Chapter 163 Suffering

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 While Le Xiao’s classmates were happily sweeping up medicinal materials in the tiankeng, two vans with armed police license plates drove into Fangfangshan Forest Park and stopped at the foot of the mountain with the tiankeng. Six young men in plain clothes wore dust masks and carried

Climbing the mountain with various tools.

Six young people walked around the temple and rushed to the tiankeng. It was already dark. They turned on their headlights, installed tools outside the tiankeng, and fixed safety ropes and safety ropes. One person went down into the tiankeng, and the others stood guard at the top of the pit.


There are trees in the sinkhole, and the tallest one is a wild sumac tree. Most of the trees have no leaves in winter, so they do not block people's sight.

Monkey Spirit and others nested at the bottom of the fold-like rock crevice in the pit wall, looking up eagerly. When they saw a bright light above, they climbed out of the rock nest excitedly and looked up against the cold wind.

A beam of light slowly moved down along the cave wall. From the light to the person, a group of people carrying backpacks ran to the place where the rescuers came down.

When the person tied with the safety rope was about to hit the ground, Yan Xing went up to help him: "Luo Qi, is there anything to eat? Meat is required. If there is no meat, forget it."

Luo Qi, who was wearing a dust mask with only his eyes exposed, looked at the captain speechlessly. When he saw the little Loli holding a red fox, he blinked friendly: "Little beauty, your fox is very beautiful."

"Yeah, handsome uncle has a good vision." The corners of Le Yun's mouth turned up. Handsome Yan Yan is sometimes very arrogant and sometimes unreliable, but his teammates are very reliable.

Yan Xing glared at Luo Qi angrily, "Humph, you're a flatterer!

Luo Qi got an inexplicable glare from the captain, and Luo Qi wanted to complain. What did he do wrong to make the captain unhappy? He obviously praised the little Lolita and made her very happy?

The captain sometimes lost his temper, so he had to lose his temper, untie the rope that tied his body, grab the backpack on his back, and take out some food, bread, egg tarts, chocolate, and ham sausage.

Young Master Yan politely put the ham sausage in front of him, peeled off one and handed it to the little Lolita. Foxes are carnivores, so the ham sausage has some minced meat.

The red fox took one look, hid his head, and refused to eat!

Yan Xing: "..." If it weren't for the fact that the little loli likes it, do you think he would be so kind? He would be so ignorant that he would take it out to skin it and make it into a scarf.

Master Ao and the others wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh. They endured it very hard.

In order to give Handsome Yan a step forward, Le Yun accepted the ham sausage with a smile.

Although the monkey spirits ate something, due to the limited food brought by the little girl, they ate the last dry food in the evening and were not full. They were not polite at this time and took bread or egg tarts to eat.

Replenish your physical strength and climb rocks.

Ladies first, Le Xiao was the only girl, so of course she was the first to leave. Luo Qi and the captain helped the little girl tie the safety rope and let her climb the rock.

Le Yun put the fox around her neck as a scarf and climbed up by grabbing the rope. She was light and agile and very agile. Sometimes she grabbed the rope and sometimes the rock wall. She soon turned into a small dot in the eyes of everyone at the bottom of the sinkhole, and then looked


The people who were waiting at the top of the sinkhole to respond saw people coming up and pulled the little girl out of the sinkhole and led her to a safe place. They did not ask the origin of the fox she was carrying.

When the little Loli went up, Yan Xing naturally would not stay in the pit to eat the cold wind. He climbed out of the sinkhole for the second time and accompanied the little Loli and others.

After that came the monkey spirit, the four-eyed black pot head, Master Ao, and Luo Qi who stayed at the end. After sending the others up, he climbed out of the sinkhole and packed up his tools with his teammates.

Master Ao and others climbed out of the sinkhole and sat on the road, waiting for the staff to put away their equipment and go down the mountain together.

By the time the group of people came down the mountain, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. When they arrived at the place where the rescuers parked their cars, Master Ao and Hou Jing gave the little girl her stalagmites and water. They decided to stay in a farmyard for the night.

Leave again tomorrow.

Luo Qi and his brothers were smart enough to help little Loli pack the stalagmites and water.

The monkey spirit stuffed a bag containing things to the little girl: "We picked this up from the underground river. Take a look and see if you like it. If you don't like it, give it to a small vendor."

Without any explanation, he stuffed the bag into the little girl's hand and ran towards his companions. The four of them thanked the rescuers again and again before rushing to the nearest village to find accommodation.

It was getting late, so two people from Luo Qi's team drove the team leader, and the others brought tools to collect the team first.

Climbing into the van, Yan Xing turned on the flashlight and showed the little loli what goodies were in the bag given to him by Hou Jing.

Opening the black bag, there was a moire-patterned bronze candlestick base, a bronze bowl, a round-belly bronze vessel with ears, a piece of pottery with a large piece missing, and several pieces of bronze and pottery fragments.

"Eh? Bronze and pottery vessels from the Yin and Shang Dynasties? Give them all to me?" Le Yun held up the round-bellied bronze vessels and was filled with surprises. Ouch, those people were so generous, giving her so many ancient treasures!

Bronze and pottery are both from the Yin and Shang dynasties. They have a dark gray halo, and the aura is much stronger than ordinary ancient vessels. As long as you leave it in the sun for a period of time to remove the bad luck, you can free up space to absorb the aura.


"They are still counting on you to save their lives, why don't they give you some sweeteners?" Yan Xing helped Gu Dian, secretly giving those few eyes, huh, he knows how to win people's hearts, he asked someone to rescue him, but why didn't he get any reward?

"That's two different things. If you're jealous, I'll give you a few scraps, and you can sell them for cash." Le Yun hummed. Handsome Yan must be jealous of her, so he thinks the worst of her.

"Forget it, just keep it and play with it. I'm not interested in junk." He dared to say that if he took away a few scraps, the little loli would still have to call him stingy and call him a chicken.

"I don't know the goods."

Le Yun put down the bronzes, and she also picked up several bronzes in the underground river. It can be seen that the place where the underground river passes must pass by the ancient tombs of the Yin and Shang Dynasties. The things in the ancient tombs were washed out by the water and landed on the beach of the underground river.

"Little Lolita, does the poison you mentioned really exist?" Yan Xing tied up the bag and asked casually.

Luo Qi and his teammates didn't know what the captain and the little Loli were talking about. They thought they were nothing, and they also made a huge discovery: the little Loli not only has superb medical skills, but also seems to know how to appreciate antiques!

"Of course it exists. Do you think I'm talking nonsense? To put it bluntly, it's actually a kind of poison. Tens of thousands of humans give birth to thousands of insects. The insects are constantly killing, multiplying, and hybridizing. The fittest will survive, and countless races will be eliminated.

The last ones to survive are the metamorphic corpse poisonous insects that are the hybrid offspring of various insects."

"Pretend I didn't ask." The corpse poison bug itself is disgusting enough, and it is still a poison. Thinking about the bugs in the flesh and blood makes people's scalp numb and makes them want to live.

Luo Qi suddenly felt like the captain had run away from home. Their captain was extremely ferocious and powerful in front of them. How could he be so down-to-earth in front of the little Lolita?

"Captain, those three people haven't told the truth yet." Finally it was his turn to speak, and he reported his work to the captain.

"No idea? Treat them to some sizzling pork, braised pork, green bamboo plywood... There are many dishes, treat them one by one."

"A bunch of rough guys, they don't tell the truth, they give them a few injections from their medical kit for fun. If they don't do it, they will come to Taiwan to carry a big sedan, and ask this little classmate to come forward, and make sure they say whatever they want, even the children

I don’t dare to hide whether I have wet the bed or not.”

"..." Luo Qi just wanted to say: Little Loli, you are awesome! If you are so confident, just become the captain and join the army. We will provide for you like we provide for our ancestors.

"Little loli, that kind of rough guy isn't worth your while. You were born with a scalpel and you have a kind heart. Is it feasible for you to help a soldier with an eye transplant procedure? The medical expenses will be paid and he will be stationed in the army for free.

Opportunities to dig up medicine in the area, with special transportation in and out."

Another trap for her! Le Yun gritted her teeth angrily. Yanren was so abominable that he deliberately dug a hole for her to jump into! However, the conditions are very tempting, do you want to consider it?

The conditions offered by Handsome Yan were really tempting. Little Le Xiao’s heart was pounding, he bit his fingers and struggled a bit, but he still couldn’t resist the temptation: “Keep what you say?”

"A man keeps his word." Yan Xinglong's eyes flashed, and he knew that the little lolita was not moved by anything but medicinal materials. He could not resist the temptation to dig up medicinal materials everywhere. Giving in to them was like tricking and abducting someone.

Much more.

"I must first declare that I will only perform one eye transplant operation until the end of the month or the beginning of next month, and will not accept patients with other diseases."

"Okay." Yan Xing snickered secretly, and will use this idea to negotiate with the little Lolita in the future, ensuring 100% success.

Two soldiers: "..." The captain is still so black-hearted. But is it really okay to get along with a little loli like this?

It was a cold winter night, with lights dotting the villages. There were not many vehicles on the road in the forest park area, and the jeep drove around in circles. It was about ten o'clock before Young Master Yan was sent to where he parked his car.

Luo Qi was very smart. He transferred the little Loli's things to the captain's Cheetah car, left some food, and drove away leisurely in the van.

Le Yun didn't want to stay in the car, so she opened the tent behind the car, took out her sleeping bag, and slept on her own. She slept on the ground, and the sleeping bag was for the fox to sleep on.

The little Lolita refused to be alone with herself, so Young Master Yan stayed in the car all night. When it was dawn the next day, the two of them packed up their belongings, ate some dry food, packed lightly, and headed straight for the mountains.

They went into the mountains again, without digging for medicinal materials, and went straight to the place where they fell into the pit. They climbed over mountains and ridges and reached their destination in only half a day. The two of them climbed to the trap mechanism. The gray rabbits were still moving around nearby, and the naked body was exposed in the soil.

The huge slabs of stone and stone were restored to their original positions.

Le Xiaoxiao lifted up the rattan and it broke at the seams of the stone slabs. This shows how strong the bite force of the stone slabs is. She was also thankful that the slabs did not close together when she sank into the well.

Mr. Yan cut the vine again and connected it. He grabbed the vine and jumped onto the stone slab. The stone slab did not move at all. He then stepped on the other end and it still did not move at all. This proved that when the formation was re-operated, the mechanism had changed and the passageway was stuck again.

Once the mechanism is reset, there is no need to worry about the mountain watcher or others accidentally stepping on the stone slab and falling into the tunnel. The two of them can escape successfully.

Before returning, release the fox on the spot.

Foxes are larger than other creatures and are too ostentatious. If they are kept as pets, they will be reported and found to be wild foxes, which will be very troublesome.

It is not suitable to be kept as a pet. Of course it should be released into the forest.

The flaming red fox held on to the little girl, but Yan Xing unceremoniously took her away and put her in the grass: "If you don't leave, I'll skin you to make a scarf."

Le Yun covered her eyes, Yan Renxiong didn't know what to do when he got up.

The fox narrowed his eyes slightly and glared at the human young man coldly.

Yan Xing looked at the fox and was stunned. Murderous intent?! He actually felt murderous intent from the fox's eyes! Are you kidding me? A small animal has murderous intent?

He looked again and saw that the fox's eyes were very ordinary. The feeling just now seemed to be an illusion. He didn't delve into it further. He thought it was his eyesight that made a mistake, and he and the little Loli set off on their way back.

The fox saw the two people walking away and ducked into the grass to disappear.

Going into the mountain is hard work, but getting out of the mountain is easy. Mr. Yan and his classmates from Le Xiao did not stay in the mountain. They rushed back to the parking place at 4:30 in the afternoon and drove back to Qingdao University.

When returning, Young Master Yan also acted like a bad guy and hunted two fat gray rabbits and brought them back for a snack.

During the trip to the Western Mountains, Le Xiaoxiao’s student gained the most. She picked up some bronzes, got some gifts, dug out a lot of medicinal materials, and even took away two coffins. She made a fortune by herself and made a lot of money.


Although she was hijacked when she set out, compared with the harvest, that little accident was nothing to mention, and it did not affect her good mood at all.

A trip to find medicine lasted five days.

She set out early in the morning on November 8th, fell into a tunnel on the 9th, rushed to the center of the formation to meet Master Ao and his party on the 10th, walked out of the Jiuqu veranda on the 11th, rested at the parking lot at night, and went into the mountain to see the scenery on the 12th

A pitfall.

On the 12th, Saturday, Qingdao students have a day off.

It was already past six o'clock in the evening when Mr. Yan drove the little Loli back to Qingdao University. There was a small traffic jam on the road, which delayed some time.

It's cold, and students don't want to blow the cold wind. There are many people living in dormitories, and it's rare to see people on the school road. Some are riding bicycles, and there are very few students walking.

Young Master Yan drove the car downstairs to the No. 1 Scholar, and the Youth President, Director Li, Classmate Chen, and talented people who had been waiting under the east staircase corridor swarmed up to greet the cute little Lolita who always disappeared every three days.

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The four university tyrants wore black trench coats, and they were elegant and elegant. Fortunately, it was cold and no one was wandering around outside. Otherwise, if any girls saw it, they would be screamed by the handsome guys.

Chao Yubo had been waiting for a long time, and when little Lele got into the car, he pulled him over, hugged him to his chest and touched little Lele's head: "Smelly little Lele, you sneak away every time, next time you will be quiet

If you run away, I will really beat you up."

"Brother Chao, are you willing to beat up such a cute girl like you?" Le Yun made a face, stuck out her tongue, and narrowed her beauty eyes. Wow, the rosy-faced brother Chao looks so beautiful in a windbreaker! Brother Li, senior Chen and senior Cai also

So handsome.

"I can't bear it, but I can pinch my face." He couldn't bear to be beaten. He couldn't even bear to touch Xiao Lele's fingers, so he had to pinch his face, pinch his face, pinch his face!

"Brother Chao, I haven't eaten yet, I'm hungry." Her face was almost pinched into dough, so Le Yun had to act coquettishly.

"Okay, let's go upstairs. Let's get the things." Chao Yubo pushed the pouting child away and went to pick up the things.

Young Master Yan got out of the car and carried various things out of the car, including rabbits, medicinal materials, water, kudzu root, and stalactites.

Top academics: "..." It feels like every time the little loli goes out, she burns, kills, loots, and takes everything. Young Master Yan actually knowingly helps the evildoer. Isn't it so cute?

Young Master Yan helped the little Lolita unconditionally. The top students found him more pleasing to the eye and did not dislike him for always trying to get in on the Little Lolita. They smiled and said "Thank you" to him and carried the things upstairs together.


For the first time, he didn't receive any cold looks from the top students. Young Master Yan was a little flattered, so he carried the heaviest stalagmite by himself and asked the weak top students to carry lighter things.

Back on the fourth floor, the top students were sitting and waiting for the little Lolita to cook the food. After they had cooked the rice and washed the dishes, they were just waiting for the Little Lolita to start cooking.

Le Yun was also drunk. She rolled up her sleeves and went to the kitchen. Because she didn't have time to adjust the space products, she used space well water to cook a few dishes.

The dishes were simple, not as delicious as the special seasonings, and tasted better than what they cooked. The top students and Young Master Yan were like wolves that had been hungry for months. They swept away the food at a speed that was more ferocious than the Japanese who entered the village, and then waited for Young Master Yan.

I helped pluck the two gray rabbits and made an appointment for dinner, so they quickly left.

The top students went downstairs and went back to Baishe. Young Master Yan drove back to his dormitory.

After everyone left, Le Yun didn't stop for a moment, and quickly slipped into the bathroom, took out the things she picked up from the underground river, put them in a basin, added water to soak them, and decided to do a big cleaning.

She had just filled the basin with water when she heard a noise from the door between the kitchen and the balcony. She thought there was a mouse and ran to the kitchen to see if the door was biting.

As soon as the person turned on the light in the kitchen, the door rang again, Coco, as if something was knocking on the door.

"?" Le Yun put a question mark in her mind. Xiao Huihui is in the space. It's not her little pet outside. Could it be that someone else's pet got lost and came to her house as a guest?

As for ghosts, no matter how big her brain is, she will never think of it. Grandma said that when she was a baby, a fortune teller read her fortune and told her that she was born with strong yang and fire, and was born with something that can overcome yin evil.

, evil things will avoid themselves when they see her.

And she believes in the theory of souls and ghosts and gods, but has never seen a soul. She is currently full of curiosity about souls, gods and monsters, and is waiting for the opportunity to explore a world she does not know.

I have always been big-hearted, so I naturally don’t know what fear is. I took off the safety bolt and opened the door gently. When the door opened, I saw a red fox squatting on the balcony facing the door.

"It's you?!" Le Yun was stunned. She was so shocked that she thought she was dazzled, so she stretched out her hand to rub her eyes. Then she looked again. Yes, there was a red fox squatting on the balcony. It was the fox in the sinkhole with red hair.

Like fire, beautiful and beautiful.

The fox squatting on the balcony swung its tail gracefully, opened and closed its mouth, and said human words: "Little girl, are you surprised to see this fox?"

The fox speaks human words, a male voice, and the voice is full of nobility and mystery.

"Speaking in human language?" Le Yun's mind was about to explode. Her subconscious mind was faster than her subjective consciousness. She rushed out like a flying horse, picked up the fox and rushed back to the living room from the balcony, then back to the bedroom, turned on the light, and closed the door.

To eliminate the possibility of the sound being transmitted outside, he placed the fox on his bed, squatted down, and poked its head with his fingers: "How can the fox talk? It is said that animals cannot become sperm after the founding of the People's Republic of China. It must be my auditory hallucination."

The fox maintained an elegant sitting posture and opened and closed its pointed mouth: "You heard it right, this fox is talking to you. It is true that animals cannot become spirits after the founding of China. However, this fox has achieved enlightenment thousands of years ago.

This is not the case."

"Can you really speak human language?" Le Yun poked her ears and found that her ears were fine. So, she saw a fox who had become a spirit?

This chapter has been completed!
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