Chapter 3583 Her fianc

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"Xia Houle and Xia Houyun, meet Elder Leiyun!"

Elder Lei Yun nodded to the brothers and sisters.

"Well, it turns out they are Chu Xiu's grandchildren. I am very happy that you have become the next hall master. I believe your grandfather is also very happy."

"Yes, my grandfather has received our message and is about to bring the divine soldiers to reward Saint Master Fang."

Xia Houle quickly informed him of this matter.

Elder Lei Yun nodded and looked at Fang Lin.

"My little friend, you are my savior. There is no need to distance yourself. From now on, we can just get along with each other as equals."

"This is good, Lei Yun!"

Fang Lin nodded and looked proud at Xia Houle and Xia Houyun. He is an elder!

Moreover, he was about to get the magic weapon, and he was in a very good mood.

Elder Lei Yun looked at Fang Lin doubtfully.

"The second time you refined the elixir, your elixir didn't seem to have any effect. However, the third time you refined the elixir, it was almost the same as the second time, but the effect was completely different. Is there a reason for this?"

Elder Lei Yun had endless doubts in his heart. The matter was of great importance, so he decided to call Fang Lin over to ask for clarification. He was just not sure whether Fang Lin would tell him.

Fang Lin knew he was going to ask and had nothing to hide.

"That's right. The toxins in your body are very powerful and cannot be eliminated in one go. I checked your pulse the last two times and found that after taking the elixirs that Yan Wuji and I gave, your body has been able to resist the toxins."

"Therefore, I combined the characteristics of Fang Lin and Yan's inorganic elixirs to create an advanced version of the elixir, which will help you detoxify this time."

He even used Yan Wuji's elixir. I wonder if Yan Wuji would cry after learning about it.

But it is indeed Fang Lin who knows how to take advantage of his own and the enemy's strengths, and Elder Lei Yun doesn't think there is anything wrong.

"I see, my little friend's intelligence is really outstanding!"

"I am over-flattered."

Fang Lin was not polite at all and accepted it.

Fang Linsui

Even after living in Xiahou's house, practicing and refining elixirs every day, making progress every day, and making money every day, the life was painful and happy.

On this day, I heard some noise coming from the front. Someone came straight in to look for Xia Houle.

"Lele, where are you? I'm coming!"

Jin Shaoxun rushed in immediately and grabbed Xia Houle's wrist without any explanation.

"Let go!"

Xia Houle was startled immediately, and when he saw the person coming, he couldn't help but frown.

But in order not to look bad, I didn't go too far.

"who are you?"

Fang Lin saw it and immediately stood up and stopped Jin Shaoxun.

Jin Shaoxun was still looking at Xia Hou with a smile, but in the blink of an eye he saw Fang Lin, and his eyebrows suddenly turned cold.

"I'm arresting my fiancée. Who are you to stop me?"

Fang Lin was surprised. Seeing the way Xia Houle turned away sadly, he knew that what Jin Shaoxun said was true. But he hadn't heard any news in the past few days, and although he didn't like Xia Houle, Xia Houle did pursue him.


"Is what he said true?"

"Yeah." Xia Houle didn't know how to face Fang Lin. He was obviously moved by Fang Lin, but he had to accept the reality.

"You see, this is my fiancée, please move away!"

Jin Shaoxun was immediately happy and proud. He pushed Fang Lin away and wanted to get close to Xia Houle.

"Even so, she doesn't want you to come close, so move away!"

Fang Lin frowned indifferently, no matter what happened to Xia Houle, he would protect her to the end.

Xia Houle was surprised, but he was very happy to stand behind Fang Lin, so he did not step forward.

to stop.

Jin Shaoxun was immediately angry. The Eight-Star Spiritual King in front of him didn't know what was good or bad!

"You can disturb me and my fiancée, too?"

Suddenly, five fingers turned into claws and grabbed Fang Lin's shoulder.

He has practiced the holy-level immortal skill Eagle Claw, and once he grabs Fang Lin's shoulder, he can definitely smash it to pieces. Although he knows that Fang Lin may be a guest of the Xiahou family, with his identity, he will definitely not be in trouble.


Xia Houle was surprised. He knew very well how powerful Jin Shaoxun was and was worried that Fang Lin would suffer a loss.

But he saw Jin Shaoxun's claws falling on Fang Lin's shoulder, but Fang Lin remained calm.

"what's going on?"

Fang Lin waited for this person to grab his shoulder. The moment he was about to touch him, he grabbed his arm and twisted it, only to hear a click.

"Uh-huh!" Jin Shaoxun couldn't bear the pain, and quickly followed Fang Lin's strength to roll in the air, and then he was relieved of the pain.

But it wasn't over yet. Fang Lin wanted to teach this man a lesson and immediately punched Jin Shaoxun in the chest.

"Boy, how dare you!"

Jin Shaoxun was furious when he saw this. How could he be bullied by a native of Yunzhou when he was a noble son of the Jin family in Leizhou!

Immediately, Jin Shaoxun raised his hand and released his defensive armor to resist for a moment before he was seriously injured.

Fang Lin and Jin Shaoxun immediately moved away and looked at each other.

Fang Lin could see clearly that this man had the strength of a three-star true immortal, and had many magical weapons all over his body, so his overall strength was very strong.

Jin Shaoxun did not expect that Fang Lin, a mere eight-star spirit immortal, would have such power and skills, and he immediately did not dare to underestimate him.

"Boy, do you know who I am and dare you take action against me?"

"I don't care who you are, even if you are the King of Heaven, I can't touch a woman.


Fang Lin snorted coldly. He felt unhappy when he heard that he was Xia Houle's fiancé. Although Fang Lin thought that he had no romantic feelings for Xia Houle, he had to doubt it now.

"You're so brave!"

Jin Shaoxun was angry. It was natural for him to do such a thing to his fiancée. What made him even more angry was Xia Houle's attitude.

Now he wanted to seize the opportunity to teach Fang Lin a lesson before Xia Houle begged for mercy.

Immediately, Jin Shaoxun rushed forward, his fingers turned into claws, and he grabbed Fang Lin crazily.

His speed and strength are far superior to those in the Spiritual Immortal Realm, and can overwhelm any Spiritual Immortal Realm person.

Fang Lin only felt that the countless claws in front of him were angry, and he sneered.

Fang Lin immediately joined the dragon-tiger body, used his fists to deal with the claws, and quickly engaged this man with hundreds of moves.

Bang bang bang!

The air was filled with the sound of two people colliding.

Bai Xinghe and Shi Hao were both extremely happy.

"As expected of Fang Lin, a mere eight-star immortal can beat a three-star immortal into a dog!"

"That's right, these gangsters should be taught a lesson!"

But the Jin family and others were unwilling to listen.

Jin Hexuan suddenly became worried, "Young master is a three-star true immortal, there is no way he can't defeat this person."

Jin Mengsheng saw clearly, "Young master is going to lose."

"You must be kidding."

Jin Hexuan couldn't believe his ears, but he knew that Jin Mengsheng would not lie.

"No, the reputation of my Jin family cannot be insulted by people from Yunzhou!"

At this moment, Fang Lin punched Jin Shaoxun out.

"Master Fang, don't be harsh!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xia Houle shouted.

This chapter has been completed!
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