Chapter 1481 The real purpose of the Japanese

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In a place like this, let alone top-notch delicacies prepared by top chefs, let alone a large amount of spiritual power that cultivators dream of?

Even if you can eat something other than leaves, it's already extremely delicious, so the moment they took the leg of lamb, the two of them didn't even have time to say thank you before they started biting and gobbling it up like crazy.

What made Fang Lin even more speechless was that just when one of them finished eating, he subconsciously looked at the delicious food in his companion's hands, but there was a strange sound of protecting the food and an angry look in return. There was no trace of the love between each other before.

What does it look like?

"Don't worry, I still have it here.

By the way, since you know how to leave such a place where life is worse than death, why don't you get out?"

Although a bit strange, these two people are indeed somewhat cute and pitiable.

So Fang Lin immediately took out two large pieces of lamb legs and started roasting them again as before, and asked casually.

"Of course we think about it, and we also know that there are countless treasures in the holy land, but we are poisoned by a strange poison, and as long as we leave the dense forest, we will be worse than dead.

To be honest, we don’t want to die either! After all, there are connections outside, so we have to live a life of neither humans nor ghosts.”

Seeing that Fang Lin was so kind-hearted, the two of them completely let down their guard, and one of them sighed helplessly.

"I know a little bit about medical skills, why don't you let me help you?"

There is such a strange poison in the world that can control people under certain circumstances. Fang Lin had never heard of it before, so he was also interested.

However, after carefully examining the two bodies, Fang Lin did not find anything abnormal, and he could only helplessly shake his head.

It's just that Fang Lin's unintentional act of kindness, even he himself didn't expect, would later bring him unprecedented gains.

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

They had expected this to happen, and there was no disappointment on their faces. They still comforted Fang Lindao very calmly.

"If I have the chance, I will do my best for you two.

By the way, you just said that there are external ties, I wonder if this junior can do anything for you?"

"Sir, regardless of the past grudges, we brothers will thank you in advance.

To be honest, sir, this is a very magical place. In fact, the two of us have lived in this world for nearly two hundred years.

My name is Yan Bentao, and this is my brother Ye Changxian. We are the heads of the Yan Ye family in Beijing.

It was only because of persecution that I fell into this dense forest."

Upon hearing that Fang Lin was willing to help, the two of them immediately fell to their knees with tears in their eyes.

It wasn't until Fang Lin pulled him up that one of them revealed his identity.

However, upon hearing this, Fang Lin was shocked in his heart.

Because I have heard of these two names, in terms of time, the Yan Ye family was already considered a top family in China at that time, and they were actually the biological grandfathers of Yan Shixiong and Ye Yuheng.

But Fang Lin didn't say much, because the current Yanye family was so sinful that one of them had been completely destroyed by himself, and the other had returned to the right path.

If they knew the current situation of their juniors, they might really have no hope of survival.

"The Yanye family is still the two top families in China, so you can rest assured.

I have a very good relationship with my two seniors, Yan Shixiong and Ye Yuheng, and to be honest with you, I am still engaged to Miss Yan Shanshan.

By the way, you may be very unfamiliar with Yan Shanshan, but after all, she should call you Gaozu."

Fang Lin casually picked some key points about reporting good news but not bad news, and explained with a smile.

"'s all the fault of the Japanese!"

After spending some time talking and asking about the current situation of the two families, they found out that the family was prosperous, and the two of them felt relieved. Yan Bentao let out a long sigh and said.

"How come you have anything to do with the Japanese?"

Fang Lin was quite shocked and asked, "What big things have involved the Japanese?"

"While we were still outside, the Japanese attacked China in large numbers. This period of history should be unforgettable to Mr. Fang, right?"

"Of course, that is a humiliation that no Chinese should forget.

But don’t worry, you two, China is no longer afraid of them."

"This is indeed a gratifying thing, but back then, the Japanese burned, killed, looted, and took away countless treasures and magic weapons in our country.

The most terrifying one is the Nine Supreme Cauldrons, which is the most famous magical weapon in ancient China! If the Japanese learn its secrets and how to use it, China will definitely be massacred again. This is what we two have in mind.

What a bond!”

After listening to Ye Changxian's explanation, even though he was in deep danger, he was still worried about family and country affairs. Fang Lin had to be in awe of the two of them. This was not a bit better than most of their unscrupulous descendants who were afraid of chaos in the world.


But Fang Lin also quickly learned some things from his conversation that were extremely scary to think about, and he gradually understood the wolfish ambition of the Japanese to act aggressively in China.

At this time, Fang Lin could basically conclude that their purpose of lurking in China and causing war among all parties was probably related to the Nine Supreme Cauldrons.

After all, it is a treasure of China. If they want to explore its secrets, they must first have a deep understanding of Chinese culture.

Only in the midst of war, all parties will spare no effort to show off their magical powers, which may lead to some strange person or an opportunity to solve this mystery.

Fang Lin was a dragon, and the hidden dragon's military spirit made him hate to see anyone harming China, so he was naturally angry.

But he soon understood that the Japanese had not solved this mystery so far, otherwise there would be no need to spend so much effort. This could be considered a blessing in the current situation.

"Don't worry, you two, I will definitely take back the Nine Supreme Cauldrons intact."

A bit of coldness flashed across Fang Lin's eyes, and he spoke firmly and resolutely.

"Seriously, this is the third time we've heard the same thing.

In fact, we don't want to be like this. We used to rely on the experts who came in from the outside, but ten years after ten years, we learned from the people who came later that those people who were let out by us had simply forgotten this matter.

It's not surprising when I think about it. After all, no one would believe what I said, let alone offend the entire Japanese country. They were just deceiving us to let us go, so they didn't bother to say it later.

However, Mr. Fang, don’t mind it. I’m just expressing my feelings, and I have absolutely no intention of targeting you.

To be honest, you have given me an unprecedented sense of security, and we believe in you."

"Don't worry, you two, I will let you see with your own eyes the day when the Nine Supreme Cauldrons return to China.

Since the Holy Land is full of treasures, I don’t believe that we can’t find a way to detoxify you two.”

After taking a look at the two people who made people feel distressed, Fang Lin spoke righteously without thinking.

This chapter has been completed!
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