Chapter 67 I have a bold idea

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Regarding the Skeleton Knight, the Supreme Mage Ancient One's attitude is not to provoke but to observe carefully.

The reason why he is not provoked is because he is suspected to be a companion of Ms. Bai Moxi. After Gu Yi and Moxi first met seventeen years ago and experienced a series of incidents together, she has a high degree of trust in Moxi and believes that Moxi will never do anything to him. The earth produces unfavorable thoughts and actions.

The reason for careful observation is that the Supreme Mage is well aware of the attraction and fascination of the Infinity Stones to any intelligent creature in the universe. Each Infinity Stone has its own ideas, especially the Mind Stone and the Soul Stone. She is afraid that the Skeleton Knight will eventually be The Mind Stone conjures a being like Gollum in "Lord of the Rings".

Thinking of this, the Supreme Mage looked at the Skeleton Knight and said, "Although I really want to keep you here to drink a cup of tea that I personally brewed, the situation in Kamal Taj is a bit chaotic right now, so I won't keep you and the others here."

"It's okay, Master, please help yourself."

The skeleton knight swung his sword with his backhand to create a purple space gap and stepped into it on horseback.

After the Supreme Mage closed the space crack, he pinched the middle fingers and thumbs of his hands together to form a seal, crossed his hands in front of him and slowly pulled them to both sides.

The huge mirror space immediately spread around her with her as the center, and soon enveloped the entire Karma Taj, including the screaming Kirita and Pioneer Guards who were fleeing, as well as the spaceships and warships in the sky.

At this time, no trace of Kama Taj can be found from the outside world, whether observed or touched.

The Supreme Mage directly used his huge magic power to send the entire Kama Taj and the intruders into the closed mirror space, which facilitated the subsequent treatment of the mages and apprentices and the execution of the intruders.

The Avengers and the others only felt the scene around them change. They fell from the smoky ruins into the dense jungle.

[Sir, your coordinates have shifted 4.6 meters to the north.]

Jarvis's voice rang in his ears, and Iron Man suddenly sat down on the ground: "It's really poor etiquette. After all, we are here to help, can't we have a little chat? I still have a lot of questions to-"

He stopped chattering because he saw a thin booklet appeared in his hand. Judging from the material and color, it should be quite historical. The cover of the book had square characters that Stark could not understand.

"On the Fusion of Spiritual Power and Armor - Enlightenment Volume", according to Jarvis' real-time translation, this is the Chinese title of the book.

Several other people also exclaimed in surprise.

Hawkeye held a simple black bow with mysterious runes vaguely flowing on it.

Bruce Banner was looking at his extra pair of simple black pants with confusion on his face.

Captain America stroked his brand-new dark blue suit with a surprised expression. The style of the suit was completely different from before, more like a mage-style slim fit.

At the same time, everyone also has a piece of paper in their hand, which seems to have a brief introduction to the corresponding item written on it.

Hawkeye's bow is called "Voodoo Archer". By consuming the user's mental power, the arrows shot through this bow can be increased in sharpness and flight speed. If a large amount of mental power is invested, the arrows can be enchanted with "Voodoo Archer".

", causing hallucinations, poisoning and other negative effects on the target.

Bruce Banner's pants have no name, but they are made of a special fabric called "Magic Core Silk", which can be stretched to the greatest extent and also make the wearer somewhat resistant to external psychic influences.


Captain America's new suit is called the "Dimension Guards Suit". It has very good resistance to damage caused by magic and supernatural powers, making the physical trauma more resilient. At the same time, the suit itself can also slowly repair itself.


It seems that this is the Master Supreme's thank you gift to express his gratitude to the Avengers for rushing to help, and his apology behind closed doors.

Seeing that other companions were still playing with the "young man's first magic item" in a novel way, Iron Man thought for a while, unilaterally cut off the communication channel that Nick Fury left in his suit, and said directly: "I'll go

Look for any lone enemies around. Just wait here. The rescue plane will arrive in a while.



As he spoke, he controlled the steel armor to fly into the sky and quickly disappeared.

After flying for a while, Iron Man suddenly stopped above the clouds in the sky.

Because the skeleton knight is standing quietly in the sky riding a bone-armored horse.

Stark calmed down, slowly flew to a distance of less than five meters from the skeleton knight, then stopped, and took the initiative to open his mask: "This... sir? Can you take a minute to talk?"

The Skeleton Knight turned his head and said nothing, just looking at Stark.

Seeing the lifelike skull mask and the aura in the eye sockets up close, Stark swallowed involuntarily and tried to make his voice sound as sincere as possible:

"Sir, maybe you didn't notice just now, but I was actually around the battlefield and witnessed your battle.

I believe that you are the guardian who protects the earth from foreign invasion, and my personal starting point and goals are completely consistent with yours. It can be said that we are of the same school.

So, can I take up a moment of your time? As your ally, I hope to get some information about the invaders."

The Skeleton Knight didn't speak. Stark thought for a while that the conversation was over. He was racking his brains to think about how to escape when he suddenly heard a familiar female voice behind him——

"I think I can answer you about the intruders, Stark."

Looking back, Stark found the mysterious white lady standing in the sky, looking at him with a smile.

How come everyone can fly these days? Stark sneered secretly, and then said with a smile on his face: "Dear Ms. Bai, it would be an honor for you to answer this question."

"The invaders are cosmic invaders called the 'Dark Order'. They are composed of 'Kirita' and 'Vanguard' and are controlled by the craziest and most terrifying enemy of all sentient beings in the universe [Thanos]."

"Thanos..." Stark murmured and repeated the name.

"The Dark Order under Thanos has five famous generals in the universe, namely Ebony Maw, Black Dwarf, Superstar, Proxima Centauri and General Deathblade. These five people are also called the Obsidian Five. Each of these makes people in every corner of the universe tremble with fear."

Ms. Bai Moxi smiled and said: "Of course, thanks to Mr. Garcelik, there is only one of the five Obsidian generals left, and Thanos has suffered heavy losses."

As she spoke, she bowed slightly to greet the Skeleton Knight, who nodded in return.

Garselik, is this the name of the Skeleton Knight? Iron Man secretly noted it down, and then asked: "I noticed that Lord Garselik, the Supreme Mage and the invaders were fighting over something called the 'Infinity Stones'. This What on earth is it?"

"Ah, you are very perceptive. The Infinity Stones are the earliest things that exist in this universe, and they are also the most powerful objects in the universe.

There are six of them, corresponding to space, time, reality, power, mind, and soul.

The Master Supreme is the guardian of the Time Stone, the Cosmic Cube that SHIELD has been secretly hiding is the container of the Space Stone, and the top of the Mind Scepter that Ebony Maw brought this time is inlaid with the Mind Stone.

Three Infinity Stones appear at the same time. This is something that has never happened in hundreds or even thousands of years."

Stark keenly captured the meaning of Moshe's words: "You mean, the infinite stones rarely appear at the same time? Is it because they are too powerful and cannot be controlled by the same person?"

"That's right. The power of the infinite gems is so powerful that the energy spilled from a single gem is enough to completely destroy the bodies of ordinary creatures. A 'container' must be used to carry them.

The Eye of Agamotto, the Mind Scepter, the Cosmic Cube, the Cosmic Spirit Ball...these famous legendary treasures are all containers of Infinity Stones.

It's a pity that except for the Mind Stone, most of the other gems have fallen into the hands of Thanos.

The earth is about to face a huge crisis."

Ms. Bai shook her head and sighed.

The Skeleton Knight also opened his mask and took out the shining piece of


The spiritual gem with golden light is held in the palm of your hand.

"That guy named Thanos wants to collect six Infinity Stones? What does he want to do, other than become the emperor of the universe?" Stark couldn't understand Thanos's motivation for collecting Infinity Stones. Is this thing the same as China's national jade seal? Whoever gets it can become the emperor of the universe?

"Although no one has achieved such an achievement, legend has it that once all six Infinity Stones are collected and placed in the same container, the owner can instantly wipe out half of all life in the entire universe with just a snap of his fingers."

Stark's face froze and he looked at Ms. Bai in disbelief.

Half of all life in the universe? A snap of your fingers?

"This is the madness of Thanos. He believes that the resources of the universe are limited and cannot support the wasteful consumption of more and more lives, and must be curbed. He arrogantly believes that he is the destiny and the salvation of the universe. He vowed to gather the six Infinity Stones to wipe out half of all life in the universe and restore the great balance of the universe."

Ms. Bai said with a melancholy face:

"The Mind Stone is on Earth now. After Thanos regains his strength, he will definitely try his best to attack the Earth and seize the Stone. By then, it will be difficult for the small Earth to survive being crushed by the infinite army of the Dark Order. Unless..."

"Unless what?" Stark asked eagerly.

"Unless there is an army on Earth that is strong enough and numerous enough to counter the Dark Order's army. Only in this way can we have a chance to fight against Thanos."

After hearing Ms. Bai's words, the thoughts that had been suppressed in Stark's mind suddenly exploded.

If I can build a steel army that can replace superheroes to protect the earth, and equip them with a "steel general" who will not age or rebel, then the earth will never be threatened again.

I want to build the strongest robot that can’t lose to any super villain! And an infinite steel army attached to it!

To make such a robot, the body material must be made of "vibranium", and its brain...

Stark looked at the Skeleton Knight, or to be precise, at the Mind Stone in his palm.

He calmed down and then said:

"Ms. Bai, Mr. Garcelik, I have a very bold idea that I want to discuss with you."

(Remember to bookmark it for next time reading!)


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