attacks are not yet clear, but it takes a few seconds to prepare for spatial movement.

This also means that one must completely defeat the opponent within a few seconds.

Can this really be done? No, this must be done for Kushina.


At this time, the fourth generation noticed the huge black shadow that suddenly appeared in the village, and couldn't help but look over, his face suddenly darkened.

That black shadow is the nine-tailed beast, which is currently wreaking havoc in the ninja village. Just moving its body has caused huge disasters.

And since Kyuubi appears there, it means that his wife Katsuyuki has been stripped of her tailed beast.

Forcibly stripping off the tailed beast will lead to the death of the Jinchuriki, and Kushina is already dying.

Thinking of this, Si Dai's face was covered with a layer of frost, and then he disappeared above the tree crown again.


Sweeping at high speed, the streets on both sides flashed by like afterimages.

In the vision of the Sharingan, Uchibo was always able to save the villagers in the ruins. Even the collapsed walls were cut into several sections with his sharp sword skills.

Uchibo doesn't have too many thoughts about what she does. She is the village's ANBU and will try to rescue people in disaster if she can protect herself.

In the eyes of others, the lightning-fast Uchiha went deep into dangerous ruins and rescued people in trouble again and again.

There were no accusations from the rescued persons, and there were no ignorant people who refused to leave holding their belongings.

Under the guidance of the ninja, the villagers lined up towards the shelter and evacuated in an orderly manner. Any troublemakers who appeared during the process were subdued by Yin's eyes.

After searching for survivors in this area, Uchibo continued to move towards the tribe.

Not long after she left, looking at her back, the people affected by the disaster began to talk about it. Although UchiBoin saved them, the oppression was too terrible.

"Why did we encounter such a disaster!"

"Why did the nine-tailed demon fox suddenly appear and destroy the village?"

"Why did the Uchiha Guard only arrange for a little girl to come over?!"

Similar sounds rang out in the crowd, but they were stopped by a group of ninjas who couldn't bear to see it. Although Uchiha's methods were excessive, they brought great help to their rescue.

Within the Uchiha clan.

A small figure carrying an even smaller child walked out of the clan and came to the streets of the village.

As a child who has not yet graduated from the Ninja School, he is naturally one of the protected people and was placed in the evacuation team.

Among the evacuation teams, there were many people crying at birth, including children and the elderly.

In this disaster, too many people lost their relatives and property. They looked at the raging nine-tailed demon fox in the distance with hatred. It was the demon fox that destroyed their homes.

Itachi looked at the demon fox calmly, then moved his gaze closer and squatted obediently in the corner.

He understands that he is just a student of Ninja School and can't do anything.

It's just that he didn't understand why his parents disappeared in such a disaster and the security team didn't show up. It was obviously the time when the security team should show up.

"Itachi..." While Itachi was thinking, a girl of similar age ran up to him.

"Izumi." Itachi said with a slight hesitation. The other person was his classmate and also a member of Uchiha. Why did she appear here?

"Mom, Dad, they are all missing."

As if he had found someone he could rely on, Uchiha Izumi's voice was filled with tears.

Just when Itachi wanted to continue saying hello, he saw a huge boulder falling in this direction. He quickly took Izumi's hand and ran towards the depths of the alley.

He couldn't destroy the boulder, but he could take the people around him to escape.

The people taking refuge around also noticed the shadow cast by the boulder. Many people stood up and ran towards the depths of the alley, while more people stayed in place as if resigned to their fate, their faces full of despair.

"Earth Escape, Earth Current Wall Technique!"

After slapping his hands in hand seals to the ground, a wall of earth flow blocked the alley.

Uchibo instantly jumped onto the earth current wall and slashed at the incoming boulder with his short sword.

Bang! Sparks are flying.

The dagger and the boulder turned into several pieces together, and the boulders that lost their volume were unable to shake the multiple stacked earth flow walls.

Throwing away the useless dagger, the pain of tearing the tiger's mouth made Yin frown involuntarily.

In order to block the rock the size of a house, she spent a lot of chakra. If it weren't for the chakra she had hidden, she wouldn't have done such a stupid thing.

Licking the blood from the tiger's mouth, Yin put on his gloves.

After climbing over the earth flow wall and appearing in the alley, Yin saw Itachi and Izumi at a glance. Izumi holding hands with Itachi was somewhat similar to himself when he encountered the crisis.

This chapter has been completed!
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