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Chapter 29 Want a mother

 Zhou Qiufeng didn't take Sister Wu's words at heart. Anyway, it wasn't the first time she heard the words clamping a gun and a stick, so she couldn't care less. She drove the car through twists and turns and finally arrived at Le, Zhou's house.<


There is a small alley between the Le family and the Zhou family. Zhou Qiufeng parked the car in front of the Le family house to facilitate Le Yun to carry her luggage.

In Meizijing Village, most people have the surnames Zhou, Zhang, and Liu. Like the Le family, not only is this family unique in the village, but it is also the only family in the entire township and county, with no other names.

The Le family are immigrants. Le Yun's great-grandfather used to be a barefoot doctor. Before liberation, he moved to Meicun, bought land and property in the village, and settled down. Le Yun's grandfather inherited his father's ambition and was also a barefoot doctor.

The Le family lived quite well in the 1970s, 1990s, 1990s and 1990s. At the end of the 1990s, they built a bungalow with two floors. The first floor was more than 100 square meters, with three large rooms in a row and two rooms in the middle. There were six rooms in total.

, the middle is what country people call the main hall, with half of the inner room at the back used as a stairwell and half as a kitchen; the two large rooms on the left and right of the main hall are also divided into two rooms, inside and outside, for use as rooms. This design also follows the old rules.

Similar to the Nine Palaces and Bagua type arrangement.

In bungalows in the 1990s, the toilets were built outside the house, and the same was true for Lejia's. There were also pig, cattle and sheep sheds and toilets behind the bungalows.

The Lejiajia homestead is not narrow. There is a garden behind the house. There is a cement area in front of the house for parking and sunbathing. There is also a garden in front of it. It used to belong to someone else. In the early 1990s, the gardener mainly sent his children to study. He was short of money and sold the land.

The Lejia family bought it. Later, the Lejia family went through many changes. For a period of time, they were very short of money and were reluctant to sell the garden in front of and behind the house.

Le's father was waiting for his child at home. When he saw Zhou Qiufeng's electric tricycle, with one foot high and one low on crutches, he ran to greet him. His face, which had climbed up prematurely and had wrinkles, blossomed with a smile: "Le

Happy little cotton-padded jacket, good health during the Dragon Boat Festival."

"Dad, enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival." Le Yun jumped out of the car and saw her father helping with the luggage. She picked up the trolley suitcase and said, "Dad, I'll do it. I'll do it."

Zhou Qiufeng stopped the car and helped little Lele move things. She quickly stuffed the bucket of washing supplies to Lele's father: "Brother Lele, just help Lele carry this."

Dad Le couldn't resist, so he carried the lightest piece of luggage, one foot high and one foot low, back to the main room.

Zhou Qiufeng is very strong and can easily carry a big woven bag and deliver the things to the main room of the Le family. She declined Xiao Lele's offer to let her sit for a while and went home on her own.

The Zhou family's house is on the side of the road, slightly behind it, probably opposite the plot of land in the Le family's backyard. When Zhou Qiufeng returns home, the family will wait for her to come back for dinner.

The Zhou family has a son and a daughter. Zhou's brother Zhou Xialong is a few months older than Le's dad. He is now forty-two years old. He and Le's dad can be said to have grown up wearing crotchless pants. He got married a little early and just reached the legal age.

I got married and became a father at the age of 23. The eldest is a daughter who is currently attending a medical school in Shishi. The younger son is one year older than Leyun and is in the third year of junior high school. He is about to take the high school entrance examination and is at home on vacation due to the college entrance examination.

Zhou Qiufeng is now thirty-nine. She divorced and has lived with her parents for seven or eight years, taking care of her parents and helping with household chores. She sent her father away last year, and now the only elderly person in the Zhou family is Grandma Zhou.

When Zhou Qiufeng returned home, the family had a lively meal.

After sending Aunt Feng away, Le Yun left her things and went to the kitchen to take a look. She also went to the room on the right where rice and other things were stored. She saw a bunch of rice dumplings hanging on a bamboo pole. When she came out and saw her father, she winked at her father.


"Lele, what are you laughing at?" Lele's father is preparing to serve the meal. The workshop is also on holiday for the Dragon Boat Festival. He prepares all morning, cooks the dishes, and waits for the little cotton-padded jacket to come back for the festival.

"Dad, who made the rice dumplings?" Le Yun quickly stopped laughing, looking like a curious baby.

"I took the rice and asked Aunt Feng's family to help me make it." His little cotton-padded jacket asked knowingly. It had been like this every year. He, a grown man, couldn't make rice dumplings, so he had to ask the Zhou family for help.

"My Aunt Feng is your sister Feng." Le Yun stuck out her tongue and ran away.

When the child is naughty, Le’s father stares helplessly.

In order to eliminate the pressure caused by the college entrance examination and give his daughter a supplement, Le's father slaughtered a native chicken, stewed mushrooms, bought meat, cooked two side dishes, and made up two meat and two vegetables.

This Dragon Boat Festival is very rich. In the past few years, in order to save money, it would be good to have a meat dish during the holidays.

Even though his income is not high and his life is poor, Le's father still tries his best to give his children the best. He also buys a carton of milk for his daughter and opens a carton for her to drink.

Leyun got the chopped chicken drumsticks from her father, and stared for a while speechless. She was fourteen years old, she was no longer a child, and she still ate chicken drumsticks!

Protest is invalid, eat.

Seeing his daughter eating deliciously, Le's father was also very happy. As he was eating, he suddenly heard his daughter's crisp voice: "Dad, do you still want that woman?"


Dad Le stared blankly at his daughter, his heart sore and swollen. His caring little cotton-padded jacket had suffered too many grievances when she was a child. After she became wise, she could say anything. He just refused to call her mother, and always used that woman to refer to her.

Dai, when he thought of his child's biological mother, his heart felt as if a five-flavor bottle had been knocked over, and he couldn't describe what it felt like.

He did not dare to look directly at the child and turned away: "Silly Lele, what are you talking about? There is no possibility for me and... your mother... anymore. I am content with you, a caring little cotton-padded jacket."

"Dad, do you still have that woman in your heart?" Le Yun was dissatisfied with her father's answer and made up her mind to get to the bottom of the problem this time and get to the bottom of her father's truth.

"Yes, and no." Dad Le looked at his daughter's pure eyes and couldn't tell a lie. Seeing that she didn't seem to understand, he sighed and explained: "I said yes because I still remember that time in the past. I

I don’t regret it, after all, you are only there because of her; I say no, because your mother is like a thorn. She pricked me, and when the thorn was pulled out, the wound is still there. Even if she looks back, there is no way for her and I to be together again.

Let's continue the relationship. Some things have become the past and can never be looked back."

Dad Le is also an educated man. He is also a man who can take things and let go. He used to really like the child's mother, so much that he would help her out at all costs, and he would not even fight with others.

Fear, and because of this, he also changed from a good young man to a disabled person.


He probably complained about it, and because he had a child with her, love and hate disappeared. However, no matter what, the harm the child's mother caused to him, the child, and his parents will never be forgotten for the rest of his life.

Le Yun blinked again and again. This should be her father's true words. Her father no longer wanted to get back together with that woman, which made her feel relaxed. She hugged her father's arm happily: "Dad, find me a girl."

New mother, I want a mother."

This chapter has been completed!
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