Chapter 749: Being beaten by a group 3 updates

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 Her son is her spiritual support. Wang Ju and Wang’s mother originally thought that even if her son took responsibility for the accident, she would go to the person who was hit to ask for compensation. When they suddenly saw that their son had lost his temperature, the two of them could hardly accept the death of their son.

Facts, I can’t believe what I see.

The old couple were sobbing. They no longer acted like they did when they first arrived at the county bureau, asking for debts from the person who had been hit. Even the traffic police officers didn't know what to say. When they notified the family members, they were scolded bloody. At that time

They also expressed their understanding that they might be regarded as scammers, but they sent photos of the accident scene to the family members for confirmation. When the family members came to the police station, they never asked about their personal safety and only wanted to extort money.

Moreover, the family members didn’t even ask about their son’s wife, which is heartbreaking.

The family members of the accident victims cried so hard that they were out of breath. Due to work needs, the traffic police had to persuade them to help the two elderly people to the rest area near the hospital's nurse station to comfort them.

With her son gone, Wang Ju and Wang Ma also seemed to have lost their backbone and thoughts. She signed the documents for family members to identify the body and the autopsy consent form in a daze. After a long time, she went to the morgue for an examination because she could not stay in the morgue and sit there.

They cried helplessly outside the door. Their son was dead, their daughters were arrested, and they couldn't find anyone to discuss what to do.

The sky is falling for the Wang family in Guang City, Province C, and the Huang Bureau in Beishi City, E, was already in despair. When he returned home in the evening, he found a new video online.

With a spark of hope, he decided to make a fortune for himself, and immediately contacted several people he had not contacted for a long time to carry out his own plan.

So, that night, thousands of comments were added to the video incident again, with a flood of curses, questioning the girl surnamed Le's college entrance examination results, suspecting her of cheating, doubting her character. Some people even fanned the flames and demanded that Qingdao University expel Lian's mother.

An unfilial daughter who is not recognized by others cannot be allowed to be ruined by people with bad moral character. As the cradle of national education, Qingda University must set a good example of educating people for the society.

All kinds of personal attacks on the girls of the Le family were flying like snowflakes. They called the elders of the Le family a scumbag, called the male owner of the Le family a scumbag, and called his second wife a scumbag. They taught the children to become like their own mothers.

Don’t be a slut. Those kind of selfish remarks about someone and their local interests are absolutely derogatory.

The video became so popular that it immediately stayed on the headlines and attracted more and more netizens who didn’t know the truth to criticize it.

Liu Shao, who was responsible for guarding the Internet in the Capital Garrison District, and several handsome soldiers silently wrote down the IDs of certain navy soldiers, silently checked their real names, and silently made records.

In the second half of the night, some people were jumping around. Liu Shao and others took a nap, and then checked again after dawn. Well, the comment section was still the same, nothing new.

Yan Xing stayed up all night in the office to deal with some matters. He originally wanted to spare time to do the things he had planned. In the morning, he received a secret phone call and went to the commander's office. Then he went straight to Fa Shao and his brother's studio and walked in.

Seeing a bunch of people looking at the computer with disdainful faces, I asked funnyly: "What's wrong? Which acquaintance shows up and jumps around again?"

"Boss, the one you mentioned, Ma Ge, who was in Chong C, took action in the middle of the night, and it turned out to be a blockbuster. His actions were extraordinary. As soon as he was dispatched, he attracted dozens of navy troops, with a total of nearly 800 trumpets."

"The Navy is still a team of professional black stars."

"Boss, what's more, Huang is indeed dishonest. He has private connections with a black organization in Chongqing City, and is very likely to have some underground agreement with a certain gang."

The young man reported to the boss some secrets obtained from the surveillance and hacking into Huang's computer and mobile phone.

"I have a secret mission, and the team's manpower has to be transferred to a few foreigners. I don't have time to play with the scumbag. The people over at Twenty-Two will also transfer two of them. I just need to keep an eye on the old scumbag of the Wang family.

, the three female scumbags will have to be locked up for at least three months, so there is nothing to worry about at the moment.

Over at Shishi, some of the evidence we collected should be properly thrown out. If Mr. Huang is restless, let him go play with the disciplinary inspection department.

Here in the video, release the ultimate move, shut up those scum, let Lan San communicate with the department over there, and send out the announcement of the arrest of the troublemaking gang, and then leave the network to Xiang Yang and the former responsible for this area

personnel, and other personnel are recharged and ready for missions at any time."

Yan Xing didn't have time to play with the scum anymore, so he decided to make a quick decision. Anyway, the traces of a few people had been captured, and those idiots who were yelling should not be ignored.

"Understood." If the boss has a mission, it must be absolutely confidential. Luo Qishen and Sixteen others all understand the priorities.

Yan Xing said a few words and went back to the office to pack things, and then planned who would be sent on the mission, who would respond, and who would be responsible for which affairs. The purpose of his mission was to move towards Asan and Indonesia. Some things must be carefully planned.

Xiao Xingxing didn't even have time to personally supervise the affairs of the little Lolita, which meant that the task was extremely important. Liu Xiangyang rubbed his hands secretly. He was free, so he would keep an eye on those guys.

The leader was preparing for the mission, and Chi Shisi did not hesitate to enlarge his moves.

He uploaded a set of videos that he had saved that could make all the truth known. Without saying a word, Dashao Liu first put them on the top of the list as a manager and placed them in the most conspicuous position. Then several soldiers immediately went into battle.

, forward, copy, comment.

They are very well-educated. They don't scold or criticize, but let people open their eyes to see what is the truth, who is truly innocent, and who is worthy of death.

Popular videos attract a lot of attention. When a new video is released, many night owls and people who get up early to watch something online on their mobile phones rush to watch it. There are several videos with titles, so you can click on them at will.

After reading one, you will naturally look at the others.

The complete video proves irrefutably that the previous video was maliciously edited with the purpose of deliberately inciting people who do not know the truth to slander the truly innocent Le family members and divert everyone's attention to a certain high-ranking official.

Forgotten with a certain woman.

People who watched the video generally had three reactions. One was because they were slapped in the face and hurriedly hid themselves and no longer dared to comment in the comment area. The other was filled with anger and immediately appealed to people to see the real truth. The third was filled with doubts in their hearts.

Damn it, secretly scolding the person who posted the video for ruining their business.

A newly uploaded video by a netizen was quickly forwarded, and became known to more and more people. Netizens who were truly righteous were overwhelmingly supportive of the little girl surnamed Le’s act of annihilation. Especially those who have suffered trauma from their parents, they sympathize.

Physically and mentally, he was induced into labor by his own mother and gave up his life. What a miserable situation it was. He was strangled to death and suffered double injuries when he had no chance of survival. Who can recognize such a biological mother? Only a moral bitch would talk so much.

If she were the one making the accusation, she would probably have cried and made a fuss about her luck to gain sympathy.

There is also a certain woman surnamed Wu and her daughter who are extremely shameless and vicious. It is ridiculous that such people would be shamelessly said to be innocent by netizens.

The most innocent girl named Le in the video was slandered and abused, but she and her relatives and friends never came out to criticize others, which proves that those who are clean will self-clean.

A girl who has been hurt and bullied since she was a child has not been psychologically distorted by the real environment. She is tenacious and unyielding and walks her own path. She lives out what every girl hopes for most and can raise such a good child.

How warm and loving such a family should be.

Zhengyi netizens believe that those who named the little girl Heile are actually jealous of her wonderful life. Some people just can't see others living a better life than themselves, and because of jealousy, they will slander, frame, and maliciously attack her in every possible way.

When more and more netizens understood the truth and unanimously attacked those trolls and those evil people who deliberately used out-of-context videos to mislead netizens, some righteous netizens broke the news and posted an announcement issued by the public security department of Shi City, saying that so-and-so

On the same day, an illegal team broke into Lejia's house and committed crimes under the guise of justice. They were all captured by law enforcement officers who had already ambushed Lejia and arrested them in accordance with the law. The local public security department intervened in the investigation and conducted a rough investigation into the illegal gang members.

Members of the underworld organization and gang members were hired by a certain netizen to commit crimes at Lejia.

Another righteous netizen announced that the Lejia girl went abroad to study last month. Her teachers and relatives have entrusted all legal rights to protect their rights to a certain lawyer. The certain lawyer has full authority to defend her rights. The certain lawyer reserves the right to sue when necessary.

An indictment will be submitted to the court to hold certain people legally responsible.

Now, Zhenyi's netizens exploded. The netizen who bought the netizen and took the opportunity to commit murder must be related to a certain high-ranking official. It is related to the person who had fun with the little girl. He must be found out. There is also a certain high-ranking official who must be humanized to give everyone a favor.

The truth.

Relatives and friends of the Le family should sue the commissioner, suing some people to the point of ruining their fortunes, and suing him to ruin his reputation.

When Zhengyi netizens were angry and upset, Director Huang made some preparations for work and took advantage of the opportunity to go online to see the development of the incident. He suddenly discovered that someone had released the real video and the truth, and he panicked at that time.

When he was panicking, the old man called him. He answered the call with fear. Just as he called out the old man, a roar came from the phone: "Huang Zhenbang, look at the good things you have done! How fucking blind are you to be like that?"

This stupid country woman has been sleeping with her for twenty years. Look what kind of person your mistress is? Look what good things she has done. She actually dared to find someone to manipulate the video and then post it online. She is out of her mind.

Do you think the brains of everyone in the world are also flooded? Now that the real video has been exposed, she can’t run away, and you can’t explain it even with a hundred mouths.”

Director Huang was sweating in his heart and stammered: "What, what video?"

"What video? Apart from the so-called video of an unfilial daughter denying her biological mother a few days ago, what else can there be?" Huang Zhichang sneered: "Huang Zhenbang, a certain department forwarded the report about you taking bribes and having a house with a married woman.

There are many pieces of evidence, the project team has already set out to collect the market, you just wait to go in! I thought you were a piece of material, but unexpectedly you are just a piece of mud that cannot be used to support the wall. Countless resources of the family were wasted to train you."

I heard that a few days ago, the video that was very beneficial to countless people who criticized the little Le family short-lived ghost was actually edited and posted by Wu Lingling. Huang Bureau’s brain was buzzing loudly. Wu Lingling posted an untrue video. The most unlucky thing

Or he, when the time comes, he will definitely think that he asked her to do that to divert other people's attention.

The next moment, I heard that a certain department had received evidence from a superior about him accepting bribes and renting a house with his lover, and people had come to investigate. Bureau Huang's brain made a "bang" sound, and he became paralyzed, and his whole body felt like an electric shock.


It’s over!

It's all over.

He didn't hear clearly what the old man said behind him. The fingers holding the phone were stiff and his arms were shaking slightly. After a while, there was no sound in his ears. He moved the phone to his lap in a daze, his hands weak.

Hang vertically.

After a long time, he heard a knock on the door. Bureau Huang looked over and saw the secretary coming in and delivering a document. He didn't hear clearly what the secretary said. When someone went out, he looked over and saw that it was a notice. He saw Le

The name of the little short-lived ghost wakes me up like an electric shock.

Reading word by word, I saw that an illegal gang was instigated by netizens after seeing a certain video, and in the name of justice, asked Lejia to name a certain high-ranking official. They attacked Lejia, and all of them were captured and arrested. What will be done?

The final step of review.

Seeing the decision of relatives and friends of the Le family to entrust a lawyer to sue, Director Huang's heart froze. The people behind Le Xiao's short-lived ghost didn't take action before, but now they do!

Those evidences must have been collected by the people behind Lejia. They may have been looking for an opportunity to punish him. This time Wu Lingling's incident was just an opportunity.

His future will end here.

Why should he bear all the consequences? What the Huang family did to the Le family was obviously unanimously approved by the Huang family. Huang Shishi and several children hired thugs to beat people. The elders also knew about it and asked him to deal with it. He did it. Why?

When others are fine, do you want him to sacrifice?

Huang Bureau has resentment in his heart, but he cannot resist the family. He still has a son. If he is sacrificed to protect the rest of the Huang family, the family may train his son to compensate for his contribution.

The wild wave of online video incidents was dispersed by a few extremely impactful videos. Occasionally, a few moral bitches and filial piety bitches said, "What's done is done, mom is always mom", "No matter what, mom will always be mom".

You should admit it." Immediately, they were subjected to a wave of pressure from righteous netizens, and people who were proficient in the law came up with regulations and told them that it is legal and illegal for a little girl to deny her biological mother and not support her.

It’s a certain mother.

People who wanted to cause trouble were instantly submerged in the sea of ​​​​people. No one dared to criticize for fear of being doxxed, and the video comment area was finally peaceful.

Tantai Mixue was originally expecting good news, but when she saw the new video and the announcement from the Shi City Police Department, she gave up and fanned the flames.

It was already noon when some students of Qingda University discovered the new changes, and they all suddenly realized it. No wonder President Chao Yun Danfengqing did not make any reply. Even if those people made personal attacks on Le Xiaololi with slanderous words, he would not do anything.

Ignore it, it turns out that he has the victory in hand, and he knows that there will be a moment of shocking reversal.

The young people of the ancient martial arts family at Qingda University knew that Miss Le, who had astonishing medical talent, had such a miserable birth experience, and their emotions were particularly complicated.

Guan Yunzhi and other eight Vajras were also shocked by some of the truth. The little Lolita in their class was smart, optimistic and cheerful. She didn't expect that her life experience was so rough. I really wanted to touch her head and comfort her.

The video incident on the Internet has calmed down. Wang Cuixiang, Wang Cuiyu and their men in Guangzhou are very uneasy. They never took it seriously when they were arrested in the past. However, this time when they asked for confessions, they also found something strange, because among the jurors

There are people in military uniforms.

The interrogation procedure has not changed, but the process is very different. Everything is almost meticulous, and even the smallest details are recorded.

They wanted to contact their own people for bail, but were refused because they were suspected of smuggling drugs and arms. In order to prevent them from passing on information to their relatives and friends and tipping off other gangs, they were temporarily prohibited from contacting the outside world, and on the second day after they were arrested,

That is, he was secretly transferred to a detention center.

No contact with the outside world means no one can be released on bail, and there is a real risk of being imprisoned. It is only at this time that Wang Cuixiang, Wang Cuiyu and others feel fear, guessing what may have gone wrong.

Tang Tianyun was silent all night when he learned that his youngest son and daughter-in-law were arrested. The next day, he asked his eldest son to find out the reason, especially what Wang Cuixiang had done. What he found in the end was the same behavior as the young couple before, and only Wang Cuixiang was found out.

She contacted her brother and booked a ticket to travel to E North.

After confirming that Wang Cuixiang had booked a ticket to E North, Tang Tianyun was calm on the surface but turbulent in her heart. A few days ago, her family summoned her to return to the clan, severely reprimanding her for ruining the Tang family tradition and failing to discipline her son, and strictly ordered no one in the family to give her any support.


She would be scolded because of her youngest son's wife, Wang Cuixiang, and she also knew that Wang Cuixiang was her husband's lover.

The little bitch is not satisfied with sleeping with her man. She also sleeps with her youngest son, and is even asked to take him home as his wife. There is obviously something wrong, and it is very likely that her man's death is not simple.

Tang Tianyun decided to ignore the younger son's affairs this time and let them stay in the detention center for renovation. He also secretly supported the older son and asked him to rectify the gangs and territories left by his father and take the opportunity to control the entire business.

As for the Wang sisters who were imprisoned in the detention center, they naturally didn't know that their brother had died in a car accident. They were still hoping that if they couldn't contact their brother, they would find a way to find a way to deal with the third child's best friend to get them out as soon as possible.

Wang Ju and his wife stayed outside the hospital's temporary morgue all night, and they were all sluggish the next day. Because they had to be dissected, the bodies of Wang Longsheng and Zhang's mother had to be kept in the hospital for a few days. Wang's mother went home to take care of her grandchildren first.


Wang Ju stayed in the hospital, and Zhang Huhu’s mother-in-law’s family also arrived at nearly noon. The Zhang family saw the miserable state of their aunt who was almost cut into pieces and did not dare to look at it more. They only went through the process of identifying the body because they heard that it was

It was Wang Longsheng's fault. The Zhang family brutally beat Wang Ju twice in the mouth, blaming him for his incompetence in educating his son, causing the Zhang family's girls to suffer, causing the Zhang family's two grandchildren to lose their mothers, and threatened to take back the children born to the Zhang family's girls.


For the first time, Wang Ju didn't dare to fight with the Zhang family. He swallowed his anger and suffered a few blows. His daughters were arrested, his son was gone, and no one helped him to support him. If the Zhang family really robbed their children, they would suffer.

There was a quarrel in the Zhang family and they left. Wang Ju had to wait for the results of the forensic autopsy before he could take his son home for burial. He could only stay in the hospital.

This chapter has been completed!
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