Summary and Remarks of Volume Three

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At the end of the Galaxy Volume, I once again made a mistake and made a mistake in the scheduled release time. As a result, the ending that should have been posted today was posted at noon yesterday. In order to save the reading experience of readers, I simply posted the last few chapters.

All 1,000 words were sent out. So more than 10,000 words were sent out in one day.

Chapter 207 was published first, and then Chapter 206. This was a small mistake.

But it made me very uncomfortable.

Because even if I make revisions and adjustments later, there are still many readers who probably can only read Chapter 207 first, and then Chapter 206.

I control my emotions and rhythm very carefully, but this kind of skipping is too harmful to reading. The progression of emotions will be interrupted, and the explosion of atmosphere will not be complete enough.

Just like outside Qingyang Town, Jiang Wangtongtian failed to reach perfection and had to open the door of heaven and earth. Although he was like a god and a devil in that battle, he still left regrets.

I obviously made so many preparations, I obviously tried so hard, and I tried my best to do my best, but because I didn't pay attention to the date when publishing, just such a little detail led to regrets.

This makes me depressed.

When I mentioned this to the readers, I actually wanted to scold my mother and get so angry. But the readers all's the Chinese New Year.

Okay, I don't want to be the one who ruins the atmosphere.

I stayed up late almost every day in June. Now I look back at this long third volume and briefly summarize the writing of this volume.

In this volume, the competition between Chongxuansheng and Chongxuanzun runs throughout. But this is only on the surface. The internal conflict point is actually always between Jiang Wang and Wang Yiwu.

Chongxuan Sheng and Chongxuan Zun were the first, and Jiang Wang and Wang Yiwu were the last. Including the Jubao Chamber of Commerce, who were first friends and then enemies, and the Four Seas Business Alliance, who were first enemies and then friends, they were all vortexes that spread around this core opposition. This vortex eventually swept Linzi


The Galaxy Scroll has a line that travels throughout the scroll, which is the Human Way Sword Style.

It is the "vast" part of the concept of the sword about the vast sea of ​​​​people. It is every drop of water in the "sea of ​​​​people" and the majestic waves in every drop of water.

I like it very much, and I am very proud of how magnificent this sentence is.

It was first written in Journey to the West. It means that every ordinary person has his moment of greatness. Any so-called great existence should not despise all living beings.

Story and sword style complement each other.

At the end of the second volume, Ji Cheng is seen as a veteran.

After the third volume was opened, Xu Fang was in a state of decline.

Then there are the seven green trees, which are the inscriptions of the Qinghuo. Jiang Wang looks at everything he has experienced and felt. Looking at himself from others, he sees that he cannot help himself.

Jiang Wang’s experience and growth have been witnessed by everyone.

Maplewood City is destroyed, he is a rootless water and a homeless person.

There is no backing, no support. I cannot be as carefree and careless as Xu Xiangqian, as naive as Zuo Guangshu, and even less unscrupulous as Wang Yiwu.

He is restrained, calm and mature.

It was his own choice, and he had to do it.

There is a sentence when writing about Zhong Xuan Sheng: "Jiang Wang said that he was too gambling, but he said that he had no choice but to do so!"

Jiang Wang is not like this.

So it wasn't until the final battle, after winning the Tenglong Summit, that the young and frivolous sword appeared.

And only then did we discover that Jiang Wang, who had experienced so much and seemed to have grown up overnight, turned out to be only eighteen years old. He was the right age to be frivolous. (In January next year, he will be nineteen.)

I summed up the lessons learned from Good Night Scroll, and when building the foundation of the world, I also want to make it more exciting. This requires more thought and time.

So when I was writing about the secret realm of Seven Star Tower, I opened three secret realms in a row and changed the writing methods in three ways. I wanted to see which one was more acceptable to readers, but at that time there were not enough readers and I received very little feedback.

Among them, the settings of Morikaiyuankai and Fulu are very detailed, especially Fulu, which can be written as a separate novel. And they are also part of the world of Scarlet Heart Xianxia.

This world is bigger than you imagine.

Now we have only opened a corner.

I was very satisfied with the entire Xinghe volume, from the time when the Chinese people did not kill celebrities to the end of the world.

If there is any problem with the writing, the biggest problem lies in my energy.

I often want to save a few chapters and save them as manuscripts, but there seems to be a curse. Every time I save a few chapters, there will be a day when I don't want to write and have no desire to create.

So the manuscript is consumed.

I am a well-known health-preserving writer. One thing I used to be proud of was that I could not write a word after nine o'clock in the evening.

I always write during the day, and I never stay up late.

I am healthy and writing happily.

But there is no way.

I slept very late every day while writing this volume.

The inspiration is there and the plot line is ready, but sometimes you sit there and you just can't get into the mood or feel it.

It just requires you to sit there for hours and torture yourself.

I also really want to be like some authors who update 10,000 times a day, so that maybe the results can get better sooner. But I really can't do that.

There are also some very disturbing things that I won’t go into.

Back to the novel itself.

At the end of the drama, Jiang Wang walked on the streets of Linzi City, looking back to the west.

This is the picture that I had in my mind when I visited Lingxiao Pavilion in An'an. I will describe it and share it with you.

That day they parted in Yuncheng, and Jiang Wang chose to shoulder everything alone.

And this day.

Jiang Wang had just become the best dragon in the world, had just defeated Wang Yiwu, gained magical powers, and became the most dazzling figure among the younger generation in Qi.

But in the corner of his heart.

Under endless glory and light,

This is a person in a foreign land, separated by a world.

It's a deep yearning and unspeakable loneliness.

As the saying goes, "If you break through the galaxy, you will reach the end of the world."

Jiang Wang walked east just to hit the Milky Way.

When he finally "breaks through the galaxy" and finally shines brightly, the past is already so far away.

Far away in the world.

No updates today.

I'm also asking for leave tomorrow. I'm too tired. I'll take a day off.

Will update again after the college entrance examination.

I wish all the students who are taking the college entrance examination good luck in their exams. I hope you can hold on to your sword tightly, and no matter what kind of difficulties you encounter, you can solve them with courage and wisdom.

Wish you hit the stars!

A final warning.

The name of the next volume is "Heroes"

There are heroes throughout the ages, who among them is not a husband?

He generously promised to draw his sword and sacrifice his head at all costs!

I am also making a mistake in my remarks. I have been really confused recently and I don’t know why.

I forgot to change it to publish the public chapter. Because the default volume is the VIP volume, it ended up being published as a paid chapter.

When I saw readers saying that they were willing to spend money to read even the chapter reviews, I realized that I was being stupid again.

242 readers have subscribed.

terribly sorry.

I really didn't mean it.

I can only write with my heart and repay everyone with better stories.

Thank you to the leader Chen Zeqing for the 50,000 reward. Thank you to the book friend for the 10,000 reward. Thank you to the book friend Yu Mo Po for the 10,000 reward. Thank you to the book friend for the 10,000 reward for sleeping together to know the autumn. Thank you to the book friend.

Thank you for the 10,000 rewards that you have been praised for! Thank you to the leader, Manximan, for reading the book. Thank you for the 10,000 rewards for reading the book. Thank you for your support!

This chapter has been completed!
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