Chapter 314 Uncle, Brother

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 On Sunday morning, as usual, little Loli went to the intensive care unit to perform acupuncture on the teenagers before six o'clock. After finishing the treatment, she went to have breakfast, and then she acted as a house god in the helicopter.

Not long after the little Loli finished acupuncture and left, lawyers Chu and Deng came to visit again and showed the Chen brothers the prepared prosecution materials. If nothing unexpected happened, they would submit the indictment to the court on Monday.

They were looking at the prosecution materials, and it happened that the school leaders and teachers also came to the hospital to visit the students. Principal Li met the lawyer hired by the Chen family in the ward of the Chen family's little brother, and he was not feeling well.

He didn't say anything in the ward. After leaving the ward, he immediately went in the opposite direction to classmates Chen and Luo, and entered another intensive care unit two rooms away.

One of the students living in the intensive care unit was the culprit who caused the trouble - Yang Qianlei.

Yang Qilei is one year older than Chen Fengnian. He left one grade behind in primary school, so he went to junior high school in the same grade as someone one year younger. He has been a street bully since he was a child, causing trouble and being aggressive in fights.

He was a problem student in elementary school, and he was still a problem student in junior high school. If it weren't for the compulsory education stipulated by the state, he would have been expelled hundreds of times.

During compulsory education, you cannot be expelled, but you can be persuaded to quit. However, because Li Qilei is an elder in the family and has property in his family, no teacher dares to persuade him to quit.

Yang Qilei's father and grandfather were both in the hospital, and they didn't take it seriously when they saw Principal Li coming to the ward again.

The Yang family ignored everyone, but Principal Li didn't care. He ran to Grandpa Yang and asked him to lend a step to talk.

Director Yang didn't want to pay attention to him. Seeing the anxious look on Principal Li's face, he thought about it, agreed, and went to the balcony to talk.

Principal Li did not beat around the bush and went straight to the point: "Director Yang, I went to visit the classmate who was injured by Classmate Yang, and I happened to meet the lawyer hired by Classmate Chen's family there."

"They want to sue my grandson, right? Let them sue and see whose future will be ruined in the end." Director Yang's face was full of sarcasm. He wanted to sue his precious grandson? He didn't even think about his own merit.

The Yang family didn't take it seriously, and Principal Li wanted to persuade the two families to reconcile, but Director Yang turned around and went back to the ward. He had a bitter taste in his mouth and left helplessly.

For the sake of the school's reputation, he doesn't want his family members to file a lawsuit. After all, if a lawsuit occurs, the matter will be exposed sooner or later, and the school will be pushed to the forefront, affecting the college entrance examination or enrollment in the second half of the year.

But Director Yang works in the department in charge of the school and has real power, so he is not given a chance to speak.

Principal Li went to the wards of classmates Luo, Zhou, and Xia again and inquired about the situation. He wanted other family members to persuade the Chen family to give up the prosecution. Unfortunately, the other family members of the students only followed the Chen family's lead.

The school leaders visited the Chen brothers and their classmates, and also visited another group of classmates. Comparing the two, they are really very different.

It can be seen that the people on the Chen family's side are gradually recovering, but the bruises and swelling on the bodies of Classmate Yang's group are still not gone, and the severe ones are not completely out of danger.

The school leaders visited the students and left again.

Director Yang didn't take it seriously at all that the principal said that a certain classmate asked for a lawyer. After the school officials left, he originally wanted to go around and find out who the owner of the helicopter in front of the hospital building was, but instead

I received a call from the department saying that there was an impromptu meeting, so I hurried back to the department.

Director Yang, who hurried back to the department, heard the temporary meeting held by his superiors and learned that the provincial leaders were coming to Yuezhou next week, so he must cheer up and do all the work well without making any mistakes.

The leader also specifically mentioned the incident of a fight between students in a certain school, asking them to calm down the emotions of the students and their families, and not to have a bad negative impact at this moment.

Hearing that it was provincial leaders who came to inspect the work, Director Yang didn't think there was anything to make a fuss about. When the leader specifically pointed out the fight between students in a certain school, he felt something unusual in his heart.

Director Yang originally planned to talk to the leaders after the meeting to see if the superiors also knew about the scandal in a certain school and what instructions the superiors had. However, the leaders hurried to the municipal meeting after the meeting and could only wait until Monday to see the situation.<


Dean Xia finished some work in the morning and was about to go find the little girl when he received a call from the provincial leader, informing him that Yinle was in Yuezhou and the province had arranged for some family members of the military and police to go to the Second Hospital.

Please ask Miss Le to see the doctor and let the hospital arrange the ward and reception area.

Dean Xia immediately notified all offices in the hospital, and all staff were dispatched to arrange in advance where patients with family members of the military and police would live, arrange a venue for the little girl to receive medical treatment, and then clean up the conference room where the afternoon discussion would be held.

They ran around and arranged all the work by noon. They hurriedly went to eat, and after the meal they checked the conference room where the discussion was held.

Dean Xia waited until almost one o'clock, when all the doctors could come, and then went to the helicopter in the outpatient building to find the little girl and asked her to give a lecture to the doctors.

Before he could reach the plane, Mr. Le opened the door and came out on his own.

The two handsome guys helped the little Loli carry a small medicine box and followed her as she walked with Dean Xia.

The discussion place arranged by Dean Xia is in another building, which is a large conference room. The hospital's medical staff hold meetings or assessments in the large conference room.

The conference is also a multimedia classroom with projection equipment and a blackboard. The tables are long tables. Because there is a symposium, a portion of water and a portion of fruit are placed on each table.

Dean Xia also arranged seats for the two university gentlemen, on the left and right sides of the podium, ensuring that they would be closest to the little girl.

Medical staff who are not working in the hospital, or who took a break at noon, all entered the conference room early and sat from the front row to the back. There were no shortage of leaders, and the conference room was mostly full.

The little girl walked into the conference room, everyone stood up and gave her warm applause.

The scene was like welcoming a leader.

Le Yun almost thought she was in the wrong place and smiled at everyone: "Thank you, fellow seniors, please take a seat!"

The hospital leaders took the lead and sat down.

Le Yun walked up to the podium and opened the notebook to read. The notebook listed some questions raised by the hospital's medical staff.

Little Lolita was reading the handout folder. Yan Shao and Liu Shao sat down, each turned on their own computers. Using the address provided by the hospital, they successfully entered the system for filming and recording the lectures in the conference room.

After reading the question record, Le Yun answered the questions in order, starting from the first question about cancer treatment and going all the way down.

Little Loli was answering some questions about difficult and complicated diseases. The medical staff listened carefully and took notes while listening. If they didn't understand something or had any objections, they would ask questions in a timely manner.

The atmosphere is very good.

During the lecture where the little girl was answering questions, no one was willing to leave midway except for the doctors who had to perform surgeries and had to go to work. Some doctors ran back after the surgeries.

The discussion lasted from one o'clock at noon to seven o'clock in the evening. Xiao Loli not only answered various difficult questions collected by the hospital one by one, but also focused on analyzing the prevention and treatment of cancer, AIDS and neurological cases with the doctors.

Therapeutic intervention issues.

The little girl's knowledge in the medical field is unparalleled. She spoke in great detail, and the medical staff listened with interest and did not pay attention to the time at all.

It wasn't until the little girl's bodyguard reminded them that it was already seven o'clock that they suddenly came to their senses, and belatedly discovered that they had already gotten off work!

It’s getting late and the discussion is over.

Dean Xia booked a meal outside in advance and delivered it to the hospital cafeteria. After the girl finished her lecture, he and several leaders and doctors who did not work the night shift accompanied the girl to eat in the cafeteria and left after the meal.

The doctors benefited a lot from listening to the little girl's lecture. Those working the night shift studied their notes when they had nothing to do.

Dean Xia was in a good mood, had a good night's sleep, and was in great spirits. After going to work on Monday, he was busy again, preparing to welcome some family members of the military and police who were about to be admitted to the hospital.

And Yan Xing went from the canteen to the helicopter. While the little Loli was resting, he went over and told her the feedback he had received from the capital. The leaders of Southern Hunan Province arranged for all the families of the military and policemen from the province to come to Yuezhou City.

The Second People's Hospital.

The leaders of Shonan Province were also very fast. They notified family members over the weekend. Family members who needed medical treatment and those who were far away set off after receiving the notice. Some people expected to arrive at the Second Hospital on Monday morning.

The little Loli nodded to show that she understood, and still maintained her good habits. After washing herself, she would write test questions, or read a book, and go to bed at midnight.

Early in the morning on Monday, Mr. Le Xiao arrived at the ward on time for acupuncture. After waiting for two hours to hand out the test papers on the balcony, he pulled out the medical needle for Chen Fengnian, regardless of the needles on other teenagers, and then helped him remove the gauze and splint.<


All fractures were fixed with splints. The steel plates were removed, the bamboo membrane was moistened with warm water and then peeled off. Almost all the wound medicine was absorbed.

Little Loli soaked the remaining ointment with warm water, scraped it off and put it in a bowl, and then mixed it with the new ointment.

When applying the medicine again, start with the arm. Apply only a thin layer of ointment to some areas of the broken arm, then apply ointment patches, and apply three ointments around the arm with full force.

After using the bone-strengthening plaster, Le Xiao’s classmate decisively pulled out the bone-strengthening steel pins, and then applied a layer of medicine to the areas that were not covered with ointment.

The two arms were re-pasted with medicine, and plasters were applied to the legs and feet, and medicine was applied, and all the external steel pins were removed.

After re-treating Chen Fengnian's fracture, he was given pills and needles, and continued acupuncture. Then he pulled out the needles on Chen Zhaonian's body and removed the gauze and plaster.

The little Loli helped the teenagers change their dressings, but the parents were too clumsy to help. Yan Xingliu Xiangyang acted as an assistant, helping to remove the gauze or plaster splints. Of course, they were there to help, and the main work was all done by the Little Loli.

One person is responsible.

Classmate Le followed the same procedure and repeated the dressing change steps on Chen Zhaonian. He changed the dressing and then performed acupuncture, and then removed the plaster and changed the dressing on the Peng boy.

The little girl was busy in the ward. After 8:30, a family member of a sick sergeant rushed to the hospital accompanied by his family.

Medical staff specially assigned by the hospital to receive family members of military and police officers received the family members of heroes, checked the information, and then arranged wards and performed admission surgeries.

After receiving the report, Dean Xia rushed to the designated area of ​​the hospital.

Later, before nine o'clock, another family member of a sick police officer and two family members of military martyrs were admitted to the hospital. At about nine o'clock, two more families came one after another.

As soon as the hospital staff settled the families of the military and policemen, a wave of people came to the hospital quietly - leaders from the Provincial Government, the Provincial Party Committee, the Public Security Department, the Medical and Health Commission and the Provincial Education Commission came in teams with some small leaders.
A group of big bosses did not go to Yuezhou City or notify local departments, but quietly arrived at the Second People's Hospital of Yuezhou City.

The leaders followed the sign posted at the entrance of the hospital directing family members of military and police officers who had appointments to enter the hospital, and went straight to the lobby on the first floor of another building next to the Second Hospital and the outpatient building. There is also an area dedicated to receiving family members of military and police officers.


Dean Xia and several heads of the hospital were receiving a family of newly arrived patients who were family members of military martyrs. They were checking information with their accompanying family members and explaining the arrangements of the hospital. When they saw a group of people approaching, their first reaction was that they were some people from the city.

department to inspect.

At this time, Dean Xia didn't care to think about the reasons for the leaders. He went to receive the leaders first. When he got closer, he was shocked. Mr. Du, the top leader of the province, Mr. Xu, the top leader of the provincial party committee, Mr. Li, the top leader of the provincial government...

In a word, almost all the top leaders of various provincial departments have been appointed, and there are still a few second-in-commands. There are also some leaders who are not common, so he cannot put them in the right place.

Provincial leaders suddenly arrived and raided the hospital without the company of city leaders. We don’t know why.

Dean Xia murmured in his heart, but without hesitation, he took a few principals from the hospital and walked quickly to meet a group of senior leaders: "Mr. Du, Mr. Xu, Mr. Li, Mr. He..."

He first addressed the chief leaders one by one, and then said, "Welcome the leaders to come to the hospital to inspect the work."

A group of senior leaders saw the work badge worn by Dean Xia and knew that he was the dean of the Second Hospital. They shook hands with Dean Xia one by one.

The two sides shook hands with each other and thanked each other for their hard work. Mr. Du asked cordially: "Thanks to the comrades of the Second Hospital for their hard work this time, are there any family members of the military and police here?"

"It's not hard work. This is an internal matter. It's an honor for the Second Hospital to serve the families of heroes. Family members of the military and police have already come to several houses. They are over there. The leaders are here to invite them."

Dean Xia led the way for the leaders and asked them to inspect the place where the hospital has prepared to receive family members of the military and police.

The leaders first placed the suitcases they brought with them on the medical reception desk, and then followed Dean Xia to the reception area for military and police family members. They expressed condolences to the family members of a family of military martyrs who had just arrived, and chatted cordially, caring about the number of family members.

, what kind of work do they do.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, the dedicated nurse completed the admission procedures for the family members of the military martyrs. Mr. Du and other leaders, together with Dean Xia and others, sent the family members of the military martyrs to the ward.

The wards arranged by the hospital for family members of military and police officers are comprehensive buildings connected to the outpatient building. The first and second floors are the examination department or laboratory, and the third floor is the inpatient department of the comprehensive department.

Dean Xia accompanied the leaders to the ward on the second floor for the families of the martyrs, and also visited several other family members of the military and police who were admitted to the hospital first.

This chapter has been completed!
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