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Chapter 22 Don't You Check

 The classmate with a small stomach tasted the sweetness, so he couldn't hold it back that night and ate all the remaining tomatoes. He also pestered Le Xiao's classmate to ask where he bought it, but he couldn't get an answer. Du was stuck with his little classmate every day.

The days went by as the two of them struggled with each other. It was the last weekend before the college entrance examination. The junior high school and the first and second grades of high school were all on holiday. The senior high school students needed to maintain their excitement and nervousness and stay in school.

The weekend flew by, and June 4th and 5th became a thing of the past.

The National Unified College Entrance Examination Day is held on June 7 and 8 every year.

There are only two college entrance examination centers in Fang County, namely No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School. College entrance examination candidates' test numbers are randomly assigned. Le Yun and Du Miaoshu are both in the No. 1 Middle School. They are in the same examination center but not in the same examination room.

On the afternoon of the 6th, candidates from various schools in various cities and counties visited the examination rooms.

After a morning of normal review, Le Yun and Du Miaoshu set off on the school bus to visit No. 1 Middle School.

No. 3 Middle School is relatively far from No. 1 Middle School. No. 1 Middle School is in the north and No. 3 Middle School is in the south. They face each other from north to south. It took the school bus half an hour to get to No. 1 Middle School.

For the safety of the students, the teachers accompanied the students to the examination center. Leyun quickly found the location of her examination room and confirmed it again and again. When her little belly found the examination room and came back, the two of them went to familiarize themselves with the distance between the cafeteria and the examination room of No. 1 Middle School, because

If you are taking exams at an external school, you will generally not go back to school at noon.

After finishing the walk, we returned to school in the evening. That night, the teacher gave another passionate speech and then drove the students back to the dormitory to sleep.

The college exam is coming soon, do you think students can fall asleep? It is obvious that most students are too nervous to fall asleep. Usually when they return to the dormitory, they will seize the time to read hard, hoping that the knowledge they read at the last moment will be available for the exam tomorrow.

Others were nervous, but Le Yun was excited, secretly preparing to show off her talents on the stage tomorrow. Classmate Du Miaoshu was also nervous, dragging Le Xiao's deskmate and talking non-stop, as if pulling Le Xiao's classmate would relieve her stress.

This night was a sleepless night for countless parents taking the college entrance examination. Le's father also couldn't sleep well all night, and his heart was up and down. He didn't call his child after all, for fear of causing psychological pressure to his daughter.

People who have never experienced the college entrance examination will never know what that feeling is like. Only after going through that experience can they understand the sweetness and sourness of it, and the experience is enough to be unforgettable.

No matter how much you want to cherish the time before the exam, time waits for no one, Dongfang Lubai, the most stressful day has just arrived.

Le Yun was not nervous, even her schedule had not changed. While others woke up early to read, she was still sleeping. Then she got up again at 1 o'clock, had a rich breakfast with the two girls Du Miaoshu, and went to the assembly. The school led the group in the car.

The teachers waited early, took roll call, and urged everyone to check whether they had brought all their exam supplies and whether they had spare clothes and shoes.

The entrance inspection for the college entrance examination is strict. Watches, mobile phones, etc. and metal objects are not allowed to enter. Even clothes with metal buttons and shoes with metal eyelets are not allowed to enter. Therefore, it is necessary to bring spare clothes.

The only things that can be brought into the venue are admission tickets, ID cards, pencils, black-core ink pens or roller pens, rulers, compasses, erasers, pencil sharpeners, and answer pads.

Answer pads are distributed uniformly by the school, and stationery and stationery bags for examinations are prepared by yourself.

At 7:40, board the train.

In order to make the college entrance examination go smoothly, the county has made sufficient preparations in advance. There are traffic police at major intersections to escort the school buses of college entrance examination students all the way. Drivers on the road also try to let the school buses go first. After all, everyone has children, there will always be

I will also take the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination one day. I compare my feelings with each other and hope that the children will be loved and cared for by everyone.

About half an hour later, the school bus arrived at No. 1 Middle School. Le Yun and her classmates got off the bus. The teacher again called the number of students and checked the number of students, and sent them to the vicinity of the test center.

The Chinese language test will be held on the morning of the 7th. The official test will be held at 9 o'clock. Candidates must enter the venue ten minutes in advance.

While waiting to enter the examination room, millions of candidates across the country fainted from nervousness.

It rained two days ago in the county house. The recent weather is not very good. It is a bit cloudy and makes people feel a bit depressed. There is a nervous factor floating in the air.

It will soon be time to enter. Each candidate will place their backpacks at the designated spot and enter with only the necessary items for the exam.

The students who fully understood the exam rules basically entered smoothly. Only a few people were intercepted because they had metal objects on their bodies and were taken to change clothes. Fortunately, the admission time was early and there would be no impact.

Le Yun entered the examination room smoothly, found her seat, and placed the supplies as required for inspection by the invigilator.

The college entrance examination examination room is a standard examination room, with 30 people, 5 rows and 6 people, and Mr. Le is sitting first in the middle row.

The test papers are distributed five minutes in advance so that students can check whether there are any missed questions, duplicates and missing pages.

There are two invigilators in one examination room, with cameras installed in every corner, monitoring the whole place from 360 degrees without blind spots. If you want to cheat, you will probably be exposed before you succeed.

After checking the students' IDs, the invigilator will take their seats and go to the distribution point to distribute the test papers on time. They will guide the students to check the test papers and answer sheets to confirm that there are no problems, and supervise the students to fill in their admission ticket number and name information at the designated place.

The school bell rang in unison, and as soon as the bell rang for the exam, it was officially time to answer questions.

Le Yun was extremely excited since she got the test papers. People with strong brain capacity are good. They have all the types of test questions in their brains. When the time to answer the questions came, she turned on the engine without hesitation and started working.

Turning on the question-answering state also opens the state of selflessness. You never skip questions or miss questions. You answer questions one by one, just like a robot, sitting upright.

The invigilator patrolled the whole process and did not put any pressure on her at all. In fact, several times when the teacher came up to her, she did not even raise her eyebrows. She was truly indifferent to what was going on outside her body and only focused on answering the test questions.<


Her brain has a built-in scanning and storage function, which is equivalent to turning on a plug-in. A person who turns on the plug-in sits next to a student who does not turn on the plug-in. It is purely torturing others. The other person answered less than a quarter of the questions. She has already

Complete half of it and wait for others to answer one-third of it. Well, Mr. Le Xiao has reached the last big question.

It was smooth sailing all the way to the composition topic. Le Yun thought about it for a while. She read comics and wrote an essay on the composition topic. The expandable space could be large or small. She closed her eyes and thought for about ten minutes, then secretly started working.

Some people answered the questions calmly, while others were so nervous that they were sweating. Nervousness is something that becomes more arrogant the more nervous you are. Highly nervous candidates will naturally answer questions more slowly.

After Le Yun finished writing her composition, she looked at the wall clock hanging in front of her and curled her lips silently. It was half past ten! There was still a full hour before the exam ended.

Damn, this speed is amazing.

She silently gave herself a thumbs up, folded the test papers, answer sheets, and scratch paper from bottom to top, and waited for the exam to end.

The invigilator walked up to her several times, but she remained indifferent. The invigilator couldn't help but sweat, "Student, aren't you going to check?"

This chapter has been completed!
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