Chapter 142 Xu Tiannan's Doubt (2)

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After seeing off the King of Rags, Chen Liangshan no longer cared about drinking the night before and drove towards his small shop.

At this time, his mind was in chaos and he didn't know how to deal with the current situation.

Did the police doubt the information provided by the Tattered King? Or did the police just want to find the Tattered King and ask him again about the more specific appearance of the murderer.

What is the situation now? When Chen Liangshan faced this important choice, he felt like his head hurt, but he still couldn't think of a reason.

So the best way now is to take the initiative to ask Xu Tiannan for clarification. As a special consultant of the criminal investigation detachment, the other party must be aware of the current investigation progress, and I only need to eat some food and drink some wine with the other party, even if Xu Tiannan

If he is unwilling to reveal the case, Murong Shui next to him must not be able to control his mouth and will leak some information to some extent.

After making up his mind, Chen Liangshan drove all the way into the commercial street, but suddenly found a white car parked in the woods opposite his shop.

This car looked extremely familiar. Chen Liangshan always felt that he had seen it somewhere before. Especially now that the car was facing the front entrance of his shop, he couldn't help but be alert.

Suddenly, Chen Liangshan immediately realized that this was Xu Tiannan's white car, because when he and the other party were drinking together last time, Xu Tiannan, who had passed out from drinking, had mysteriously told himself that his new car was the one owned by Xu Tiannan.

Murong Shui's birthday "0701" was used as the last number of the license plate.

Seeing Xu Tiannan coming over at this time, Chen Liangshan's heart suddenly rose to his throat.

Why did the other party take the initiative to come to look for me? The murder case happened just last night, and the criminal investigation detachment must be very busy now, so why would Xu Tiannan come to his store at such an important time in the morning?

A series of questions made the depressed Chen Liangshan almost breathless. He knew very well that at such an important time, Xu Tiannan took the initiative to come to him, and it was definitely not because of ordinary things.

What should I do? Pretend that I don’t know anything and just walk over to say hello? Or think of another way?

Chen Liangshan looked at the broken cell phone. He didn't need to think about it. There must be countless text messages sent to him by Xiao Yanran and his mother-in-law in his cell phone. It even included a reminder message that the phone was turned off when Xu Tiannan called him.

He thought about it for a long time in the car, and finally decided not to take the risk.

He knew Xu Tiannan's strength very well. If the other party really came to him with suspicion, all the disguises and lies he put in front of the other party would not work. Moreover, he could not produce an alibi for Liu Jianmin's death.

In panic, Chen Liangshan turned the steering wheel and drove the car to another road. He drove away in the distance, but his mind was already a mess. He just wanted to escape here quickly.

As for where to escape to, I don't even know now.

The appearance of Xu Tiannan directly disrupted his plan, and it was only a matter of time before the other party found him. Chen Liangshan knew that he could not continue like this forever. He had to come up with an alibi for Liu Jianmin's death before the other party found him.

But this kind of thing is not easy. Chen Liangshan's mind is about to explode, but he still can't think of any solution. If he faces an ordinary policeman this time, or faces the Wen Sibao from last time, he might

I am also confident that I can make a false alibi.

But now the person who is looking for him is Xu Tiannan. He understands that no matter what kind of evidence he fabricates, he will never be able to hide it from the other party's eyes.

Unless someone is willing to take the risk of committing a crime and give false testimony on his behalf, but now that I think about it, there is only one person, the Rag King.

But the other party is now a person targeted by the police. Even if he is willing to perjury on his behalf, the police will never believe him.


Under extreme tension and depression, Chen Liangshan slapped the steering wheel angrily. This desperate feeling made him almost collapse.

However, just as he roared angrily in the car, he accidentally saw a small decoration hanging under the rearview mirror in the car.

This is a cute little lion shape, which was a gift given to him by Lin Aji. Until now, he still remembers what Lin Aji said to him more than once: Brother Liangshan, you are more important in my heart than

The lion is even more powerful.

These words, half serious and half joking, suddenly made Chen Liangshan think of the other party.

At this moment, he thought of Lin Aji, the girl who did not like human society and had a relationship with him for many years. As the only person who cherished her and understood her, he had reason to believe that Lin Aji would never want to see him

Something happened.

The police are not fools. Even if they produce an alibi for Liu Jianmin's death, the police will definitely go to the scene to verify the matter.

Therefore, in the evidence chain of this forged alibi, one person must cooperate, and Lin Aji is the best candidate.

Xicheng Zoo's efficiency is not good. It often treats its female employees as men and male employees as animals. This is especially true for Lin Aji as a contract worker. Therefore, she is not only responsible for the feeding of all animals every day, but also takes care of everything in the park.

the normal operation of the equipment.

Therefore, every time Chen Liangshan goes to the zoo to do maintenance work, the park's on-site visa officer is Lin Aji. As long as he communicates with the other party in advance, he will ask the other party to make a perjury during the police interrogation. As long as he can prove that he is in

Liu Jianmin was repairing circuits at the zoo when the incident occurred, so he could immediately clear himself of suspicion.

Although this method requires telling Lin Aji the ins and outs of everything in advance, now that we have reached this point, there is no other way to do this.

In order to prevent his daughter from becoming a child without a father in the future, Chen Liangshan is willing to do anything, which must include deceiving his best friend and dragging Lin Aji into the quagmire!

He carefully recalled everything that had just happened.

There was only Xu Tiannan's vehicle in front of the store, and there were no police cars around. This means that Xu Tiannan was thinking about his old relationship and did not tell the police about this suspicion.

So what I need to do now is just to give up Xu Tiannan's thoughts.

Chen Liangshan lit up a cigarette, restarted the car and drove towards the Xicheng Zoo. At this moment, his eyes were no longer confused and fearful, but were replaced by a firm gaze.

For his daughter, he is willing to do anything, even if he makes mistakes again and again, even if he falls into evil ways, he will not hesitate!

This chapter has been completed!
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