Chapter 633: Numbering Treasures 1

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 After pricking the first soldier's finger and bleeding, the little girl pushed the tool cart to another hospital bed. Professor Kang and Director Qin immediately took over, helping to uncover the patient's quilt, turn off the instrument, and unplug the catheter connected to the instrument.

Classmate Le still gave him two pills, two bowls of medicinal soup, and then inserted a needle. The needle path was different from the needle path on the previous patient. He did not bleed immediately, but used the patient's right leg.

The support was put up, and a few more needles were inserted into the bend of the knee. A scalpel was used to cut open the skin on the outer calf of the patient, pliers were inserted, and then the flesh was cut quickly.

Director Qin and Professor Kang helped hold the pliers to clamp the rolled skin and meat through the operating window. They watched the little girl cut the meat with knife after knife. Her fingers and knife skills were countless times faster than the chef who makes sashimi at a five-star hotel.

, then she flew the knife like the wind, and actually cut away a few muscles, tendons and blood vessels to the point where there was no trace of flesh and blood, but the blood vessels and muscles were intact. I couldn't help but admire them.

Such precise knife skills and control, not to mention them, even Professor Lu, who has the longest medical experience, can only fall behind. Let them operate, even if there is a monitor to monitor, they can't guarantee that there will be no deviation, let alone

Cut off all the flesh around the blood vessels without damaging them.

An expert can tell the difference with just a hand, so the little girl is at the level of a miracle doctor, and they can only be considered at the level of famous doctors. The difference between a famous doctor and a miracle doctor is just one word, but it is the difference between being a god and not being a god.

Without blinking, the little Loli cut out a piece of flesh and blood from the patient's calf, sprinkled medicine on it, then sutured the wound, applied ointment, covered it with a thin white film, then applied a layer of herbs, and then covered it with leaves.

Finally, gauze was wrapped and two tubes of concoction were injected into the patient's calf.

"Director Qin, all the samples containing flesh-eating bacteria are in the sample jar. You can take them as you like. There are lurking flesh-eating bacteria in every piece of meat. The only difference is the amount." Le Yun took out the needle of a once-used syringe.

Throw it into the disinfectant and soak it, use another injection to absorb the concoction and drip it into the sample tank containing the patient's blood and flesh, and then tell Director Qin to take the sample containing blood-eating bacteria.

"Okay." Director Qin responded, and ran to get the sample bottle he had prepared, picked out several small pieces of meat, put them in, sealed them, and then carried them under a surgical tool cart for storage.

Professor Kang didn't know what Director Qin had discussed with the little girl about taking samples for research, so he didn't ask for the time being. He saw that the little girl was putting the samples in the sample jar into small sample jars with concoctions, showing a particularly friendly expression.

Smiling, he spoke to the little girl in a consultative tone: "Little girl, I have a great-nephew who wants to be admitted to Qingdao University's Department of Medicine next year, majoring in Chinese medicine. Do you mind?"

Director Qin wants to scold people. The person named Kang is so unkind. Why don't you discuss it with them in advance? They can discuss it with the little girl together.

"Professor Kang, it's the child's free choice which university he wants to attend. You don't have to ask me." Le Yun was surprised. Qingdao University is not her family's private school. Professor Kang wanted to send a junior to Qingdao University, so there was no need to ask her.


"Little girl, you also know that I am a straight person. Let me tell the truth. Because you are in Qingda University, the younger generations of our family have to ask you for advice. There may be jealous people who say unpleasant things, so I have to ask

I’m asking you what you mean, so as not to affect our friendship. If there is any misunderstanding and it affects our friendship, that would be bad.” Professor Kang simply explained his intention straight to the point. There are several traditional Chinese medicine families who have juniors of the right age, and they also want to let their juniors.

Going to Qingdao University, because I am worried that the little girl may misunderstand, I am still waiting to see this year.

"What is there to misunderstand? Going to school to study is not to practice medicine and deceive people in the name of my senior brother or my nephew. Your children don't have to be taboo about me wherever they want to study."

"We are relieved to have the little girl say this. My great-nephew will work hard to go to Qingdao University next year. I hope he will be lucky enough to get some guidance from the little girl."

"Professor Kang, don't you praise me like this? I am also an ordinary person, and I have not yet reached the level where one or two sentences are equivalent to the golden rule."

"Little girl, there is no need to be modest. Your words may not be golden rules in other fields. In the medical field, you are the top expert at the level of a miracle doctor. The ancients said that the King of Hell wants people to die at three o'clock. If you can stay alive until dawn, who do you think will survive?

But at dawn, that person will definitely not be able to see the morning sun. Judging from your level of medical skills, any descendant who can get some advice from you will be able to benefit him throughout his life."

"I will be proud if you praise me so much."

"The little girl has the right to be proud..."

The little girl opened Chrysostom, and Professor Kang and Director Qin were at ease. The little girl didn't mind the family of traditional Chinese medicine and the descendants of the medical family going to Qingdao University. They could send the family's descendants or disciples to Qingdao University to study or further study, and they would be able to work with them in the future.

The little girl has the relationship of a schoolmate, and there is more hope of asking the little girl to come to the rescue when necessary.

Little Lolita and Professor Kang, Director Qin, were talking, and Yan Xing couldn't interrupt. Moreover, because it was Little Lolita's private matter, he couldn't interrupt either. He felt extremely depressed. The ancient cultivating family sent their descendants to Qingdao University, medicine, and the world's medicine family.

Many people also want to send people to Qingdao University, and they all want to snatch little lolita. Can you beat them all to death?!

Young Master Yan was depressed, but Professor Kang and Director Qin were very happy. He watched the little girl's every move with wide eyes and remembered whatever he could.

Classmate Le Xiao divided the waste meat cut off from the patient into several parts and sealed them. He injected the sergeant again, added several medical needles to his body, moved his hand and placed it on the edge of the operating bed, and pricked his finger with a knife to bleed.


The blood dripping from the patient's fingers formed a line and fell into the sample jar. The color was darker and thicker than the blood of the first sergeant.

The feeling of freezing.

Director Qin and Professor Kang observed for a while and felt that the sergeant's blood was different from the sample they had previously proposed, so they took another sample and saved it for research.

Classmate Le was very calm and did not need to stare at the two patients for bloodletting. He walked to the place where the willow branches were placed and sat down on the floor. He picked out a willow branch and slowly trimmed it with a scalpel.

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Director Qin, Professor Kang, came closer to watch. The more he looked, the more shocked he became. The wood the little girl cut out was in the shape of a vertebrae, and it was very similar. The more it was cut, the more delicate it became, and the more straight it became, the more lifelike it was.

When the little girl shaved a piece of wood until it was exactly like a certain bone of the vertebrae, it was also the time she designated to send the blood bag to the operating room. The nurse delivered the blood bag, and the special nurse picked it up at the door before carrying it into the operating room.

The little girl also temporarily put down her work, put on a new pair of gloves, inserted an needle into the sergeant who had suffered severe lumbar injuries, adjusted the blood transfusion needle, and helped the sergeant massage his left arm from the fingers to the shoulder.

The little girl's movements were slow and slow, and she seemed to be doing the massage carelessly. Director Qin, Professor Kang, could clearly see that she was extremely serious and serious, and could not even blink her eyes. The area she had massaged for the sergeant was pale and without any blood, and

The blood flowing outward from the sergeant's right hand accelerated, and the flow rate also increased a little.

Two professor-level experts, Huo Ran, realized clearly that the little girl was "driving" blood from the sergeant, squeezing all the blood out of his left arm, and then filling it with new blood!

Guessing the reason, the two experts secretly took a breath, the little girl's medical skills were incredible!

The two of them couldn't bear to blink. They watched the little girl slowly massage and rub the sergeant's arm, from fingers to palm, from palm to wrist, and then up until it passed the elbow. She quickly took out a needle on the sergeant's elbow.

Prick a circle of gold needles.

Golden needles seal acupoints!

Acupuncture in traditional Chinese medicine includes golden needles crossing acupoints and golden sealing acupoints. The little girl is now using "golden needles sealing acupoints", which uses golden needles to seal all acupoints to block the return of blood. The length from the soldier's elbow to his fingers is equivalent to an empty window, and the blood vessels

There is no blood in the flesh layer, which sounds incredible, but the fact is that it is so incredible. Others can't do it, but this little girl can do it.

Le Yun did what others couldn't do. She emptied the blood from part of the sergeant's right arm, picked up the blood transfusion needle as quickly as possible, accurately inserted it into the blood vessel of the sergeant's arm, and slowly transfused him with blood.

The blood slowly increases gradually, allowing the blood to slowly flow from the veins to the fingers to the elbow. After a while, the amount of blood transported is slightly increased.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, she transfused the blood at half the normal rate. She massaged the sergeant again, driving the blood vessels and fleshy layer of the forearm to the shoulder, and then sealed the acupuncture points with gold needles.

Remove a few golden needles stuck above his elbow, drive away the blood on his left chest, and seal the acupoint with needles.

Director Qin, Professor Kang, took notes on his mobile phone and kept his eyes wide open as he watched the little girl help the sergeant drive away the blood step by step, starting from the shoulders down, in small sections, until the blood was sealed around the heart.

Then, drive the blood upward from the sole of the left foot to the heart, and then remove the golden needle at the Feng point.

After that, move up from the right foot to the heart position, pause, then go down from the head to the neck position to seal the acupuncture points with needles, then push upward from the heart, seal the acupoints with golden needles to the shoulder position, and then massage the right arm.

It sounds fast, but it actually took the little girl two and a half minutes to complete the whole process. Finally, she removed the blood from the sergeant's right arm, untied the golden needle sealing the acupuncture point, and then guided the fresh blood to circulate along the right arm and seep out from his fingers.

, the color of blood is also relatively normal.

Observing the color of the new blood to analyze and collect data, Le Yun wiped the sweat from her forehead, took off her gloves, took out a pill and stuffed it into her mouth, then sat down with her eyes closed: "In half an hour, a blood bag of another blood type will be sent in."

Operating room."

The special nurse responded immediately and notified the nursing station of the needs in the operating room.

Director Qin and Professor Kang did not disturb the little girl. They went to clean up the sample jar and extracted another sample for the hospital to study. The sample jar was sealed and given to the little girl. She wanted to take it back to extract the poison.

Yan Shaolan San remained silent and adhered to the principle of being in the air. They couldn't help, so just stay there.

Half an hour later, another dose of blood was delivered.

After resting for half an hour, Le Yun went to work again, transfusing the blood of another sergeant. The steps were the same, but it took a little longer. The major blood transfusion was not completed until 12 o'clock in the evening. I had time to relax.

This chapter has been completed!
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