Chapter 524: No Beauty

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Three minutes passed, and the Red Queen projected many pictures. After continuous elimination, seven pictures were left. Xiao Jiang couldn't help but laugh when he saw it.

The Red Queen analyzed Xiao Jiang's preferences and necessities according to Xiao Jiang's travel situation, and what she left behind now is the world that is theoretically most suitable and accessible for Xiao Jiang to enter.

Xiao Jiang has learned Ah Qing's sword skills and has many modern weapons and equipment in his hands. His strength is much stronger than before entering biochemistry. However, the Red Queen still did not recommend Xiao Jiang to enter the super runaway world. The super crystal inside may make Xiao Jiang

Acquire super powerful power, but it will also bring him huge threats.

The primary goal is still to gradually improve Xiao Jiang's strength. Martial arts is the best way to temper oneself. At least in fighting, martial arts requires more technical skills and the energy level is not high.

If you enter the bottom myth and magic world, the consequences may not be so good if you don't pay attention. Continue to improve Xiao Jiang's personal combat effectiveness, and then enter other types of worlds. The Red Queen recommended a list of seemingly most suitable planes to Xiao Jiang.

Xiao Jiang looked at the seven columns arranged by the Red Queen and smiled:

"Xia Ke Xing, the martial arts in it is extremely overbearing, but even if I know that the Tadpole Articles in Xia Ke Xing are a set of martial arts training manuals, it is not that easy to get close to it. Even if I go, I still need time to understand, maybe I can succeed.

However, the threat is still not low.

Tianlong, the Condor Trilogy, this is a familiar world. The martial arts such as Beiming, Lingbo, and Liumai in Tianlong are all advanced skills. Maybe you can go and take a look. I am not the protagonist of the world. Just go there.

With the intensive martial arts, Wu Yazi and others would not be able to give me any internal strength under the will of the plane.

If that were the case, I would be a third- or fourth-rate person in this world. No matter how strong my swordsmanship is, no matter how advanced my martial arts, I would not dare to make mistakes.

In contrast, the innate skills of the Nine Yin Manual in the Shooting Condor are not easy to obtain. In the Divine Condor, you can probably get the Black Iron Heavy Sword. I guess even the Divine Condor will not treat me. The Nine Yang Divine Skill or Qiankun in Yitian

It is possible to achieve the Great Teleportation, but there is no chance that Zhang Wuji will have his muscles and veins opened up by Qiankun Qi Bag.

You also chose Xiao Li's flying knife to connect the world. In this world, martial arts secrets are rare, and each inheritance is passed down orally. Am I forcing Li Xunhuan to pass on the flying knife at gunpoint, or forcing others?

As for you and the world of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, what can I learn from it?"

The Red Queen just analyzed it according to the routine. In these columns, there are also martial arts novels that few people have read, such as Yunhai Jade Gong Yuan and Blood Castle. The martial arts in them are all unpredictable, but they are also very difficult.

Xiao Jiang has learned from the past that he will be counterattacked by the will of the plane when he travels. Although he has resolved them one by one, it is because he has not obtained many ways to improve his own strength in the Yue Nu Sword and the biochemical world. If he can suddenly improve too much

, there will definitely be more backlash.

The Red Queen said calmly:

"Didn't I also recommend training worlds like Special Forces, Aliens, and Jurassic World to you? You need to improve your combat effectiveness. There are many special forces with technological equipment. Aliens and Jurassic World can also kill monsters to improve

Woolen cloth."

Xiao Jiang said with a smile:

"I can confirm that I cannot enter the alien world for the time being. Although there does not seem to be anything in it that can improve my own strength, there are different spaceships and alien genes in it. Those things may cause backlash. The power of the backlash itself will cause me to enter.

If you can't resist, the Shenwu Bracelet will restrict you from going.

There are a lot of equipment in the special forces. The most easily obtained ones are probably the nano-mechanical bugs. The others either go to the Special Forces Base or Cobra's undersea headquarters. Do you think I can easily enter these places even if there is no plane backlash?

It's possible to kill dinosaurs and practice martial arts, but what I'm learning now is swordsmanship. If you want to practice it, you'll have to learn a few more. Once you have the ability, you can go to Jurassic Park or Jurassic World to try it out."

Red Queen said:

"Hmm... It looks like you should go to Tianlong World, then go to Divine Condor World, get what you need, and then go to Jurassic World. By the way, I searched for many fantasy novels, such as Potato Tomato

The powerful world they write may help you become a super strong person in the future."

Xiao Jiang smiled and said:

"No, because these worlds seem so powerful, it is even more dangerous for me to go there, because the will of the planes in these worlds can even destroy chaos. You tell me what strength I should have to enter. If I have such strength, I will still go in.

Why, why not improve yourself step by step and enter the right world at the right time to reap the right benefits."

"What benefits do you mean, sir? Kung Fu, treasures, techniques, beauties, etc.?"

The Red Queen quickly analyzed and asked. She is Xiao Jiang's current comprehensive assistant. It is more important to know Xiao Jiang's true thoughts, especially after traveling through time, she has to calculate various possibilities and potential dangers.

Xiao Jiang shook his head and said:

"Except beauties, that's not a benefit. The extra waist can't bear it. Remember the Antarctic base? If you hadn't woken me up, I almost would have died at Alexia's place."

As Xiao Jiang spoke, he couldn't help but recall the year before he left the biochemical world. He and Rebecca played all night that night, and set off for New Zealand early the next morning, and then flew a private jet to the Antarctic base.

When he arrived at the base, he followed the old drawings of the base found by the Red Queen and found the secret room where Alexia was sleeping. When he opened the dormant cabin and prepared to extract Alexia's blood sample, Alexia, who was originally sleeping, suddenly took action and grabbed Xiao Jiang, and then

Releasing an aura similar to that of a queen bee, Xiao Jiang couldn't resist and turned into a diligent drone. It wasn't until the Red Queen woke him up twelve hours later.

At the critical moment, Xiao Jiang was about to shed the sheep. When he woke up, he was so weak that he had to take advantage of Alexia's special state and inject a large amount of anesthetic into her body to prevent her from being drained to death.

After suffering a loss, Xiao Jiang became more wary of women. He almost had kidney failure and rested in New Zealand for more than a month. Unexpectedly, there was an outbreak of T-virus in North America and various mutations occurred. When Rebecca provided various serums to support the general public, she was attacked by a group of people.

The lickers were surrounded and killed. When Xiao Jiang arrived, he only got the genetic samples and memory storage that Rebecca left in the safe.

Xiao Jiang was just playing with Rebecca, but he was afraid of Alexia. Even though he often recalled the feeling of becoming an immortal, he did not dare to take the risk of losing his kidneys.

Excluding things like beauties, Xiao Jiang doesn't care too much about wealth in his heart. If he really cares about such things, it must be materials that can be used to improve his strength and technological equipment.

This chapter has been completed!
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