Chapter 303 I saw it

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 Wandering around the border towns, you can also meet hidden masters. Le Yun felt like a dog was beeping. She asked the old man the name of his disciple, and secretly decided in her heart that she would definitely leave the guy named Feng in the future.

Stay away to avoid being troubled again.

"Don't worry, I will try to be more relaxed when I see your disciple in the future. If he offends me, I will try my best not to poison him to death."

Le Yun held her fair and round face, pretending to be stupid and changed the subject: "Old man, please help me cut this piece of material again, leaving the material for carving the box. I will take away the excess material directly and put it with the other materials I have on hand.

The materials will be shipped back to the capital together."

"What's the hurry, little girl?" The little girl didn't want to get involved in the affairs of the Hidden World Sect. Ayu smiled and turned back to cut the stones. No matter whether the little girl wanted to go to the water between the Hidden World Sect and the Guwu family, she took Guwu's hand.

Patients from sect families can no longer survive alone.

Those things were still a bit far away, and he didn't want to mention them in such a place. He also responded to his role in seconds, being a good and conscientious jade craftsman, using the machine to cut wool.

Yang Xuan ran downstairs and explained to the man who worked in the workshop that fireworks were going to be set off. The two of them ran to open the warehouse where the fireworks were displayed. They moved boxes of fireworks out and placed them in a row at the door. There were twenty boxes in total.

, and then ignite.

Huge fireworks take off into the sky, filling the sky with dazzling lights.

In the beautiful rain of flowers, everyone knows that there is good material blooming somewhere. People near the workshop will know which workshop it is by looking at the location of the fireworks.

Fireworks roared outside the building, and upstairs, Ayu operated the machine. Amidst the rumbling sound of the machine, aniseed weighing more than 20 kilograms was divided into several pieces. The material the little girl picked was excellent, full of green, and the shell was not thick.

Any small seam will not waste material.

After the division, Ayu stopped the machine and picked out the materials for making the jade box: "Two jade boxes, these two pieces are enough, the thicker one will be carved into the box body, and the thinner one will be used as the lid."

"Old man, with the leftover materials from making the jade box, can you help me make spoons or chopsticks? If there is enough, could you please help me make them into spoons or the like, or into earrings or rings."
Le Yun took out the unused materials and put them aside. She went to pick up her backpack and took out two more pieces of wool: "Senior, can you see if these two pieces are enough to make a bowl? I want to make a jade bowl."

Ayu took the materials and put them on the table covered with soft velvet cloth. She responded to the little girl's request to use scraps to make small items. I heard that she also wanted to make a jade bowl. She walked over quickly and looked at the two pieces of wool.

"If there are no fine hairs or accidents, this size is enough to make a jade bowl. I will first cut the stone to see how thick the shell is." After observing, Ayu picked up the stone and went to the small machine to polish it.

Le Yun put the imperial green cut into pieces into her backpack, and then sneaked to the shop owner to take a look.

The fireworks soon ended, and Yang Xuan ran upstairs again, found the studio, stood next to the little girl and watched Ayu polishing the stone. He only stood there for less than two minutes, and the stone was polished with several faces, and it was another piece of green emerald.
"The shell of this piece is very thin, the ice is emerald green, and the quality is excellent. It is enough to make a jade bowl." Ayu opened a few small windows on the stone, determined the size, put it down, and picked up another piece.

"Little sister, do you have sharp eyes?" Yang Xuan held up the stone that Ayu had polished for a while, and looked at the emerald green color. He was jealous of the little girl, and was convinced once again that there is never a true expert in the jade industry. No matter how experienced he is, sometimes

It will also hit the eyes.

"No, gambling on stones pays attention to the eye. I look very pleasing to the eye, so I bet on it. I bet on whether it is pleasing to the eye or not. These pieces are all very pleasing to the eye." She would not say that she has an external eye.

There was a hint of smile in Ayu's eyes. Immortal doctors have always been strange people. It is not surprising that the little girl has the ability to judge jade. It is normal to bet on gains.

Yang Xuan huffed. Although it depends on eyesight, the little girl's eyesight with Maomao is also very good. Whatever you choose, the price will skyrocket. This skill, full marks, and this luck, full marks.

Ayu polished it for a while, polished the original stone in several places, and turned around to show it to the young man and the girl: "The green apples grown in Gaobing can be made into a jade bowl, and the scraps dug out from inside can be made into two or three spoons. Little guys,

If there are any good ingredients, bring them here and I will explain them to you."

"I don't understand. I'm worried about the safety of transportation when I open it all." Le Yun gritted her teeth. The materials she got back from betting on stones were not bad at all. It was better not to reveal her trump card.

Ayu laughed, turned off the machine, and invited the two young men to sit at the table.

Yang Xuan put the stone on the table and admired the imperial green again. He was once lucky enough to get a piece of imperial green, which was an icy waxy variety. As a result, the price of the emperor green skyrocketed, thus accumulating funds and opening a store by himself without the funds of his family and elders.


Le Yun negotiated with the shop owner about the crafting fee, but Ayu refused to accept it. Nowadays, the ancient martial arts family wants to make friends with the immortal medical disciples, and he is no exception. Not to mention being friends for many years, a little friendship is equivalent to leaving a network of connections for the family and their disciples.<


Yang Xuan looked strangely at the two men pushing back and forth. One was determined to give, and the other was determined not to charge for the workmanship. He was confused. Could it be that the little girl and Ayu were old acquaintances?

The two of them pushed back and forth, and in the end the shop owner won and was given the item for free, which was regarded as a meeting gift for the little girl.

Le Yun couldn't compete with him, so she had to agree, agreeing to give him a pair of rings and a pair of earrings, and give them to his wife or family as a thank you gift from her. Both parties were very happy.

Ayu did not leave the young man to play, and allowed the two of them to gamble on stones. After walking out of the workshop, Yang Xuan couldn't hold it in anymore and asked curiously: "Little sister, do you know Ayu?"

"We didn't know each other before we came here, but we became friends as we talked. I am friends with his brother's descendants. He cherishes his family descendants, loves his family, and even made jade jewelry for me for free."

Le Yun explained that she couldn't help but touch her nose. It felt like meeting masters wherever she went. It was really... depressing. According to this trend, if she went to other provinces, would she also meet hidden people?

An old and knowledgeable senior of the Shimen sect who is hiding in the city?

Yang Xuan didn't know what the little girl was thinking, so he just smiled and let it go, stopped inquiring into the privacy of her relationship with Ayu, and accompanied her to the jewelry street and jade market.

The sky in Province Y is very blue, and the air in February is warm and refreshing, but Mr. Yan’s mood is not as beautiful as the sky.

His flight took off from the capital in the morning. After a flight of less than four hours, he arrived at Kunshi, the capital of Province Y, around 11 o'clock. However, he missed the latest flight to Mangshi, and the next flight was completely full.

No, he didn’t have a ticket, so he had to sit and wait for the dirty bus after one o’clock in the afternoon.

When Mr. Yan rushed to Mangshi, he was still at the airport. He first searched for the accommodation registration and whereabouts of the little Loli. He was surprised to find that the little guy checked into the hotel and then checked out. The mobile phone signal was in Rui City. Then he checked the accommodation registration.

Find the record of her hotel stay in Rui City.

So, without even taking a breath, Colonel Yan rushed to the Mangshi bus station and shared a car with others to rush to Ruishi. By the time he rushed to the border town without stopping, it was already around four o'clock in the afternoon.

It was around four o'clock in the afternoon in Ruishi. The sky was high and the clouds were clear. The streets of this border town full of Southeast Asian style were full of people coming and going, making it extremely lively.

Young Master Yan found the hotel, checked in, went to his room to wash up, and ran to find something to eat.

He was putting on makeup yesterday and didn't sleep last night. He only ate something in a hurry for breakfast, which could only comfort his belly. He was definitely not full. He didn't even bother to eat lunch at noon. What a pitiful person. He was running all the way.

, the real thing is that people are trapped and horses are exhausted.

Yan Xing, who was hungry, went to a restaurant on the street to have a good meal, and took a walk along the street. Because he was thinking about the little Lolita, he took a small stroll and returned to the hotel to observe the little Lolita's whereabouts.
He waited patiently. At dusk, the sun slowly set, and the little Loli's mobile phone signal also showed that he was moving from Jewelry Street to the Grand Hotel. However, he waited and waited, and finally, the little Loli's mobile phone signal

He stopped at a certain place for half a day, probably eating. When the signal moved and changed again, he deliberately ran to the window where he could see the street below.

It's dark and the street lights haven't turned on yet.

Yan Xing's eyesight is very good, and he can spot the little Lolita at a glance from a distance of fifty or sixty meters. She is wearing a red coat and a backpack hanging in front of her, walking from the other end of the street.

When someone got closer, he was shocked to find that the little Loli was walking side by side with a young man. The two of them even went to a Dai-style snack to buy some snacks to share.

Seeing how friendly the little Loli was with the young man, Yan Xing was in a panic. He heard that the Little Loli had changed to Province Y alone, and he was afraid that she would be targeted, so he immediately chased her, fearing that he would not be able to catch up if it was too late.

, it was dangerous for her to be left alone. As a result, he traveled thousands of miles, traveled across mountains and rivers, and ran non-stop to catch up with her. The little Lolita actually had a little fresh meat as a flower protector, and even accompanied her when shopping. His anxiousness of traveling thousands of miles was completely unnecessary.

I am nervous and worried, and being worried about people and handsome guys who are enjoying shopping and enjoying the scenery feels like I am half-drinking soup and finding a fly in the soup.

Full of dissatisfaction, Yan Xing stood behind the curtain with a face that had changed a long time ago, silently throwing daggers at the little loli on the street and the people around her.

He threw hundreds of blind knives, but he couldn't hurt anyone at all. A man and a woman wandered across the street and walked towards the most serious hotel on the main street of Rui City.

Classmate Le Xiao and Young Man Yang returned to the hotel. They also went next door to buy snacks, mineral water and fruits, and happily stepped into the hotel.

Walking into the hotel lobby, Le Yun sniffed, and there seemed to be a familiar smell in the air!

The lobby of the restaurant is not very wide and the space is limited. Moreover, because guests come in and out, and there are receptionists and security guards on duty, the smell in the air is very mixed.

After sniffing hard for a few times, Le Yun wrinkled her nose and made sure that she had smelled it correctly. She really had someone's body odor. The smell was very light, too light to be true.

She looked in the direction of the stairs without saying a word, and went upstairs with the little rich man Ah Xuan. After walking around for a long time, she was also shocked by the identity of her eldest brother. He was definitely a little rich man, several times richer than her. He was interested in a piece of information.

The best type of glass, I broke 70 million in one breath, and I didn’t even blink when I smashed tens of millions, it’s a real tycoon.

People cannot be judged by appearance, and sea water cannot be measured.

The Yang family's Ah Xuan is the best explanation for that sentence. If you only look at his appearance, who would have thought that such an ordinary-looking person could be easily worth tens of millions.

After seeing young man Yang's tricks, Le Yun understood why he didn't even move his eyebrows when she said she wanted to charge 5 million for medical expenses, as if it wasn't money, which made her think badly that she had suffered a big loss.

At the beginning, the lion should have opened his mouth to shout tens of millions or tens of millions.

The little girl walked into the front desk of the hotel. Her eyes were rolling. Her eyes were more flexible than those of an owl. She also sniffed. Yang Xuan felt strange and didn't ask if there was anything wrong.

Climbing up the stairs to the corridor on the second floor, he asked in a low voice: "Little sister, is there something wrong?"

"Hey, it's nothing. I seem to smell the scent of an acquaintance." Le Yun looked at the young brother with a particularly good temper: "Which room do you live in? I will send my loot back to the guest room first, and then I will go over and give you acupuncture."
"I live in No.

, he was too embarrassed to go.

"I'll be there in a moment." Le Yun took the backpack carried by Da Tuhaobang and ran happily to her room.

Yang Xuan didn't chase the little girl to see where she lived, and went straight back to her room.

In fact, the guest rooms of the two are not far apart, one on this side and the other on the other side, separated by a corridor, and the distance in the middle is actually only four rooms.

Le Yun's room was on the side facing away from the street. After returning to the room, she closed the door and checked that the items in the room had no traces of being tampered with and that there were no extra things that shouldn't be there. She poured out the jade wool she had bought and spread the aura of light.

Throw the most intense ones into space, leaving a few pieces of jadeite that will change hands in the cabinet.

I sorted out the food I had brought back, took my small backpack, closed the door, and happily went to find Yang Datuhao.

Yang Xuan first put away his personal belongings in the storage cabinet, making sure that there was nothing that would be embarrassing for others to see, and then opened the door and waited for the little girl.

When the little girl, as lively as a calf, arrived as expected, he closed the door and entertained the guests with the fruit he bought.

Yan Xing, who was hiding behind the window and observing, saw the little Lolita and the young man returning to the hotel. He immediately ran to the door and stood there. His guest room was diagonally opposite the little Lolita's room, with a guest room staggered in the middle. He also specially selected the best one.

Scouting location.

When I clearly heard the little Lolita say that she wanted to go to the young men's room, she didn't feel well. It was almost dark. What does it mean for a girl to go to the young men's room?

Artists are bold, but the little loli is very good at acupuncture, and is not afraid of other people's bad intentions. However, she is a girl and plays in the young men's room of Dasha shop. Does she still need her reputation?

If he saw the little Loli talking and laughing with the young man, he felt congested. Now that he heard that the Little Loli was going to the men's room, his chest was not congested, but about to explode.

I endured the urge to run out and teach the little Lolita a lesson, and listened silently to the sound. Soon I heard the sound of the little Loli opening the door, footsteps walking to the other side, and soon the sound of closing the door was also heard on the other side.

After waiting quietly for about half a minute, Yan Xing immediately started with the room number that he had overheard to find out who the little fresh meat was.

This chapter has been completed!
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