Chapter 815 Volunteer

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 Le, who was busy doing experiments in the laboratory of Cambridge University, did not end the retreat until September 25th. She handed over the paper and some video records to her tutor. She carried her luggage and returned to Mr. Green's house. After a day of rest, she returned on the 26th.

Celebrating the holidays at home.

Professor Murray saw the student's experimental results and immediately convened experts from the disciplines of viruses and pharmacology for discussion. After they finished discussing the student's research and wanted to find her, they found out that she had gone back to China to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Professor Murray discussed with several other tutors of the primary school student, signed the student's research paper, and sent it to world-class medical science newspapers for publication.

Classmate Le's plane took off from the capital of country Y at noon on the 26th and arrived in the capital on the morning of the 27th. She did not go back to the paradise, but drove her own small plane directly from the airport back to E North.

It was noon when she slowly slipped back to Fang County in a small plane, and ran to No. 3 Middle School to find Luo Ban for a meal.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a one-day holiday and the National Day is a three-day holiday. September 29 of the Mid-Autumn Festival is a Friday and the National Day is a Sunday.

Naturally, the National Day holiday will still be taken off. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd are the original three days of National Day holiday, and the 4th will make up for the Sunday holiday on the 1st. I originally had to work on the 5th and 6th, but the 7th and 8th are Saturdays.

On Sunday, the 5th and 6th will be swapped with the 7th and 8th. The holiday will be from September 29th to October 6th, and work will start on the Saturday of October 7th.

After the holiday, there are 8 days of Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays.

The country has adjusted holidays, and schools have also adjusted classes. Primary, secondary and higher schools will have a holiday on the afternoon of the 28th, but classes will still be held for half a day in the morning.

School on the 27th was still in class. When the helicopter arrived at No. 3 Middle School, school had already ended. The students either ate in the cafeteria or took meals back to their dormitories or classrooms.

Roban had just returned home from eating in the cafeteria. He was not ready to eat yet. He heard the noise and ran to the window to see the familiar helicopter, and quickly ran downstairs.

After the plane had parked, the little girl carrying a backpack got off the helicopter. When she saw Roban running towards her, she rushed over. Before Roban could say anything, she shouted with a grimace: "Roban, I just came from abroad."

I flew back, I didn’t even leave the airport, I didn’t even eat breakfast, I’m so hungry!”

"You stinky girl, you have the nerve to complain about hunger? You didn't eat breakfast and you didn't know how to eat before running away?" Luo Ban wanted to beat someone, but in the end he was reluctant and stopped going home. He took the little guy to eat outside the school.

Luo Ban was a tough talker, but Le Yun had figured out his temperament long ago, and she sold him out without any psychological pressure. She followed Luo Ban out of school with a sly smile on her face and ran down the street to go to a restaurant.

Luo Ban found a fast food restaurant with a good reputation among students, ordered a few stir-fries, and ate slowly with the students.

After a meal, I paid the bill and went back to school.

When he got home, Luo Ban handed the student a bottle of milk, and then asked: "It's not long since school started, how can you have time to go back to China? What's the matter with coming to school?"

"I'm back to attend an important wedding. I have to go back to Jiudao anyway. I stopped by the school to take a look. By the way, Luo Ban, how many of the college entrance examination questions from previous years have you found?"

"It is difficult for our school to find them all. The county education bureau helped find some. I have collected all the college entrance examination papers from the past five years. They are all here with me. I will give them to you later."

Luo Ban answered and asked again: "The Municipal Education Bureau used your test question set as a reference for high school seniors in the city. Did it pay you for the printing fee?"

"No, I didn't ask for royalties. I have retained the copyright. Currently, this year I am only limited to making reference materials for the senior high school students in Shishi. If it can really help the candidates in Shishi next year, then I can't cover it up if I want.

, it will probably be published and sold in major bookstores in the province and even the country."

"It's hard to explain your sincerity in supporting students from your hometown. Although the students in the city will lose their advantage if they go public, competition brings pressure. Talents who can withstand the test of competition are the real talents. People who are not willing to

Those who cannot withstand the pressure of competition will find it difficult to make a difference."

Luo Ban was reasonable. He and the school leaders had already had a hunch that they would not be able to protect the test question set and would have to hand it in sooner or later. At that time, the credit and benefits would probably not go to Xiao Le.

Xiaole herself gave the test questions to the education bureau and spread them throughout the city. This way, the credit is also in her hands and no one else can take it.

Luo Ban is a teacher with great wisdom. Le Yun smiled and nodded, chatted for a few more words, and asked him to take the college entrance examination papers from previous years.

There are not many test papers for five years. The test papers for each year are rolled into a roll, a total of five rolls, and tied with ropes.

Luo Ban had class in the afternoon, so Le Xiao’s classmates didn’t stay too long. They took the test papers and went downstairs, boarded the plane, and ran away again.

Luo Ban sent the students away and returned to his residence to prepare lessons.

Classmate Le Xiao stayed at No. 3 Middle School for an hour and a half, and it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon when he returned to Jiudao. The plane was dropped on the ground in front of the village office building, and he turned into a tadpole looking for his mother and ran home.

When the little tadpole found her home, her parents were not at home. Yan Laoyan was drinking tea and playing chess on the second floor of the north building. He heard the little girl talking to someone on the road and went downstairs.

Looking at the little girl rushing into the main room in a hurry, Mr. Yi raised his eyebrows: "Hey, little girl, are you so excited with such a good thing?"

"High school entrance examination paper, do you always want to try to do a few sets?" Le Yun wanted to roll her eyes, how could she be excited?

"Don't, don't, don't, I'm old. What kind of questions should I answer? Let your cousin Chen Fengnian do it." Mr. Yi sold the kid Chen Fengnian to him without any pressure.

"..." Le Yun glanced at a certain old man faintly: "I thought you would always say to leave it to my brother."

"How old is Leshan? He is still far away from entering high school. Chen Fengnian will take the college entrance examination next year, which is when he needs to brush up on questions."

"If my cousin knew that you always care about him so much, he would definitely thank you." If Chen Fengnian knew about it, he would roll his eyes and say: Thank you!

"You're welcome, you should care about your younger generations." Mr. Yi pretended not to understand the implication, acting like a magnanimous senior.

Le Yun was quite speechless. You push others into the fire pit and still look loving. Isn't that good?

She thought that Mr. Yi might think it was good. After all, his cousin was not his cousin. His disciple was still too young to answer questions. He didn't see the scene of his disciple working exhaustingly, so naturally he couldn't.

Feel the same.

Just as he was about to go upstairs with his things, he paused and turned to Yi Laole: "Lao Yi, during the summer vacation, when Chen Fengnian came home, weren't you super happy to see the gift I prepared for him?"

"Yes, yes, that child is very happy." Mr. Yi nodded hurriedly. When the child saw the large bundles of test papers prepared by his cousin, his face turned blue and he muttered that he no longer loved his cousin.
So it turned out to be the case, Le Yun understood. Mr. Yi saw Chen Fengnian trembling with fright at the test questions, so he took pleasure in it.

Yan Lao was so happy that he became a melon-eater for once.

Mr. Yi took great pleasure in basing his happiness on Chen Fengnian's happiness. Mr. Lexiao didn't talk nonsense with him anymore, nor asked where his father and Aunt Feng were. He went up to the second floor with the test papers and backpack.

There is nothing she needs to worry about at home, so she plans to take advantage of the time in the afternoon to study the college entrance examination questions in recent years and guess the direction of next year's exam syllabus.

The experts who give college entrance examination questions may not be the same every year, but generally speaking, the central idea will not change too much. It is not easy to guess each question accurately, and it is not difficult to guess the subject direction involved in the examination questions.

Student Le put his backpack back into the study room and put the test papers on the desk. After sitting down, he started to study the past year's college entrance examination question papers.

Yi Lao Yanlao had already gone downstairs, so he simply walked around Le's house for a while to get some fresh air. Then he went back to the living room on the second floor of the north floor. When he saw the little girl busy studying the test papers, they didn't bother them.

Sitting at the long nanmu table, I made tea, drank tea and played chess.

There are not many college entrance examination papers that are only five years old. Student Le Xiao carefully studied each one one by one, and it only took an hour to scan them all.

The scanned and recorded test questions were successfully stored in the brain, and the original test questions were neatly rolled up and wrapped in paper before being stored in the bookstore.

The college entrance examination papers from the past five years that Luo Ban and the school collected were photocopies, and the one given to her was also a photocopy, so there was no need to return it to the school.

After studying the college entrance examination questions of the past five years, after analysis, Le Xiao's classmates also thought that "a blind man eats glutinous rice balls - he knows what he knows", so he took out the computer, combined with his own analysis, and produced another test paper.

At the end of September in the new lunar calendar, Le's father Zhou Qiufeng planted the vines on the sweet potatoes at home for the third time. There was not much farm work in the field, so he collected fodder and collected firewood when he had time.

Lejia farms two seasons and has a lot of straw. Because we raise cattle, we raise three or four pigs every year, which requires a lot of grass to make bedding for the pigs and cattle. In winter, the cattle mainly eat straw and corn stalks.

The more livestock you raise, the more fodder you need, and the more household fertilizer you accumulate. There will be no shortage of fertilizer for growing crops in rice fields and fields every season.

Zhou Qiufeng spent the morning and afternoon chopping firewood. Le's father put the cows out in the morning and went to the fields to do some odd jobs in the afternoon. He also cleared weeds in the rice fields and ridges. The cut weeds were taken home to make bedding for pigs, cattle and sheep.
Dad Le heard in the middle of the afternoon that a villager passing by said that his little cotton-padded jacket was back. He finished work early and went home to cook dinner and feed sheep, pigs, cows, chickens and ducks.

When Zhou Qiufeng came back from cutting a load of firewood, Le's father had already gone to Uncle Zhou Man's house to feed the sheep. He also went to the field to fetch ducks and was preparing hot pig food.

Knowing that the little cotton-padded jacket was back, Zhou Qiufeng put down the firewood, caught a chicken and slaughtered it, tidied it up, simmered the chicken soup in a pot, and then went to take a bath. It was just right to start cooking later.

Classmate Le was busy publishing test papers and didn’t go downstairs until it was almost time to eat. Because her brother was not at home, two chicken drumsticks went into her bowl during dinner.

Yi Laoyan watched the little girl eat the chicken drumsticks with a grimace in a very happy mood, so that the whole meal tasted particularly delicious, and he even ate half a bowl more rice than usual.

Cheng Wu, Zhang Laosan and others all knew that the Le family's little boy was back, so they didn't visit the family at night. They all got up at dawn the next day, had breakfast, finished their housework, and rushed to the Le family's house early to help kill the pigs.
The Le family killed the pig not to eat it themselves, but to take it to the capital to host a banquet for the Chao and Xiao families.

The Chao family and the Xiao family were friends of the Qin and Jin Dynasties, so they wanted to host a grand banquet, and the ingredients for the banquet were naturally of the best quality. Mr. Chao and his wife ordered a few pigs in the village when they were on vacation in Mei Village.

This chapter has been completed!
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