Chapter 325 Going home

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 Feitou Jiangshi used the life-saving trick of spitting venom to buy some time. He fled into the forest and evacuated as quickly as possible, staying far away from the two ancient Chinese cultivators. He only slowed down when he felt it was safe.

There is no blood left in his ear that was stabbed by the swordsman, and the Pulse Sword is a qi sword formed by internal energy. The pinhole left by piercing the intestines will not recover for a while, and black juice is still leaking out.

The black liquid oozing out from the intestines is poisonous. The branches and leaves stained with the black juice will inevitably burn, wither, and rot. The fresh leaves and ferns will soon rot. The branches of the big trees will become more toxic due to the poison.

Small, and the areas where the venom dripped corroded into areas of varying sizes.

Fei head checked his injury and saw black liquid leaking from the small holes in his intestines. He gritted his teeth in distress and spit out a mouthful of poison. Coupled with intestinal leakage, he lost half of the poison he had worked so hard to accumulate in one go.

It’s the fault of the Dian Cang people and the Duan family!

Thinking of Duan's teeth in Dali, his teeth were sore again. At his level, even a real sword could not break his hard internal organs. However, Duan's Pulse Sword was the nemesis of Feitou Down. Today was also a bad day. Unlucky enough to meet him.

An ancient pulse sword cultivator from the Duan family in Shangdali.

Anger is not an option. The most important thing now is to replenish your physical strength and blood source. Swing your internal organs forward with your head and use your tongue as your hand to tie a knot in the intestines with pinholes to prevent the poison from leaking out.
After tying the knot, he flew to the woods. In order to avoid accidents, he flew from the woods, climbed over the ridge under the cover of the trees, and reached the other side of the mountain. He looked for the smell and jumped into a group of slow lorises, catching one that had not yet been caught.

Adult baby monkeys suck fresh meat, and the blood of immature animals is purer, more delicious and more nourishing.

When a foreign enemy invades, the slow lorises flee in panic.

Feitou greedily sucked out the blood of a slow loris, then sucked out the brain, replenishing a mouthful of nutrients, leaving the dead body behind and chasing the monkey group again, catching two more monkeys, sucking them, and looking for other types of animals.

In order to replenish the lost nutrients, he hunted everything he saw, including slow lorises, golden pheasants, black musk deer, civets, gray langurs, red pheasants, and golden pheasants. He absorbed a large amount of fresh meat and brains, and barely breathed a sigh of relief. However, many

The blood still cannot patch up the pinhole in the intestines.

Feitou left behind a civet that had sucked all the blood. He licked his lips unwillingly and finally remembered the best prey - a little girl! The little girl's blood exuded an alluring sweet fragrance and he sucked her blood.

The wound should heal quickly.

Vampire! Vampire, want to suck blood!

Just do what you want, Feitoujiangshi gave up catching another civet hidden in the recess of the rock cliff, and kept heading towards the target of prey.

There are many vines in the forest, and human heads fly under the branches and on top of ferns and dwarf plants. They don't catch small animals along the way, unless they bump into them and then catch them and suck their blood.

Flying all the way and crossing a mountain peak, the flying head finally arrived near the target prey. He slowed down, used trees to cover himself and sneaked, and quickly reached the target area for reconnaissance.

The forests in the humid and temperate zones are all mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests, with all kinds of tall and lush trees. Birds and animals are leisurely and contented. A little human girl was wandering among the trees, keeping company with the mountains and forests. She walked into a place where a group of white-tailed pheasants were playing.

In this place, a few pheasants in the flock ran away when they saw people, but they still showed no tendency to scatter in fright.

The little girl didn't have a backpack. She only had a hatchet and a small hoe in her hands. She was wearing water shoes and waterproof clothes. She was looking for something, cutting down plants, and cleaning up the place.

It was probably a bit sultry, so she unzipped her waterproof suit to let some air out, wearing only a T-shirt underneath, vaguely revealing her figure curves.

He flew his head to scout the environment, which was very suitable for his actions. He jumped out from the branches and sneaked towards the place where the little girl was moving more than a hundred meters away. He sneaked close to less than twenty meters away, sprinted at full speed, and pounced on the little girl silently.


The flying head came suddenly, and there was no strong wind. The white-tailed pheasants did not realize the crisis until the flying head came violently, and a male pheasant let out a high-pitched "Uh-huh-"

When the alarm sounded, a group of white-tailed pheasants moved upon hearing the sound, burrowed into the broad-leaved coniferous bushes, and hid in an instant.

The flying head made no noise, but his intestines were still leaking venom, and the venom was mixed with fresh blood, giving it a bloody smell.

Le Yun's nose was sensitive, and she smelled the smell of the flying head without feeling the annoying sense of being followed. She deliberately looked for a place with small dwarf plants suitable for fighting. She had just cut down a small piece of vegetation, and the smell of blood and the cold air

The feeling of staring is already close.

Feitou chose to attack from the blind spot of human sight, but the pheasant's alert movements startled the little girl. He saw her straighten up, and before she could turn around, he pounced on the little human girl like a tiger pounces on a sheep.

, the tube dragging the stomach turned into a long whip and rolled towards the little girl’s neck.

When the fishy wind came, feedback information came from Leyun's brain. She knew where it was coming from and how strong it was. She also knew clearly that what was thrown was Feitou's stomach, which was also poisonous.

Her brain was constantly testing and analyzing the venom components of Feitou and the method of poisoning. She ignored it and quickly rotated 1800 degrees, swung the hatchet and chopped at the pickled internal organs of Feitou that rolled towards her.<


The little girl turned around quickly and faced the knife. Feitou was not afraid. Not even a machete could cut his stomach and throat, but a small hatchet couldn't do anything to him.

The flying head swung its stomach, and rolled forward to the little girl. No matter where it rolled, whether it was hands or neck, as long as it was caught, it could only be slaughtered by it.

A wet stomach bag was shot, and Le Yun waved her hatchet and chopped it into pieces without mercy.

When -, when the hatchet struck Feitou Lian's stomach, it was like chopping pig iron, sparks came out, the blade was missing a big hole, and there was only a thin white mark on the surface of Feitou Lian's stomach.

The force collided, and the tiger's mouth of Leyun's hand holding the knife was shaken to the point of numbness. She didn't even look at the knife, and hit her unwilling stomach again with another knife.

The knife went down and hit the joint between the stomach and the esophagus. Fei's head rolled up, he grabbed the hatchet and pulled it hard. He grabbed the little girl's hatchet, threw it hard, and slashed towards the little girl.

"Little pepper, your knife can't hurt me. It's useless to resist. Just be obedient and let me suck my blood." Feitou rolled up his knife as a weapon, laughing while chasing him.

The knife was snatched away. Le Yun jumped back to avoid the attack, waved her hoe to block it, and cursed loudly: "You are the one who teases all the women in your family. Your grandma is such a badass. Which bastard asked you to follow your aunt? Tell me."

My aunt will spare your life."

"Little Pepper is very spicy. You dare to talk nonsense when you are alone. I don't know where you got the courage. Hey, it won't hurt me. Little Pepper has such a hot temper. No wonder the blood is so fragrant."

Without the protection of the bodyguard, the little girl continued to speak harshly, and Feitou lowered her head to become more cheerful. She thought of teasing her prey, and let the little girl's hoe hit her in the stomach. The little girl's hoe was still the same one that hit him before.

It was about to become a piece of scrap metal, but she was still holding it and using it, which showed that there was no lethal weapon around her at all.

A hoe dug into Feitou's stomach bag. The fine steel hoe was not broken, but it was rolled up by the impact and was truly scrapped. If he wanted to use it, he could only remanufacture it.

"I'll go, my aunt won't believe that you are really an impenetrable wall. If I hit you on the head, I won't believe that I can't crush you." The little hoe died heroically in one round. Le Yun jumped in distress. Damn it, the evil method is indeed anti-human.

Harder than fine steel, the evil head must be eliminated.

The hoe folded its mouth, and Feitou came closer again. She took two steps back again, and swung the small hoe to hit Feitou's head.

"Come on, little pepper, I will smash it for you." The little girl refused to shed tears even if she saw the coffin. She dared to challenge herself even if she grabbed a handful of scrap metal. Feitou Jiang was amused, laughed happily, and flew forward leisurely.

He smiled evilly and threw himself at the little girl's chest.

Haha, want to take advantage of her?

A head hit her chest, and something called murderous intent emerged in Le Yun's heart. She waved a small hoe and hit the evil head unceremoniously. It was actually brought up to hit her. She had to hit it.

Feitou stared at the little girl's breasts. Little Pepper's breasts were big and must be very soft. He decided to catch the little girl and not suck her blood first, but to eat soft meat buns.

Le Yun swung the hoe, and just when it was about to hit the top of Feitou Ling's head, the small hoe instantly flew back into space and was replaced by a big hammer.

The sledgehammer, swung by its owner, hit Xie Tou's Baihui Point with lightning speed and thunderous force.

"Bang -" The huge impact was as loud as a big hammer hitting a steel drill rod in a stone field. The hammer head also bounced high, and the evil head was knocked down.

Just when he was about to crash into the little girl's arms, Feitou felt a huge blow on top of his head. After receiving a blow, his head felt dizzy, his eyesight blurred, and he couldn't help but sink.

Changing weapons before the battle, Le Yun gave the evil head a blow on the head. Le Yun threw the hammer back into space in an instant, replaced it with a basin, and poured the contents of the basin at the evil head.

The pot of water smelled spicy, which stung your eyes.

Xie Tou fell for a moment, and his sense of crisis made him subconsciously want to fly away. However, the moment he jumped up, he was hit by the liquid splashed in the face by Dou Tou. He had no place to hide and was splashed with a "crash" sound.

, I was given a refreshing bath.

After being splashed with water, the explosive spicy smell hit his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. His eyes were blurry at the time, his ears were buzzing loudly, his mouth was numb and spicy, and his tongue was numb as if it was being touched by electricity.


The flying head couldn't tell the direction, and the knife wrapped around the throat and stomach bag was also lost, and it was flying around like a headless fly.

Splashing out a basin of special water, Le Yun threw the basin back into space, changed it into a knife, grabbed the dizzy flying head with one hand, and grabbed the intestinal knot of the head that was about to fly away with its claws like iron claws, and stabbed hard towards the head.

Drag down.

Feitou Jiang was grabbed and struggled desperately, howling and swaying around, causing a violent storm.

"You still want to run away after falling into my aunt's hands?" Le Yun grabbed the evil head's intestines and sneered. Those things that don't know whether to live or die should be prepared to die if they dare to suck her blood. If they fall into her hands, they will want to run away.

But I retreated and didn’t wake up.

This chapter has been completed!
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