Chapter 445 Murder the Pillow (13)

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"Nanny...Nanny, she just walked out of here and said she wanted to sneak home to get the cake..."

After hearing these words, Chen Liangshan seemed to have fallen into hell in an instant.

It has been an hour and a half since I went home and caused a gas leak, so now every corner of my home must be filled with natural gas.

In order to increase the success rate of the explosion, Chen Liangshan even used tape to seal all the gaps in the room.

It can be said that his house is now like a time bomb with huge pressure. As soon as Nannan opens the door, the sealed gas inside will gush out in an instant and cause a violent explosion when it comes into contact with the electric light in the corridor.

Chen Liangshan just felt that his mind went blank. He couldn't believe that he would encounter such a thing, it was like God's deliberate mockery.

It was obvious that his plan was perfect, and he had already considered all the reactions of the police. Even if the plan was discovered by Xu Tiannan, Chen Liangshan would have enough confidence to use the time lag before the police arrived to escape.

But against all calculations, Chen Liangshan never expected that the problem would arise in his daughter's body, and he would never have thought that at such a critical moment, his daughter would choose to go home and get a cake for herself.

At this moment, Chen Liangshan frantically grabbed Niu Baiwan by the collar, slammed him against the fence, and asked sternly: "When did Nannan leave! Quick! Tell me quickly!"

Niu Baiwan was frightened, but fortunately he remembered clearly that the bell rang when Nannan left just now, so he took out his mobile phone, looked at it, and said tremblingly: "Nanny... left at the end of the seventh period.

, the time the bell rang was... 6:45, now it is 6:51, she has been gone for... 7 minutes."

"It's 6 minutes! You idiot!"

Chen Liangshan cursed loudly and shook the fat boy in front of him away, and this movement finally attracted the attention of the school security not far away.

"Who! Hey! What are you doing!"

Several security guards quickly ran towards the fence, shouting.

But Chen Liangshan no longer had time to take care of everything in front of him. He was rapidly counting time in his mind.

It usually takes Nannan 15 minutes to walk home from school. Since she has left for 6 minutes now, that means the other party will arrive home within 9 minutes at the latest.

At the same time, according to the calculations of the policeman whom he knocked unconscious just now, the rest of the supporting police forces should arrive at the scene immediately and surround the school.

Even the police from the nearby police station have arrived, which means that the location of the front and back entrances of the school is no longer safe.

These were nine fatal minutes, and at the same time they were the most important nine minutes in my life. My daughter's life was completely in my hands.

Should I choose to take a gamble and save my daughter? Or should I just take the toilet and leave in the car?

Chen Liangshan didn't know how many policemen there were between the school and Fugui Community, but he knew that under such circumstances, even if he showed the slightest abnormality, he would inevitably arouse the suspicion of the policemen along the way.

However, the suitcase in his hand contains wealth that he will never be able to spend in a lifetime. As long as Chen Liangshan chooses to abandon his daughter and take the toilet, what awaits him will be freedom, glory and wealth for the rest of his life.

However, if there is no daughter, no matter how good the world is, it will be equivalent to hell.

Chen Liangshan made the decision without any hesitation. He must save his daughter at any cost.

At this moment, the rented Santana must have been monitored by the police and was no longer safe. So Chen Liangshan rushed to the toilet-strong off-road vehicle, opened the door and got into the passenger seat, shouting: "Quickly go!"

Toilet Qiang didn't know what happened, and said in surprise: "Brother, do you want to leave directly? You... where is your girl?"

Chen Liangshan didn't have time to explain. He pointed to the road east of the school: "Let's go quickly! Go to the Fugui Community in the east!"

Toilet Qiang was confused for a moment, but when he heard that he was going to drive the car towards the city, he immediately said reluctantly: "Ah! What the hell are you doing! I saw several police cars just now.

I don’t know what happened, but they all drove to the front gate of the school. It would be too dangerous for us to drive through that way now!"

Chen Liangshan stopped talking nonsense, and instead took out a gun and put it to the opponent's head, roaring: "Let's go! I want you to leave now! I'm going to save the child!"

Unexpectedly, the other party actually had a gun. He was nearly frightened out of his wits when he was raped in the toilet. He looked at the black muzzle of the gun in front of him and was about to beg for mercy, but was frightened by the exposed veins on the other party's face. It was obvious that the other party was not

I'm kidding, if I dare to say "no" again, my head will definitely explode immediately.

"Brother, brother...just calm down, let's just leave, just leave..."

Toilet Qiang didn't dare to neglect, so he started the car and drove towards the alley entrance.

At the same time, in order to avoid running into the police directly, he drove the car one more block eastward, and then turned back toward Fugui Community.

Sitting in the car, Chen Liangshan tried to keep calm. He quickly thought of a better solution, so he took out Niu Wanwan's father's mobile phone and dialed 110 directly.

The phone was connected as soon as it rang, and the operator said quickly and briefly: "Hello, 110."

Chen Liangshan: "Quick! Send people to the Fugui Garden Community in Beicheng District immediately. There is a gas leak in a room there. It will explode if you open the door!"

The operator did not dare to neglect the important matter and responded immediately: "Sir, don't hang up the phone. I will transfer you to the Beicheng District Guard Station now!"

In less than 5 seconds, the call over there was answered.

"Beicheng District Security Station, what's going on?"

Chen Liangshan said hurriedly: "Go to room 602 in Building 14 of Fugui Community. If the gas leaks there, it will explode immediately!"

The police officer who answered the phone was startled and asked hurriedly: "What? Are you sure?"

"Sure! Hurry! Send someone over quickly!"

The police officer said: "Okay, let's rush there now. We expect to arrive in about 10 minutes!"

When he heard that the other party actually needed 10 minutes, Chen Liangshan panicked. He looked down at the time and found that it was already 6:53. There were only less than 7 minutes left before Nannan got home. If the other party continued to trot home all the way,

If we rush there, I'm afraid the remaining time will be even shorter.

Therefore, Chen Liangshan, who saw a glimmer of hope, finally couldn't help but said angrily: "No! I can't catch up! Where is your 3-minute police dispatch? Haven't you been promoting the 3-minute police dispatch!"

The police officer was obviously very anxious at this time. He heard the other party sounding the siren on the phone, and then heard the sound of a car squeaking on the ground after turning the steering wheel sharply.

"Sir, calm down! We received an emergency mission today. All the police are rushing to the No. 1 Primary School, so it is at least 10 minutes away from Fugui Community. If time is tight, I can help you contact there now.


Afterwards, the police officer said to the person next to him: "You should contact the property management and community street office of Fugui Garden Community immediately and ask them to guard the house 602 in Building 14. No one is allowed to get close! At the same time, evacuate the surrounding people!"

However, the faint voice coming from the phone made Chen Liangshan feel even more desperate.

——"Master, the properties in that community have been vacated long ago!"

——"The Beicheng Road Sub-district Office doesn't just care about that one community. Their group of people are further away from Fugui Garden than we are!"


Chen Liangshan was so angry that he cursed, and his cell phone was smashed on the car by this move. He never expected that the noise he made would eventually lead to the entire Beicheng District police force moving closer.

And the person who caused all these consequences is ultimately himself.

Suddenly, the toilet suddenly braked and stopped in place.

The two of them looked up and found that the intersection not far away was blocked by several police cars, stopping all the public vehicles on the road.

Damn! Did this, this, this, this policeman take the wrong medicine today?"

Toilet Qiang felt excited all over, and when he was about to turn around and go back, he found that several more police cars had appeared, immediately blocking the intersection he had just passed.

At this time, not only this street, but also the streets in the surrounding areas were blocked by the police. At the same time, more police cars were seen driving towards the No. 1 Elementary School, obviously arresting someone important.

the wanted.

At this point, Toilet Qiang finally realized that he had missed his only chance to escape, and a deep sense of fear surged out of his heart.

However, he soon discovered that these police officers did not seem to have a clear goal. They just stopped all the vehicles, inspected them one by one, and let them go.

But Toilet Qiang is by no means a fool. At this time, he had a vague feeling that today's incident was probably related to the man next to him.

Just as he turned his head tremblingly and was about to say something, he suddenly saw Chen Liangshan holding a gun to his head, his eyes red and he was about to lose his mind.

"The person the police are looking for is me!"

"Ah? Looking for you? Big brother... who are you..."

Chen Liangshan did not answer, but pointed his gun at the sidewalk next to him and ordered: "Rush out from the sidewalk!"

"Holy shit..."

Toilet Qiang finally couldn't help but said: "You're crazy! If we kill someone, it will be over for both of us... I don't want the car anymore, I want to drive it by myself, ow! What are you doing..."

Chen Liangshan didn't wait for the other party to finish speaking, then hit Toilet Qiang's head with the butt of his gun, and then immediately inserted the muzzle of the gun into the other party's crotch.

As a muffled sound came, traces of smoke suddenly emerged from under Toilet Qiang's crotch. Fortunately, the car windows were closed tightly, and the gap around the gun's muzzle was blocked by his thigh, so the gunshot became louder.

It was much duller and did not scare passers-by in the distance.

When Toilet Qiang lowered his head again and saw the smoking black hole on the seat under his buttocks, he felt his crotch get hot and was so frightened that he peed his pants.

Chen Liangshan slowly raised his gun to the opponent's head and said in a deep voice: "Last warning, drive for me! Rush out from the sidewalk!"

Under the threat of death, Toilet Qiang no longer dared to say a word. He gave a trembling shout and stepped on the accelerator. The off-road vehicle under him also turned around with a roar, instantly crashing the vehicle in front of him.

After the bumper, he stumbled over the flower bed on the roadside and rushed directly towards the sidewalk.

This chapter has been completed!
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