Chapter 243: Frankly give up the trouble you picked up

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 Professor Wan Qi and Mrs. Wang spent the Lunar New Year with several members of the Tantai family in the school dormitory. For dinner, they brought out small portions of the medicated food prepared by the primary school students. The four masters and servants of the Tantai family ate happily, and they were secretly jealous of Professor Wan Qi's presence.

A good student who respects his teachers very much.

The old professor didn't plan to stay away from school all the time. He always wanted to go home to reunite with his sons on New Year's Day, so he got up at around three o'clock in the morning to prepare to go home in the dark night when there were fewer cars on the road.

Everyone in the Tantai family also got up early, cleaned up their rooms, and waited for the little girl to come over early to give Tantai Xunyang an acupuncture.

Less than five minutes after they had tidied up, there was a knock on the door. When Dan opened the door, it turned out to be Professor Wanqi's primary school student. The little girl brought her medical supplies and tools, and was enveloped in a sense of air-conditioning when she entered.

The primary school student woke up at midnight and came to see a doctor in the middle of the night. Mrs. Wang felt a pain in her body again. She ran to get a towel for the little guy to rub his face and hands. He saw that the little cutie's tender face was turned red by the wind.

After the air-conditioning on her body dissipated, Le Yun took the tools and went to perform acupuncture on Tantai's sleeping beauty. Tantai Mingguang had seen it many times and knew when to hug his grandson to the ground and when to pick him up and give it to the little girl.

Acupuncture and massage on the back, when should I wipe the eldest grandson’s sweat?

Mrs. Wang watched the cute little cotton-padded jacket come out after injecting the sleeping boy and washing his hands. Smile lines appeared in the corners of her eyes: "Xiao Lele, this sleeping boy from the Tantai family is not bad. How about letting the Tantai family give him to you?"

As a boyfriend?"

Professor Wanqi almost choked on his saliva. What kind of trouble does his wife want to make?

"Uncle Xing, grandma, it's a great idea. I wholeheartedly agree with my brother to be the little fairy's boyfriend." Tantai Xunxun jumped up for joy. My brother is so good-looking and the little fairy is so beautiful. It's a perfect match for my brother to be the little fairy's boyfriend.
Tantai Mingguang looked at Wan Qixing and his wife in surprise. His siblings also thought his eldest grandson was pretty good, right? If the little girl were his eldest grandson's girlfriend, he would laugh out loud in his dreams.

Shou Bodan sighed silently, the head of the family was probably disappointed again.

"No." Le Yun refused without even thinking, "Master, please don't mess with things. Tantai Sleeping Beauty doesn't look as good as my brother Chao, and my sixth sense and intuition can't feel much warmth and gentleness, either.

He doesn’t have any special skills. Giving me a boyfriend is actually giving me a bottle of oil, and I have to take care of him as a nanny. I will never do this kind of money-losing business that consumes energy and energy."

Tantai Mingguang: "..." Is his grandson that bad?

Tantai Xunhuan's bright starry eyes dimmed. Why didn't the little fairy like his brother? He was obviously very good.

As soon as Shou Botan showed a clear expression, he knew that this would be the case. What kind of brother has a little girl? No matter how good their eldest son is, it will be difficult for him to catch the attention of the little girl.

"That's right, apart from being the eldest grandson of the Tantai family, Tantai Xunyang can compete with Xiao Chao, but in other aspects he is really not as good as Xiao Chao. He looks slightly inferior to Xiao Chao, and his temper and temperament are not as gentle and approachable as Xiao Chao.

, in terms of brains and survivability, Xiao Chao should be able to roll over the platform to find the sun. Oh, I don’t know if I don’t compare. But if I compare, Xiao Chao is good in everything. Xiao Lele, if you take Xiao Chao as the standard, maybe maybe

I won’t be able to find a boyfriend.”

"Teacher, no one stipulates that girls must find a boyfriend. If you can't find one, just look for it. Anyway, I won't give in. Besides, finding a boyfriend is not about looking for a pretty boy. The important thing about finding a boyfriend is mutual warmth and understanding.

Live a life of care and tolerance for each other. In fact, if you really want to find a boyfriend in some families that the instructor knows, I personally think Xuanyuan Chenbei from the Xuanyuan family is good."

What the primary school students said was so eloquent and so reasonable that Professor Wan Qi and Mrs. Wang couldn’t even find a reason to object. Aren’t they the best portrayal of mutual warmth, mutual understanding, mutual care, and tolerance?

When he heard the primary school student's last sentence, Professor Wan Qi's eyes lit up: "Xiao Lele, have you seen Xuanyuan Chenbei?"

Compared to Professor Wanqi's excitement, Tantai Mingguang felt sad inside. Why did his eldest grandson give such a bad impression to the little girl and be so bad in the eyes of the little girl?

The next second, I was stunned. Did the little girl know Xuanyuan Chenbei? Do you still think Young Master Xuan is good?

Le Yun did not hide anything and spoke frankly: "I met Xuanyuan Chenbei twice. The first time was one day when handsome guy Liu invited me to Xuanyuan's restaurant to eat pork stewed vermicelli. The second time was yesterday. Yesterday Xuanyuan Chenbei

Master Yanxing and I came to the school to see Brother Chao and me. Although Xuanyuan Chenbei’s appearance is a little bit worse than that of my brother Chao, and his obsession with cooking is a bit unreliable, his temperament is the same as my brother Chao’s.

Gentle and kind-hearted, with a woman’s sixth sense, he is a down-to-earth and reliable person.”

The old man has come to Beijing?

Tantai Mingguang was astonished. The old man Shanwen had lived in seclusion for many years and had never even returned to Zhongli's home to establish his young master. This time he left the mountain and went to Beijing to visit the little girl. What's the big deal? He was surprised in his heart, but his face remained calm.

"Oh, the boy from the Xuanyuan family is so unkind. He even seduced my primary school student without telling me. Next time I see him, I have to deal with him." Professor Wanqi screamed strangely, Young Master Xuanyuan is too cunning, isn't he?

If you want to pry him as a primary school student behind his back, you must reason with that kid.

"Professor, I'm not attacking you. You can deal with him verbally. If you use force, please save it. My intuition tells me that your old arms and legs can't beat Xuanyuan Chenbei. You and Xuanyuan Chenbei are different.

If you are injured, I will help you prepare medicine for bruises. In the end, it will still cause your primary school student to bleed heavily, which is not cost-effective. Besides, Xuanyuan Chenbei did not come empty-handed. He gave me the ingredients, and Master Yan Xing also brought them.

Gifts, you should always be polite and don't argue with him, a junior."

"I'm so heartbroken." After being told by a primary school student that he couldn't defeat a junior student, Professor Wanqi's heart was hit with 100,000 critical hit points. He hugged his wife and put his head on her shoulders for comfort.

"Come on!" Mrs. Wang pushed the clingy man away speechlessly. An old man in his late seventies still acts like a child. Isn't he ashamed?

Tantai Mingguang: "..." The little girl's intuition is right, and the fact is also the same. Wan Qixing is not keen on martial arts. He has not made any progress for thousands of years and is still at the level of muscle training. Xuanyuan Chenbei has already reached the level of god training at a young age.

In terms of force, Wan Qixing cannot defeat Xuanyuan Chenbei.

The instructor unscrupulously clung to the teacher's wife to gain attention. Le Yun was also deeply drunk. She put away the gold and silver needles, packed the medical supplies, picked up the boxes and returned to the dormitory.

No one from Professor Wanqi, Mrs. Wang or Tantai Mingguang asked the old man Shanweng why he came to Qingdao University. If the person involved is willing to say something, they can listen. If he doesn’t say it, it is inconvenient to ask.

After seeing off Xiao Lele, Professor Wan Qi and Mrs. Wang also returned to their nest near the Science and Technology Park.

This chapter has been completed!
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