Chapter 696 Avengers

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 As the relatives and friends of the Du family walked towards the hotel door, when they passed by the newlyweds, they all took out red envelopes and handed them to Du Miaoshu and Xue Yunlang.

Xue Yunlang and Du Miaoshu quickly explained that they would not accept the gift money and wanted to return the red envelope.

Luo Ban patted the young man on the shoulder: "You don't accept gift money because you are considerate of your relatives. What we give is our small kindness. It's not that elders don't dare to refuse gifts. If elders give them, just accept them."
Du Miaomiao looked at her little classmate and saw her nodding her head imperceptibly. Before Xue Yunlang could give in, she bent down and said thank you: "Thank you for your blessing!"

Because Du Miaoshu accepted the red envelope, Xue Yunlang no longer insisted and bowed to express his thanks.

Relatives and friends of the Du family all prepared red envelopes and gave them to the newlyweds one by one, sending one or two words of blessing.

When relatives and friends of the Du family gave red envelopes to the newlyweds, Manager Zhang accompanied the little girl, while Du’s parents and Du’s mother prepared to go into the hotel lobby to wait for others.

Le Yun saw five other couples, groomsmen and bridesmaids taking photos of herself with their mobile phones when they were not greeting guests. When she looked over, they all showed bright and shy smiles.

After thinking about it, she took off her cloak and put it on the crook of her arm. Wearing a goose-yellow skirt with red edges, she slowly walked towards the newlywed couple closest to the classmate with a small belly.

The newlyweds and the bridesmaids and groomsmen in front of the hotel didn't recognize the little girl in Hanfu at first. Later, when they heard someone calling her "Little Miss Le," the newlyweds or the bridesmaids and groomsmen suddenly realized who she was and took their seats.

Recognizing that the little girl in Hanfu was E-North celebrity Le Yun, the bride, bridesmaid and groomsmen took photos and posted them on WeChat to show off their luck.

Suddenly seeing the little girl walking towards him, the newlyweds were a little nervous. Could they be asking them to delete the pictures?

Everyone is not afraid of the little girl, but they are afraid of the tall and powerful bodyguards who follow her. Those three young men wearing sunglasses make people feel very stressed.

Little girl Le, who was as slender as an undergrown child, appeared in front of him in a flash. The groom tried to keep calm: "Little girl, if we can't take the photo, we will delete it ourselves."

"If you don't use the photos for commercial profit or illegal activities, there is no need to delete them." Le Yun smiled, reached out and took out a small red envelope from her left sleeve and handed it over: "My roommate is getting married today, and it is also a coincidence that you are holding the wedding in the same hotel.

I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years."

The little girl didn’t come for the photos, but came to bless herself. The couple breathed a sigh of relief and quickly accepted the red envelope and thanked them: "Thank you, Miss Le. Our seats are in the lobby on the second floor. The little girl and her friends are welcome to come and have a glass of water."


"Thank you, I won't bother you." Le Yun nodded to the group of relatives and friends who accompanied the newlyweds to greet the guests, and walked towards the other newlyweds without staying any longer.

Miss Le didn't mind being photographed. Seeing her walking towards the other newlyweds, the newlyweds who had just received the red envelopes and blessings quickly seized the opportunity to take a photo. They captured the back and profile of the little girl. The little girl's untied hair was tied into a bunch at the back of her neck.

, the tips of her hair hang down to her heels.

A little Loli-type girl with a face as tender as a baby, big breasts and a slim waist, and a slim and graceful body. When she moves lightly in lotus steps, her long hair is swaying, her dress is flowing, and her profile gives people a dreamlike beauty of wanting to ride the wind back.

Yan Shao, Liu Shao, and Lan San worked conscientiously as followers and did not give anyone more opportunities to take photos. They quickly blocked the little Lolita like a shield.

Mr. Xiao helped Xiaotuanzi hold the cloak as she walked towards the next couple.

Le Xiaololi treated everyone equally and gave a small red envelope and blessing to the second couple. Then she went to the three couples on the left side of the door and gave a red envelope of blessing to each couple.

In order not to block other people's way, I gave a red envelope and entered the lobby.

When Miss Le was acting as a money-distributor, Du's parents and Du's mother did not follow her. They and Manager Zhang entered the hall first. They waited for the little girl to come in. After waiting for several minutes, relatives and friends of the Du family also arrived one after another.

Manager Zhang accompanied the little girl and the bride’s relatives and friends upstairs to the banquet hall on the second floor.

The second to fourth floors of the hotel are banquet halls. Each floor has a hall that can accommodate 40-60 tables, as well as medium and small halls or private rooms.

Xue Yunlang booked a medium-sized banquet hall on the second floor. A standard 8-seater can accommodate 19 tables, and a 10-seater table can accommodate about 16 tables.

There are nine tables temporarily placed in the hall. The newlyweds' table in the center has a sign with their name on it. The other eight tables have no sign with their name, so guests can sit wherever they like.

The groom's grandparents, uncles and aunts, and the couple's colleagues sat down in the hall as soon as they arrived at the hotel. No one made any noise, and their voices were kept low when talking at each table or with neighboring tables.

While everyone was chatting in low voices, they heard the sound of heavy footsteps. Looking up, they saw the bride's uncle walking quickly into the hall, followed by a middle-aged man and woman and a girl in ancient costumes walking in. The girl was followed by a cow.

The tall guy with sunglasses was followed by some men and women.

People in the hall knew by looking at the posture that the bride's relatives and friends were coming. In line with the reason that the bride's natal family is respected when hosting a wedding banquet, the groom's relatives and friends stood up to greet the bride's relatives and friends out of politeness.

The newcomer’s colleagues also stood up in unison, their surprised eyes all falling on the loli-faced girl in Hanfu.

It was the first time that Du's father and Du's mother were treated as guests, and they felt a little at a loss. Fortunately, Miss Youle was beside them, and she could help attract attention, so they could barely keep calm.

Manager Zhang led Mr. Du, Mr. Du and the little girl to the main table in the banquet hall. At the same time, he invited colleagues who were his nephew, niece and daughter-in-law to sit, and then roughly introduced the people sitting in which direction were his brothers and sisters.

Le Yun entered the hall and circled her gaze, taking in all the expressions and faces of everyone. The groom's grandmother's family was easy to recognize, and most of them were somewhat similar to Mr. Zhang.

Without any introduction, she recognized the groom's biological father and his mistress at a glance. The groom's biological father was named Xue Guicheng. Although he was an old man in his fifties, his appearance still showed the good looks of his youth.

His mistress' surname was Jin, named Jin Fangfei. She was petite, about 1.55 meters tall, with breasts and hips, a face with oval seeds, and peach blossoms in her eyes. Even though she was an elderly person and put on makeup, she still had a few eyes.

Different looks.

It was also because of her good looks that Xue Guicheng was fascinated by her. After her husband died, he would rather abandon his wife and son to marry her.

In Le Yun's eyes, those two people were trash, so naturally she didn't like them at all. She only nodded and said hello to the new colleagues and the relatives and friends of the Zhang family from the groom's grandfather's house.

Manager Zhang led Father Du, Mother Du and the little girl to the main table, asked Father Du and Mother Du to sit where the parents of the newlyweds sat, and asked the little girl and her bodyguards to sit on the seats with the VIP sign.

When Xue Yunlang and Du Miaoshu arranged seats at the main table, they arranged seats for their parents and themselves, and reserved the other four seats. They estimated that Miss Le might bring one or two bodyguards, and if there were seats for the rest, they could invite them.

Brother-in-law Du Xiaodi may sit down or invite grandparents to sit down.

When Manager Zhang invited Du's parents to take a seat, he was very grateful for his nephew's foresight. Fortunately, his nephew had reserved four VIP seats, otherwise it would be difficult to arrange.

Since the little girl brought four people, he first arranged for the little girl and the four handsome guys to sit down. Then he got a chair from another table and placed it next to him, turning the ten-person table into a large table for eleven people.<


Young Master Yan, Young Master Liu Shao Lansan and Young Master Xiao made some concessions, but because Manager Zhang insisted that they sit at the same table as Little Lolita, they sat down unceremoniously.

When Du Xiaodi arrived on the third floor, he knew where the banquet hall was. He saw his parents entering the table and went downstairs to accompany his sister.

Manager Zhang invited the bride's parents to sit down, and then greeted the relatives and friends of the Du family. When all the relatives and friends of the Du family were seated, he took the seat of the groom's parents. His mother-in-law did not need anyone to rush her, and came over from another table.

Sit down next to him.

Manager Zhang’s wife is a middle-aged woman in her early forties, 1.67 meters tall, with good facial features and short broken hair. She looks like a neat person.

She was a little fat in her middle age, but she was not bloated and had a healthy figure. She was originally talking to the sisters-in-law at the in-laws' table, and the men took their seats at the main table. She naturally followed her husband and went to the main table to accompany the bride's parents.
Principal Luo Banwu and others sat at a table next to Miss Le. Luo Ban sat right behind Miss Le, across the aisle.

As soon as a group of guests sat down, four waiters brought milk and black tea.

The fresh milk cooked by the hotel is rich and fragrant, neither hot nor cold, and just right in your mouth.

The guests drank milk and talked in low voices, and the atmosphere was great.

At the door of the hotel, Du Xiaodi stood aside to help his sister carry her handbag. He originally wanted to chat with his sister and brother-in-law's bridesmaids and groomsmen, so that the bridesmaids and groomsmen would not be bored and embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, he didn't have five minutes to spare. First, people started calling his sister's phone number or sending video requests one after another. They were all his sister's classmates in high school or university. They were all congratulating his sister on a happy marriage and asking about his sister's high school classmates.

Did the table really give me a suite?

To put it bluntly, those people were not concerned about his sister Du Miaoshu getting married, but whether Leyun really gave his sister Du Miaoshu a house as a wedding gift.

Some people in Han City also complained that Du Miaoshu did not notify them of her wedding. They frequently asked which restaurant the wedding banquet would be held and said they would come to drink.

Du Xiaodi knew in his heart that those people came for Sister Le Yunle, so he declined them all, saying that neither the man nor the woman were planning a big event, and they were just having a meal and meeting their close relatives.

He only answered phone calls and refused WeChat voice or video requests. He answered more than a dozen calls for his sister, and his cell phone rang frequently.

Du Xiaodi looked at the incoming calls on his cell phone. He was also a classmate in high school or university. He received calls from several roommates and asked why his sister didn't say anything about her wedding. They all said they wanted to have a wedding drink.

The banquet has been budgeted for a long time. One carrot and one pit. Where will more people sit?

Du Xiaodi also knew that if he let his classmates come and let him come, he would have no place to sit and it would be a disgrace to his sister and brother-in-law. As always, he firmly refused the classmate's offer to come and bless his sister on her wedding.

He rejected his roommate and his sister's classmates, but the sister and brother's circle of friends was not peaceful. People in Han City actively inquired about which hotel Du Miaoshu would hold a banquet.

From her younger brother's conversation on the phone, she learned that her junior high school classmates frequently called to show their goodwill, and Du Miaoshu had an idea - "A weasel greeting a chicken for the New Year - it's not a good intention."

She and Le Xiaoniu didn't join the WeChat group or QQ group of her high school classmates, but those guys later frequently pulled her into the group. Especially after she happened to meet a classmate Yang in a hotel on New Year's Day last year and got married, her high school classmates contacted her more frequently and dragged her into the group.

She joined a WeChat group of high school classmates, and all her high school classmates also followed her WeChat and QQ space.

Whatever news she posts on QQ and WeChat will be known soon. She is getting married today and posted such an explosive news. How could those people not be in a commotion?

Even though she knew that posting the picture of Le Xiaoniu giving her a house would cause shock, Du Miaoshu still posted it without hesitation.

Le Xiaoniu generously gave her a wedding gift, with nothing to hide.

There is no need to worry about other people's moods, she just wants to show off how good Le Xiaoniu is.

She could also imagine that her high school classmates would be jealous when they found out that she had received a house from Le Xiaoniu when she got married, and they would definitely stick to her to show their goodwill. She hoped that through her and Le Xiaoniu's online connection, she could get some money from Le Xiaoniu.


The belated gesture was like a fool. She had already expected that some people would react when they saw the news. Du Miaoshu handed the phone to her younger brother, who had full authority to answer the phone on her behalf.

Le Yun was drinking milk upstairs. She heard everything going on downstairs and within two miles of the restaurant's square garden. She calmly drank a few sips of milk, took out her mobile phone from her sleeve pocket, and saw her belly.

After the classmate posted the post, he @ himself, and first liked the post of the classmate with a little belly and left a comment.

After that, she calmly picked out one of the photos of herself and her classmate who had just put on make-up and posted it in a post, and added @小 belly.

After the interaction, Xiao Le put his cell phone into his sleeve, took out a cloth bag with stuff from his backpack and stuffed it into his sleeve. He got up and went to the table where the groom’s grandparents were sitting to say hello to the bride’s elders.


Xue Yunlang's grandparents are both in their eighties, with wrinkles on their faces, but strong bodies, clear minds, clear eyes, clear thoughts, and good teeth.

The two elders of the Zhang family have four sons and three daughters in total. Xue Yunlang's mother is the fifth, with three brothers and a sister at the top, a sister and a brother at the bottom.

The eldest, second and fourth uncles of the Zhang family and their aunts sat at one table with their parents, while the third and sixth aunts of the Zhang family and the children of the uncles and uncles of the Zhang family sat at the other two tables.

When Manager Zhang saw Miss Le getting up to go to his parents' table, he immediately got up and followed her quickly. When he got to the table, he introduced his parents and brothers to the little girl again, and then introduced the little girl to his family.

Le Yun nodded and said hello to everyone in the Zhang family, focusing on saying hello to the two elders of the Zhang family. She reached out to hold the old lady's hand and took her pulse. The old lady had some minor problems, which were not too much of a problem.

He checked the old man's pulse again. Seeing Manager Zhang's expression of wanting to ask but holding back because of the occasion, he smiled and said, "It's okay. The two elders are in good health. The old lady often has nightmares and night sweats. In summer,

I have poor appetite, often have oral ulcers, I get angry easily, I have pharyngitis, and tonsillitis often occurs in autumn and winter. These are all minor problems, nothing serious."

"Is it really nothing serious?" Manager Zhang is still unsure about his parents' health. His parents are old, and even if they are in good health, they still have to go to the hospital once or twice a year for various minor illnesses.

"It's really nothing serious. The old man and the old lady have worked hard for most of their lives. It's normal to have some minor problems at this age." Le Yun smiled and reassured, took out the silk bag from her sleeve, poured it out and put it into separate ziplock bags.

There are two pills in it, one green and one green, and give them to Manager Zhang.

"This pill for detoxification and bowel cleansing should be kept by the two elders first, and then given to the elderly when the weather is warm in spring and summer. Men should take the green pills, and women should take the green pills. Fast for more than two hours before taking the medicine, and prepare three or four

About ten kilograms of warm water. After taking the pills, drink water if you are thirsty and run to the toilet if you want to. It will last about four to six hours."

The little girl gave away pills for free, and Manager Zhang beamed with joy: "Thank you, thank you very much, little girl!"

This chapter has been completed!
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