Chapter 32: No conditions for surgery

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 The Le family has a field, but since Le's father can't do heavy work, Grandpa Le has passed away, and Grandma Le has taken the initiative and handed over the land to the Zhou family for renting, leaving only the garden in front of and behind the house and a piece of land near the village.

In addition to setting aside an area for growing green beans, beans, and other vegetables, the Le family father and daughter planted the entire garden with corn, peppers, eggplants, etc., which facilitates management and saves land. Most of the land is interplanted with sweet potatoes.

Do you want to raise chickens and sweet potatoes in Baogu? When you buy a piglet in the sixth or seventh month of the lunar calendar, you will feed the sweet potato vines first and then the sweet potatoes. Then, you will kill the New Year pig during the New Year. It will weigh more than a hundred kilograms at least. Even if you have meat for the New Year, you can also sell it.

Save some money.

In the past few weeks, Le's father has taken advantage of weekends to plant sweet potato seedlings on the land outside the village. The garden in front of the house is almost full, leaving only the garden behind the house.

Le's father, who was embarrassed by his children, fled to the back garden as if running away. Le Yun, who was lagging behind, neatly changed into long-sleeved clothes, took off her sandals and put on a pair of rubber shoes, and slipped behind the house with a clanking sound.

While working in the garden, for the sake of her father’s face, she stopped worrying about the problem.

The weather has been good at the beginning of spring this year, and the corns are growing well. The roots are strong and the stems are strong. Flowers are beginning to bloom on the top of the head. The corn stalks that are about half the waist have also grown into shape. You will be able to eat tender corns when you wait for the new festival in June next month.

The corn leaves are green and pleasant. When the wind blows, the corn seedlings tilt in one direction and then rise up, swaying like waves. A fresh aroma spreads with the wind, full of the flavor of a prosperous pastoral.

The children of the poor have long been in charge of the family. Le Yun has been working behind the adults since she was very young. Apart from pear fields, she has not been able to do anything else for so many years. She can cook at home, know farm work in the fields, and can get scholarships when studying.

The standard new era all-rounder.

When he got to the garden, Mr. Le Xiao took the hoe from his father's hand and dug the hole. After washing the tendons and cutting the marrow twice, his body was light and he could move through the rows of corn stalks without breaking a single stalk.

She didn't feel tired even when she was working, like a robot, like a whirlwind from one end of the ground to the other, digging the hole and then going back to plant the potato seedlings.

Dad Le holds the potato seedlings and crutches in his right hand, and inserts the vines with his left hand. After practicing for many years, his hand speed is no slower than that of a normal person. However, he has to be careful not to trip over the corn seedlings when moving the crutches, which affects his work overall.


Dad Le was observing his daughter while working. The more he watched, the more puzzled he became. His little cotton-padded jacket seemed to have been injected with chicken blood today. It was so fast. Is it because he was one year older, so his strength and speed of movement also doubled?<


He felt weird in his heart, so he didn't ask. Anyway, it was a good thing and not a bad thing. Besides, girls are not like boys. Girls always have little secrets. He always turned a blind eye when he shouldn't ask.

Just like he knew that there was a handsome boy from the Chao family who kept in touch with his little cotton-padded jacket. If any other parent would have treated his child as having puppy love, he would give him instructions every day and teach his child ideological lessons, so he did not interfere with his girl's friendship.

Freedom, he believes that children can handle relationships with friends.

So in comparison, Dad Le is a very reasonable and open-minded father. He will not judge his children's affairs or interfere in their children's decisions. He respects his children.

Labor is a joyful thing. The father and daughter spent less than an hour and a half planting the garden behind the house with potato seedlings and finished the work happily.

It takes about seven days to half a month for the potato seedlings to grow new sprouts after they are planted in the ground. When the new sprouts and new branches grow to a few inches long, add more fertilizer to help them pile up the roots so that they have a place to form stems. In addition to plowing them regularly in the future

Weeding vines means you don’t have to worry about management all the time.

When it was time to finish work, Xiao Le ran to the edge to pry two handfuls of green onions. Le ran home and went to the water press in front of the house to clean it.

Dad Le went home and changed out of his muddy shoes. While the child was washing green onions, he went back to the room to find safflower oil, rolled up his trousers and wiped his calf. His right calf would suffer from rheumatic pain every time it was rainy, especially in spring.

Most frequently in summer.

He had just applied the medicine a few times when he heard a knock on the door. He hurriedly hid the medicine and then moved to open the door.

Le's father lives in the outer room of the two rooms on the left side of the house, and the back room is used as a guest room. Le Yun lives in the outermost room on the right. The inner room is used as a refrigerator and storage room for corn, millet, etc. If there are many guests, it can also be used.

Temporary reopening.

Le Yun knew what her father was doing when she smelled the safflower oil. When she saw the door opened, her father looked cautious and tigerish: "Dad, your leg hurts again, right? Why didn't you tell me?"

"No, it's just a little sore. I put some medicine on it and it'll be fine." Lele's father firmly denied it. He dared to admit that his family, Lele, would probably take away all the work and wouldn't let him go to the ground again.

"Dad, go sit outside and I'll give you a massage." Le Yun didn't believe it and went straight into the room to look through the drawers in the closet.

Le's father's room is very simple, with an old-fashioned canopy bed, a handmade wardrobe popular in the 1990s, and two old desks from that era. The furniture is old, neatly packed and cleaned.

"No, I'm fine." Dad Le insisted. In a blink of an eye, he found that his girl had found the medicine out of the drawer. He was embarrassed. It's not good for a child to be too smart. No matter where he hid, she would find it.

You can find it.

"Dad, your girl wants to study medicine, so you should treat her as a guinea pig and let me study now." Regardless of whether her father agreed or not, Le Yun pushed her to the main room outside.

Go near the door, ask him to sit down, and get a small stool to sit opposite.

Father Le was afraid that his feet would be dirty and stinky to the child, so he wiped them again and again with the pants of his other foot, and then carefully handed it over to the child.

Putting her father's feet on her knees and rolling up her trousers, Le Yun turned on the "X-ray scanning" function of her eyes, and things that could not be seen with the normal naked eye emerged bit by bit.

Le's father's calf bone was fractured fourteen years ago. When he was sent to the hospital for treatment, the alignment of the fracture was not ideal and shifted. Later, it became a malunion, causing functional failure of the limb. The grade was classified as a seventh-level disability.


Le Yun could clearly see the dislocation of her father's leg bones. The main bone was twisted at an angle, so that her toes were originally pointing straight, but now they were tilted to the outside, at least at an angle of three degrees. How should I describe it?

The way it looked, she couldn't find the right words.

In addition to the displacement of the broken end of the fracture, there is also a meridian that was probably cut by the bone back then and was not reconnected in time. Now, the meridian is blocked, causing her father's right calf muscles to gradually atrophy, and the right calf is obviously shriveled than the left calf.

After looking at it intently for a full minute, Le Yun checked her father's leg injury three times. She felt miserable at that time. She could see the injury clearly, found the cause, and knew how to correct it. The problem was

She currently does not have the qualifications to perform surgery on her father. What could be more devastating than this?

This chapter has been completed!
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