Chapter 750: Go find friends 1 update

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 Classmate Le Xiao didn’t know if Handsome Yan was causing trouble or not, and she didn’t know what happened to the scumbags. She was climbing all over the mountains on the unique Socotra Island, looking for the plant species she needed.

Miao, collect stones.

At noon on the 21st of Huaxia Kingdom, it was still early morning local time on Suo Island, and it was not yet dawn. When handsome guy Yan used his ultimate move to reverse the incident in the video, classmate Le was still in her space, busy learning to draw talismans, studying, and taking care of precious medicinal materials.


In the early morning of local time in Yemen, Leyun climbed out of the space and headed towards the goal again excitedly, climbing over mountains and ridges, avoiding goats, bypassing inhabited settlements or caves, crossing large and small valleys, and climbing over high and low mountains.

At the top of the mountain, we finally arrived at our destination after noon.

It is a limestone mountain not far from the coast. There are only two hills away from the coast. The rocks near the coast are relatively steep. There are no beaches, only weathered rocks rolling downhill. The sea water will wash up the rocks.

Since there is no road to reach the rocks on the mountain, it can only be reached by boat. Generally, the coast is inaccessible.

The destination of Mr. Le Xiao's student is on the mountainside of a tall limestone mountain. The top of the mountain protrudes from the top of the mountain. The connection between the top of a small hill and the big mountain is a certain point on the seaward side, not a point on the seaside.

It is the concave junction where the hilltop and the mountain are connected.

On the other side of the mountain is a narrow valley, and there are residents in the flat land of the narrow valley. Fortunately, the side facing the sea is steep and has no water source, so there are several habitable caves on the mountain that are ownerless.

Most of the limestone mountain is rocky, with not much plant coverage. There are only a few dracaenas, desert roses and succulents. Probably due to the strong sea breeze, the dracaenas are shorter than in some places in order to adapt to the environment.
After finding a place, Le Yun climbed up to the sloping side of the mountain. She looked at the sky and the earth seriously, looking at the light of spiritual energy. She smiled stupidly at first, and then her face drooped into a bitter melon face.

There was a beam of aura light where she found it. The light was just a little bit comparable to the rich aura light of the ink-colored aquarium stone she found in the Wutai Mountains. It was just that the color was slightly lighter and the beam was irregular.
That beam of aura light is so strong that it can be seen very far away. With her unique eye function scanning, from a distance, it looks like a searchlight sweeping across the sky from the sea.

I was busy looking for plant seedlings in the past few days, so I didn't rush to find the spiritual energy beam immediately. Now, I have basically collected almost all the plant species in a certain area, so Le Yun came to look for the treasure excitedly.

The address of the aura light pillar was found, but... the place is a bit make me want to cry. The aura light came out from around a dragon blood tree, indicating that the thing is hidden in the soil or rocks. It is probably very rare, so even if it is hidden

Even if you are so good, you can't hide the halo of spiritual energy.

The place where the dragon's blood tree grows is filled with soil and many stones. Moreover, the scent of the dragon's blood leaves is different from that of other dragon's blood trees. It carries another elegant fragrance, indicating that its root system has come into contact with something.

A thing with spiritual energy absorbs its nutrients, so it has the aroma of something.

"How can we dig this?" Leaning on a rock, Le Yun was worried, her brows knotted with worry. The beam of light was a little wider than the umbrella crown of the dragon blood tree, indicating that it was very big. As for how deep it was, I didn't know.

, and whether it is a rock or something below, unknown!

There are people living in the narrow valley behind the mountain. If she digs down, if she makes a noise and alerts the people over there to find out, she will be caught and the game will end. Moreover, she has to be careful about whether there are drones in the sky.

Whether there are ships coming and going on the sea, drones in the sky and people taking pictures on cruise ships may be able to capture her presence.

How to find spiritual treasures is a big problem.

Knowing where the treasure is, Le Yun expressed considerable sadness when facing the dry hard soil and rocks. However, no matter what it is, it must be excavated and studied to determine whether it can be taken away, so it is better to be realistic and study how to dig it.

After observing for a long time, I chose a point on the slope side of the lower slope as the starting point for excavation. Using the triangle relationship, the selected point was about two meters away from the straight line extending downwards of the dragon blood tree, and the height was more than two meters.

, she planned to dig a vertical pit from below to get to the bottom of the Dragon Blood Tree like a tomb robber.

There is a rock at the selected point. As long as people don't stand up, it can block the observation and capture of telescopes and other tools thrown from the direction of the sea. As for the top, I thought for a long time, cleared the surrounding rocks, and then climbed back into the space to find out.

Several sticks and a piece of green moisture-proof cloth were placed diagonally above the rock. The other end was pressed against the ground with a stone, and the top was covered with cloth, trying to disguise it as a group of green plants, or the top of an umbrella like a group of dracaena.
After camouflaging the scene, Le Yun took out a sharp-horned hoe and tried to dig the ground. The soil was very dry and hard, and when she dug the hoe, it would splash up fine particles and ash, which was similar to digging into a ground full of gravel.

The sea breeze is a bit strong, but the sound of digging is still a bit heavy. First dig a hole, and then pour the water from the water shortage in the space to the ground. The water pours into the dry and hard soil and makes a gurgling sound.


Pour a few buckets of water to make the soil moist before digging. After the soil is soaked in water, it is much easier to dig. I dig for a while and then pour water. When digging, I also pack the soil with bamboo dustpans and throw it back into the space for accumulation. After digging, the soil is still there.

They have to be used to fill holes, instead of letting them run away along the slope.

For the sake of safety, Le Yun digs like a thief, listening for sounds at all times. If she hears any sounds that she feels are unsafe, she will first scout the environment and change her disguise at any time.

Fortunately, the location is quite advantageous. There are no human activities nearby. Only a small group of sheep passed by the mountainside of the main mountain in the middle of the afternoon.

Because there were many rocks mixed in the soil, it was necessary to dig out the rocks before continuing. It was not until evening that a vertical groove that could accommodate her two body widths was dug out, and she reached the densest root zone under the dragon's blood tree and the soon-to-be-visible

The edge of aura light.

Digging trenches also requires art and expertise. Digging to a certain length and width, blocking the gap at the excavation point with a stone wall, and then filling it back with soil can save a lot of effort and time.

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Finally, she almost reached the edge of the aura beam. Le Yun took a rest for a while, washed her hands and ate some space fruit to replenish her physical strength. Then she got to work with great excitement. She first dug horizontally from a distance of 60 to 70 centimeters from the ground, and cut some trees.

Remove the soil between the roots, then use the large scissors used to prune landscape trees to cut off some of the roots, and then poke the soil with a pointed awl.

After poking and prying the soil for a long time, I finally cleared a place and found something in the gap between the tree roots. It was a stone-like object, silver and white, like a fossil.

Even if the soil is still stuck, you can still smell a faint smell.

"Fossils of ambergris...?" Pulling away a piece of soil, she saw a palm-sized piece of yellow and white rock-like stuff. Le Yun opened her mouth wide in surprise. Oh my god, where did whale shit become a fossil?

, how many years will it take to achieve this result?

It is said that the island has been isolated from the continental plate for 18 million years. The island and the connected continent were once oceans tens of millions of years ago. Due to crustal movement and submarine volcanic eruptions, the sea floor gradually rose, and the original seamounts rose.

They formed land mountains and evolved over countless years to form continents.

Therefore, if you are lucky, you can often find fossils of many animals on So Island, including fossils of ancient marine life. It is not surprising to find fossils of whales and other fish.

Fossilized whale feces are rare anywhere.

Ambergris is actually the food eaten by sperm whales that has not been fully digested and their intestinal secretions condensed into a solid. Sometimes it is spit out by sperm whales, and sometimes it is excreted through excretion. The original ambergris is black and soft, with an unpleasant smell.

After being washed by sunlight, air and sea water for many years, it will harden, fade and emit fragrance.

Although ambergris itself is a stone-like solid, it is actually like wax and has a very light texture, so it is also called gray amber in the West.

A corner of ambergris was exposed in the soil. It was probably petrified because it had been buried in the soil for too long. The color of the surface of the fossil is very pure. It is the appearance of whale excrement after countless years of water washing in the ocean to remove impurities.

"That's not right, the smell in the dragon's blood leaves is not just the scent of ambergris." Le Yun muttered, her brows knitting into a twist again. The scent types in the dragon's blood leaves are more complex, and you should be able to smell more than just ambergris.

, indicating that there may be other treasures.

The sun was about to set. Due to the umbrella shape of the dragon blood tree and the shadow of the camouflage, the light in the groove was a bit dark. Le Yun climbed out of the pit, took away the camouflage cloth, and jumped into the groove again to make the light brighter.

Pry the soil downwards at the exposed corner of the fossil to see how long and wide it is to determine how to dig.

Facts have proved that the length of the fossil is not short. Even after prying it down a long way, it was still there. Even when she reached the bottom of the groove she dug, she still had not reached the end.

Now Le Yun had to sadly admit that she had made a miscalculation and the depth of the trench was not deep enough. What should she do? Of course, she should continue digging, digging, digging all the way to the end. Even if she might not be able to get them all out in the end, she still had to find out.

, explore the length of the fossil and see how big the scented whale poop is.

The sun was already setting on the mountain, and even the birds were returning to their nests. There were no boats coming to the nearby sea, and usually no one would run up the mountain. She felt more at ease, stepped back a few dozen centimeters, exerted all her strength, and waved.

With a sharp hoe, he worked hard to dig down the hole and dig into the soil.

From digging until the sun sets below the horizon, from dusk to darkness, from not needing an external light source to wearing a headlamp for illumination, we sweat profusely and work tirelessly overtime to dig out a deep section again.

The groove, which is one meter long and about one meter long, forms a stepped level with the first dug groove. Because we don’t know if we need to dig deeper, all the soil is transported back to the space for storage.

Dig deep for a while, climb out of the pit again, rest and eat to replenish your strength. When you are full of strength, you can start working again. Pry the soil downwards along the location of the fossils to look for treasures.

Facts once again proved that her sense of smell was correct. There were not only fossils of ambergris but also other things between the roots of the dracaena tree. When she pried down about thirty centimeters away, other fossils were revealed, all of which were fossils of marine animals and dragons.

Fossils of saliva are crowded in a pile.

Continuing to clean up the soil, there are stones and fossils, all crowded together. After cleaning for a while, the ambergris fossils have reached the end, but the pile of stones mixed with fossils has not reached the end, and when it reaches the bottom of the groove, there is still no

The end.

"Is this the time to make a fortune?" Seeing that there was still a fossil in the soil that was level with the groove, Le Yun touched her small chin happily, wishing she could laugh three hundred times to express her ecstasy.

As expected, people are kind-hearted. She is kind-hearted and does not refuse patients with difficult and complicated diseases. That is why she was able to facilitate this trip to Africa. During the trip to Africa, she had to visit Socotra Island.

Only on the island can you find spiritual treasures.

Being able to obtain a visa for Yemen was also a blessing due to Mr. Ferrari’s personal connections. Mr. Ferrari had a wide network of contacts and knew a diplomatic ambassador of Saudi Arabia. Yemen was in turmoil due to rebel militants, and Saudi Arabia assisted the Yemeni government in forming a coalition army.

To retake the Yemeni capital and other places, the Yemeni government relied heavily on Saudi Arabia's protection. Therefore, Saudi diplomats helped a little bit and opened the door for Mr. Ferrari's so-called friends to apply for electronic visas.

Because of the unstable domestic situation in Yemen, it is largely relaxed for Europeans to apply for visas. Applications from other regions are more strict. If Leyun were to apply for an electronic visa by herself, the success rate would be only five points. Mr. Ferrari is gone.

relationship, the success rate becomes 100%.

Thinking that a large number of fossils would be collected by her, and that the space might be expanded by being replenished with spiritual energy, Le Yun was filled with energy and picked up the hoe to continue digging.

Go a few meters deeper into the ground, the soil will be moister, and it will take less effort to dig. I will dig hard for more than an hour, remove a few rocks, and dig out a pit that is one and a half meters deep.

It was really deep based on the depth. Looking up, you could only see a narrow patch of sky with four corners. Le Yun once again cleaned the soil along the areas with fossils.

This time we cleaned down about half a meter. The fossilized rocks were gone, and the root system of the dragon's blood tree was gone. However, a curved section of shell fossils about 30 centimeters thick was revealed, with peacock blue and pink colors.

Even the purple color and mud covering the fossil cannot hide its aura and luster.

Seeing it, Le Yun finally understood why the spiritual energy could break through the surface of the earth and be reflected in the sky. If I am not mistaken, it is the Tridacna tridacna. Tridacna is one of the seven treasures of Buddhism. It is extremely precious in itself, and the Tridacna fossil is even more precious.

So precious.

The reason why aura is second only to the ink-colored water vat is that there is still a difference in the rarity of the two treasures. After her research, she found out whether the ink-colored water vat is an extraterrestrial stone, or whether it is buried in the earth and has undergone hundreds of millions of years of change.

The special material formed later is a rare foreign resource. Tridacna is a native product, so the aura of the ink-colored water tank is difficult to compare with other things.

The reason why there are many marine fossils gathered together is probably because they fell into the belly of the clam and were buried by the sea mud. After countless years of evolution, many marine organisms became fossils, and some sea mud became fossils.

Turned into stones.

The earth has undergone crustal changes, and the mountains in the sea have turned into mountains on land. The clams are still buried in the soil. Because the soil layer on the surface has not been washed away, they continue to sleep in the soil until an uninvited guest discovers the aura and digs it out.

There is a chance that they will see the light of day soon.

There were originally a bunch of fish, shellfish and ambergris fossils. Le Yun was extremely happy. She also found a Tridacna fossil. A huge surprise fell from the sky. She was so surprised that her eyes were filled with stars and she grinned.

Like a fool, he happily picked up the hoe and cleaned the soil again.

After unremitting efforts to clean up, the other half of the clam's shell was found. The gap between the shell and the shell was about 40 centimeters wide, with rocks and soil stuck in it. Judging from the position, the clam was lying sideways in the soil.

, the mouth is tilted toward the sky, and the end is less than ten centimeters away from the bottom of the dug groove.

In order to dig out the fossils of Tridacna and all marine organisms, Le Yun dug downward again, and then dug about twenty centimeters deeper, and then dug clockwise along the edge of the aura range.

Based on the width of the aura, it was impossible to dig out the entire area in one night. In order to dig without being discovered during the day, she decided to dig a tunnel. Sound spreads slowly in the ground and is relatively small when it is transmitted out, making it difficult to be heard.

As long as the dug grooves are camouflaged and covered, there is no need to worry about drones flying around in the sky.

Just start digging. Excavate at a depth of about 20 centimeters from the ground. First dig a step about one meter high, and then dig down step by step.

In order to dig out the treasure as soon as possible, Le Yun also worked hard. She meditated on time at eleven o'clock. After one o'clock, she finished her practice, had something to eat and continued working. She kept digging tunnels until she reached the rock layer on the side close to the mountain.

The stone is stuck, which is very time-consuming. It only takes one night to dig out a tunnel that is as long as the arc corresponding to a 120° angle in the circle.

Because the sky was getting brighter, she had to crawl out of the tunnel to eat first, then find the groove surface of the wooden slats in the space, then put some rocks as a shelter, leave an entrance and exit, and cover it with a stone slab.

After checking for safety, we continued working in the tunnel. We didn’t dare to work too hard during the day and tried not to make too much noise. We dug for a while and ran to the entrance and exit to check if anyone was passing by to make sure no one was working anymore.

After digging for a long time, because there were too many rocks in the backing, it was too easy to make clanking noises, so I dug counterclockwise. I dug with the mentality of a thief until dark, and once again let go and went crazy.

As a digger, I dug until nearly ten o'clock to open the tunnel.

Dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, mice give birth to cubs and they know how to burrow. After being a mouse for a while, Le Xiao’s classmate spent all his energy, sweating profusely and working hard, and his hard work paid off.

The connection is finally completed. Although it is not a perfect connection, it is a real connection.

After completing a big project, the little loli was so tired that her back ached, her hands cramped, and her face was gray. She sat on the ground and panted. Oh my god, digging for treasures is a physical job. It’s so tiring! If handsome guy Yan is here, let him be the digger.

As a miner, she doesn't have to work so hard.

That’s not right!

Le Yun wiped her sweat and pressed her head. Why did she always think of that guy Yan when something happened? After thinking for three seconds, she felt that she was used to doing things around him, so when she encountered physical labor, she thought of Yan first.

Someone, well, that guy is destined to be a hard worker!

This chapter has been completed!
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