Chapter 1,122 Our Ladys Mountain

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The Red Queen knew this, and of course Xiao Jiang also knew it. He smiled and said:

"These guys would rather stay in their own worlds and show their claws than go out and take risks. No matter how big the interests are, as long as their foundation is threatened, they value their lives more than anything else.

This Mephisto comes from Marvel's ancient earth. At that time, the multi-dimensional universe was probably not developed much. He knew the dangers of the multi-dimensional universe, especially since his combat effectiveness dropped sharply when he left here, and there was a high chance that he would be killed when he went out.

So even if you tell him that there is something out there that can make him stronger, he probably won't be fooled. If you want to kill him, you have to be in this layered world."

Red Queen said:

"But he is almost multidimensional and multi-dimensional here. Even the God of Creation cannot kill him easily. Unless you call Death out or let Nemesis deal with him, it will be very difficult to kill him on your own, right?"

The Red Queen knew that Xiao Jiang would not let women help unless he had to. Xiao Jiang was not stubborn, he wanted to find his own problems, and women could only be his guides on the road of exploration.

Xiao Jiangren had escaped from the Sky Island in a flash, and he appeared directly in the nearest ground city on the Sky Island. He looked at this city with a somewhat Western quaint atmosphere and said to the Red Queen:

"I didn't come to these worlds to get rid of them, but just to prevent them from having more energy to influence the Marvel Multidimensional Universe. What I promised Strange was just to prevent the Marvel Universe from being destroyed by them, not to get rid of them.

This time I have prevented the stacked world from gathering evil hearts, and therefore cannot perfectly integrate the stacked world. Then Mephisto will not have the courage to be too rampant. Anyway, there are still other superheroes dealing with him, so he is not a problem.


The Red Queen smiled and said:

"Master, what are you doing in this city? It seems to be just a small city. You don't seem to be busy leaving the layered world. What are your plans?"

Xiao Jiang chuckled and said:

"Let's just watch the excitement and leave. We have already obtained a lot of things on the Island of Heavenly Palace, and there is nothing to buy or trade. Let's take a walk around and leave. Maybe we can meet Mephisto."

Xiao Jiang didn't say anything about the excitement. He walked into a tavern with his eyes on the stone streets. As soon as he entered, the noise hit his face, and the mixed smell of various smells lingered throughout the hall.

Xiao Jiang is not at all repelled by this kind of smell. He has wandered around all kinds of worlds. He has done it even in drinking and eating meat in a pool of blood. It is also common to rest in a pile of corpses. Although the mixed smell here is weird, just don't smell it.

, he doesn't care about these things.

The tavern has always been a place where people from all walks of life mingle, and a small town like this is even more crowded with people. Xiao Jiang glanced at the hall, which was very lively. There were drinkers drinking at every table. Xiao Jiang glanced at the second floor.

There was a seat up there. He went up to the second floor and found a corner seat to sit down. A waitress came over and looked at Xiao Jiang curiously, because in this world, there were only people with his skin color in the East, but they were very rare.

Very few people come here.

This special point is not a trouble. Xiao Jiang ordered wine and food, and these things were quickly put on the table. Just when Xiao Jiang was about to start eating and drinking, a group of men with gloomy faces walked upstairs and sat down at the table next to Xiao Jiang.

, one of them said with hatred:

"Blood Moon actually added insult to injury. How much did we help them back then? Now we don't even ask them to dispatch a team to us. It seems that what the emperor said is true. These guys must have longed for the decline of our Kingdom of God. The current situation on Tiangong Island

We still don’t know what happened, but the Emperor went to Mount Notre Dame again, so we can only wait for the news.”

This man had sealed off the surrounding space when he spoke, but he didn't expect that Xiao Jiang, who was sitting next to him, ignored his low-level space barrier at all. He could clearly hear whether it was arranged or not.

The Red Queen used Xiao Jiang's ability to also know what this man said, and she said in surprise:

"Why are the masters of the Kingdom of God staying here? Blood Moon... is a medium-sized force on the mainland. Why are the masters of the Kingdom of God asking them to borrow troops?"

"You'll know just by listening."

Xiao Jiang replied. At this time, a dark-faced man with four white pupils opposite the man shook his head and said:

"The emperor asked us to try to borrow troops, but the purpose is not really to borrow. Our Kingdom of God has always controlled more than a dozen medium forces. Although they are very obedient on the surface, the emperor knows that they are not sincere. This time he wants us to test them.

, then we have to go to Blackwater, Zijin and other forces to test it, and wait until the Emperor comes back from the Holy Mother Mountain to deal with it."

"That's right, if the emperor hadn't warned us repeatedly before leaving, and destroyed the Blood Moon this time, do they think that the existence of the Kingdom of God is the millions of divine soldiers on Tiangong Island? That is the existence of the emperor and a few of us, and we are the ones who

The foundation of the Kingdom of God, hum..."

"No more chatting, let's get ready to go."

This group of people stopped chatting and discussed the next arrangements while eating, but Xiao Jiang just listened. After they left, he looked at the door of box number 3 on the second floor.

The door opened, and a person quickly walked up to Xiao Jiang. Xiao Jiang looked at him and said with a smile:

"Why are you still here? Are you doing it because of Tiangong Island? It's been more than a year, what have you been doing?"

The person in front of her is Woli, who was sent to the death space by Xiao Jiang. As a princess of the Kingdom of God, when she learned that her mother was a real demon who ate her seventeen brothers and sisters, she did not return to the Kingdom of God, nor did she plan to see her father.

She didn't even consider finding out who was chasing her back then.

Woli sat opposite Xiao Jiang, her eyes looked more mature and melancholy than before. She smiled bitterly and said:

"I didn't expect to see the Great God again. I planned to live in seclusion when I returned to the mainland. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden crisis of destruction on Tiangong Island. I inquired and found out that my father was not dead, so I settled down.

In fact, I have been in this city, and I occasionally inquire about various news. Today I saw the generals and others coming back from the Blood Moon, so I followed here to see if my father was there."

Xiao Jiang nodded and said:

"Don't you want to continue investigating those things? And your father went to Mount Notre Dame. With his rank and a few subordinates, rebuilding the Kingdom of God is not a big problem."

There is one thing that Xiao Jiang has not said in his heart, that is, the problem is not big, but the wealth of the Kingdom of God is gone except what they carry with them. Even if Kalong returns to the Island of Heavenly Palace, he can only stare blankly.

When Wally heard this, she shouted:

"Mountain of the Holy Mother... My father actually went to this place. Did he want to ask the Holy Mother for help? That woman is colder than the ice peak. It is impossible to help anyone... No, it has been almost a year. It is impossible to find anyone to help.

There is no need to delay for so long, unless... he enters the Saintess Canyon, which is one of the three major death places in the mainland. This..."

This chapter has been completed!
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