Chapter 1,121 Not afraid of needle eyes

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Xiao Jiang also opened his heavenly eyes and looked around. Suddenly he saw a strange place on the land on the opposite side of Tiangong Island. There were mountains, rivers and lakes on the front of Tiangong Island, but on the back was a semi-arc crystal structure. Because it was the world

Due to the special characteristics, the space pressure above is very huge. Unless the world can be torn apart, this bottom shell cannot be broken.

But Xiao Jiang was surprised to find that there was a hole the size of a pinhole in the middle of the semicircular crystal. Such a tiny hole would be impossible to detect under normal circumstances. If Xiao Jiang's eyes weren't capable of seeing everything, it would be difficult to find it even if he passed by the hole.


"The detector entered the cave entrance to investigate. The space pressure on Tiangong Island is too high. My heavenly eyes cannot penetrate the center of the earth. I estimate that the changes that occurred on Tiangong Island this time came from here."

Xiao Jiang explained that people had appeared below the Tiangong Island. He looked at the tiny hole. As a string of nano-robots entered, pictures began to be projected one by one.

This hole is twenty miles deep. At the end of the pinhole is a black boulder, and there are dense cracks on the boulder. The nanorobot entered along these cracks and soon came into contact with a liquid substance full of strange fluctuations.

"Data detection... The waves emitted by this substance have biodegradable capabilities. It should have been hit by something, and the waves were released, instantly killing the creatures on the island."

The Red Queen's test data came out. Xiao Jiang touched his chin thoughtfully and appeared in front of the black boulder. However, he had turned into a metal body now. He didn't want to easily try to see if the waves could destroy his physical body.


After taking a look, Xiao Jiang's hand had already reached into the boulder, and a ball of liquid material the size of a football was pulled out by him in the flickering golden light. A wild smile appeared on his face but there was no laughter. After a while, he directly took the ball out.

The material was integrated into the weapon and wristband, and then he smiled and said:

"I don't know how many cosmic eras ago it was the residual energy body of a God of Destruction. In addition to being able to erase traces of life, it can also destroy traces of time. If his power is truly calculated, it can be considered to be much beyond the realm of heaven. It's a pity that

Only the energy body with these two laws is left, but it is already very good, and it is not worth my trip to the super dimension."

Red Queen said:

"It's just that you didn't discover this thing earlier, otherwise tens of millions of people and countless lives on Tiangong Island would not have died in vain. By the way, what penetrated the shield and hit the boulder?"

Xiao Jiang shook his head and smiled:

"If I could discover this thing in advance, I would be underestimating the God of Destruction of other planes. Although he was killed by others, he was able to condense two law energy bodies when he died, which shows that he is not simple.

It's a pity that his true spirit was destroyed, and he didn't even have the chance to be resurrected with the help of his energy body. This thing has existed for hundreds of cosmic eras, but accidentally fell into this world and merged with the Tiangong Island.

Because the energy of the Law of Destruction was condensed, the will of this world was not discovered, let alone other people, so it was not an external force that broke the crystal shield and boulder."

The Red Queen was stunned. Xiao Jiang's hand flashed and a blood-red awl or something like a big needle appeared. He rubbed the thing and said:

"This thing's destructive power is more domineering than the God-killing Spear, and its penetrating power is unheard of. This is the weapon of the God of Destruction, or a strange piece of equipment that allows him to penetrate planes and even destroy laws. It is it that transcends

Billions of planes found the law energy body of the God of Destruction here. It wanted to break the energy body and resurrect the God of Destruction. Unfortunately, it broke the black stone and stimulated the law fluctuations. It did not awaken the God of Destruction and even killed the island.

The creatures above.”

The Red Queen suddenly realized that it was the weapon of the God of Destruction that had been searching for its owner for a long time, and that was why so many people were killed. Before, they thought that Tianguan Island was plotted by some powerful being.

Red Queen said:

"So you have made an unexpected big gain, but if the kingdom of God is gone, the power in the world will probably change drastically.

By the way, you ruined Mephisto's plan to build a great hell. Will he take any action? Also, after you kill everything in this round, will you encounter backlash because you destroyed some kind of balance?

You must know that if you destroyed the development of the world in the past, it would backfire. In the Marvel multidimensional universe, you have a strong wife, and even the will of the world does not dare to do anything to you. But this is a super-dimensional dimension. I don’t know how the will of the world in these places is.

How about it?"

Xiao Jiang stared at the needle, and as a burst of faint blood appeared, the needle flew into his eye. The Red Queen couldn't help laughing when she saw that he didn't answer the question and instead fused this strange weapon:

"Are you planning to watch the messy things done by women in the future? Once you have a needle eye, you won't be afraid of getting another needle eye."

Xiao Jiang smiled and looked outside, only to see a light as thin as an ox's hair flicker and then disappear. He blinked and said:

"This thing is simply a killer weapon for the Yin people, and the capital will be even richer in the future.

Xiao Hong, let’s see what the state of the world’s backlash is now. This kind of world will will at worst destroy the world and cause backlash, but I can also destroy their world, so the world consciousness will not easily attack a being of my level unless

I elicited a backlash of power at the level of Chaos Will.

But according to my calculations, as long as I don't subvert the extradimensional dimensions and infinite multidimensional multiverses in this area, then it will be fine. I am not so worried about these things now. On the contrary, it is troublesome for the strong men in each world. They

It doesn't matter who I am.

So, although I am still guarding against backlash, I am more concerned about the existence of these powerful people.

You also said that I ruined Mephisto's plan. Although he will not know that it is me, the Holy Dragon King is alive and Almitia is still my woman. As long as he wants to investigate, he may find me through clues.


Red Queen said:

"How about striking first? Although Mephisto is very powerful, he also needs to rely on the power of the world. Just like Dormammu and other domain masters, they are out of the world they control, and their power is greatly reduced. Otherwise

Lure him somewhere else and kill him."

Xiao Jiang smiled, this is the flaw of cultivators who do not know the inner world, especially those strong men in the negative power world. When they arrive in the multidimensional world and are led to other places due to negative power, their strength is simply unsightly.

If they want to become powerful, they have to expand their world. Mephisto wants to expand the layered world into a big hell, and even extend his tentacles into the Marvel Universe.

The same goes for Dormammu's use of the Dark World to devour other universes. The larger the space they control, the more powerful they will be.

This chapter has been completed!
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