Chapter 447 Murdering the Pillow (15)

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Chen Liangshan kept the toilet until now, and in the end it was only for this small use, as long as he could temporarily get rid of the police.

Chen Liangshan got into the cab and took over the car. After checking the time, he found that there were still nine minutes left.

At this time, he quickly saw through the rearview mirror that the police cars that arrested him started chasing him again.

The other party was probably less than 200 meters away from me, so it was only a matter of time before he caught up with this dilapidated off-road vehicle.

But Chen Liangshan didn't care about this, because he only wanted the last few minutes. No matter how slow the off-road vehicle was, it was still faster than his daughter's running speed, so it would never take him 9 minutes to reach Fugui Community.

As long as Nannan is rescued from the explosion, everything else doesn't seem so important.

The next moment, just as Chen Liangshan stepped on the accelerator and passed through an intersection, he suddenly saw a blue and white shadow speeding towards him from the right side of his eyes.

This phantom came and went from far away but at a very fast speed. When Chen Liangshan looked at it carefully again, he realized that it was actually a police car.

The speed of this police car was very fast, without any sign of slowing down. It just rushed straight towards him. The obvious intention also made Chen Liangshan feel chills down his spine, and his whole body felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave in an instant.

He couldn't believe that what he was seeing was true. He couldn't believe that there was a policeman in the world who would risk his life just to arrest him. The other person would rather cause a car accident to stop him. This kind of disregard of his life immediately became apparent.

It reminded Chen Liangshan of someone.

Xu Tiannan, only he would do such a thing, and only he would put his belief in justice above life.

However, all this happened so fast that Chen Liangshan could not react at all, and the two cars immediately collided with each other.

In this small intersection, a violent and terrifying sound of metal collision suddenly sounded.

At this moment, Chen Liangshan felt as if he was in the middle of a huge earthquake, and the off-road vehicle he was driving was forcibly changed by the huge impact force of the other party, and rushed towards the flowerbed on the roadside.

Got in.

Under the continuous rain all day today, this flowerbed had already been watered and became muddy and slippery. When the out-of-control off-road vehicle rushed into it, four tires were immediately stuck in the muddy ground, and the vehicle

The vehicle stuck in the mud was like a forklift, dragging two traces several meters long in the flower bed.

However, the resistance of the tires sinking into the ground alone could not stop the 2-ton iron lump. The off-road vehicle generated huge inertia under the impact of the accident, which triggered a series of rollovers.

In the fierce chase with the police just now, Chen Liangshan naturally ignored the seat belt at hand. At this moment, he only felt like a grasshopper in an iron cage, being shaken by a huge force, and countless

All parts are colliding with vehicles.

And this dilapidated car, which had been in disrepair for a long time, had no such thing as an airbag, so every part in the car was turned into a weapon, hitting Chen Liangshan mercilessly.

Finally, under the influence of huge inertia, the off-road vehicle turned over several times, and finally rolled sideways and slammed into a thick tree.

With a loud noise, countless fallen leaves were knocked down, and the off-road vehicle finally stopped with its face facing up.

However, this nearly 2-ton iron lump was like a piece of soft bread at this time. The entire car body was almost cut in half during the horizontal collision with the big tree, turning into an unbelievable "V" shape. At the same time,

The space in the cab was almost compressed to the extreme, trapping Chen Liangshan inside like a cage.

At the scene of the car accident, the police car that had just collided with the off-road vehicle was not much better. After the severe impact, the entire front of the car was almost sunken into the body. At the same time, because the body was originally lighter, so

The vehicle was also hit and bounced on the spot, flipped 180 degrees backwards, and crashed down with its head down with a loud bang.

All this happened in just ten seconds, and then the two cars were in this small intersection, and there was no movement at the same time.

This tragic car accident quickly paralyzed the traffic at the intersection. Everyone around them got out of the car and looked at everything in front of them in horror. Then they still stared at them with fearful eyes and took out their mobile phones from their pockets to take pictures.


Less than a minute later, police sirens sounded in the distance and came from far and near. The police cars that had been stopped just now finally arrived at the scene.

In the off-road vehicle, Chen Liangshan, who was on the verge of coma, heard the siren, and his vague consciousness immediately helped his body to regain its strength.

"Nanny...Dad is here...wait for me..."

Chen Liangshan's voice was very weak. He tried to move his body, trying to climb out of the car, and wanted to continue running in the direction of his daughter with his legs. However, he found that the cab he was in had been severely deformed by the impact. At this moment, he looked like a

Trapped in a steel cage, no matter how hard he tried, he could not move. When he lowered his head, he saw that the cab, which had been deformed by the impact, had collapsed, trapping his legs tightly underneath.

The heavy blow to his head caused severe pain, and the blood flowing from his head had already covered his eyes. Chen Liangshan felt extremely desperate when he could not move. He had to scream with all his strength and ask for help from the people around him.


"Nanny... who can save her... Fugui Community... who can save her..."

However, when Chen Liangshan desperately tried to make a sound, he realized that there was a sharp pain in his lungs. When he looked down, it turned out that the steering wheel had turned into a hydraulic machine and was crushing towards his lungs.


Chen Liangshan could no longer estimate the damage to his lungs, but no matter how hard he tried to shout or roar, the words that came to his lips would eventually turn into a very small whimper, and no one would listen to him.


Soon, when the arresting police car stopped at the scene, the team leader immediately directed the surrounding police officers: "Save people, apprentice and I will save people together! Others go to evacuate the crowd!"

After receiving the order, everyone immediately began to move separately. The police officers immediately rushed to the surrounding people to dissuade those watching and filming from evacuating to the rear.

Afterwards, the team leader and his two apprentices quickly rushed to the off-road vehicle, only to find that the cab door was severely deformed after the impact. Most of the door was sunk into the frame and could not be opened with brute force.

"Broken window! Broken window to save people!"

Time was running out, so the team leader immediately ordered his apprentice to take out his baton and smash the car window. Then he wrapped his palms with clothes, quickly cleaned up the broken glass, and prepared to drag Chen Liangshan out of the car.

"Nanny...go and save Nanny..."

Chen Liangshan could not see, but he could hear the police's voice in his ears, so he desperately tried to tell the police about the situation, but his weak voice was soon drowned in the other party's rapid shouting.

——"Grab his arm and pull him out!"

——"No, the steering wheel is deformed and people are stuck inside!"

——"Cutter! Go get the cutting machine!"

Chen Liangshan knew that the other party could not hear him clearly at this time, so he reluctantly raised his arm and made a desperate and dangerous move.

Not far away, while the police officers were busy maintaining order and rescuing another police car, everyone suddenly heard a gunshot. When everyone turned their heads to look, the policeman's body suddenly twitched, and then he shot directly towards him.

Then he fell to the ground.

"He killed someone!"

Someone in the crowd not far away who was watching the excitement let out a scream, which immediately caused chaos in the entire neighborhood. The people who had just been filming also fled in panic.

However, it was precisely because of this gunshot that the entire scene deteriorated instantly and became a shooting case.

The police officers drew their pistols one after another and were on guard, and the leading apprentice was also frightened. He quickly fell to the ground, grabbed the dragging handle of his master's tactical vest and prepared to leave, saying at the same time: "Master, you

Hold on, I'll take you right now... huh?"

Before he could finish his words, the team leader who had just been at the end suddenly got up from the ground, grabbed his apprentice and left the scene together without saying a word.

Just after the two were hiding in the bunker, the team leader began to check himself up and down carefully, and was surprised to find that there was no gunshot wound on his body.

The apprentice was so frightened that he was covered in cold sweat and said with lingering fear: "Master... are you okay? Oh my God, I was scared to death... Fortunately, that guy Chen Liangshan is not good at shooting, otherwise you may have to... explain it here today."


The team leader gasped for air and shook his head solemnly: "No, it's not that his marksmanship was inaccurate. I was too anxious just now and lost consciousness. Now that I think about it, it seems... It seems that Chen Liangshan can't see anything now, but he...

But he deliberately moved the muzzle to the other side..."

The other police officer was surprised and said: "Ah? Then what does he want to do?"

In fact, Chen Liangshan did not intend to attack the other party. He just wanted to use gunshots to attract the attention of the police, so that the other party and himself could form a confrontation. Only in this way could there be a one percent chance of expressing what he wanted to say.

information is conveyed.

Sure enough, after the gunshot, the scene suddenly became quiet. The other police officers pointed their guns at him, but Chen Liangshan's voice became weaker and weaker, and even his own consciousness began to blur.


Due to the fact that the opponent had weapons in their hands, the team leader did not dare to issue a direct attack order, so he took out his walkie-talkie and contacted Deputy Director Yang, the commander-in-chief of this operation.

Subsequently, Deputy Director Yang also quickly issued an order. When he learned that Chen Liangshan had no hostages or accomplices around him, he immediately issued an order to kill him.

As Deputy Director Yang's instructions came out from the walkie-talkie, everyone aimed their guns in the direction of the off-road vehicle. After a few seconds, when the surrounding people retreated to a safe distance, the team leader would give the order to kill everyone.

And then, everything will end.

But Chen Liangshan was still unable to move at this time. He could only continue to convey the message to everyone with his weak voice.

"Fugui Garden...Building 14, 602..."

The current time is 6:59, and it is 6 minutes until Nannan gets home.

This chapter has been completed!
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