Chapter 1,334 It’s not about running away from home

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 Easily caught the younger brother of a female flying head, and Xiao Le’s classmate felt full of accomplishment. This is called “nothing can be found after breaking through iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it”.

Looking at the male flying head, I am a little confused. The female flying head is very charming, and her brothers are really not that good looking. Such faces can be seen everywhere on the streets of Myanmar, which means that they are embarrassed in the crowd.

I can’t tell the face shape.

There was not much research value on what the flying-headed masters looked like, so she no longer struggled. She put on gloves and searched the flying-headed man, and found a mobile phone, a wallet and a bunch of keys. There were about 20,000 yuan in the wallet.

In addition to the cash, he wore a good necklace. The necklace was made of gold and jade beads and hung with a large blue jade pendant. The color of the blue jade is very good, the best blue enchantress.

Use waste when it is time to use it. When the flying-headed man fell into her hands, his personal freedom was all in vain. His things were her trophies. Therefore, Le Xiaoxiao calmly confiscated the flying-headed man's necklace and took it away.

Turn off the phone.

Then find your own medicine and give it to the flying man. Throw the guy in a skirt next to the female flying head. Take the pills yourself and change your appearance. When your smell changes to something different from the original body fragrance, put it on.

With a wig and a cloth around her waist, she looked like a fat lady who looked like she was three or four months pregnant. She left the space leisurely carrying a cloth bag that the locals often carry.

There was still no one coming and going in the alley, and various noises came from the residential buildings. Le Yun, who had changed her appearance, casually sprinkled the powdered medicine on the place where she had been, and swaggered around from the gap between the residential buildings to another.

A narrow alley, then walk down the street and take a taxi to your destination.

Wa City is the second largest city in Myanmar. There are modern high-rise buildings in the city, and some residents still retain local characteristics. Most of the villas of local wealthy people also maintain local characteristics. They only pay attention to decoration and materials, making them magnificent.


Le Yun got off the bus at an intersection of a bustling street in the city center and walked around two streets to a wealthy area. Residents in the wealthy area lived in villa-style houses with an area of ​​at least one acre, and every family owned

Your own private garden.

After dark, there are very few people wandering around in the streets of wealthy areas. The shy middle-aged "eldest sister" Le Yun, a schoolmate, walked slowly along the street carrying her own cloth bag. She would take a break after walking for half of the way.

A street is a road between villa buildings, walking and stopping.

There are often vehicles on the roads in the villa area, and almost no one cares about the chubby woman. Many residents in the villa area hire nannies or helpers. The women walking in the villa are either nannies or helpers, or they are

It's someone's relative.

The reformed student Le, with a bloated body that was far different from his original body shape, wandered through half of the rich area, leisurely wandered away, and ran to a remote small street that was not very busy during the day.

I hid myself for about an hour, then took a detour to a street with late-night snacks to eat at a roadside stall, had a delicious meal, and then went back to the wealthy area for a walk.

Returning to the wealthy area full of villas again, the villa area is very quiet, as if all the residents are asleep. In some buildings, only the street lights are still shining.

After many twists and turns, Le Yun inspected the villa area and walked to a row of villas. She took out a bunch of keys from a cloth bag and unlocked the door.

"..." What should she say? She just took the flying-headed man's key and tried it, but to her surprise, she actually got it right.

The door is open, what are you still doing standing there?

Le Yun calmly opened the door and walked into the villa, checking that the door lock was not broken, so she was a blind cat who met a dead mouse, and accidentally found a shortcut to Feitou's house. This is also called "opportunities are left to those who are prepared."

"People", it was a wise move for her to keep the spoils.

The owner of the villa is the female Feitou Miaomiaodan family. The total area is about five acres. The Feitou family lives in several houses. There is also a small private pagoda built in the villa area. There is a rockery pool in the villa area.

The garden has a stone pavilion, a simulated beach swimming pool, and roads paved with jadeite stones as cobblestones.

Several villa buildings had lights on, and the whole villa and its surroundings were quiet.

Le Yun was walking leisurely in the private villa area. The Feitoujiang family often had to go out with their heads and bodies separated, so there were no cameras installed in the villa, so they could leave wherever they wanted.

Walk along the delicate path to a villa building. The windows on the first floor are equipped with anti-theft windows and there is no door to enter. I climbed over the railing on the second floor and then drilled through the window. I followed the unique aura of the Feitoujiang family members and searched one by one. I found Feitou.

Men and women of the Jiangshi family's bloodline and those who are not related to the Feitoujiang family but are also Feitoujiangshi will all be captured.

After visiting one villa building, I went to other villa buildings. I visited several buildings in the courtyard of the private villa and caught more than 20 men and women. Finally, I went to a villa in the center of the villa garden and parked in front of the building.

Then climb over the railing on the second floor, enter the building, and follow the stairs to the first floor.

When she found the living room, Le Yun couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Oh my god, there are so many people here!"

The hall on the first floor of the villa building is as magnificent as a palace. There are eleven people in total. Sitting on a beautiful gold chair is an old lady who looks like she is in her sixties. Her facial contours are very similar to Miaomiaodan's.


That old lady is Miaomiaodan's mother, the leader of the Miaomiaodan family.

Seeing the female Feitou surrendering to the army, Le Yun finally understood why Miao Miaodan had a different face shape from her brothers. The female Feitou looked like her mother! The female Feitou's brothers inherited their father's genes.

Perhaps it was also because of her daughter, Xiao Mu, that Miao Miaodan's mother doted on her daughter and strongly supported her daughter and sent her children and grandchildren to help her when she got into trouble.

In addition to the old lady, there are three female members and seven men among the other ten people. There is a middle-aged woman who is about 50% similar to the old lady. That person is Miao Miaodan's sister. There are two

The middle-aged man is Miaomiaodan's brother, and several others are Miaomiaodan's nephews and grandchildren. The youngest is about 40 years old.

Based on his own knowledge, Mr. Le Xiao could tell at a glance that all the eleven people in the hall were flying heads, high or intermediate level, and there were no rookies who had just learned how to fly.

To be honest, she didn't expect that Feitou Jiangshi would be at the "party" by herself, and she caught eleven high and intermediate Feitou Jiangshi in one net, which was equivalent to catching most of the female Feitou Jiangshi's relatives. It was simply good luck.

I can't stop it.

Le Yun, who was in a good mood, happily moved the people out of the throwing space and threw them into the hall, and then searched them one by one. Whenever she found a mobile phone, she tried to take a look at it first. If she could unlock it with a fingerprint, she set another password.

Turn off the phone and confiscate it. If you want digital decryption or gesture decryption, turn off the phone directly. I found Wu Gang's number from the mobile phone of a middle-aged man who came to the army, and checked the records and the call records of that afternoon.

After finding the call records between the Feitoujiang family and Wu Gang, we can finally explain the reason for the "meeting" of the Feitoujiang masters. Wu Gang must have learned from some channels that she was coming to Wacheng and immediately informed the Miaomiaodan family to ask Miaomiaodan to

The family secretly took action to keep her. If the Miao Miao Dan family succeeds, Wu Gang will reap the benefits. Even if the family fails, Wu Gang will not lose anything.

There is no fingerprint password set on the mobile phone of the old woman Feitou. There are many numbers in it. When checking the call records, she called Miaomiaodan many times and also dialed Tantai Mixue's phone number.

Each Feitou surrendered wearing jade jewelry, and the old Feitou wore an imperial green bead chain, a half-palm-sized imperial green pendant, and a complete set of imperial green bracelets, rings, and earrings.

Middle-aged women wear mainly purple jewelry, while men wear a variety of jewelry, the worst of which is the best high-ice jadeite.

The items captured from other villa buildings are of a slightly lower level. Therefore, the eleven rich and wealthy people who descended upon the master are just one word in the eyes of Le Xiao classmate - money! Money, wow, this is money.

So, she decisively acted like a philistine and confiscated all the jewelry of the flying heads! Without the guilt of robbing her family, the Feitou Jiangshi family chased her several times, which caused a double burden on her body and spirit. Their

The property is compensation for her.

After plundering all the flying heads, Le Yun went to "study" the structure of the villa building with great interest. The villa building is the residence of the old woman Feitou Jiang. She has two sons and one daughter living with her. The main bedroom on the first floor is very luxuriously decorated, with many precious stones.

Jade jewelry, precious art carvings, and the items collected in a large study are almost all treasures.

A ladies' room on the second floor is also shaped like a luxury shopping mall. In addition to jade jewelry, there are also world-famous bags, lipsticks, clothes and high heels.

The little lolita is not interested in luxury goods, but is interested in jewelry, jade, and antique collections. She wanders around, collects some of her favorite trophies, browses the first and second floors, goes downstairs, and enters the study again.

, remove a desk and find the basement entrance.

Open the entrance to the basement and let it ventilate first. After ten minutes, I used a flashlight to go down the ladder inside. The basement is about six or seven meters deep. There is a basement with an open surface. There are many sculptures and a small amount of jewelry.

There is a box of banknotes. The other room is a hidden secret room. The door is hidden in the wall. It is not hidden at the moment. The prosthesis covering the secret room door is standing on the side.

Le Yun walked through the outer basement, went to the secret room, and used the old woman's key to check in. She tried five keys in a row before opening the door.

On the other side of the door is a very wide space with pillars supporting the ground. There is a large amount of jadeite, jadeite rough stone, jade, jade carvings, gold, silver, copper, porcelain, tree jade, top-quality red sandalwood, rosewood and other carvings, as well as about

Five tons of gold and more than a dozen boxes of books.

The raw jadeite and jadeite materials are the most abundant, with visual estimates of thousands of tons, and the quality and appearance are of the highest quality. The Feitoujiang family may have collected some of the best jadeite in Burma for hundreds of years, making the country truly rich.
"I...I am the sun!" Le Yun looked at the items piled up in the basement, and she felt bad. Oh my God, there are so many porcelain, gold, silver, and bronze items. There are at least a thousand pieces of each, and some

They are former palace supplies, not only from the country, but also treasures collected by the palaces of the Great China throughout the ages.

How could a small Feitoujiang family have so much wealth?

Visual inspection shows that the Feitoujiang family must not be an ordinary Feitoujiang family. They may be descendants of the royal family or nobles of a certain dynasty in Burma, or even descendants of a certain monastery. Otherwise, they would not be able to possess so many precious ancient knowledge and treasures.

Gold, silver, copper and porcelain, only those descendants of the royal family or nobles can accumulate huge wealth because of their privileges.

After marveling, Le Yun walked towards the Feitou Jiang family's treasures and swept them away unceremoniously. Whether it was jadeite or tree jade, all the ancient knowledge was transferred into space.

Clean out the two treasure rooms inside and outside, go out of the basement, restore the door and passageway to their original state, and then reset the desk to make it exactly the same as before, without leaving any trace of yourself. Lock the study door, making people feel like they have never left.

It seems like no one has entered the study.

Returning to the golden hall again, seeing the members of the Feitoujiang family still lying limply, Le Yun was in a good mood. First, she asked the Feitoujiang family to donate blood, and not only collected blood from high and intermediate Feitoujiang masters.

We also asked Caijima-level Feitou descendants who had moved from other buildings, people with Feitou family blood, and people who had a close relationship with the Feitou family to donate blood. Each of them donated about 800 to 1,000 blood.

One thousand two milliliters of blood.

I collected a large number of blood samples from the Feitoujiangshi family, which is enough to supply me with various experiments that require blood as nutrients. The only sad thing is that there are not many glassware and blood bags left to hold liquids. It is necessary to buy online again or ask for help.

The professor helps with ordering.

Of course, that is a trivial matter. Xiao Le, a classmate, collected dozens of bags of blood samples and was so elated that she even narrowed her eyes with joy. With so many blood sources, she could happily cultivate AIDS.

Antibody experiments, as well as experiments on cultivating corpse toxins and flesh-eating bacteria, and you can also try to study antibodies that suppress leukemia.

Because the members of the Feitoujiang family were very "kind and generous" in donating blood, which could be regarded as an outstanding contribution to the cause of human medicine, out of the spirit of humanitarianism, she decided to give some members of the Feitoujiang family a happy life and let them

They went to see the ancestors of their family without feeling any pain, endured the heartache and pain, gave each of them a poison pill, and quietly sent them to hell.

Some people often threaten others by saying, "You will die without knowing how you died." Now, that sentence is reflected in some members of the Feitoujiangshi family. They really don't even know how they died.<


After getting rid of some of the newbies, Mr. Le Xiao fed the eleven high and mid-level flying masters with his own special medicine. The evil things like the middle and high-level flying masters would not die at once.

It's a good idea for them to be drug testers for new drugs.

Therefore, the medicinal soup she gave to Feitou Jiang was a newly developed one not long ago. It was targeted at the Feitou Jiang family. Depending on the size of Feitou Jiang, each person was given seven to ten bowls of medicinal soup, which was equivalent to about

Two large bottles of Coke were filled with water, and their acupuncture points were sealed, waiting for the flying heads to wake up.

This chapter has been completed!
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