Chapter 556

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 During the Qingming Festival, people nearby either went to the mountains to worship their ancestors, or they hid at home because the sky was so gloomy. There were very few idle people in the streets and alleys, and even if there were a few people, they were all in a hurry.

The area around the residence of the Huang family was also very quiet. No one was seen passing by the road in front of the ancestral hall for a long time. No one was disturbing. Huang Zhichang thought about it hundreds of times before he calmed down.

After standing quietly for a few more minutes, he put the two handfuls of banknotes back into his backpack and went back to his old house to visit the residences of the two guests.

They had already brought back the salary they had paid to the guest. This year's salary was placed on the table in the room, and the banknotes were neatly numbered. The collections they picked up at the Huang family were also returned to Zhao intact.

Those two people didn't take away their salary for that year, so they protected the Huang family's house for four months in vain.

He would rather work for nothing for several months than stay, which shows that Mr. Weng must have learned some great secret from the master of metaphysics, so that he left the Huang family in a hurry.

Huang Zhichang also felt uneasy. He threw his backpack at the old house and walked back to the ancestral hall. After entering the first gate and courtyard wall, he glanced at the pavilion in the southwest corner. He didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but he felt an inexplicable palpitation.

After the palpitations passed, my heart ached.

"You didn't turn out your palms decades ago, and you are still thinking of overturning the world after you have been dead for decades?" Huang Zhichang cursed fiercely, and he was determined to deal with it as soon as possible. He was not even afraid of the living short-lived ghosts, but was still afraid of them.

A pile of bones?

When a person is alive, he cannot escape from his grasp. After decades of death, he is left with only a pile of bones. He still wants to dig out his five-finger mountain and dream.

Huang Zhichang suppressed his racing heart, looked away, walked through the courtyard into the ancestral hall building, moved a box of paper money, sat aside and slowly twisted the bundles of paper money into pieces.

Because the sky was dark, people were originally worried about a heavy rain when they went out to sweep the tombs. By mid-morning, they saw that the sky was getting darker and darker. Many people stopped sweeping the tombs and went home for safety reasons.

Everyone is worried that if there is a heavy rain, landslides or mudslides will occur, and people will be trapped on the mountain.

The purpose of sweeping graves is to commemorate ancestors. If one puts oneself in danger for sweeping graves, the ancestors would not agree with the actions of the descendants if they knew better.

Brother Zhou and the men and women of his clan visited the tombs of some of the family's ancestors. Seeing that the sky was getting darker and darker, for the sake of safety, they went down the mountain to go home.

Zhou Dahai and Zhou Xiaohai went back to their hometown to pay homage to their ancestors. Village Chief Zhou took everyone in the Zhou family back from the mountain and did not return to his own home, instead visiting Le's house.

Worried about thunder and lightning during heavy rain, Lejia turned off all the power switches and did not turn on the lights at home.

Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, boiled water and scalded the chickens when they came home from the mountains. When the Zhou family came back, the couple had already packed them up.

Anyway, he had nothing to do, so Dad Le burned a brazier in the main room, found pork, fish and shrimps from the refrigerator room, as well as seasonings, and started an indoor barbecue.

Village Chief Zhou and Zhou Papi also asked their sons to pack up the chickens that they had brought up the mountain to kill. They marinated the chicken breasts, legs, feet, and wings with seasonings and grilled them for everyone to eat.

Handsome guy Lan San is very good at barbecue. He helps the housewife of Lejia to marinate, skewer and barbecue meat quickly.

Yi Laoyan did not join in the fun. They stayed in the living room on the second floor, playing chess and drinking tea, and occasionally listened to the little girl telling Xiao Leshan "The Analects of Confucius".

When Mr. Le Xiao came back from paying homage to his ancestors, he went up to the second floor to check on his younger brother's study in the past few months, checked his learning progress, and then taught the Analects.

Leshan studied "The Analects of Confucius" very early. The first "Xue Er Pian" has already been completed, and the second "Wei Zheng Pian" is almost finished.

As for whether you fully understand it or not, that's not important. What's important is to listen first, listen as much as you read, and memorize as much as you can. It's also good to hear something that is familiar to you.

The junior brother's sister is back and she is on vacation. Li Zhaole plays the role of a student and studies with the junior brother.

Lan San baked a batch of barbecue, put it on a plate and sent it to the second floor for the young and old who were studying.

Mr. Le Xiao also stopped teaching and let his younger brother and Mr. Li eat barbecue first.

Naturally, Mr. Yi and Mr. Yan also participated. He sat around eating barbecue and listened to the gossips of the people downstairs. After listening for a few times, Mr. Yi glanced at the little girl sideways: "Little girl, don't you know how to count? What does the color of the sky mean?

, is there any animal that needs to survive the tribulation?"

Mr. Yan ate the delicious food in silence.

"If there is an animal that has become a spirit and can survive the tribulation, it can only be in Shennong Mountain. As far as I know, there are no animals in Shennong Mountain that are so advanced that they can survive the tribulation. Of course, that will be a different matter in another three hundred years."

Le Yun took a bite of the roast meat that her brother handed her and said with a leisurely look, "Mr. Yi, why don't you guess who did something that is unforgivable and made God angry?"

Mr. Yi turned to look out the window and nodded: "Well, what you said makes sense. If this is not someone who has overcome the tribulation, it might be someone who has incurred the wrath of heaven."

Mr. Yan: "..." He really didn't expect Mr. Yi to be such a bitch. He would actually believe what the little girl said.

"If you have incurred the wrath of God, does that mean you will be struck by lightning from the sky?" Li Zhao's heart trembled. The sky was getting more and more scary. If it was really the wrath of God, he would not know how many things that man had done that were unforgivable to God.<


"Maybe." Le Yun said calmly.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and there were hidden thunder and lightning in the clouds, but she did not feel panicked or uneasy. According to past experience, she had no uneasy feeling and it had nothing to do with herself.

So, even if God is angry because of the sudden change of weather, it is not directed at her.

Now, Le Yun also had a vague guess in her mind. If her guess was correct, the sudden change in the sky might be related to her actions last night.

Whether it is yes or no, I believe there will be a result soon.

The little girl looked calm. Mr. Yi thought she might be lying, so he didn't take it seriously and continued eating barbecue.

Everyone in the Le family had a delicious barbecue, and the Huang family worshipers finally returned to their family residence.

I went to the mountain to worship my ancestors, and when I returned to the family, I worshiped the ancestral shrines enshrined in the ancestral hall. After that, I packed up the offerings and made lunch. At noon, the family members gathered in the ancestral hall for dinner.

The Huang family went to visit their ancestor's grave and once again carried a pig weighing 70 to 80 kilograms to kill. After returning to the family, they put it aside and took another offering to the ancestral hall. They also took a pig to the ancestral hall for sacrifice.
The meat in the offerings is reheated in the kitchen of the ancestral hall before being served.

While the Huang family was preparing the offerings, the sky outside was getting darker and darker. The Huang family also turned off the electricity and lit candles and placed them in the ancestral hall.

The Huang family members brought various offerings into the ancestral hall and placed them on the long table in front of their ancestors' tablets. When they were ready, the sky was as dark as night.

The Huang family conducted sacrifices in an orderly manner, killing pigs and roosters, pouring the blood on paper money, and placing them in the brazier in front of the ancestors' tablets.

Huang Zhichang recited the sacrificial inscriptions. After reciting, he asked people to light paper money, and then led his tribe to kowtow to their ancestors.

A group of people knelt down one by one, and the ignited paper money scattered with a bang, making the Huang family kneeling in front of them look gray.

Before the Huang family could react, there was a "crack" in the dark sky.

Only then did the loud thundering sound spread, and silver light suddenly appeared in the sky above the Huang Family Ancestral Hall. Immediately, a silver lightning bolt as thick as a bucket struck the ground.

The huge silver lightning dragon passed through the air at an unparalleled speed, and reached the top of the Huang Family Ancestral Hall in a flash. There was another loud "crack" sound, and the silver lightning exploded into two, and one struck at the southwest corner.

Soul-Suppressing Pavilion, attack the Huang Family Ancestral Hall together.

The lightning that struck the Huang Family Ancestral Hall hit the house instantly, destroying most of the wooden structure. The silver lightning continued to fall, and the powerful heat also caused the house to catch fire instantly.

The house was destroyed by lightning, with beams broken and tiles flying.

However, before the tiles and broken beams fell to the ground, lightning arrived earlier and directly attacked the Huang family's ancestral tablet. The Huang family's ancestral tablet burned, the altar table broke, and the dishes fell to the ground with a crash.

Those thunder and lightning also enveloped some of the Huang family members.

When thunder and lightning broke through the house, the Huang family was blinded by the silver light and had no idea what was happening. The people who were struck by the lightning screamed.

Immediately afterwards, some people were hit or scratched by tiles, broken beams, and broken pieces of dishes, and they also let out screams of pain.

Screams broke out in the Huang family ancestral hall.

Those cries of pain were drowned in another huge sound - thunder and lightning struck the soul-calming pavilion in the southwest corner of the Huang Family Ancestral Hall. The pavilion was blown to pieces, and even the thick concrete floor was shattered by lightning.

Several large cracks.

The dry wood materials used to make the pavilion were also ignited by lightning, and the flames roared.

The sound of broken beams and tiles falling down, the sound of flames jumping in the wind, and the sounds of people screaming in pain all echoed together.

Lightning struck houses and pavilions, and electric current surged into the ground and soon disappeared.

There was no more thunder and lightning in the sky.

The sky is slowly getting brighter.

The broken tiles and beams of the ancestral hall hit many people. At first, everyone in the Huang family jumped around and screamed, like headless flies, in a mess.

When the thunder and lightning disappeared, some people also ran out of the ancestral hall building. They saw that some of the clansmen had broken heads and bleeding, and some fell to the ground. The roofs were in flames, the pavilion also turned into a ball of fire, and there was another burst of ghosts crying and wolves howling.
Some of the howling Huang family members called the police, while others cried to find their family members who were still in the ancestral hall.

After the thunder, the residents near the Huang Family Ancestral Hall had seen strong light before. When the loud noise and strong light disappeared, they all ran to their houses or ran to the windows to look. Some people found that the roof of the Huang Family Ancestral Hall was in flames.

I was so anxious that I called the police and ran to put out the fire.

There is an old saying that "a fire at the city gate affects the fish in the pond." Although the Huang family is a little far away from them, if there is wind or flying sparks, or if the fire spreads violently and quickly, it is very likely that their home will be burned.

Therefore, when the Huang family was flooded, the surrounding neighbors were also anxious and ran to put out the fire.

Residents carried water and buckets and spread out. Some were outside pouring water towards the wall of the Huang Family Ancestral Hall. Those who were close by and had buildings stood on the roofs or balconies of the buildings and poured water towards the Huang Family Ancestral Hall.

Some people also went to the Huang Family Ancestral Hall to put out the fire. When some neighbors rushed into the yard of the Huang Family Ancestral Hall, they saw a large hole in the roof of the Huang Family Ancestral Hall. From the hole in the roof, flames several meters high shot out, and a pavilion turned into a large fire.

The fireball shocked everyone.

When the neighbors looked at the Huang family, they found that few of them were intact. Some were bleeding, some had broken legs and arms, and some were covering their faces or hands. Those who were able to move could not lift or help them out.

Few people come.

The Huang family members who were carried or helped out from the ancestral hall all lost their ability to move.

When the neighbors saw the Huang family carrying out a few black pillars, they were full of doubts. When did this happen? What about the pillars and furniture? The only serious thing is to put out the fire quickly and send the injured to the hospital quickly!

The next second, they discovered that the black pillar carried by the Huang family was actually a person, a person whose whole body was burned black!

Neighbors who rushed to the scene to help put out the fire opened their eyes in horror: Someone in the Huang family was struck by lightning?!

They didn't want to believe their conjecture, but there couldn't be any other reason other than being struck by lightning!

How long did it take for thunder and lightning to appear?

They were not at the scene, but they saw the bright light of thunder and lightning. The dazzling light only appeared for a few tens of seconds and then disappeared. Then they ran to the door or window to look, and saw the Huang family

The ancestral hall caught fire.

Therefore, the Huang Family Ancestral Hall was struck by lightning.

The Huang family was also struck by lightning!

What evil did the Huang family do to be struck by lightning?

When the neighbors reacted, their legs and feet were no longer in control.

When the Huang family saw people running towards them, they didn't care about anything else and called for help.

The horrified neighbors, their minds in confusion, rushed forward in a panic to help carry the injured or help the injured to move to a safe place.

The less injured members of the Huang family, with the help of neighbors, moved the incapacitated ones to the small square outside the first gate of the ancestral hall and placed them there.

Because the incident happened suddenly, many people had no time to hide. Several people were injured by broken beams, and two people's heads were opened. They were still breathing when they were carried out of the ancestral hall, but died when they were moved to the small square.
A total of thirty-five people were struck by lightning, four died on the spot, and eight others were seriously injured and were on the verge of death.

Huang Zhichang was one of the first people to be struck by lightning. He was burned until he turned into a black man, and he fainted long ago.

The helping neighbors finally got their sluggish brains thinking normally after they got the injured Huang family members outside. They were sweating like beans when they saw dozens of Huang family members lying on the ground.

During the Qingming Festival three years ago, the tombs of the Huang family's ancestors exploded inexplicably. The Huang family members suffered huge losses because they were worshiping their ancestors and the crowds were densely packed.

Who would have thought that three years later during the Qingming Festival, the ancestral hall would be suddenly struck by lightning, and the Huang family would suffer another collective disaster.

Did the Huang family do something immoral that caused the thunder and lightning from heaven?

The more the neighbors thought about it, the more panicked they became. They no longer wanted to stay in a place where there were dead people. A clever man shouted "Quickly put out the fire" and ran away to find a bucket of water and a fire extinguisher, leaving the Huang family far away.


Because several groups of people called the police, the police operator was frightened. After checking, they were relieved to find that they were in the same place.

Because the Huang family is relatively close to the downtown area, the fire brigade arrived at the scene quickly, followed by the ambulance.

There were only two ambulances. They rescued the most seriously injured first, and tried to load as many seriously injured people as possible and sent them to the hospital for treatment. The Huang family also called a car or those who had a car drove the injured to the hospital. The rest of the people were filled with sadness.

Deal with the funeral arrangements for the clan members who died on the spot.

This chapter has been completed!
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