Chapter 321 The belly is coming

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 Chen Xin and Chen Jie worked closely with their respective wives and did a good job of concealing the truth. They never revealed any flaws and did not let the child's grandparents know about the child's hospitalization.

However, Chen Kang and Zhou Wei finally found out.

It wasn't that there was a flaw in the brothers' confidentiality work, but that the school's teachers and education committee staff went to the student's home to appease the parents, and then revealed the matter to the two elderly people.

It was already mid-afternoon when he was shocked to hear the news that his two grandsons were seriously injured and hospitalized. Chen Kangzhou was so anxious and angry that he didn't even have time to deal with the staff who came from the school, so he hurried to the second hospital.

The two anxious old men hurriedly rushed to the Second Hospital, rushed into the hospital gate, and suddenly saw the helicopter parked in front of the clinic complex building.

That helicopter looks familiar?

Looking again, that plane is exactly the same as Xiao Lele’s private helicopter.

Chen Kangzhou's first thought was whether Lele was here. After thinking about it again, he still thought it was unlikely, so he had no time to think more and call his son.

When Chen Xin received a call from her old father, she worked hard to avoid accidentally spilling the beans. Unexpectedly, when she asked her father if he was busy, he said that he was at work. When he was busy, he heard a loud roar: "

Chen Xin, please stop fooling me. Your mother and I have already arrived at the outpatient building of the Second Hospital. Such a big thing happened to my grandson. How long do you want to hide it from each other? Stop talking nonsense about which ward he lives in.

Hearing his old father's roar, Chen Xin was no longer nervous. He simply reported the ward floor and room number, and then smiled at his younger brother and son: "My parents already knew and came to the hospital."

"?" Chen Jie first had a question mark on his face, then suddenly realized: "Maybe it was the school that stabbed him out."

"It doesn't matter so much. I'll go to the elevator to pick him up. Now that I know, it's okay. Zhaofeng Fengnian and his classmates have almost recovered, and the elderly don't have to worry anymore."

Paper could not contain the fire, and they were not prepared to hide it for a long time. They did not let the old man know before because the Zazai's injuries were too serious and they were afraid that the old man would not be able to bear the shock.

Knowing what parents should know, Chen Xin felt no pressure at all. She left the ward and ran to the elevator area to wait. After waiting for less than a minute, the elevator sent her parents there.

After Chen Kang made the phone call, he and his wife ran to the lobby and took the elevator upstairs. As soon as they stepped out of the elevator, they saw their eldest son. They were so angry that they were scolded.

The old father is getting stronger. Even if he scolds himself, Chen Xin is willing to accept it. He leads his parents to the ward, while comforting the two elders: don't panic, don't worry, everything is fine.

How could Chen Kang and Zhou Wei believe that nothing was wrong? He ran all the way to the outside of the ward. When he saw that it was the intensive care unit, his legs became weak.

When I rushed into the ward and saw the two young boys sitting and Chen Zhaonian standing at the end of the bed, obviously waiting for me, my tense nerves relaxed.

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhou Wei stroked her chest a series of times, and when she saw the "Severe Disease Area" sign posted on the wall outside, her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

"Where's Chen Fengnian?" Chen Kang was relieved when he saw a grandson, but then his heart became anxious again.

"The person lying on the bed next to him is still sleeping and won't wake up until tomorrow." When Chen Jie saw his parents, he called out to them first, and then gave the elderly people a bench to sit on to let them take a breather.

Chen Kangzhouwei couldn't let go. He ran to his grandson's bed to look at him. He even lifted the quilt to check and asked a series of questions about why he hadn't woken up yet.

Chen Xin and Chen Jie patiently explained the reason for not waking up. Chen Kang didn't react at first, but it took him a few seconds to react: "You said it was Lele who made Chen Fengnian sleep?"

"Lele is here?" Zhou Wei also looked surprised and disbelieving.

"That's right." Father finally reacted, and Chen Xin and Chen Jie wiped their sweat.

"Grandpa and grandma are my cousin. My cousin is here and we can heal so quickly because of my cousin's treatment. If it weren't for my cousin's timely arrival, we might never see Feng Nian again."

Chen Zhaonian hurriedly showed up, exposed his arm, pointed to the injury and explained to his grandma where he had the injury. His cousin applied medicine and gave him injections for how many days.

"Well, Lele is really here. I said the helicopter going downstairs looks familiar..."

The two old men were finally completely relieved. Lele was here, so there was nothing to worry about.

Chen Kang sat down, then jumped up again, asking repeatedly where Lele was.

Chen Xin and Chen Jie patiently explained again, saying that Lele should be in the operating room to see some family members of military and police officers, and they should not be unavailable. Parents should not be disturbed, and they can see Lele when she comes for acupuncture tomorrow morning.

The two brothers talked hard and tried hard to persuade the old man to calm down.

The two elders stopped clamoring to find Xiao Lele, Peng, and the Yi family's family members greeted the Chen family's grandparents and sat together to talk about the fight between the children and who had been to the hospital in the past few days.<


When Chen Kangzhou found out the reason why his grandson was injured, he was so angry that he almost wanted to rush out to find the little brat named Yang to settle the matter.

When her parents got angry, Chen Xin and Chen Jie said they were very tired and could only coax and persuade them to calm them down.

Because her parents-in-law knew that the child was hospitalized, Chen Xin and Chen Jie’s daughter-in-law did not go home after work in the afternoon and went straight to the hospital to see the child.

Chen Xin's daughter-in-law is from the Mulao tribe, and her surname is Lu, Lu Chunyue. Most people call her Mrs. Lu when they call her; Chen Jie's daughter-in-law is from the Shui tribe, and her surname is Qin Yingfang, and she is known as Mrs. Qin.

The Chen family’s sisters-in-law all have down-to-earth names, but they are good-looking people. They are all over 1.6 meters tall, have short hair, and have fair skin.

The child was beaten to the hospital. As a mother, she didn't worry that it was a lie. In order to hide it from her parents-in-law, the grandmothers and sisters resisted running to the hospital, fearing that if they saw the child, they would accidentally tell the truth.

After being frightened for several days, they finally saw the child, and the two sisters burst into tears.

It took a lot of effort for Zhou Wei and his son to persuade their daughter-in-law to stay, and then they went to have dinner. After dinner, Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Qin asked her parents-in-law and her husband to stay in a hotel near the hospital. She also asked Peng, Yi, Luo, Zhou,

All Xia’s parents went to have a rest, and the two of them stayed up all night.

The parents of several classmates did not sleep well in the hospital. If their children could get out of bed and walk, they were relieved and went with several parents of the Chen family to book a room in a hotel near the hospital and have a good night's rest.
Sister-in-law Lu and Sister-in-law Qin each guard an intensive care unit, and the door is locked at night. They are very safe. They also take turns to rest in the intensive care unit of classmates Luo, Zhou, and Xia, sleeping half the night each.

Chen Kang, Zhou Wei and others had a night's rest in the hotel, got up early in the morning, and went to the ward for a shift. Aunt Lu and Aunt Qin did not wait for their cousin's niece to come for acupuncture, and waited for their parents to arrive before going to work.

Le Yun's spiritual consciousness is so powerful that she pays undistracted attention to what's going on in the hospital. She can't escape any disturbances from her hearing, smell and perception. She knows when the two parents of the Chen family came to the hospital.

I’m not surprised, paper can’t contain the fire. My uncles can hide it for a while, but they can’t hide it for a lifetime. Sooner or later, my uncles and aunts will know.

She had no intention of seeing her relatives and focused on acupuncture.

Because among the first batch of acupuncture patients, there was one Bai Dianfeng and one with uremia, those two patients received one more round of acupuncture treatment than the other two patients, and it did not end until five o'clock.

The hospital at 5 o'clock has not yet finished get off work, and the little Loli has not taken a break either. She continues to perform acupuncture and anti-virus treatment on the three people infected with AIDS.

The acupuncture treatment for the second group of patients took three hours, and it was already eight o'clock in the evening when it ended. Le Xiaoxiao did not rest, but went to give acupuncture treatment to tuberculosis patients and cancer patients.

Little Loli first performed acupuncture on a cancer patient, and then went to another operating room. Because it was her first time taking on a tuberculosis patient, she researched and analyzed the cause, etiology and pathology of the disease, and thoroughly studied a certain disease before treating it.
In order to observe the effect of the experiment and collect data, Lexiao student slowed down and took three and a half minutes to complete the acupuncture treatment for tuberculosis patients.

It was already after 11pm.

Having been doing acupuncture all afternoon, Mr. Le Xiao disliked the various smells on his body, finished his work, quickly ran back to the helicopter, and took clean clothes to take a shower.

The little Loli started acupuncture after noon and did not eat dinner or rest. The two brothers Yan Shaoliu and Young Master also risked their lives and insisted on waiting for the Little Loli to have dinner together.

When the little girl came out from her work, one of the two brothers stayed behind while the other ran to buy food.

Young Master Liu made a reservation for dinner in advance. He asked the restaurant to send the order to the hospital, and then he went and bought a lot of oden and skewers.

When he got back a lot of food, the little Loli hadn't been washed yet, so he and Fa Xiao waited for another four or five minutes to wait for the new little Loli.

After a hard day's work, Mr. Le Xiao's eyes were filled with stars when he saw the food. He ate and drank a lot and was so happy that he burst into tears.

Eat well and feel happy.

When you feel better, go to sleep.

After a good sleep, the energy consumed was restored. Little Leyun was resurrected with full blood, she took care of herself neatly, and went straight to the orthopedic intensive care unit.

Yan Xingliu Xiangyang, who was willing to be a green leaf, carried the medicine box and followed the little Loli to the intensive care unit area. He saw several parents standing outside the ward of the boy Chen Fengnian, and the old couple of the Chen family were stretching their necks.

Crane Wang.

Chen Kang Zhouwei knew that Xiao Lele came to do acupuncture for the child at six o'clock every morning, so he waited at the door about ten minutes early, and sure enough, he waited for Xiao Lele who came with a little step.

Seeing the little guy wearing a beautiful Hanfu with straight sleeves, Chen Kangzhou's slightly gloomy heart suddenly became brighter when the sun shone brightly.

The old couple rushed over and cut off the little girl's beard midway. They held the little girl's paws on one right and the other on the right, and touched her forehead and back of her head.

The little guy wears a beautiful bun with two rings and cannot touch his head.

The two old men were holding a small and cute little girl, and they were both happy and touched. Something happened to Chen Zhaonian and Chen Fengnian, and Xiao Lele came all the way to get treatment. The little girl was so heartwarming.

Chen Xin and Chen Jie were jealous when their parents ran to snatch Xiao Lele's love. To be honest, every time they saw Xiao Lele, they wanted to touch him, but they had the heart but not the courage.

Dare to think but dare not act.

Le Yun: "..." Although I have never gotten used to it, short people have no human rights.

Student Le Xiao, who had no human rights, was stunned and had his uncle and aunt touch his forehead seven or eight times without saying a word, as if "manually checking to see if you have a fever." It was not until he entered the intensive care unit that he was freed from the clutches of his elders.
Chen Zhaonian, Yi Sixian and Peng Ping knew the acupuncture process well. They got up in the morning and ran to the toilet, wiped themselves, took off their excess clothes, and lay down obediently.

The young man cooperated with the treatment obediently. Lexiao was very pleased and still gave Chen Fengnian acupuncture first, and then gave acupuncture to the other three.

Chen Kang Zhouwei watched Xiao Lele's acupuncture for the first time, and was so shocked by the medical skills that his eyes dropped to the floor.

The order and steps of little Loli's acupuncture remained unchanged. She first gave acupuncture to the boy in the same ward as Chen Fengnian, then went to another intensive care unit, and an hour later changed to give acupuncture to the boy's back.

After the acupuncture treatment, the teenager got dressed and couldn't wait to get out of bed.

Classmates Xia, Luo and Zhou moved around for a while, then ran to the ward where Chen Zhaonian lived and watched Chen Fengnian doing acupuncture.

They had a course of acupuncture, but Chen Fengnian was still not feeling better. He was the first one to have acupuncture every day, and he was always the last one to do the acupuncture. Each acupuncture session also took longer than others.

Several teenagers waited for more than ten minutes before Chen Fengnian's acupuncture treatment was completed.

With yesterday's lesson learned, Chen Jie quickly dressed his little son before Xiao Lele untied Chen Fengnian's sleeping point.

Taking advantage of Chen Fengnian's acupuncture time, classmate Le Xiao first scalded the used medical needles with boiling water, and then pulled out the needles on Chen Fengnian when the time was almost up.

He took back the medical needle, scalded it with boiling water, soaked it in boiling water, and then used it to relieve Chen Fengnian's sleeping point.

Several teenagers and the parents of the Chen family surrounded the hospital bed, staring eagerly at Chen Fengnian, waiting for him to wake up.

After his sleeping point was removed, Chen Fengnian didn't wake up at that time. It took about three or four minutes before he woke up slowly, just like when he woke up from a deep sleep, his eyes were confused.

Chen Kang, Zhou Wei, Chen Xin and Chen Jie excitedly called him "Fengnian", his friends called him "Chen Fengnian", and Chen Zhaonian called "little brother".

Amid the calls, Chen Fengnian looked around confusedly with his sleepy eyes. His eyes swept over the faces one after another. When he saw his grandparents, his eyes froze.

He looked at it intently for a while and then tried to call out, "Grandpa, grandma?"

"You brat, you still recognize people, it means you're not stupid." Chen Kang slapped his little grandson on the belly, and his heart dropped to the ground.

"Uncle, if he is stupid, it means I can't keep my brand." Le Yun protested dissatisfied. She can make people stupid if she takes action. How can she have a foothold in the world?

"Hey, Xiao Lele, I just said casually that with your intervention, the disease can be cured." Chen Kang changed the direction with a smile.

Chen Fengnian was a little confused at first. He couldn't figure out why his family and friends were all looking at him. When he heard a certain sound, it was like being electrocuted, and he sat up like a carp.

He turned over and sat up, looking around with his bare head on his head, and saw a pretty, cute and sweet girl standing at the head of the bed.

Instantly, the boy's eyes widened: "Sister?"

This chapter has been completed!
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