Chapter 3587 Xia Houles determination

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"You can do it, and so can I!"

Xia Houle looked at Fang Lin with tears in his eyes.

Immediately, Xia Houle felt a majestic force overwhelming her, impacting her meridians and Dantian. She collapsed under this huge force in an instant, and she might die directly if she delayed any longer.

Fang Lin was shocked, and quickly input the power of the fairy spirit to temporarily suppress the power of the Tiandan, and then picked her up.

"I'll take you to find your grandpa!"

"You! You really don't want to stay in a female university."

When Xiahou Chuxiu saw this, he immediately understood everything. He was angry and distressed at the same time. He quickly took it and took it away. .??.

Xia Houyun was also very worried about her condition and followed her.

"Master Fang, please help yourself. I'm worried about my sister. Go and have a look!"

Fang Lin could only nod his head, suddenly feeling that Xia Houle was gone and his heart felt empty.

"What's wrong with me? Do I really like her? But I'm sorry for my two wives."

Fang Lin saw that Xia Houle's courtyard was not quiet all night.

Although I was worried, I also knew that this was not something I should take care of. I went to do my own thing again.

Fang Lin brought Bai Xinghe and Shi Hao to the auction house.

"Master Fang has arrived, but he is far away to greet you, but he still hopes to atone for his sins!"

When the beautiful host and others saw Fang Lin, they immediately came up to him and bowed.

Fang Lin nodded and strode inside.

Nowadays, Fang Lin is simply walking sideways in Xiahou Auction House, and he is respected wherever he goes.

"Elder Fang!"

Some people also called him this, and Fang Lin then remembered that he was already the elder of the auction house, and suddenly felt more honored.

Fang Lin handed over the healing elixir he had refined over the past few days to the beautiful host, and then handed her his list of purchased items.

"Master Fang, wait a moment, we will be ready soon!"

Fang Lin quickly took over one million top-quality fairy stones and

A storage ring full of medicinal herbs and treasures.

"I want a defensive robe that can be disguised as a Golden Immortal. I also need to find suitable defensive armor for the three of us, preferably one that can withstand attacks from the peak of the True Immortal Realm. Please help me."

The beautiful host tilted her head and listened carefully, feeling very happy to be entrusted with such an important task.

"Master Fang's offering is five million top-quality immortal stones every year. If all of it is used to exchange for equipment, it will be more than enough. I wonder if I want to exchange it for higher-level equipment?"

"Fang Lin, don't be stingy!"

"Fang Lin, look at my starry eyes, do you still have the heart to reject me?"

Bai Xinghe and Shi Hao are looking forward to it very much. With high-level equipment, they will be able to travel around the world more smoothly. Even the strong men in the Golden Fairy Realm will not have to take it lightly.

"To be honest, having equipment that far exceeds our cultivation level is really useful for improving our realm?"

Fang Lin knew very well what these two friends thought. They knew the advantages and disadvantages of equipment very well. They were just lazy occasionally, which was harmless.

Bai Xinghe waved his hand.

"In order for us to travel around the world more conveniently, is it okay to have a life-saving magical outfit?"

Shi Hao immediately understood what Fang Lin meant and knew he was right, but he was also impatient.

"A piece of magic equipment can save your life at critical moments."

Fang Lin had no objection to this and nodded, "One piece for each person, take it!"

Fang Lin already has the teleportation jade token given by Xiahou Chuxiu, which can save his life at critical moments.

However, Fang Lin had already provoked Yan Wuji, so it was difficult to say that he would not be attacked on the road. A few more pieces of equipment would save trouble.

Fang Lin also asked the beautiful host to assemble a set of defensive armor according to the three people's cultivation, but it was just like the masters of the same realm.

Fang Lin and the other three finally returned home with a full load.

, there are only three million top-quality fairy stones left in the storage ring.

When Fang Lin returned to Xiahou's house, he found Xiahouyun walking over with a serious and disappointed expression.

Fang Lin was greatly surprised. Then he saw Xia Houle walking over.

Xia Houle himself behaved generously and was as beautiful as a flower on the high mountains. Now he has cultivated to the level of a Nine-Star Spiritual Immortal, and his actions are even more celestial and charming.

"Did you make a breakthrough? Congratulations."

"Master Fang."

Xia Houle smiled slightly, it was so generous and dazzling. ??

"Thanks to Master Fang and my grandfather, now I am a Nine-Star Spirit Immortal and can go on the road with you."

"Do you know that it was very hard for us to live in the open and wind all the way. Not a young lady like you can endure it."

It was difficult for Fang Lin to refuse, but for the sake of his two wives, he still tried to refuse.

"With you here, I am not afraid of hardship."

Xia Houle looked at Fang Lin with a smile, his eyes full of Fang Lin's face. His love was not concealed at all.

Murong Yunyang and Bai Xinghe Shi Hao could both see it.

Bai Xinghe and Shi Hao were already happy for their friends.

"Fang Lin, the eldest lady has good cultivation. If you can help us if you come with us, please come together."

"That's right, I have the eldest lady accompanying me along the way, so I don't have to worry about anything, so I must be very happy."

A touch of tenderness appeared on Murong Yunyang's pale face.

He also came over and patted Fang Lin on the shoulder.

"Cherish the people in front of you!"

What does it mean to cherish the person in front of you? Fang Lin was speechless. Why did this person become a lover, and what does it have to do with him?

But seeing Xia Houle's extremely expectant eyes, it was really hard for Fang Lin to refuse.

"Just keep up, but it's very hard and I don't want to hear you complain."

"Don't worry, I won't


Xia Houle showed a big smile. She has never fought for anything for herself, and now she has finally avoided all pursuits of her love. How can she be unhappy?

"I will definitely practice hard in the future and strive to break through to the spiritual realm when I meet you again."

Xia Houyun felt very uncomfortable in his heart, but seeing his sister follow the one he loved, he could only wish her well and made up his mind at the same time.

"Remember our agreement!"

When Xiahou Chuxiu and Elder Leiyun said goodbye to Fang Lin and others, they gave solemn instructions.

Fang Lin was speechless. How could the Xiahou family be worried that he would break his oath?

"Must remember it!"

Fang Lin and others said goodbye.

Immediately, he rode the monster in a dashing way and headed outside the east gate of Yunzhou City.

Everyone came to the dense forest. After walking for most of the day, they were exhausted and decided to stop and rest for the night.

"It's been a long day, it's time to rest."

Shi Hao got out of the car and stretched a bit.

Bai Xinghe and Zhang Kui also got off the beast cart, while only Xia Houle still stayed in the beast cart.

As soon as Fang Lin stepped out of the beast cart, an arrow flew directly towards Fang Lin's face.

Fang Lin immediately pulled the curtain to block Xia Houle in the beast's carriage, then dodged directly, and the flying arrow landed on the door frame.

Then countless arrows came quickly.

Murong Yunyang frowned coldly, stepped forward, raised his palm, and shot out a white light. The arrow immediately fell to the ground.

"Who dares to attack my Murong family!"

"Humph, Fang Lin, we meet again."

Yan Wuji led Xia Houwei and others to stand out from behind the big tree. There was some mockery on the fair and wrinkled middle-aged man's face.

Fang Lin sneered and took action with the divine sword.

"Old man, I knew you wouldn't give up. I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

This chapter has been completed!
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