Chapter 327 I have decided. Second update

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 There are various rare and common plants in the forest of Gaoligong, and sometimes there are small surprises. Xiao Le Xiao ran around with the flying head for most of the day, and in the afternoon when he was about to return to the place where the Dragon Soul Grass grows, he encountered another

Surprise: a piece of wild papaya.

Due to its peculiar climate and geographical location, Gaoligong Mountain is a kingdom of animals and plants, with various animals living there. Many vegetarian animals eat various fruits and bring their seeds to other areas. In addition to wild fruits in the jungle, there are also

Plantains, peaches, pears, walnuts, etc. Some fruits may not bear fruit due to the environment in which they grow.

In order to find medicine, Le Xiao students ran all over the mountains and encountered wild banana, pear, yellow peach, tamarind and other trees, as well as papaya trees, but they were sporadic and no results were found.

The papaya tree we encountered again grew into a place with only short shrubs in the dense forest. It actually grew into a patchwork of more than a dozen trees, and there were many papaya trees hanging with melons.

Papaya is a tropical plant that can bear fruit all year round in tropical areas.

Some of the melons hanging on the wild papaya trees are ripe, some are half-ripe, some are still green, some are as big as fists, and some are as big as eggs, and there are flowers among the branches and leaves.

Some mature papayas fell to the ground and were bitten into pieces by animals. There were also several ripe melons on the tree that had been pecked by small animals, leaving some gaps.

The fragrance of papaya is light and refreshing.

Le Yun was so happy that she jumped three feet high. She didn't even care about the precious medicinal material Rauvolfia growing next to the papaya tree. She hung the bag containing the flying head drop on a tree, hugged the largest papaya tree and giggled.

Climb up and work hard to pick melons. Pick all the ripe and raw melons. Don’t discard the fruits that have been chewed by the small animals or have not grown yet.

Pick one for another, pick off all the melons that can be picked, pick the one on the edge as the target, dig the soil with the hoe, dig out the whole tree and carry it back to space.

She chose a spot, and when she returned to space, she landed next to another flower bed on the straight line next to the bread tree. She put down the papaya tree, dug a hole in the flower bed without stopping, and then planted a fruit tree with a neck of green papaya.

Go in and pour another bucket of water.

She planned to plant a certain sacred tree in the flower bed. Because that kind of sacred tree had not yet been found, the large flower bed was empty. She felt it was too wasteful. She walked around the flower bed, thought for a while, dug a few holes along the edge, and then searched again.

The wild grapes, grapes, grapes, Schisandra chinensis seedlings that I have collected, as well as the large five-leaf seedlings that have never been planted, are all on the edge of the flowerbed.

Grapes and Schisandra chinensis are all vines and need a place to climb. When planting, you need to consider building a shelf for them. After watering the fruit seedlings, Le Yun checked the wood materials she collected. There were some bamboos and tree poles, but the quantity was limited. Just look at them.

Not enough.

Walk around and take a look at the two little creatures squatting on the dragon's blood tree holding apples and gnawing apples. They leave silently and return to nature from space. They dig up two Rauwolfia trees, grab a hatchet and rush into the woods to chop them down.

Suitable wood for use.

The jungle is rich in wood and has dense plants. If you cut down some trees, the density of the trees will become thinner and more breathable. Many trees will also be able to absorb sunlight better and grow stronger.

Le Yun cut back some wood in an appropriate amount and continued to set off. When she encountered a jungle with dense plants, she collected wood suitable for building a fruit tree stand and collected precious medicinal seedlings.

She walked and stopped, and it was already evening when she returned to the place where the Dragon Soul Grass grew. The afterglow of the sun slanted on the top of the mountain, and the sky was covered with sunset glow, which was gorgeous.

The black and white giant python was lying in front of the cave, with its head and body erect, guarding the grass like a treasure to prevent any birds or small animals from picking the fruit. When it saw the little human girl coming back, her big eyes were filled with surprise.

The girl is carrying something strange!

Le Yun, carrying the bag containing the evil head, sneaked to the place where she pitched her tent, hung the bag on the tree, happily jumped up the steps, ran to the python, and took out a papaya from the backpack: "Brother Long,

Do you want to eat this? It’s wild, it’s delicious.”

"..." The giant python sucked its belly silently. Human girls always treat him as a vegetarian animal. I really want to squirt a belly full of water and brainwash her.

The python was ungrateful, so Le Yun stuffed the papaya back into her backpack and looked closer at the dragon soul grass. The fruit on the top of the grass had turned transparent, like a glass bead.

The sun hadn't set yet, so she wasn't in a hurry. She took out a string of August fried rice and offered a friendly "treat". The black and white python shook its thick tail. Well, he really wanted to throw the little girl up a tree to dry out in the wind.
The python didn't want to eat its own fruit, so Le Yun peeled off the fruit and ate it by herself. It was sweet, with eyes as crescent-shaped as crescent moons. She chattered to the python: "Brother Long, I met a flying head warrior today. That guy

He has sucked the blood of many animals. He ate the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard. He dared to suck my blood. When I got angry, I captured his head. Do you want to take a look at that head? If you don’t nod, you don’t want to take a look, right?

, forget it, it’s pretty ugly anyway, it’s really annoying to look at.”

The little human girl was talking about what she had seen on the road, her voice was crisp and crisp, like the song of a thrush in the morning. The black and white python didn't hate her talking, but he was powerless against her attempts to make him become a vegetarian.

One was talking, the other was listening, and they were like old friends. Soon, the last ray of the sun set from the top of the mountain.

As the sun sank over the west sea, the fruit on the head of Dragon Soul Grass became more transparent. The black and white python did not eat it, but kept his word and stepped aside to let the little girl pick the fruit.

Le Yun rubbed her hands happily, stretched out her white and tender little paws, gently picked off the round fruit, pretended to put it back into her backpack and sent it back to space, then took out a pair of small scissors, and gently picked it up

Cut off four leaves of Dragon Soul Grass.

"Brother Long, I picked four leaves." He picked the leaves and showed them to the python, put them away, then took out a bottle of water and screwed the lid on it, watered the Dragon Soul Grass with space well water, and picked its leaves. You have to compensate.

Give it a nap and give it a few gulps of well water, hoping it will grow stronger and stronger.

The smell of space well water is clearer and cleaner than mountain spring water. The black and white python smelled the smell, stretched out his head, and came close to the hand of the little human girl to take a look. The little girl was brave and was not afraid of him, and he was not afraid of scaring humans.

"Brother Long, I collected this water. Do you want to try it?" A huge head stretched out and almost touched her arm. Le Yun was not frightened and asked with a smile.

The black and white python did not refuse, and opened its mouth. The mouth was so big that it could easily swallow an adult man, and it also had white teeth. However, it was not poisonous.

For the first time, the python did not reject her, and Le Yun was not stingy either. She poured the water in the bottle to the python, drained it all, and took back only the bottle.

The black and white python drank a mouthful of water, but it wasn't enough to stuff its throat. It glanced at the little human girl with its green eyes, knowing that she probably only had a bottle of water. It stopped opening its mouth and formed a circle again.

"Brother Long, thank you. I picked the fruits of Dragon Soul Grass and will leave tomorrow morning. If the Dragon Soul Grass fruits are alive, I will come and see you when I have time to share the good news with you. If the fruits do not germinate, I will pass by

People are coming to see you nearby, so you have to be careful and don’t get caught by ugly things like the Flying Touji. The weak points of the Flying Touji are the eyes, ears, and tongue. If you fight with them, attacking their eyes is most effective. Of course,

I think you shouldn’t be afraid of flying headfirst.”

The sun was setting and the light was obviously dim. Le Yun smiled and told the python about her itinerary, muttered a few words to herself, then waved her paws, jumped down the steps and climbed back to the tent.

Returning to the tent, he returned to his one-third-acre plot of land without stopping for a moment, ran to the cornerstone of the medicine field, found his new Dragon Soul Grass fruit from a blue and white bowl, and couldn't wait to take the medicine.

The field is planted in the field where snowdrops are planted.

Snowdrops grow very slowly. They are less than one foot tall after so long, and they have no intention of blooming. Fortunately, all three snowdrops survived and are getting healthier as they grow.

I planted the fruits of Dragon Soul Grass, poured well water, sprayed some water mist on the snowdrops, and slowly found the fruit seeds, and planted corn, soybeans, eggplants, pumpkins, peppers, garlic, onions, radishes, and vegetables.

beans, and moved several trays of soil to plant green onions. Finally, I found some raspberries and red raspberries I collected and planted them in a corner of the medicinal field.

After planting the crops, I went to water the tree trunks with fungus, shiitake mushrooms, phoenix tail mushrooms, Hericium erinaceus, and Tremella fuciformis. Trees with shiitake mushrooms and fungus are more common, but trees with Hericium erinaceus and Tremella fuciformis are rare.

She traveled to so many places. She only found a few dead trees with white fungus and Hericium mushrooms in Shennong Mountain during the winter vacation and this time in Gaoligong Mountain.

The tree with mushrooms is placed next to the flower bed next to the dragon blood tree, which only exposes half of the flower bed. A piece of wood is set up on a tripod in the middle like hanging clothes. The tree with mushrooms is erected on both sides of the wood in a figure-eight shape, which is convenient.

Watering and easy picking of mushrooms.

If the wood has enough space, you can pick some shiitake mushrooms, fungus, and phoenix tail mushrooms every one or two days. Tremella fungus has just started to grow, and Hericium erinaceus has only just tried to sprout three or four small heads.

The little human girl is busy. The little fox and little Huihui are squatting on the dragon blood tree, gnawing pumpkin seeds, admiring them leisurely. Anyway, the little girl is just a rag picker, throwing everything into the cave heaven paradise, on the dragon blood tree.

Looking down, you can see a lot of things, such as pumpkins, radishes, fungus, and many medicinal materials set up on racks on the lawn to dry the sun.

Of course, the little fox will not stop the little girl from drying things. The little girl is drying herbs and fruits and vegetables, and sometimes takes out the cores. He and the little monkey also have food to eat, as long as they don't eat the cores used as seeds, like pumpkin seeds.

You can eat watermelon, honeydew melon seeds, cantaloupe and other melon seeds at will.

The two little animals ate melon seeds when they were free, ate fruits when they were thirsty, took a nap when they were sleepy, and helped take care of crops when they had nothing to do. They lived a particularly nourishing life.

Le Yun poured water on the mushroom tree, poured a few buckets of water on the dragon blood tree and bread tree, and then dug through the tea leaves she had left to dry on the lawn.

After many months of research, she came to the conclusion that the space has the function of keeping fresh. However, if it is to be stored for a long time, it can only be placed on the ground made of spiritual stones. The lawn can keep fresh for one month. If it exceeds one month, the water in the items will be kept fresh.

The food will also evaporate slowly, and vegetables and the like will become wilted and withered, but will not rot. Unless they are sealed in a bag with water and left in a tube, they will become stuffy and rot.

After discovering this, she also took advantage of it, putting fried or unfried tea leaves on some lawns to dry, drained the washed medicinal materials, dried radish, mushrooms, lilies, poria, yam, dendrobium, etc.

After checking the moisture content of the dried medicinal materials, Le Yun ate a small watermelon and ran to the flower bed with great energy to build a shelf for the newly planted grapes and other fruit seedlings today.

Building a shelf is a relatively simple task. First tie a few triangular frames with wooden poles and arrange them vertically in a row. Then place the bamboo poles horizontally and use the trees as the skeleton. Then cut the bamboo slices and lay them on them to form a shelf.

There were a lot of climbing vine fruit seedlings planted, and a large shelf was built, extending from the spiritual stone platform next to the flower bed to the lawn. The height was so high that she could pick grapes while standing under the shelf.

After setting up a grape trellis, Le Yun rolled around on the grass a few times in a happy mood, and then processed the unwanted branches, leaves, roots and stems of fruits, vegetables and medicinal materials, chopped them into pieces, and buried them in the medicinal field as fertilizer.

She has gained a lot recently, and she is very happy. She smiles all the time when she goes to bed at night. The first thing she does after getting up in the morning to meditate is to see the fruits of the Dragon Soul Grass, but they have not sprouted!

The medicinal herbs that survived in the Paleozoic Era are quite proud. It is normal if they do not germinate for three to five days. Le Xiaoxiao is not anxious. He harvests them by himself, then harvests the crops that should be harvested, and waits for the daybreak to clear the space to dismantle the tent.


The black and white giant python lain outside the cave for another night. When the moon came out in the middle of the night, he stood up and sat on the ground to look at the moon and practice, absorbing the essence of the moon and stars. When the stars receded and the moon became invisible, it coiled up silently when the sky was about to light up.

A big circle, sleeping lazily, secretly observing the little human girl, waiting for her breath to appear, but still confused. The little human girl is really magical. Every night, her breath will disappear, as if she has disappeared, and in the morning it will be there again.

The emergence of a lively dragon.

After putting away the tent, Leyun climbed up the steps and took out another apple: "Brother Long, do you want breakfast? No, I'll prepare my own meal."

The black and white python moved its tail again. If it weren't for the little girl's innocence and harmlessness, and the fact that she always encouraged him to become a vegetarian, he wouldn't mind flicking his tail and sending her up a tree to bask in the sun.

"Brother Long, I've finished breakfast. It's time to set off. We'll meet again later." After eating the fruit, Le Yun said a friendly goodbye to the snake. The snake stood up in response, jumped down the steps, picked up his backpack, put on his hat, and lifted the

Holding the bag with the flying head dropped, holding a hatchet in one hand, he waved his little hand towards the python again, and walked into the forest gracefully.

The black and white python stretched out its body and climbed to the edge of the steps to see the little girl off. Seeing her back disappearing into the jungle, he felt a little reluctant to leave. The practice in the mountains was lonely. His cave was rarely visited by flying eagles, so it was very quiet.

It's also very...quiet. The little human girl has made it a lot more lively and energetic these past two days. Although she leaves early and comes back late, we can't deny the fact that Momindo is full of life due to her arrival.<


The little human girl was also a very strange existence. He couldn't feel the fruit in her backpack, but she could always take something out of the bag. Her face was so kind and gentle that he didn't want to go.

Looking deeper, I just like the feeling of her talking to him.

When sensing the breath of the little human girl, he became more and more lucky until he could no longer detect it. The black and white python was still reluctant to turn around. There was expectation in his big eyes, hoping that the little girl would keep her word and see you again.

This chapter has been completed!
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