Chapter 161: Feud

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 When the coffin in the center of the formation was taken away and the formation was re-activated, a buzzing sound filled the tunnel. In a tunnel, a person walking suddenly stopped, froze for a moment, and ran quickly.

The man was wearing a white gown. He was a man. He wore a veil to cover his face. He could not tell his age. He had extremely beautiful eyes.

When he ran, his clothes flew up and he made a hunting sound.

He held a luminous pearl as big as an egg in his hand, which was bright, and carried a black backpack on his back. He ran all the way, passed the selection door with ease, passed several doors, and arrived at the last door leading to the palace.

When he opened the door with the big bird on it, got into the palace, looked up, and suddenly found that there was only a golden coffin in the palace, his eyes changed drastically: "How could this be? Who has been here?"

The masked man in white shirt rushed into the formation and ran to check the formation.

When the man in the white shirt hurriedly ran to see the center of the formation, Le Xiao's classmate in another tunnel was still taking a selfie on his chest, congratulating himself for running out of the center of the formation at the last moment.

When the formation changes, the layout will be rearranged. To find the exit, you need to go through countless rounds of deliberation, and you won't be able to get out of the center of the formation for days and nights.

After escaping from the center of the formation within the time limit, Le Yun applauded her speed. People really need stimulation to unleash their potential and limits. Her speed just now far exceeded the limit. If she participated in the world long-distance race at that speed,

Kill all the world long-distance running champions in minutes.

Fortunately, her ambition is not in sports, so she doesn’t try to grab people’s trophies, but she still wants to give others a way to live, right? She is a caring and good child who always leads others’ paths.

Full of pride, Le Xiaoxiao gave herself thirty-two likes and flashed back to the space in excitement. She had just retrieved two treasures and wanted to see them first!

Slipping back into space and returning to the dragon's blood tree, the two coffins were also placed on the spiritual stone ground in the flower bed under the dragon's blood tree. One was shining with gold and the other was shining with silver, which made people happy just to look at it.

Touching the coffin, Le Yun's eyebrows curved with excitement. The coffin was very clean, without a dark halo, and had a strong aura. With them, it might be possible to expand the space a little bit.

I had fun for a while, looking for little Huihui. After searching for a while, I finally found the monkey shadow. Good guy, after many days of training, little Huihui was finally able to climb up the dragon blood tree. It abandoned its small nest and climbed to the tree where the bamboo slips were found before.

Sleeping in a cave.

"Squeak!" Smelling the human scent that he hadn't seen all day, Xiao Huihui crawled out of the tree hole and waved his little paws at the edge.

It was too small. If it weren't for Le Yun's good eyesight, she probably wouldn't have been able to see it. She also waved her little paw: "Little Hui Hui, you play by yourself, I'll be busy first."

Xiao Huihui blinked his eyes, grabbed the bark of the tree, climbed out of the tree hole and slid down the tree.

Leyun didn't have time to wait for Xiao Huihui to climb down the tree, so she hurried back to the medicine field and harvested the crops in the medicine field as fast as possible. Handsome Yan and others were still waiting for her, so she couldn't disappear for too long.

Crops must be harvested. I plan to be with Yan Shuaiguo, Master Ao and others tonight and tomorrow. It is impossible to return to space. Try to harvest everything you can.

Even if she used her fastest speed, it only took her an hour to finish harvesting the crops. She didn't have time to store them carefully in categories. She threw them randomly on the spiritual stone platform outside the medicine field and sorted them out when she had time.<


Busy working in the medicinal field, picking lotus leaves and lotus pods, and then picking vegetable leaves.

When they returned to collect bananas under the dragon blood tree, Xiao Huihui was sitting by the den, blinking his eyes and acting cute. Le Yun picked up Xiao Huihui and put it on top of her head, taking him to work with him.

Pick the bunches of ripe bananas, peel them in half and give them to Xiao Huihui, and leave enough peanuts, corn, tomatoes and watermelon slices for him. Eat some fruits yourself, put them in Xiao Huihui's nest to sleep, and quickly escape again.
Back in the tunnel, Le Yun carried her luggage and ran wildly again to find handsome guy Yan.

When the formation was activated and the center of the formation rumbled, Yan Xing and Master Ao also heard the humming and vibrating sound.

At that time, they were waiting for the little girl at the end of the tunnel. They waited for a long time. When they heard the buzzing sound, they all looked at the door to choose one of the seven, and were relieved to find that it had not changed.

The five people stayed in the tunnel, sitting on the ground, waiting patiently for the little girl. They couldn't guess when the little girl would come back, and they didn't dare to relax. They didn't even unpack their backpacks.

Waiting and waiting, half an hour passed, one hour passed, two hours passed, but the little girl was nowhere to be seen.

Yan Xing was very anxious in his heart. The little Loli has not been seen for a long time. Could he be in danger or trapped?

Thinking that Little Loli might be in danger, he became increasingly unable to calm down. He frequently looked at the other end of the tunnel and at the selection door, always expecting to see Little Loli jump out, but was disappointed every time.

You naughty kid deserves a spanking!

Feeling anxious, Yan Xing wanted to catch the little loli and spank her again. Although every time he really saw the naughty little loli, he couldn't bring himself to beat her, but every time he got upset, his first thought was to beat her.


Young Master Yan is anxious, Monkey Spirit and others are also nervous after waiting for a long time to see the little girl. Now they are counting on the little girl, the noble star, to shine on them and lead them out of the underground maze. If she doesn't come, they will have no hope.

After waiting and waiting for a long time, everyone could hardly sit still. A light shone out from one of the seven tunnels. The light reflected the tunnel wall and was as dazzling as the sun.

While the five of them were waiting, they turned off the flashlight, leaving only the light of a small flashlight shining on banknotes. Firstly, it saves electricity, and secondly, it is convenient to see the light of the flashlight when the little girl comes back.

When the light from another tunnel was reflected in the tunnel, the five people who had been waiting for a long time jumped up as if there were springs under their buttocks, and rushed towards that tunnel to take a look.

Five people were waiting in a row in front of the tunnel door. The person they had been waiting for for a long time was only about ten meters away from the tunnel entrance. She was running forward, the flashlight flashing.

Seeing that the little Lolita was safe and sound, Yan Xing's heart dropped. Well, I don't know where in the world the thought of beating someone's butt has gone.

As the little girl got closer and closer, Master Ao, Hou Jing and others smiled happily and expressed their concern.

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Le Yun didn't show any pretense and agreed with a smile. She didn't stop after meeting Handsome Yan and others, but turned around and ran away: "Let's go, we don't have time to grind mushrooms here, we have to be on our way at night."

"Okay." Hei Guotou, the four-eyed monkey spirit, responded. He cheered up and ran happily. They had not seen the sun for more than ten days and were eager for sunshine.

Master Ao shook his head in a funny way and joined the youth marathon team enthusiastically.

In order to avoid a long and dreamy night, Le Xiaoxiao took everyone on the road all night long. The monkey spirit and others followed her and kept changing tunnels, going around in a maze that could drive people to death.

At about seven o'clock in the morning, the group stopped for a temporary rest and had something to eat. Because they had been running all night, everyone was in low spirits. Since it was clear that the pills they brought were not enough, Le Yun took out ginseng tablets and gave each person half a tablet to nourish their energy.


With the help of the ginseng film, Master Ao and Siyan, who were originally looking tired, became physically stronger in a matter of seconds, as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood.

Yan Xing felt so distressed that his liver ached. Little Loli's ginseng slices were worth thousands of gold. Losing two more slices was equivalent to losing two thousand gold! As for his own half of the slices, well, he knew Little Loli so well that it was too tacky to ask for money.
With good spirits, good stamina, and money to run, the group set off vigorously. At almost noon, something unexpected happened in the tunnel, which had never encountered any obstacles. A big hole appeared on the ground of the tunnel!

The pit is huge, cutting off the tunnel road at 360 degrees without any dead ends. There is a pit of water in the pit. There are small areas on the roof of the middle part of the pit and on both sides covered with stalactites. There is a huge stone bell floating on the side.

Water seeped out from the tips of the bamboo shoots and flowed into the pit.

The stalactites are milky white and crystal clear in color. There is very little water on the tips of the bamboo shoots. It cannot condense into a drop for a long time because the water will naturally evaporate. Therefore, after an unknown number of years, the water in the pit is not full. The water surface is far from the tunnel.

The ground is about ten centimeters high.

The pit is about 20 meters wide and long. There is a skylight opening at the top, and a bright opening as big as an egg can be vaguely seen.

The water in the big pit is clean and clear, because the pit is very deep, and it is dark all around. You can't see the bottom, and it looks green.

When Master Ao and the four-eyed monkey spirit Hei Guotou saw the big pit, the first thing they thought of was the pool they had passed through. Something evil like "corpse poison" came to their minds, and they instantly took three steps back with extremely unhappy expressions.


Yan Xing frowned and used a flashlight to look at the side of the cave to see if there was any place to climb over.

"It's developed!" Others shunned the big pit. Le Yun beamed with joy and ran forward like a joy, shouting: "Brother Yan, donate your bottle and help me fill it with water!"

The monkey spirit and his brothers looked at each other, wiping their sweat with a trembling heart: "Auntie, please take it easy. Is this water okay?"

"This water contains mineral trace elements and micro-element poisons that are beneficial to the human body. It can be used as medicine, but it also contains harmful elements. Drinking it directly will cause stone disease. If you take it back and refine it, plus other medicinal materials to neutralize harmful substances, it can treat osteoporosis.

and the best medicinal materials for calcium supplementation."

Le Yun rushed to the big pit, unpacked her backpack, took out the bottle of mineral water, and filled it happily. Water is a good thing. It is not only used as medicine, but also the best food material. She packed a few bottles and took them back to eat.

Yes, how great.

Master Ao and others: "..." Why was there corpse poison in the pool they encountered? The water the little girl found was good water that could be used as medicinal materials. She was so lucky.

Yan Xing walked quietly to the little Lolita and found his own mineral water bottle. He only had two water bottles, one of which had half a bottle of water. Without saying anything, he drank it and took the empty bottle of water.

Master Ao and the four-eyed monkey Jing Heiguotou each had one or two water bottles. They had already drunk all the water, but the bottles were still there. The little girl needed water, so they also contributed the bottles. In order to avoid the little girl being disgusted, they also rinsed the bottles.

, and then pour water.

After filling the bottle with water, Le Yun gloomily looked at the stalactites and the big pit, and pulled the corner of Handsome Yan's clothes: "Handsome Yan, I'm going to swim over later, can you carry me on your back?"

There were no rock walls to grab on to or a foothold on either side of the pit. Rock climbing was impossible, and it was so long. She could jump more than ten meters in one leap, but she couldn't jump that far.

Swimming is the only way.

"Huh?" Yan Xing narrowed his eyes in surprise: "Little Lolita, are you afraid of water?"

"I hate these deep pools and pools." She would never tell him that she didn't know how to swim! Born in a mountain village with rich water resources in northern E, she turned out to be a landlubber. Who would believe her?

"Okay! I'll carry you." Yan Xing was overjoyed, asking him to carry her? Of course, he was willing to do so, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand! When the little Lolita asked Xiao Chao to carry her at the freshman dance, he didn't get it.

This is a chance for people, this time I can finally taste the feeling of carrying a little Lolita on my back, what a God-given opportunity.

"I also want a few more stalagmites. Can you carry me to the middle position and I'll fold them?"


Yan Xingxin was delighted and full of promises.

Water is very useful, but with outsiders around, Le Yun can't use the things in the space to fill the water, so she can only reluctantly give up and inform everyone to prepare to swim across the puddle.

Master Ao, Monkey Spirit, Four Eyes and Heiguotou were infected with corpse poison. Although the wounds began to scar after applying the medicine, in order to prevent the corpse poison from accidentally seeping out and contaminating the water, they waited until the end to cross the water.

Before the little Lolita took off her clothes, Yan Xing was afraid that the four men would look around, so he asked the four men to stay away, and warned them in a low voice: "Keep your eyes peeled. If anyone looks around, I will destroy his trick."<



Master Ao, the monkey spirit with four black eyes, was confused. What is this and what? They didn’t understand why the masked hero was so fierce, and they didn’t protest. They nodded in unison: "I understand."

The four of them turned around and looked no further.

The four of them promised not to look around. Yan Xing turned around, stripped himself down to only a pair of underpants, jumped into the water first, and carried his and little Loli's backpacks across the puddle. He had good arm strength, holding the backpack with one hand and paddling with the other.


The water is very deep, you can't see the bottom, and the buoyancy is also very strong.

After crossing the water to the other side of the pit, he put his backpack on the shore. Young Master Yan put the flashlight on the ground. In this way, there was light on both sides of the pit, which could be used as a guiding light. There was no need to use a flashlight to illuminate the road. Little Lolita said there was no light in the pit.

Dangerous creatures, don’t worry about safety.

He swam back to the starting point. Little Loli had already taken off her coat and shoes and packed her backpack for him to send him away. She sat by the puddle with her legs stretched into the water. She was wearing a close-fitting autumn coat and trousers, with her front and back turned up.

, the figure has a perfect S-curve.

He almost had a nosebleed, but to cover up his embarrassment, he quickly swam to the edge of the pit, turned around, and let the little loli climb on his back.

Le Yun waited for handsome Yan Yan to come over, held his shoulders, and slowly sank into the puddle. Her hands and feet were getting stiffer and stiffer. She was not afraid of heights or blood, but she had hydrophobia, a very serious hydrophobia.


The water she fears is not shallow water, but deep water. She is not afraid of pools or pools where the bottom can be seen, but of pools or river pools where the bottom cannot be seen. When encountering such places, she never challenges them.

When she lay on the handsome guy Yan's back, her clothes were almost completely wet, with only a small area above the shoulders dry. She held the handsome guy's shoulders, separated her chest from his back with her arms, held a flashlight in one hand, and moved

Don't dare to move.

Yan Xing was in a particularly wonderful mood after finally carrying the little Lolita on his back. It was so wonderful that he wanted to sing loudly to express his good mood.

The little Lolita is very light, her hands are soft, and her body should be soft, but for some reason, her legs are obviously stiff.

Yan Xing didn't ask why. He first tried to float her slowly in the water on his back to let her get used to it. Then he waved his powerful arms and paddled until he reached a place full of stalactites. He pulled over and grabbed

Live on a stalagmite and send the little loli out of the water.

Lying on Yan Handsome Guy's back, Le Yun's little heart trembled, fearing that she would fall into the water. When she could touch the stalagmites, her fear of water was alleviated. She bit the flashlight with her teeth, climbed on the stalagmites, and started from Yan Handsome Guy

Climbing into the stalagmites on my back, my legs left the water, and the water flowed down.

After sending the little Lolita to climb up the stalactite pile, Yan Xing had a chance to enjoy the scenery. He looked around and climbed up the stalagmites. Le Yun climbed up to the place near the top of the cave, climbing on the long and short bamboo shoots.

He took the stalagmite he liked and broke it with all his strength.

The stalagmites could not withstand her strange force. Some people had thick arms and nearly one meter long stalagmites that made a crisp sound and broke along the folds.

Break off a stalagmite, put it in your arm, and climb down. When you reach the long stalagmite, ask Handsome Yan to hold it for you. Climb again and extend your magic hand towards the second target to break a stalagmite that is 70 to 80 centimeters long.<


Yan Xing sent the first long stalagmite that little Loli broke to the shore, and then came back to pick him up.

Student Le Xiao was so greedy that he broke off another small stalagmite of about 20 to 30 centimeters and put it in his trouser pocket. Since he couldn't take more, he stuffed his trouser pocket full and reluctantly climbed to the place near the water.

Carefully climb onto Handsome Yan’s back.

Now, she had to hold the stalagmite with both hands. She couldn't put her arms on her chest as a shield. She could only lie on the handsome guy's back like a sloth, and then held the flashlight between her teeth to illuminate.

Carrying the little Loli on his back again, Yan Xing, who was in a beautiful mood, had not yet run away, but there was a red thread under his nose that was disappointing.

Fortunately, I was prepared!

He had already covered his nose with his hand, so he knew that he was suffering from a nosebleed, and no one else could see it. He quickly washed it with a handful of water, waved his arms, and stayed away from the place that smelled of blood.

Le Yun: "..." Handsome Yan has a nosebleed again! Why does he have a nosebleed? She really doesn't understand.

If she didn't understand, she wouldn't worry about it. She didn't have time to worry about it. She grabbed a stalagmite in each hand and a few more in her pocket. She was afraid that the medicinal materials she had worked so hard to get would be lost along the way, so she always cared about the stalagmites.

Stalagmites are quite heavy. A one-meter-long one weighs at least thirty kilograms. Plus a few small stalagmites, it weighs at least eighty kilograms.

The water is buoyant, and the stalagmites will not sink if you hold them in your hands. Needless to say, if you let go, you will have to dive to the bottom to find them.

The water took away part of the weight, but most of the weight was still borne by Yan Xing. He did not feel any pressure.

Master Ao and others waited by the puddle, looking nervously at the little girl and the masked man, worried that something might happen to them. They didn't feel at ease until they reached the other side safely.

Yan Xing swam to the edge of the pit, gasping in secret, and finally reached the shore! Carrying the little Lolita on his back was not happiness, it was simply torture to himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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