Chapter 240 The royal flower is here

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 Hearing Liu Xiangyang say that the Wang family had canceled the engagement of Wang Yuxuan and Zhao Zongze, Yan Xing's mood did not fluctuate at all. Those two people were strangers and enemies to him, and he was too lazy to worry about them.

When she heard the surprised tone of the little Lolita, her heart couldn't help but soften, and she explained gently: "The Wang family is playing a word game. What they are talking about is postponement. It can be postponed indefinitely. If it is postponed, it will be settled. Another way of saying it is

It’s just a postponement, there’s no cancellation, and there won’t be any rumors of betrayal or anything like that.”

He explained a few words and laughed again: "The Wang family is very smart. They can't offend you at this time, and they can't throw Zhao Zongze away all at once, so they came up with this policy. The right way is to put filial piety first, but it makes no sense for grandpa to be seriously ill.

, the granddaughter was happily engaged, and it was unreasonable to postpone the granddaughter's engagement on the grounds that Mr. Wang was ill. Even Zhao Jiaming was embarrassed to complain about the Wang family."

"That's right, that's the truth," Liu Xiangyang laughed and agreed with his brother's point of view: "Thank you, little beauty! You made the two scums fall out of harmony with one move, which is so satisfying."

"Thank me for what?" Le Yun felt unhappy and kept a straight face.

"Thank you for not giving honor to the Wang family and Zhao on Mr. Chao's birthday. We asked about the reason why the Chao family stayed at the Wang family's table for a long time." Liu Xiangyang really wanted to worship the little beauty. She is so awesome. It doesn't take much effort to step on others.

, one kick ruined the reputation of Zhao.


Hearing a brief snort, Yan Xing turned his head and looked at Little Loli seriously. Seeing that there was no anger in her eyes, his tense heartstrings relaxed again, and he asked in a soft voice: "Little Loli, what's your surname Zhao?"

Why didn't you tell us about the person who bullied you? You told us that even if we couldn't come out in the open, we would at least take advantage of the dark moon and high winds to quietly put a sack on him and beat him up to vent his anger."

"He didn't act like a hooligan to me. It was because I didn't like him and made him a scapegoat out of thin air. Don't ask me why. You don't need a reason for being a scumbag."

"Wha...what, the guy named Zhao didn't act like a gangster, so he was unjustly accused?" Liu Xiangyang thought there was something wrong with his ears. Otherwise, how could he hear such shocking news?

Yan Xinglong's eyes were filled with astonishment: "He... didn't say anything stupid. Did you let him take the blame because you didn't like him?"

"Yes, you are a scumbag. One more crime is not much. Besides, the scumbag himself is very scumbag. His aura is so filthy. You can tell by his smell that he has harmed many girls. What's more, he is a shameless scumbag."

Why should I endure it when people come to my brother Chao's house and cause trouble? What the hell, do you want to complain about the scumbag Zhao? Do you want to fight alone or in a group? Come on, come one and I will fight one, or two of you will join us.

A pair."

Liangjunshao: "..."

After a moment of silence, Liu Xiangyang's eyes were filled with red stars: "Little beauty, you are so amazing! Goddess, such a perfect goddess, your kick is so exciting. Let me watch next time you are about to step on me.

I’ll wave the flag and cheer you on.”

Awww, you can make something out of nothing even if you are scumbag, it’s cool.

You don’t have to be unreasonable to be a scumbag, it’s cool!

You don’t need a reason to cheat, it’s so domineering.

Liu Xiangyang worshiped the little girl with a gaze as high as a mountain. Due to their status, they couldn't slander them happily. The little beauties didn't need to avoid taboos at all and could slander them without any pressure. It was hard for anyone named Zhao to argue with that move.

, helped Xiao Xingxing let out a bad breath.

"Hey, I thought you wanted to help the man surnamed Zhao to fight against injustice, so you wanted to report him."

"I'm not in the right mind, how could I tell the truth? It's too late for me to be happy when you step on Zhao, a scumbag. The person named Zhao has made Xiao Xingxing suffer countless grievances. I wanted to beat him to death a long time ago, but I can't step on him for various reasons.

That’s all.”

Yan Xing felt warm in his heart. Even though his biological father favored illegitimate children, his father meant nothing to him. Fortunately, he had a young boy, Xiangyang, brothers and sisters from the He family, and brothers in the army, so no matter how dark his childhood and adolescence were, he

I have also come through, and now there is an angel-like little Loli in my life, and he is also someone who is loved by others.

His shallow smile brings warmth to my heart, a subtle fragrance floating in my heart, and a bright sun in my eyes.

A smile that captivates the whole city, so beautiful that it takes your heart.

Le Yun was blinded by the flash, and couldn't help but mutter: "Yanren, can you stop smiling so... so full of love?"

Yan Xing, who was smiling lightly, was choked up. His smile was rippling. It was obviously a feeling of elation.

His heart was shy, his handsome face was a little warm, he lowered his head slightly, and helped to unpack the box: "Little Lolita, tomorrow there are some gemstones and antiques in some jewelry stores that are worth seeing. Let's go and have a look."

"Humph, I made an appointment with Brother Chao and Sister Fu to go shopping, so I don't want to play with you. You can go wherever you like. Don't drag me into the gang. I don't want to get on a pirate ship."

"Shall we go with you to the head office?"

"No, I hate having a little tail behind me."

"Little loli, we are not following you, we are playing with you. It is safer in numbers."

"Bah, don't mess with me. I'm telling you, it's because I have too much contact with you that I'm not safe. I definitely don't want to be friends with people who don't keep their word. We have the same views except for some aspects.

, most of the time we are not fellow travelers."

"Little Lolita, regarding letting others know that you saved my grandma, I can explain it. I don't mean to keep my word, but I have to do it. You take over the treatment of Tantai Xunyang. If Tantai Xunyang successfully wakes up,

Come on, the people who poisoned him will definitely hate you. You are doing it openly and they are doing it secretly, which is not good for you.

Mr. Chao had the most respectable people at his birthday party. Letting others know that you are the one who saved my great-grandma is the most convincing and shocking. Now most of the powerful people in the aristocratic circle in Beijing know that you have

The wonderful rejuvenation hand, there are many people who want to seek medical treatment, and if they ask for help from you, they will naturally not hurt you.

Especially some ancient martial arts sects and super families that have always been away from the secular world. Some families are also eager for doctors with superior medical skills. They cherish talents and do not want villains to run rampant. Today, the first batch of posts will be sent to you.

They are not ordinary families, like the Xuanyuan family, the Ji family, the Hua family, and the Zhou family are relatively fair and can interact appropriately. There are some that I don’t know much about and need to be observed."

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Yan Xing understood that the little Loli was still worried about the He family's exposure of her saving her grandma and making her famous, so he explained the reason why they did that in a gentle voice.

"Hmph, when did you do something without a reasonable explanation?" Le Yun rolled her eyes. Yan Ren was sure that she wouldn't do anything to him, so he killed him first and then played it out every time.

If it weren't for New Year's Day tomorrow and today is the Chinese New Year, she would have kicked the person out, or beat him up and thrown him out to lie dead.

The two shameless people knew that she would not hit them today, so they shamelessly refused to leave her territory and wanted to eat and drink. It was really... unpleasant.

"My explanations are all reasonable and correct." Little Lolita didn't get furious. Yan Xing knew that he had escaped another disaster, and the smile flowed in his eyes. Tomorrow is New Year's Day, and Little Lolita will not be angry before the first day of the New Year.

I'll beat him until he's got teeth all over the floor.

"...I'm telling you, if you continue to be crooked, you won't be able to eat at night."

"Okay, little loli, don't be angry anymore, I won't say anything." Yan Xinglong's eyes suddenly glowed with bright starlight, and he smiled like a spring breeze, and his face was like a peach blossom in full bloom.

Liu Xiangyang was so happy that he almost jumped up. Wow, there is delicious food again tonight! Well, it is indeed the right thing not to go home.

The two handsome young men, with their eyes full of peach blossoms, happily unpacked the boxes, dividing two by three, and tearing the seals open a few times.

Le Yun also opened the small box. It was double-packed. She took out the thick cardboard box inside. When she took a look, she really wanted to yell at the handsome Milo. As she guessed, it was filled with caviar, noodles, cheese and other local specialties.

The whole box, as well as four bottles of red wine, original Lafite from 1982 and 1992.

Liu Xiangyang and Yan Xing came closer to appreciate it. When they saw something with foreign letters, they said they didn't know the words, but they still recognized caviar, cheese, and red wine. Their eyes were particularly deep. Little Lolita's old friend was so generous.


Foam boards are used in the large box to prevent the contents from being crushed. There are square shoe boxes, bags, and square paper boxes inside.

Leyun took out the things one by one, found a note, and muttered: "Cute little Lele: Hermès, Chanel, LV, Versace, which one do you like?"

After reading, he roared directly: "Miro, you are a shopaholic! You base your happiness on my pain again, I am not done with you!"

The little Loli was reading from the note, Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang were not in good condition. The foreign friend of the Little Loli actually gave the Little Loli luxury clothes, several kinds at once. What kind of trouble was this?
Hearing the roar, the two of them shrank their necks quietly. Well, it seems really scary for the little loli to get angry!

The two brothers would never dare to stand out at this time. They would treat themselves as nothing, lest they get angry.

Roaring angrily, Le Yun originally jumped up and wanted to rush to change her cell phone to make an international long distance call to yell at Milo, but her face changed sharply for a while, and she held it back angrily, hum, Milo is such a nasty guy.

, I enjoy the fun of buying and buying, but I want her to bear the consequences of buying and buying. I just want her to go crazy and make phone calls, while he enjoys it. If she doesn’t call this time, let’s see what he does.

He wrinkled his nose fiercely, sat down again, and looked through the same items. As Milo said in his note, there were four brands in total. Each brand had two to four pieces of clothes, skirts, scarves, and silk scarves that matched the clothes.

Two pairs of shoes of one brand, two handbags, and the items were piled up to fill a large box.

The skirt is a spring and summer skirt, the clothes are autumn and winter clothes, both are windbreakers, and the shoes are sandals and six to seven centimeter high heels.

Looking at the models, Le Yun was depressed to find that the models of shoes and clothes were all suitable for her feet and body shape. She couldn't help but want to complain about the handsome guy Milo. That guy's eyes were so poisonous that he could even guess the model of her clothes and shoes.


The handsome foreigner Tuhao was so considerate that she said she almost couldn’t bear it.

The mistress likes to buy things for her, so that’s acceptable. The mistress is a woman, but the handsome guy Milo is a man, okay? If a handsome guy is crazy about buying things, isn’t he afraid of going bankrupt?

She just wanted to ask: What should I do if I want my friends from Tuhao to stop buying things for me?

After appreciating the New Year's Day gift from afar with an extremely resentful mood, Le Yun took a photo with her mobile phone, then put the items back into the box, moved them back to the bedroom in two trips, and put them away until there were no men in the dormitory.

The little loli pouted her lips and said nothing. Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang didn't dare to stroke the tiger's beard, so they helped put away the packaging tape, slipped to the side and hugged a book, pretending to be good students.

After moving the things away, Leyun sat in her own special seat and scanned the books.

The little girl didn't listen to what was going on outside the window and only focused on reading. Young Master Liu and Young Master Yan quietly admired it. Young Master Liu also turned off his cell phone and put it on his knees. Even if there was no sound, he would be the first to hear a call or a text message when the phone screen flashed.

Time discovery, never miss a call.

The girls' dormitory is quiet and peaceful.

At Mayor Wang's house, Mrs. Wang was still on the phone constantly. Mr. Wang and his son and daughter-in-law were sitting reading newspapers and magazines, supervising her. Wang Yuxuan huddled in a corner and acted like an invisible person.

The Wang family was in a very bad mood, not only because they wanted to cancel the engagement party, but more importantly because of the attitude of the Zhao family. Zhao Zongze himself caused trouble and embarrassed the Wang family. However, Zhao Zongze and the Zhao family did not even say a word, nor did they call Wang Yuxuan.<


If Zhao Zongze and the Zhao family called the Wang family as soon as possible, Mr. Wang and Mayor Wang would feel better. However, if the Zhao family pretends that nothing happened, who do they think the Wang family is?

Mr. Wang was so angry that he scolded his grandfather and grandson again in the morning. He scolded his wife and Wang Yuxuan for being blind and had fallen in love with someone like Zhao Zongze.


Old Mrs. Wang was scolded all over the face, but she couldn't even find a reason to defend herself. Wang Yuxuan was scolded so much that she shed tears and could not even breathe.

By noon, Mrs. Wang still refused to call the guests on the invitation. Mrs. Wang's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. After noon, Mrs. Wang knew she couldn't hide, so she informed the guests on the invitation under the supervision of her husband's dark face.

Guests, the Wang family’s granddaughter’s engagement party has been postponed.

While Mrs. Wang kept telling the guests on the invitation that her granddaughter’s engagement party would be rescheduled, Zhao Zongze was leisurely watching movies and dramas at home.

Zhao Jiaben was originally from Hbei Province. Later, when Zhao Yixiong married Yan Feixia, Yan Feixia invested in the establishment of hospitals and factories. The scale was small at first, but later developed into the Feixia Group. After accumulating a certain amount of family assets, the Yan family has since

My birthplace moved to Kyoto, and I now live in an independent villa building between the Fourth and Fifth Ring Roads. It was renovated a few years ago and is now a magnificent three-story villa building with European and American style.

Except for Yan Xing, everyone else in the Zhao family is at home, including Yan Xing's biological father Zhao Yixiong, Zhao Yixiong's stepwife Guo Furong, Zhao Zongze and Zhao Danxuan, Zhao Yixiong's father Zhao Li, and Mrs. Zhao.

Zhao Yixiong is in his fifties. He is extremely well-maintained and does not look like he has passed his prime. Mrs. Zhao is also over fifty. She does beauty care in addition to taking care of herself every day. She still retains her charm and looks like she is in her forties.


Zhao Li is over 70 years old and used to be a doctor, while Mrs. Zhao is a housewife. Yan Feixia died young and Yan Xing joined the army when he was young and became an adult. Zhao Yixiong managed Feixia Group on his behalf and became the acting chairman.

Guo Furong has no worries about food and clothing, and is a noble wife.

The nannies at home prepared fruits, pastries and snacks and then all left, leaving the space to the owners.

In the spacious and luxurious villa hall, a family of six enjoys their vacation leisurely.

"Oze, you'd better call Wang Yuxuan first to coax the daughter of Wang, lest Mayor Wang think you despise the Wang family and have any objections to you in the future." Guo Furong urged her son.

Zhao Zongze rushed home in such a hurry the night before last that the whole family got up in the middle of the night. Hearing that he had disgraced himself in the Chao family, the young and old of the Zhao family were almost frightened, and they urgently discussed countermeasures all night long.

Because Feixia Group is under the name of Yan Xing, the powerful circles in Beijing have always known this fact. Therefore, Feixia Group is covered by the He family, and all departments will not cause trouble. Therefore, Zhao Yixiong's agency is in good hands.

Go with the flow.

If Zhao Zongze offends the Chao family, the Chao family may give face to Yan Xing and the He family, but it is absolutely impossible to give face to the Zhao family. Zhao Yixiong is also frightened, fearing that the Chao family and those who want to please the Chao family will add insult to injury.

The family discussed in panic in the middle of the night, and early the next morning, Zhao Yixiong and Zhao Li and his son called Yan Xing one after another. Yan Xing’s maternal grandparents had been friends with the Chao family and many powerful families in Beijing. Yan Xing and Chao

The little righteous grandson of the family has a friendship again, so Yan Xing goes to help Zhao Zongze put in a good word. If the little girl of the Chao family is not angry, then the Chao family will not make the Zhao family lose face.

As for whether Zhao Zongze has done anything stupid, that is no longer important. The important thing is to avoid the immediate hurdle first.

However, when Zhao Li and his son called Yan Xing, they found that Yan Xing's mobile phone was turned off and they could not contact him at all. The father and son were so angry that their hearts ached.

Because it was a working day, Zhao Yixiong went to the company with fear, fearing that he would hear bad news from various departments in the company. Fortunately, he did not hear any bad news until the afternoon. He was finally relieved that Feixia Group belonged to Yanxing in name, and there were

With the He family here, it is impossible for others to touch the Zhao family, and Zhao Zongze is Mayor Wang's prospective niece and son-in-law. Anyone who dislikes the Zhao family must also worry about the Wang family's face.

With that understanding, he kept his mind stable in his stomach, and no matter how secretly he inquired about the situation, he found that everything was calm in the noble circle in Beijing, and there were no signs of a storm.

Because the aristocratic circle in Beijing was very peaceful, Zhao Yixiong didn't worry when he returned home. The only worry was about the Wang family. Zhao Zongze said nonchalantly that he shouldn't worry. The invitations had been sent out. They were afraid of being embarrassed, and the Wang family was even more afraid of not being embarrassed.

He raised his face, it was not him who was nervous now, but the Wang family.

Zhao Yixiong and Zhao Li also felt that they were right. There was a mayor in the Wang family. The invitation said that Mr. and Mrs. Wang were holding an engagement ceremony for their granddaughter, but it was given to the guests personally by the mayor. If the bride-to-be did not show up tomorrow, the daughter of the Wang family would lose her money.

That would be the biggest joke.

The tall man was there to hold up the sky when it fell, the Yan Xing and the He family were there to hold up the company, the Zhao family and the Wang family's engagement party was held by the Wang family, the young and old of the Zhao family were enjoying the holiday happily, just waiting to go to the scene tomorrow

That’s it.

Her son didn't call Wang Qianjin for two days, and Guo Furong felt a little uneasy, fearing that the Wang family would be upset, and hoped that he would coax Wang Qianjin and let Wang Yuxuan step down.

"Mom, you don't have to worry about whether you have it or not. I know how much Wang Yuxuan weighs. I'll let her dry now. If she doesn't call me in the evening, I'll call her in the evening."

Zhao Zongze didn't care. Now Wang Yuxuan was like a little grasshopper in his hand. No matter how he jumped, he jumped too far. The Wang family wanted to save face and couldn't cancel the wedding banquet. He would call in the evening to coax Wang Yuxuan and give the Wang family a way to get off.

It’s okay.

"But..." Guo Furong is still a little uneasy. Mayor Wang is also a respectable person. It's okay for her son to show off to Wang Yuxuan. If Mayor Wang thinks her son is not good, he will not give her son a good look or give her his son's connections in the future.

, then the gain outweighs the loss.

"Can you stop worrying so much and let me be quiet? I'm busy socializing and coaxing Wang Yuxuan every day. I'm tired. I came home and wanted to relax. You're still staring at me doing this and that. It's really annoying.

I'm upset."

"Okay, I won't tell you." Her son was unhappy again, so Guo Furong stopped urging him to call the Wang family.

Zhao Yixiong is very calm. If Zongze can snatch Wang's daughter, he will naturally be able to take care of the Wang family.

Mrs. Zhao pulled Zhao Danxuan to talk, and the grandfather and grandson chatted about which hotel to go to for delicious food tomorrow night and where to go to the hot springs the day after tomorrow.

The whole family is doing what they like comfortably. No one cares about how Sun Yanxing, the eldest son of the Zhao family, is on a mission or doing something else. No one even thinks about asking him to come back for the New Year's membership meal.

The Zhao family almost forgot about Yan Xing, and Yan Xing disdained the Zhao family's weak affection. He stayed in the little Loli dormitory, just like the Mid-Autumn Festival, and was in a beautiful mood.

On the Mid-Autumn Festival, a little loli invited her to dinner. He was not alone. In the New Year, there was also a little loli who took her in, and Xiangyang accompanied him. He was not lonely this year. It would be great if it could be like this on New Year's Eve.

Unfortunately, he knew that was an extravagant hope. Little Loli has a family. Even if he doesn't go home for the New Year, there is still the Chao family in Beijing. As for him, he doesn't know where to go back during the New Year. Maybe he should go back to the army to celebrate the New Year with his brothers.

Le Yun turned on the book scanning mode and couldn't stop. She didn't put down the book until four o'clock. She prepared a medicinal sauce to soak the ribs, meat, fish, and a duck, kneaded the noodles, and then made a duck and a fish in the same way as a roast chicken.

Bake it in a small oven.

Cook dinner at half past four and cook at five o'clock.

After Chao Yubo studied until five o'clock, he wandered up to the fourth floor leisurely. When he saw Young Master Yan and Young Master Liu, he felt a touch of sadness in his heart. He originally thought that he and Lele could have a peaceful meal in the evening, but it turned out that

The two guys came to ruin the atmosphere again, which made me heartbroken.

The two handsome young men smiled friendly at the Chao brothers. When they saw the beautiful boy sitting at the dining table, they also ran to occupy the table. When they saw the little lolita caught a big lobster, the two handsome young men howled secretly with excitement.

Seafood wow, so happy!

Cook early, dinner starts at six o'clock, a roast duck, a grilled fish, spicy pork ribs, steamed lobster, pork belly and stir-fried vegetables, and mushroom soup.

Others eat caviar with biscuits and bread. Little Le's student was whimsical and unique. He also made a sauce with caviar and some medicinal juice, smeared some in the duck's belly and then grilled it, and used some of it as steamed lobster.

When they were waiting to eat the sauce, the beautiful young man and the two young men almost had a bloody fight, and everything was thrown into the sauce bowl and rinsed.

The medicinal food was delicious, and what was even better was his mood. Yan Xing was so happy that he almost melted away. It felt so good to have someone take care of him during the New Year! Such a good start gave him enough courage and confidence to face the storms of the new year.

Wind and rain.

The four of them had a delicious meal, and Liu Xiangyang and Yan Xing took the dishwashing job again. When it was almost seven o'clock, Young Master Yan and Young Master Liu wisely left, leaving some time for the brother and sister to chat.

This chapter has been completed!
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