Chapter 2 Battle

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"What are you going to do?" Chong Xuansheng asked.

Shi Shi, who had just walked in from outside, cast his gaze, obviously also curious.

Now Fourteen has put on the full body armor again, hiding his delicate and lovely figure within the steel.

The tortured Negative Yue can no longer be repaired. This new armor is of course not as reliable as Negative Yue, but it was also made by a forging master who paid a lot of money for it.

Compared with the negative Yue Jia, it is smaller and smaller.

In the past, perhaps out of deterrence considerations, Shi Shi always held Fu Yue Jia very tall.

Jiang Wang glanced at Zhong Xuansheng with a questioning look.

Shi Shi is actually a lovely girl. Anyway, Linzi almost knows her true appearance now, so there seems to be no need to still cover herself up so tightly.

Chong Xuan Sheng made a helpless expression.

It seems that Fourteen is unwilling to do so.

For a long time, the steel armor gave her and Chong Xuan Sheng a lot of sense of security. It was not easy to take off the armor completely...

"You help me make a date with Lei Zhanqian." Jiang Wang said casually.

The feud between him and Lei Zhanqian has long been forged, and judging from the follow-up, Lei Zhanqian has no intention of settling the grudges.

Especially during this period, Jiang Wang defeated Wang Yiwu in one fell swoop and became famous among the nobles of Qi. Naturally, the fact that he won the first place among the strong men in the secret realm of Seven Star Tower was also hotly discussed, and the people of the Lei family were interested. He unintentionally expressed his attitude. It was nothing more than repeating the old talk, saying that Jiang Wang's methods were dirty, and he obviously wanted to improve himself by stepping on Jiang Wang. But after all, he had taken care of the reputation of the Lei family, and he was too embarrassed to directly challenge someone who had just entered the inner palace. Jiang Wang.

Lei Zhanqian was embarrassed. Jiang Wang had reached a lower level, but he didn't have that worry.

It is better to resolve enemies than to make enemies, but since they have become enemies, let’s resolve them and resolve them!

For a person like Lei Zhanqian, who has sufficient talent, and is backed by the Lei family and Jiang Wuqi's relationship, he will soar to the sky sooner or later in the long run.

And what Jiang Wang wants to do is to prevent him from ever flying too high, to prevent him from reaching the sky, and to destroy his self-confidence in monopolizing the world!

Didn't he keep promoting the trip to the secret realm of Qixing Tower? Wasn't it just Jiang Wang who took advantage and played a conspiracy?

Then make a public fight and let him swallow his words in public.

With Chong Xuansheng's wisdom, he naturally understood Jiang Wang's thoughts, and he also approved of this way of handling it.

But he still reminded him: "You were not so public before."

This kind of public battle attracted far less attention than the previous fight between Jiang Wang and Wang Yiwu within the scope of the silent beheading order. There were no spectators in that battle except Chong Xuan Sheng.

Afterwards, the pressure of fierce slaughter to challenge the Qi Army God only attracted the attention of the top people in Linzi. More attention was blocked by Beiya.

Even if there is a fierce public trend, it only surges secretly.

This battle is different.

An open battle means that the battle will be exposed to everyone's sight, and anyone can come and watch the battle. Without strong self-confidence, neither warring party would be able to agree to such a thing.

On the one hand, there is Lei Zhanqian, who has long since achieved the inner palace, gained the magical power of Thunder Seal, and was promised to be the most talented person of the Lei family that has not been seen in thousands of years.

On the one side is Jiang Wang, who is said to have defeated Wang Yiwu, risen from the top position in the world to the inner palace, and gained supernatural powers in the first palace.

Chong Xuan Sheng can completely imagine how much heated discussion this battle will cause.

Jiang Wang just smiled: "You say harsh words when you are not strong enough, but when you are strong enough, you should realize it."

At that time in Qixing Valley, Lei Zhanqian said that he was only in the Tenglong realm, and he only took advantage because the Zhongxuan family could not get on the stage.

And what he responded at that time was that if he were in the inner realm, Lei Zhanqian wouldn't be able to escape even if he ran.

How could you not do what Jiang Wang said?

Of course, it was also to build some momentum for Zhongxuan Sheng before leaving, so there was no need to express his thoughts.

"Okay!" Chong Xuansheng didn't ask where Jiang Wang's confidence came from, and just agreed: "But the fight will have to be postponed for two days."

"What?" Jiang Wang asked.

Chong Xuan Sheng triumphantly made a calculation: "I will buy a martial arts arena in the next two days, decorate it a little, and build a wall around it. The battle venue will be set there, and I will collect some money for the number plate. Enter the card! I will accept ten Dao Yuan Stones from each person! This is the first battle in front of the world after the No. 1 Tenglong leaped to the inner palace! I will publicize how badly Wang Yiwu was beaten by you... Linzi people are sure Everyone wants to see it!”

Jiang Wang: "..."

It’s really a waste of money!

Jiang Wang looked disdainful.

But his right hand unfolded honestly and made a sign of five.

A 50-50 split is always necessary!

Chong Xuan Sheng chuckled: "No problem!"

The location of the fight was finally decided at the Invincible Martial Arts Hall.

Look at the name.

According to Chong Xuansheng, the name was taken from the pseudonyms he and Jiang Wang had in Taixu Illusion, which means that this is the common cause of their two close friends and also represents their great dream.

It is said to be a "guan", but it is actually an open-air martial arts arena. In a place like Linzi, there are many practitioners, but if there is a conflict, you cannot start fighting anytime and anywhere. Beiya is not a vegetarian.

So martial arts arenas are everywhere and not very valuable.

Chong Xuan Sheng cleared up the relationship and bought it, and worked overnight to add a wall around the outside, so that he could openly call it "Guan".

"Such a big martial arts arena, such a spacious location. Bathed in the warm sunshine, admiring the wonderful extraordinary battles, and the wind blowing freely through the halls... It's not too much to give him ten Dao Yuan Stones in his place. ?”

Chongxuan Sheng stood on the martial arts field and waved his hand with great momentum, as if a monarch was inspecting his kingdom.

The specifications of the martial arts arena itself are very ordinary, and the spectators' positions are in the area enclosed by the wall used by Chongxuan Sheng.

The so-called "seats" are just wooden stools, not to mention cushions, and there's not even a place to put tea.

Moreover, this martial arts arena is very close to Yulifeng, less than five miles away... Its original price can be imagined.

In such a poor place, is it not too much for one person to collect ten Daoyuan stones?

Jiang Wang was about to scold this shameless person, but then he thought that he might be able to get half of it... Everything suddenly became clear.

The upright young man named Jiang pondered and nodded: "Yeah, it's not too much."

It's a pity that Mr. Jiang's face lacked some warmth after all. After a while, he still changed to: "But... you make your appearance so unsightly, I'm afraid people will gossip about you."

Chong Xuan Sheng smiled and said meaningfully: "People always have shortcomings."

The more you say this, the more interesting it becomes.

But for Jiang Wang, it is enough to know that Zhong Xuan Sheng has his own considerations. The fat man will never suffer.

He curled his lips and said: "You have invested so much in a long time, just these few broken bricks, a few wooden benches, and you give me 50%. I am going to fight life and death! The more I think about this, the more I feel.

Where’s the loss?”

"Brother Jiang Wangxian, it's boring for you to think like this." Chong Xuansheng criticized with a straight face: "It seems very vulgar!"

Naturally, Chongxuan Sheng took care of the matter of finding someone to prepare a letter of challenge and send it to the Lei family.

Jiang Wang only made one request, that is, he wanted his words to be more powerful.

His original intention was to be impassioned, denounce Fang Qiu, and create an atmosphere similar to the heroes on both sides cherishing the heroes, and the decisive battle at the top of Linzi. It would also become a good story if it spread.

But what he didn't know was that the letter of challenge sent over turned into

"My surname is Lei, I heard that you were dissatisfied with the secret realm of Seven Star Tower last time. You were jumping up and down everywhere to cover yourself up. Come, come, come, October 24th, Linzi Invincible Martial Arts Hall, whoever doesn't come will be the grandson! This time

I’ll beat you until you admit it, beat you until you accept it!”

Good guy. It is said that after Lei Zhanqian saw the declaration of war, he was so angry that black smoke was rising from his head, and he rushed from the Lei clan to Linzi overnight.

And October 24th arrived as scheduled.

This chapter has been completed!
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