Chapter 320 No bottom line

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 Chen Xin and Chen Jie also discovered the problem when Xiao Lele talked about Chen Zhaonian. They watched Chen Zhaonian hiding shyly and pursed his lips in joy.

To be honest, if Chen Zhaonian didn't still have the same face, they would suspect that someone had screwed him.

Their children are actually quite aloof at home. As a result, when Chen Fengnian met his cousin, he turned into a lively and active monkey, and Chen Zhaonian had a similar reaction.

If it hadn't been for this experience, they would never have discovered that Chen Zhaonian also had such a naughty side.

Chen Zhaonian was able to walk on the ground and showed his naughty side for the first time. Chen Xin and Chen Jie were happy and did not laugh at him, just enjoying themselves.

In Pengping, Yi Sixian wanted to go for a walk, but was stopped by his family, and then watched the scene where Chen Zhaonian was thrown back to the hospital bed in disgust.

They found that they were also naked and fell down at an unparalleled speed. They pulled up the quilt to cover themselves, and with their red faces, they carefully muttered: "I fell asleep, you didn't see anything."

Grandpa Peng and Mother Yi also tried not to laugh.

"I don't know whether your Chinese scores are good or not, but I remember the word "hiding one's ears and stealing the bell" deeply, and I use it just right. It's just a matter of drawing inferences from one instance and learning and applying it flexibly."

The three teenagers pretended to be dead. Le Yun rolled her eyes in amusement and continued to iron and wash the needles: "You guys just lie down for a few minutes and wait until I go out to get dressed. You can move around indoors. It's better not to go outside in case someone accidentally trips you up."

If you fall on your foot and break the newly healed bones, you will suffer.

Also, no matter how greedy you are in the past two days, keep your mouth shut. Don’t eat snacks or other foods for now. If you want to eat, drink some water and eat some fruits in moderation.”

Being told that they were hiding their ears and stealing the bell, the three teenagers simply covered their faces and uttered "um um um" like mosquitoes.

When the child is fine, the parents feel happy and move a bench to sit on.

Yan Xingliu Xiangyang has seen many miracles created by little lolita. He was not shocked at all, but he almost jumped when he saw Chen Zhaonian hugging the little lolita.

Seeing that the boy was thrown away by the little lolita, the two handsome guys felt relieved.

Student Le Xiao cleared the medical needle, installed it, then went to another intensive care unit to remove the needle for the other three teenagers, and then asked the medical staff to remove the urinary catheter.

The family members accompanying the hospital heard shouting in a certain ward. They were afraid that someone would come in and perform an injection if they were not in the ward, so they did not look around.

After the medical staff left the ward with the used medical supplies, the little Loli untied the teenagers' sleeping points and repeated what they had said in Chen Zhaonian's ward.

In order to prevent the previous scene from happening again, Mr. Le Xiao said some precautions, hugged the bowl with the needle, and left calmly.

After you get out of the intensive care unit, take the used needles and wash them in the boiling water room.

Yan Shao and Liu Shao helped carry the medicine box and followed him as a lackey.

Classmates Zhou, Xia, and Luo waited until the little girl left before they sat up, put on their clothes, and walked around again.

When they saw that their children could walk, the parents cried with joy.

The little girl went out, and Yi's mother also went to the cubicle to escape. Yi's classmates Peng and Chen Zhaonian quickly put on the loose clothes provided by the hospital, and then got out of bed and walked.

Parents are afraid of making mistakes and stay by their side.

Dean Xia was concerned about the situation of certain teenagers and was eager to know the effect. He went to work in the morning, took care of the urgent matters and rushed to the orthopedic intensive care unit.

When he and the hospital leaders rushed to the ward where Chen was staying, they opened the door and saw three teenagers walking from the balcony to the room, walking back and forth from the room to the room.

The hospital leaders were so shocked that their eyes almost dropped to the ground. On the sixth day, they were actually able to walk?!

Dean Xia turned around and ran towards another intensive care unit. He saw a similar situation. He asked the parents where the little girl had gone. The parents didn't know. He and several leaders hurriedly ran to the building where the families of the military and police lived.<


The leaders of the hospital arrived but could not find the little girl. They knew that the little girl had to wait at the nursing station to observe the children who had undergone cardiac surgery and rabbit humiliation last night after performing acupuncture on the teenagers.

Dean Xia originally thought that the little girl would come back soon. However, instead of waiting for the little girl, screams came one after another from the family ward, and he hurried out to check.

The families of the military and police officers are in a state of shock.

The family members who accompanied the patient in the hospital were doubtful about what the little girl said yesterday. In the morning, they saw that the family member who had undergone acupuncture treatment yesterday did not wake up, so they did not call. They went to have breakfast first, and then came back to wait for someone to wake up.

After acupuncture, the first person who woke up at 8:30 was the first one to wake up at 8:30. He was one of the people with high paralysis. He just woke up and went to the toilet on his own.

It was not until the person came back from the toilet that his family members and other family members in the same ward reacted.

The family members were so stunned by the sudden surprise that they became ecstatic and swarmed around to ask the patient how he felt.

There was a lot of excitement over there, and another person who was paralyzed from a high position also woke up. Also because he subconsciously wanted to go to the toilet, he sat up on his own, found his own shoes to wear, and asked what happened.

The patients' family members turned around when they heard the voice and witnessed the miracle again.

The family members were overjoyed.

The cheers also successfully attracted the family members of the military and police in the adjacent ward to ask what happened. Everyone was overjoyed. The family members of the patients who had acupuncture yesterday also hurried back to the ward to guard their loved ones.

Dean Xia and others heard the news and came to see the family members of the military and police who were wheeled into the hospital yesterday but were walking around like no one today. They were shocked and quickly congratulated them on their recovery.

There was a lot of excitement here, and cheers erupted from another ward - the mentally ill patient who needed family care at all times yesterday and was unconscious has also recovered.

That woman was a police wife. Her husband died in the line of duty. Later, her child was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Under the double blow, she became mentally unstable.

The cerebral palsy child among the nineteen seriously ill patients is the child of the mentally ill police wife.

The police wife was unconscious, and her family took her back to take care of her. The child was taken care of by her grandparents and other elders. Because the police wife would lose control of her emotions whenever she saw the child, and she was not admitted to the hospital together. She staggered the time to report to the hospital to avoid meeting.


When the police wife was mentally disturbed, she had low intelligence and did not recognize people. She needed family supervision and assistance to go to the toilet and eat. When she woke up after acupuncture, her eyes were clear, she spoke in an orderly manner, she recognized everyone, and she was still looking for her child.


The family members who accompanied her were so excited that they cried.

The police wife hugged her family and cried.

Several people cried together, and people from the adjacent ward came to comfort them.

When it was almost nine o'clock, the cancer patients woke up one after another. They were all refreshed. They called their families to get their admission cards and queued up for examination.

Dean Xia and the leaders of the hospital went from ward to ward, and in the room where the patient with cancer was found, he saw the two people who had been half-dead and then resurrected with full blood yesterday going about their examinations. They couldn't help but be stunned.

Then I went to check the wards where two patients with epilepsy and juvenile epilepsy were staying, and I was surprised to find that the family members of those two people also found the medical records and took people for examinations.

Dean Xia and others were not surprised and went to see children who had undergone heart surgery, children with cleft palate and patients with vegetative disease.

The little Loli had disposed of the used medical needles and was not in a hurry to see the patient. She went to have breakfast with the two handsome guys first and get some fresh air by the way.

I wandered around outside until nine o'clock when I returned to the hospital, took the medicine box to the military and police family ward.

Yan Shao and Liu Shao followed Little Loli to the ward where children with heart disease and cleft lip stayed. When they saw Dean Xia and several leaders of the hospital standing by, their backs tensed up. Those people looked at Little Loli.

The eyes are like those of a wolf that has been hungry for half a month, green and scary!

When the hospital leaders saw the little girl coming, they couldn't wait to rush up and ask if she was the reincarnation of a fairy, otherwise how could her medical skills be so miraculous!

They didn't dare to rush, after all, the little girl was accompanied by two fierce bodyguards.

Dean Xia greeted the little girl enthusiastically, chatting about how the patient who had undergone acupuncture yesterday was doing, describing the scene he saw so vividly.

Classmate Le listened with a smile. After hearing the story-like news, he removed the gauze for the two children to see how well the ointment was absorbed. He found that there was a layer of ointment left, so he did acupuncture without applying the medicine first.

Little Loli only gave the child acupuncture for an hour, then reapplied the medicine, bandaged it, and then asked the family members of the vegetative patient to send him to the operating room for acupuncture.

The little girl went to work again, and Dean Xia took people to the reception area for military and police families on the first floor.

The family members of the military and police who were not hospitalized yesterday were admitted to the hospital one after another on Tuesday morning, and the latest one reported to the hospital before 11 o'clock.

The receptionist arranged the patients and asked them to gather in the reception area at one o'clock.

Relatives who accompanied the patient should go to other wards after admission to inquire about any family members who came before them and how the treatment was effective.

I was delighted to hear that a certain expert was so skilled in medicine that a paralyzed patient could move freely after just one acupuncture session. Everyone was excited and looked forward to the arrival of the afternoon with great hope.

The little Loli performed acupuncture on the vegetative patient and lasted until half past eleven. She asked the medical staff to pick up the patient and send him to the ward, and then returned to the helicopter to rest.

Yan Shaoliu ordered some takeout and had lunch with the little Lolita, and then left as a follower at one o'clock.

The patients who were hospitalized yesterday afternoon and the family members of the military and police who were just admitted in the morning and their accompanying staff were waiting in the reception area early. They saw a female expert with bodyguards, quietly waiting for consultation.

There are nine people in total, one tuberculosis patient, one cancer patient, one paralyzed by stroke, three AIDS patients, a second-year-old and a child, and the rest are three children: a child with cerebral palsy, a Bai Dianfeng, and a uremia patient.

The uremic patient is twenty years old, still undergoing dialysis, and carries a blood bag with him; the Baidianfeng patient is also a big child, thirteen years old, with large white spots on his face and head.

Yan Shao and Liu Shao were checking the information. Little Loli looked at the patient and saw a certain mental patient who had just received acupuncture treatment yesterday. She had recovered and was holding a child with cerebral palsy.

The police wife who had just recovered, holding her child, looked at the experts wearing masks with excited eyes.

Yan Shao and Liu Shao checked that the information was correct and nodded to the little Lolita.

Le, who has studied the physical conditions of the patients, then sorted them by number and divided them into four groups: the first group of paralyzed patients and children with cerebral palsy, Baidianfeng and uremia;

The second group consists of three AIDS patients, the third group includes tuberculosis patients, and the fourth group includes cancer patients.

It is planned that cancer patients and pulmonary sclerosis patients will undergo acupuncture at the same time, of course in different operating rooms, to prevent cancer patients from being infected by pulmonary sclerosis patients.

The medical staff got the order of patients arranged by the little girl, called people by number, and told them what time to go to the operating room to wait for treatment, and repeatedly warned the patients not to run around when the time came.

After giving the doctor's orders, he asked the first group of patients to follow him to the operating room.

The person who was called excitedly followed the medical staff, entered the operating room, made preparations as required, and lay quietly waiting for acupuncture treatment.

Classmate Le Xiao and the two handsome guys were one step behind. When she arrived at the operating room, the patient was waiting for her to start work, closed the door and started working.

Mr. Du, Mr. Xu and others went to the new district to inspect the work on Monday afternoon. They also worked in the new district on Tuesday morning, and then went to the Second Hospital in the afternoon.

City leaders also accompanied their superiors to the Second Hospital.

Mr. Du, Mr. Li and his party first went to the intensive care unit of the little girl's cousin. What they saw were three teenagers sitting or walking around. They were shocked again.

Director Yang also followed the leaders and saw that the people in the intensive care unit could walk on the ground. He almost thought he had seen a ghost.

The frightened Mr. Xu, Mr. Du, Mr. Li, Mr. Zhang and other senior officials asked the three teenagers about their feelings with concern. Then they went to another intensive care unit and found that the situation they saw was similar to the situation in the first intensive care unit.

They then went to visit the ward where Yang and his classmates lived. Those teenagers were wrapped tightly and lying like mummies.

Comparing the two, there is simply a world of difference.

The bosses remained calm and visited the teenagers before going to the ward area for patients with family members of the military and police.

After hearing that the big bosses had come to the second hospital again, Dean Xia and several leaders rushed to the military and police family ward building. When Mr. Du and his party arrived, they accompanied him to visit the family ward.

At that time, two cancer patients also received the examination form and were asking professional doctors about the situation.

The doctor read the data on the examination sheet and the imaging data, and told the patient that they were in good health. As for the fact that some cells were slightly low, it was because some diseased cells were eliminated during acupuncture. Some cells will be low within seven or eight days, and after a few days, the number of cells will be low.

Days will recover.

The patient and his family members were so excited that they expressed their gratitude in a series and decided to thank the experts in person tomorrow before leaving the hospital.

Mr. Du, Mr. Xu and other big guys also went to consult the doctor about the patient's condition. After listening to the analysis, they were shocked. The little girl cured the cancer with just one acupuncture?!

The big bosses, whose hearts were shaken, remained calm on the surface as they visited the wards one by one and visited the patients. They did not leave the hospital until after mid-afternoon.

The big guys returned to the city and held a brief meeting. After the meeting, Mr. Li dragged Mr. Xu aside and whispered that he actually wanted to "save the country" and asked Mr. Xu to help ask the little girl to show it to his old mother.

If Mr. Xu is familiar with the little girl, the chance of success is higher.

Mr. Xu did not shirk and was willing to help, but he was just making ugly remarks, and there was no guarantee of success or not.

Mr. Li knows very well that a miracle doctor like the little girl has her own temperament and certain rules, and may not necessarily accept treatment, but she has to give it a try, as long as Mr. Xu is willing to help.

Mr. Xu and Mr. Li walked and talked to learn about the physical condition of Mr. Li’s old mother.

This chapter has been completed!
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