Chapter 311 Soul Torture

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 After having a meal together, Dean Xia and several heads in the hospital felt much more at ease. The little girl was willing to show her favor and have a meal, so the symposium was a done deal.

The group returned to the hospital, and Yan Xing ran to open the cabin again and took out the medicine box, and then went to the intensive care unit with the others.

Chen Xin, Chen Jie and the parents of the students guarded the ward. When Xiao Lele came back, the tense nerves relaxed.

Returning to the intensive care unit, Le Xiao first checked the conditions of the teenagers in the two intensive care units to see how much of the pills they had taken had been absorbed.

With her acupuncture array guiding the flow of Qi and blood, the effect is pretty good.

Moreover, except for Chen Fengnian, the other teenagers were all awake. Only one boy had one eye bruised and swollen and had medicine applied on it. The vision of the other teenagers was not affected.

The teenagers who hadn't woken up in the morning found themselves with some gold and silver needles stuck in their bodies. Then they learned from their family members and companions that Chen Zhaonian and Chen Fengnian's cousin had arrived, and it was the cousin of the Chen family's little brother who had pricked them with needles.


Several teenagers waited eagerly for the cousin of the Chen family. When they finally saw the little cousin of the Chen family brothers, they were all mute, with eyes full of disbelief.

The girl is obviously a petite lolita. She looks much younger than Chen Zhaonian and Chen Fengnian. How could she be a sister?

Why is it a young lady, not a little sister?!

The young people feel so sad.

Classmate Le didn't know what the teenagers were thinking, so he inspected the house with elegant steps like an emperor patrolling the world.

Mr. Liu returned to the intensive care unit and didn't care about anything. He moved a small bench and ran to the balcony to sit on it, happily shining in his own field.

After checking the body index of the teenagers, a student from Le Xiao spread out tools in the ward where Chen Fengnian lived, and temporarily prepared the necessary medicinal soups and concoctions.

After preparations were made, the hospital beds of Chen Zhaonian, Peng and Yi were adjusted so that the headboard of the bed was raised so that the teenagers could maintain a posture of leaning on the hospital bed. Each of them was given a pill and a bowl of medicinal soup.

The three teenagers could not move their hands and feet, but they were very well-behaved and cooperated in taking and drinking medicine.

The three teenagers took the pills. Dean Xia and the doctor helped level the bed and lifted off the students' quilts from their waists.

The young man was so shy that he did not dare to open his eyes and look at others.

Student Le Xiao took a needle sheath and hung it on his shoulder, and injected acupuncture into Chen Zhaonian, Peng and Yi, and inserted more than a dozen special medical needles into each of them.

After that, she took a syringe to suck up the concoction, and dripped it in from the hole where the special needle was inserted into the boy's body. She only dripped one round of the concoction. After waiting for five minutes, she struck like lightning and stabbed Peng and Yi respectively.

A few times.

With the light tap of her jade finger, special needles appeared on the heads, arms, chests, legs and feet of the two classmates. Within a few seconds, the whole body turned red, and then a wisp of needles emerged from the needle holes.

Red flame.

There are not many flaming needles, exactly thirteen.

The clusters of small flames were about the size of wheat grains, flickering and flickering.

Knowing that the little girl was going to give acupuncture to the students, the leaders of the hospital and the school all crowded into the intensive care unit to act as "obstacles" in order to gain more knowledge.

They were surprised when they saw the little girl's distinctive needles. When the little girl inserted the needles and poked the person a few times, the needles suddenly burst into flames, and they were all shocked.

After being frightened, everyone present stared at the flaming needle, with their mouths open and their eyes staring like bells.

The family members of the two teenagers looked like they had seen a ghost.

Chen Zhaonian was given an injection and couldn't turn his head or open his eyes. He didn't see anything that could be called a miracle, but he heard a hissing sound of taking in cold air, which made him very curious.

The only one who is calm among the melon-eating crowd is Mr. Yan. He is not surprised at all.

Little Le Xiaoxiao ignored the onlookers, walked around the bed, walked between the beds of the two little brothers of the Chen family, and poked Chen Zhao's chest a few times, and then thirteen needles burst into flames.

Hearing the thin sound of "chi", Dean Xia and others turned their heads mechanically, and saw that the needles on Chen Zhaonian were also spitting fire. They were stunned, then looked at the other two people, and then turned to look at Chen Zhaonian.

So, when the melon-eaters looked at this and that, staring at the flames, they also subconsciously analyzed and compared which student's needle had a brighter flame.

The onlookers were looking at the surprise, and the student from Le Xiaomao decided to turn around and gave Chen Fengnian two pills, and then inserted special needles, adding dozens of new needles.

Except for the place where the medicine is applied, every space on Chen Fengnian's body is punctured with needles.

That look can make people with trypophobia's scalp tingle just looking at it.

With the current level of Le Xiao's classmates, just like the injuries suffered by Chen Fengnian and their companions, with her specially prepared medicine and Dayan Taiyang Acupuncture, it would be fine not to mention overnight, but it would be no problem to be able to be alive and kicking in three days.
However, the teenagers wore plasters during bone-setting surgeries, and many places cannot be inserted with needles, so Dayan Taiyang Acupuncture cannot be used.

As for why she didn’t use that kind of acupuncture method when she operated on Chen Fengnian, of course it was because people from the hospital were present at the time. She didn’t want to scare people or be thought that she knew “witchcraft”, so she didn’t use that quick-acting treatment plan.


After the needle is inserted, the next step is to warm the pulse.

The needles on Chen Fengnian's chest are radiating from the heart to the limbs, floating up and down regularly one after another.

The little loli took the syringe, sucked the concoction, and dripped it into some special needle holes that did not float.

Dean Xia and others first saw the medical needles spitting fire, and when they saw some of the needles stuck in classmate Chen Fengnian's chest floating up and down by themselves, they were stunned again.

The melon-eating crowd turned into stupid geese. Yan Xing dragged a small bench and sat down to watch the little loli's acupuncture.

The flames of the thirteen fire-breathing needles stuck on the bodies of Chen Zhaonian, Peng and Yi lasted for three thirds before finally weakening and turning into a flame the size of a grain of rice. It burned for about half a minute and finally extinguished.

When the needle spits fire, it emits a strange smell. Even if the little girl's medicine smells very strong, it can't cover up the smell.

When the flames were extinguished, Yan Xing followed his instructions and opened the door of the intensive care unit to the balcony for ventilation.

The climate of Xiangdi is similar to that of northern Hunan, and the second month of the lunar calendar is the time when spring is cold and cold.

The cold wind came from the balcony and quickly picked up the smell inside.

When the smell became very light, Yan Xing closed the door again.

Mr. Liu is not afraid of the cold, sitting on the balcony and drumming on the computer with great interest.

The flames of the fire-throwing needle were extinguished, and the brains of the melon eaters were finally able to function normally. The family members looked at the little girl with excitement.

They finally understood why Dean Xia would hand over their children to relatives of the Chen family. The little girl is really a miracle doctor!

Mr. Peng and his mother were so excited that no one said anything so as not to disturb the little girl's acupuncture treatment.

After the little girl finished instilling the medicine on a certain classmate, Dean Xia shamelessly asked: "Little girl, why is this classmate's acupuncture process different from the other three?"

"The other three students have a lot of impurities in their bodies, and their body's ability to absorb drugs is poor, which affects their recovery speed. I just removed the impurities for them to improve their absorption ability.

My little cousin stayed at my house for a while and ate herbal medicine and tea to detoxify and remove impurities. He didn’t have many impurities in his body and his absorption ability was very good."

"Oh." Dean Xia understood, and had only one thought in his mind: I really want to visit the little girl's house!

Classmate Le Xiao then drip-fed the medicine juice into the needle stuck in Chen Zhaonian's body, dripped a round of medicine, poked his fingers a few times, and let the medical needle float the warm pulse in sequence.

Then give classmate Peng and classmate Yi drops of medicine to warm the pulse.

Warming the pulse is a relatively long process, so Mr. Le Xiao asked his parents to guard against letting others touch the needle and go to another intensive care unit by himself.

Yan Xing followed little Loli every step of the way.

The hospital and school staff also left the intensive care unit and went outside. The school leaders invited Dean Xia and the doctors to take a step to talk.

The group went to the offices of the doctors in the nursing department.

Principal Li first found out who the little girl was. When they heard that she was E Bei Leyun, who had won eight gold medals and specialized in treating difficult and complicated diseases, the school leaders were so shocked that they almost jumped up.

After being shocked, he was ecstatic and asked Dean Xia to help ask the little girl to treat other students. If the little girl Le was willing to take action, the other students would definitely not be left disabled.

Dean Xia had already guessed the purpose of Principal Li and others, and told him with regret: "When I went to have dinner at noon, I also conveyed the school's intention to the little girl, but the little girl refused.

The little girl said that she came to Yuezhou because of her cousin. Now she is just a family member and friend of classmate Chen. She only treats his cousin and his friends. Others please choose another doctor."

After getting the answer of rejection, Principal Li was unwilling to accept: "Can the hospital ask a little girl to support me?"

"No. I want to ask the little girl to be a foreign aid more than anyone else, but the little girl rejected my invitation." Dean Xia was very sad. The hospital admitted two cancer patients. He wanted to ask the little girl to help with the treatment, but unfortunately...

Principal Li and others were extremely disappointed, and they almost guessed the reason. The little girl was protecting her cousin because other people injured her.

The school leaders had guessed the cause and effect but were helpless because several serious cases were basically out of danger. They still had to report to the relevant superior departments and return to school quickly.

Dean Xia also let his people disperse. Those who should rest should go to rest, and those who should deal with affairs should deal with work. He went to another intensive care unit to greet the little girl, sent a card to open the ward door, and then

Just returned to the office.

The leaders of the school and the hospital were no longer at the scene. Le Xiaoxiao quietly asked his uncle and the students' family members to go to the hospital to print out a few more films of the injured who were examined and photographed when they were admitted.

Chen Xin stayed behind, while Chen Jie and several young family members went to print pictures as instructed.

There is also a material fee for printing the film during the examination. In addition, there will naturally be a material fee for printing the film again.

Chen Jie didn't feel bad about the little money. He gave four copies each to his two children and his children's classmates, giving one to their family members and temporarily keeping the other two.

Classmate Le Xiao also used one of the thirteen acupuncture techniques of Guishou on three other teenagers to burn impurities and the remaining components of the anti-inflammatory drug nutrient solution they took after surgery.

It burns away impurities, warms the pulse, and allows the needle array to stimulate the meridians, stimulate the circulation of Qi and blood, and guide the effect of the medicine to the limbs, allowing the bone tissue to quickly absorb the medicine and quickly repair the wound.

She went back and forth between the two intensive care units, giving medicine to the needles, or inserting one or two more needles or removing one or two needles at a certain period of time.

After two hours, the body's absorption function reaches saturation.

It also means that an acupuncture treatment course is over.

The little loli collected the medical needle and then went to boil the needle to boil it and disinfect it.

This chapter has been completed!
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