Chapter 521: Leaving Raccoon City

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Xiao Jiang killed the monster with one shot. On the pile of garbage opposite the sewer, Shirley was slowly getting up. The pendant was no longer around her neck. She walked from the messy garbage to the platform. The woman with red ponytail hurriedly

Holding Shirley's hand, she shouted:

"Are you OK?"

Shirley nodded and looked at Xiao Jiang who was on the iron bridge and waved. Xiao Jiang turned over and jumped to the platform with the particle gun on his back. Shirley took off the ponytail girl's hand and threw herself into Xiao Jiang's arms and cried:

"My father turned into a monster and my mother died..."

Xiao Jiang sighed. He originally planned to leave directly in the lobby of the police station. Because he thought of something, he sneaked into the underground passage from the director's office and lurked in this place to wait.

Although he didn't watch the rest of the process, he probably had some memory of the plot here. He held Shirley in his arms, looked at the partial man and the ponytail woman, nodded and said:

"My name is Xiao Jiang. I accompanied Shirley to the police station. Now that the matter has come to this, I plan to leave the police station. What are you going to do?"

"Claire (Lyon)."

After the partial man and the pony-tailed woman introduced themselves at the same time, Leon glanced at the rocket launcher and particle gun on Xiao Jiang's back and said:

"We are also planning to find a way to leave. Do you want to join us?"

Xiao Jiang shook his head and said:

"I'm going somewhere else, and Shirley will be left to you."

After speaking, Xiao Jiang patted Shirley on the back and looked at Shirley with eyes full of reluctance, but Xiao Jiang felt nothing. He nodded to her and said:

"You stay safe with them, I have something to do."

Shirley bit the corner of her mouth and suddenly stood up on tiptoes and kissed Xiao Jiang on the mouth and said:

"I said I want to be your girlfriend. If it's safe, remember to come find me."

Xiao Jiang glanced awkwardly at Leon and Claire, who had funny faces on their faces, but he had nothing else on his mind. He laughed dryly and walked through the passage on the other side towards the police station.

On the platform, Claire pondered for a moment and said to Lyon:

"Leon, he is so strange."

Leon checked the gun in his hand and said coldly and proudly:

"Yes, but we have to leave quickly. You take Shirley and we set off."

Taking the opposite route to Xiao Jiang, the three Lyons also disappeared into the sewer. When everyone left, an Asian woman with short hair in a short skirt walked out of the darkness of the iron bridge. The woman had long legs and a melon-seed face and a good figure. She was holding a

Walking to the edge of the iron bridge with a rope gun, she glanced at the passage where Leon and others left and said to herself:

"There is no g-sample in the pendant on Shirley's body. Fortunately, there are g-monster fragments here, but it will be troublesome to research the complete g-virus.

What is the origin of this Xiao Jiang? The gun on his back seems to be very powerful. Even such a powerful G monster was killed by him with one shot. Could it be that he is also a member of a special organization? It seems that we can inquire about him when we meet him in the future."

In the lobby of the police station, Xiao Jiang had already put away two heavy weapons. At this time, he was carrying an assault rifle on his back, a silver-white Sand Eagle in his hand, and three grenades hanging on his waist.

Because he was killing people all the way when he came, the two headless pursuers on the ground were still there. He stepped over the corpses and walked out of the door. He listened carefully to the explosions and gunfire in the city. Xiao Jiang tightened the gun in his hand and suddenly turned around and raised the gun.

Taking aim, he saw a beautiful Asian woman with her hands folded and her heart squeezed. Lao Gao looked at him with a joking smile and said:

"Mr. Xiao Jiang is alert enough, but I have no hostility towards you. My name is Ada Wang, and I am also planning to leave Raccoon City. By the way, I have received news that there will be a nuclear bomb attacking Raccoon City tomorrow morning, and the surrounding areas

They are all sealed off. If you want to leave, you have to find a helicopter, and I know that a helicopter will pick up the last group of people before dawn, right in front of the bell tower. Are you interested in joining us?"

Ada Wang... Xiao Jiang stared at the opponent's heart and smacked his lips. This Ada Wang was much more beautiful than in the games and movies. Unfortunately, Xiao Jiang was interested but his own affairs were more important. He put away his gun and said


"I have my own way, you can do it yourself."

Ada walked up to Xiao Jiang with a pursed lips and a smile. She suddenly giggled and said:

"No wonder that girl Shirley wants to be your girlfriend. Mr. Xiao Jiang is quite a personality, and I like him very much too. Hehe... If I don't chat with you anymore, I have to run for my life."

Ada walked quickly to Warren Street on the left as she spoke. Xiao Jiang shook his head and quickly walked toward the city edge...


Snow-white light, violent explosions, powerful shock waves, a scene of destruction appeared in the direction of Raccoon City at dawn. In a ravine more than ten kilometers away, Xiao Jiang stood in a forest and looked at a stream below.

A helicopter crashed on the gravel beach of the creek. A bearded man and Jill walked out of the helicopter holding a little girl. Behind them was a wretched black man. They looked back and were still risking their lives.

The helicopter with black smoke shook its head and quickly disappeared into the woods.

"Sir, the Umbrella Group satellite has detected the downed plane, and their rescue team will arrive here in thirty minutes."

The Red Queen reported calmly, Xiao Jiang touched his chin and whispered:

"I just walked here along the trail, but I didn't expect to happen upon Jill's helicopter crashing. It seems that some invisible force is pushing me to get in touch with these things. If that's the case, then I won't believe it and give it a try."

Xiao Jiang quickly rushed down the hillside and entered the helicopter. In a section of the cabin, Xiao Jiang saw Alice's body in a red dress, with a huge piece of iron on her belly pierced behind her. Xiao Jiang stepped forward to check. This Alice

Si is too dead to die anymore, which is confirmed by his guess from watching the movie Biochemical 3 that the Alice in the back is another clone.

You must know that Alice is originally a clone of Alicia. The Umbrella Company has Alice's memory storage, but it is in the hands of the Red Queen. The subsequent Alice relies on the special memory inheritance in the gene to restore it.

Xiao Jiang knelt down and looked at the dead Alice. He thought for a moment and quickly exited the helicopter and disappeared into the valley.

"Rebecca, how is the research on the serum of the 17th mutant virus going?"

In a research institute, Xiao Jiang held a beautiful woman with short hair and asked in a low voice. This woman was his assistant and the chief scientist of the research institute he invested in. At the same time, they had an affair for no reason after being drunk.

Dapu became his comrade-in-arms.

Rebecca's name is Chambers. She is not an ordinary scientific researcher. She is a powerful character in the biochemical series of game animations and movies. She originally served as a military doctor in the special forces, and later specialized in studying medicine and studying virus serum.

Xiao Jiang took the initiative to find Rebecca and asked her to study T virus serum, and even invested in this large research institute, in order to reserve various serums for use at critical times.

This chapter has been completed!
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