Chapter 1,336 Being Sold

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 Yan Xing pondered over whether to explain things all night, but in the end he didn’t. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, but that he didn’t have the chance to speak. Little Loli went to the medical building for acupuncture at five o’clock in the morning, and left as soon as she finished her work. At twelve o’clock at noon

Acupuncture was done again, and after that, he walked away lightly. After six o'clock in the evening, he did acupuncture for the third time, and then left without saying a word.

The little loli comes and goes like the wind, with a fierce face the whole time, who dares to be crooked and gibbering?

Anyway, Yan Xing knew how to watch faces. In order to avoid being "amputated", he never dared to hit the gun again. He secretly asked Lan Sanhuoqi and others what the little Loli was doing and whether someone had messed with her. He got

The answer is always - the little loli didn't go anywhere, she was in the dormitory.

What good things does the dormitory have that can keep people occupied all day?

No one dared to explore. Not to mention exploring, the young people did not dare to hang around the dormitory where the little Loli lived, for fear of offending her. They only waited until meal time to urge her to eat, and then gave her the snacks and fruits they bought.


The young wolf generals were also very happy. At noon on the second day after returning to the station, Chi Shishi and Zhuo Shiqi also woke up after acupuncture. The two handsome guys were very excited that they could return to a familiar place alive.
Classmate Le, who stayed at Yan's garrison base, had no time to study the mentality of handsome guys. In addition to eating and acupuncture, she spent the rest of her time in the dormitory reading books and studying antibodies. She spent two days scanning books and moving them into the space.

Half of the books have been scanned.

The day when Chi Shishi and Zhuo Shiqi woke up was Wednesday, which was also the last day of acupuncture for Le. When he went for acupuncture in the evening, he carried his luggage and backpack out of the dormitory and took it to the car. When he went for acupuncture, he threw his backpack into the car.

After acupuncture, leave.

What needs to be explained has been done long ago, and the pills that need to be given have been given. There is no need to give any more instructions. Therefore, Mr. Le Xiao walked away so gracefully, without even waving his hand, and without taking away any trace of gray hair.
Yan Xing watched helplessly as the little Loli walked out of the room without looking back. He was so depressed that he wanted to hit the wall. The little Loli ignored him for two days, so he was so heartbroken!

The little Lolita is leaving, and no one can keep her, not to mention that she missed the exam for the captain and Fourteenth Seventeen, delayed her for a few days, and missed the time for her to go to some people to settle accounts. No one is embarrassed to keep her, Lan

San drove the captain's car to take the little girl back to Mr. Chao.

On the way to Chao Erye's house, Lan San went around to the captain's den and accompanied the little Lolita to pick up some things. As a result, they didn't need to get out of the car and walk to Yan Handsome Guy's den. Feng He carried a few things.

A bag is waiting on the street.

After the holidays, Fenghe went to his senior brother's house to help his master make some simple carvings. He would not go home until the next year. In the evening, he received a call from little Lolita saying he wanted to pick up some jade boxes. His master knew that little Lolita was busy.

The girl's home was not very safe at night, so he was asked to pack the jade box and deliver it to the street.

Feng He waited until Little Loli loaded the stacked and packed boxes into the car and sent the car away before he returned to his little senior brother's den.

After getting the box, Le Yun was very happy and asked the handsome man Lan San to take it to the courtyard of Chao Erbo's villa. She carried the things into the courtyard, locked the door and went upstairs.

As soon as she locked the courtyard door, Mr. and Mrs. Chao Er, Mr. Chao, Mrs. Chao and the beautiful boy who came to the villa yesterday ran out of the living room and looked around on the second floor. They were happy to see the little dumpling returning. She didn't see it until she reached the stairs.

Carrying large and small bags, she ran down the stairs to help get things.

The old lady held the little one in her arms and took her upstairs to ask her questions, including whether she was eating well in the army and whether she had been wronged. If Young Master Yan and others saw this scene, they would think that the old lady suspected that they had treated Xiao Luo harshly.


Classmate Le did not stay at Chao's house for long, only staying for a few hours. He got up at five o'clock in the morning the next day and was driven to the airport by a beautiful boy to catch a flight from the capital to the capital of Yinnan Province at 8:30 in the morning.

Heading to Y Nan Province.

When the little Loli took the flight to leave Beijing, the brothers Lan San and Heijiu drove the little Loli's EC225 helicopter slowly to Ynan Province. They were there to help the little Loli transport her things. In the words of the little Loli,

If she wants to make a fortune, of course she has a plane and uses it as a transport plane. She can transport as much as she can.

Le's flight took off after 8:30 and arrived at the airport in the capital of Yinnan Province after 12 noon. When she arrived at her destination, she got off the plane with her carry-on luggage and did not leave the terminal. Instead, she went to pick up her ticket and check in.

After completing the formalities, take the flight to Wacheng, Myanmar at 2:00 pm to go to Myanmar.

The north of Great China has thousands of miles of ice and snow, while Myanmar has a cool season of the year. January of the New Year is the coldest season of the year, with the average temperature ranging from 20 degrees to 25 degrees.<


When the little Loli's plane arrived in Wa City, it was less than two o'clock in the afternoon local time. The sun was hanging in the sky and the temperature was moderate. Some people wore long-sleeved autumn clothes, and a few people wore jackets.

Classmate Le took off his coat and found a long-sleeved shirt inside, so he didn’t have to worry about finding a place to change clothes. After checking in at the airport, he took a simple luggage with him and took him to Wa City. He checked into a big hotel in the bustling urban area and rested for a while.

Let’s go out for a tour.

Wu Gang arrived in Muse City, which is facing the Huaxia Kingdom, from the middle of the month, and explored every street and alley. As a result, when the colleges and universities in the capital of the Huaxia Kingdom finished their exams and went on vacation, no small harm came to contact him.

Waiting and waiting, I secretly got angry. Suddenly I received a report that the little scourge had gone to Wa City. I was so angry that I almost ran away: "She really went to Wa City? Are you sure?"

"Sir, this is the information provided by Mr. Moriti. It is correct. He has already checked into the Wacheng Hotel." The young man who reported to the gentleman was very calm.

Wu Gang's mood, which was furious at first, has stabilized a lot. It turned out to be the information provided by Mr. Moriti. It's really not wrong. But, why did the little scourge go to Wa City?

He wanted to ask Mr. Moriti if he was staring at little troubles, but he didn't ask. Mr. Moriti's origins were very mysterious, and his behavior was equally mysterious. If he wanted to tell him anything, he would naturally contact him.

Wu Gang cursed the little scourge in his heart and continued to wait patiently. No matter what, the little scourge came to Myanmar and he would be contacted sooner or later.

Le, who was visiting Wa City, chartered a car and first went around the city streets, spreading out from the city center. Sometimes he would stop at places with beautiful scenery. Most of the time, he would sit in the car and get familiar with the city and various scenic spots.

I walked around for a long time and didn’t return to the city center until dark.

She got off the car near the hotel where she stayed in the city center, changed directions, took a taxi and circled around, then changed cars, changed five cars in a row, drove in several circles, finally got off the car and got into a small alley, and soon disappeared in


Not long after the little Lolita got into the alley, a car also drove up. A middle-aged man with an ordinary face got out of the car, wearing a cage. After getting off the car, he walked to the entrance of the alley and stopped before leaving.

Entering the alley, he walked and walked. When he reached the end, the surroundings were empty, and even the smell of people was so faint that he couldn't tell where he went.

Where are the people?

The middle-aged man stood in the shadow of a house and tried to smell the air. There was no smell of that person in the air. Instead, there was the smell of food cooked by various households, as well as the faint fragrance of flowers, as well as the smell of a man and a woman after making love.

Smells bad.

The girl's body fragrance was very light, and it was hard to tell where it came from, whether it was blowing from the side of the alley or from the other end, and the other end was covered with grass and woods outside a historic site.

The middle-aged man stood for several minutes, but after all he did not walk out of the shadow of the house. He walked towards the street in the shadow. As he walked, he felt dizzy. He held his hand on the wall, shook his head, and quickened his pace.

, I only took three or four steps, my vision went dark, and I slipped against the wall.

There was a soft "thud" sound when he landed. The sound was insignificant compared to all kinds of noises, and no one cared about it at all.

The middle-aged man just fainted in the shadow of the building.

There is no one coming and going in the alley, and it is quiet.

After a few minutes, a small figure appeared in the darkness near the end of the alley. He moved lightly to the middle-aged man's side, lifted up the man with the blue cage and disappeared in place.

Le Yun lifted the unconscious man back to space, threw him on the grass, and kicked him hard: "I'm sorry for your grandpa, but my aunt didn't come to kill you. You're targeting your aunt again, so the old man hanged himself - maybe his life is too long."
After kicking her, she became happy again: "My aunt is going to your house to find you. It's not bad that you bring her to your door yourself."

Why did she hire a car to drive around the city? Didn't she want to detect whether there were any members of the Fantoujia family in the city? How many there were, where they were distributed, whether they were migrants or settled, temporary residents or old people.


It took a long time to gain a lot, but this middle-aged man stared at her around five o'clock in the afternoon and followed her in many circles. She did not get rid of him even after several circles. His sense of smell was very sensitive.

According to the information she has about the Feitoujiang family, the middle-aged man should be the brother of the female Feitou. The female Feitou has eight brothers and five sisters. Of course, they are not from the same father and mother. The female Feitou’s mother has two husbands.

She had seven children with her first husband and six children with her second husband.

The mother of the female flying head gave birth to more than a dozen children in a row, which was more powerful than a sow. In this day and age, she would definitely scare a lot of people to death.

Some information in the hands of Mr. Le Xiao shows that Feitou’s mother is very important in the family and is the kind of husband who recruits a son-in-law at home. Miaomiaodan is the child of her mother and her second husband, who has the same father.

She has one brother, one sister and three younger brothers. The middle-aged man is one of the female Feitou’s younger brothers.

Le Yun looked at it a few more times and was extremely happy. Oops, if the information she collected about Feitou before was correct, one of the Feitou she killed in Province Z was the half-brother of the female Feitou.

He was her half-brother. One of the flying heads she killed in Kenya was her half-brother, and the flying head she killed in Gaoligong Mountain should be the brother of the female flying head’s mother.

Now they have captured another half-brother of Nv Feitou. After all, one of Nv Feitou’s three brothers has fallen into her hands, and one of her sisters has not been arrested. Nv Feitou is simply a swindler.

If you don’t explain when you cheat on your brother, you’re still trying to trick him into death.

I wonder if the parents of female flying heads would faint alive if they knew that their children were tricked to death by their daughters?

The more she thought about it, the happier Le Yun felt. The flying heads were trying to kill themselves. No wonder she was like this one. She was too embarrassed not to catch it when it was delivered to her door, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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