Chapter 289 Qingdeng’s future wives are getting better and better! Copy

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Talent【Get stronger with old age】!【6300】

Qingdeng's father in his previous life was a fan of traditional Chinese medicine, and he loved any knowledge related to traditional Chinese medicine such as meridians and qi.

Therefore, under the influence of his father, Qingdeng cannot be said to be familiar with Chinese medicine, but he can also be said to have a basic understanding of it.

He knew: "Yuan Yang" is a proprietary word in Chinese medicine.

Yuanyang is also called kidney yang, true yang, and true fire. It is a part of kidney qi.

Kidney qi is divided into kidney yang and kidney yin.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the former is the root of the human body's yang energy, and has the effects of warming, stimulating, exciting, steaming, sealing, and restricting yin and cold on the human body.

The latter has the functions of moisturizing, calming, shaping and inhibiting excessive Yang heat on the body.

Therefore, Chinese medicine has a saying: "With sufficient kidney qi, all diseases can be cured."

In a nutshell - people with abundant kidney qi often have strong energy, sufficient qi and blood, strong bones, and a strong body. They generally do not suffer from mental fatigue, weakness in the waist and knees.

——Good guy! Won the jackpot!

Qingden blinked his eyes hard several times, lowered his head, and looked closely at Midorikawa's face.

As far as Aonto knows, Midorikawa has just turned 30 years old - in today's world, such an age is enough to call himself "old man", and the children may be in their teens.

Su Dongpo was only 38 years old when he wrote the famous sentence "I am talking about being a teenager".

Although he is no longer young, Midorikawa's complexion is very rosy, healthy, and not at all old. His eyes are bright and energetic, his hair is full of luster, and his skin is of excellent quality. He looks like a young man in his early twenties.

No different.

Thinking about it, this is because the talent "Yuan Yang" played a role.

——No wonder he has such a good turns out he has such an incredible talent...!

Qingdeng thought to himself: Today's competition is really worth holding!

Moti had previously copied the "sharp teeth" and "little success in vain" and other talents. This "Yuan Yang" alone was enough to turn all the hard work he endured today into beautiful memories.

This once again shows that the presence or absence of talent is a very mysterious thing. Even an inconspicuous beggar on the roadside may have exaggerated talents that make people's eyes brighten or make people jaw-dropping.

For example: There once appeared such a beggar in the land of China. His name was "Zhu Chongba", and he later changed his name to "Zhu Yuanzhang"... Qingdeng felt that he might have exhausted his brain power and could not even imagine it.

What will this man's talent be like?

——Kidney qi is much more abundant and healthy than ordinary people... Doesn't this mean...?!

Qingden suddenly thought of something, the depths of his pupils suddenly shone brightly, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, Aoto thought of Kinoshita Mai and Sanako - while he recalled the two girls who were currently living in his heart, he was reminded of some kind of extreme scene...

It's not that Qingdeng has a dirty mind, it's just that young people of his age often can't control what they think.

In addition to making people full of energy, strong qi and blood, and strong in body, sufficient kidney qi can also give the human body a benign effect that countless men dream of.

That is to make the physiological process of producing offspring for the continuation of the race, that is, the process of producing new individuals, more colorful and flavorful.

In other words - if he really marries both Mai Kinoshita and Sanako in the future, then he can be more confident that both girls will achieve physical happiness!

Thinking of this, the strange smile on Qingdeng's face gradually grew stronger.

But... in the short term, this function will be useless - he currently doesn't even have a horoscope with his two girls.

Describing Qingdeng's psychological activities in such detail, it seems like a long time has passed. In fact, everything happened at the snap of a finger.

The next moment after Midorikawa fell to the ground, the next opponent...that is, opponent No. 52 began to attack Aomori.

"bring it on!"

Qingden was in a good mood and felt that the fatigue in his body had been relieved a lot.

He yelled with high spirits, rolled and slid to the side of the bamboo sword that he had just casually thrown to the ground, picked up the bamboo sword, and fought with opponent No. 52.

Go back a little bit in time——

While Aoto was still fighting with Midorikawa——

"...Shirosaki, Shirasaki...!"

When Shirasaki heard someone calling him from behind, he turned back expressionlessly.

"Akaba, what's the matter?"

Akabane straightened his belly, which seemed to be seven months pregnant, took half a step forward, leaned down, and put his lips close to Shirosaki's ear:

"Shirosaki, do you want to join forces with me?"

"Join forces?" Shirasaki frowned, "Join forces for what?"

Akabane sneered fiercely:

"You and I join forces to make Ju Qingdeng look good."

A look of astonishment flashed across Shirasaki's eyes,

"Shirosaki, look - Tachibana Aoden is already tired, his breath is messed up, and his movements have obviously become much slower."

Akabane moved toward the competition arena in front of him and twitched his chin at Aoden, who was currently panting like an ox.

"If you want to give Ju Qingdeng a hard time, there is no better opportunity than now."

"How about it? Do you want to join forces with me?"

Speaking of this, Akabane paused for a moment. After a breath, he lowered his voice very low and said quietly in a strange tone:

"Like me, you are not convinced by Tachibana Aoden's rise to power, aren't you?"

The dense wrinkles on Shirasaki's face trembled slightly.

This subtle change in Shirosaki's expression was keenly noticed by Akabane.

Akabane's face lit up with joy, and he quickly "take advantage of the victory and pursue the victory":

"You are the oldest person in our third division. You are a conscientious and diligent person who has devoted most of his life to Huo Fu Thieves."

"In the end, not only did I never get a promotion, but I was also beaten by a kid who was less than half my age."

"Shirosaki, your resentment should be no less than mine, right?"

"..." Shirasaki remained silent.

The old man, whose hair, eyebrows and beard were mostly white, half-closed his eyes and stared straight up at Akabane with deep and meaningful eyes.

"...Tell me. How can we join forces?"

Akabane grinned.

"It's very simple. First, we..."

Qingden braced his exhausted body and knocked away the bamboo sword of opponent No. 52.

Soon enough, another person came with lightning speed and sword in hand to kill.


The volume of Qihe is very loud and powerful.

The bamboo sword cut down from the upper road was as fast as thunder.

The use of pace and control of spacing are also very good.

This new opponent has a solid foundation in swordsmanship - Qingdeng quickly made this judgment in his mind, turned around with his sword in hand, and raised his sword to block.

But then, a scene happened that made Qingdeng look surprised.

Opponent No. 52 suddenly flew forward, his feet making a sound on the ground, "dong dong dong" as he passed by Qingdeng, ducked behind Qingdeng, and then ran straight ahead without losing any momentum.

Towards the outside of the fighting arena - this action means "I won't fight, I surrender".

At the same moment when Opponent No. 52 and Aomori passed each other, the next person... Opponent No. 53 rushed out of the "waiting seat" and rushed towards Aomori!

Ayoto raised his sword to block the slash from opponent No. 52. The bamboo sword was raised above his head, so the door was wide open!

Opponent No. 53 saw this rare opportunity and struck Qing Deng's exposed body with his bamboo sword from bottom to top!

This "two-person relay" strategy made Qingdeng at a loss due to the unexpected situation - but this "chaos" only lasted a moment.

At this moment of lightning, Qingdeng stepped on his feet and used clever footwork to dodge to a safe area on his right side.

While dodging, Qingteng let out a short shout and struck at the opponent's shoulder with Xia Dan's sword force.

Opponent No. 53 - Lost!


A fierce shout shook the air around Qing Deng—opponent No. 54 entered the battle!

Qingdeng turned around quickly and swung his knife to face the approaching black figure. The two actions happened almost at the same time.

2 people, 4 feet, the dust on the ground was scattered in all directions.

In the violently rising dust, two figures passed each other at a dizzying speed. The bamboo swords clashed several times, making muffled sounds and intermittent shouts.

If Qingden was at his peak, he would only need to swing two swords at most to deal with a creature of this level.

But no matter what, Qingdeng was really tired at the moment. Even with the ability bonuses brought by "Strengthening Muscles +1" and "Gathering God", he still felt severe muscle soreness, and his concentration began to lose control uncontrollably.

But even if its strength has declined significantly, it is still more than enough to deal with the opponents in front of it.

After a while, the opponent was gradually suppressed by Qingdeng.

At this moment, a scene very similar to the one just now occurred - after the opponent used a move that forced Qingden to raise his sword to block, causing the door to open wide, he suddenly jumped behind Qingden and ran out without looking back.

Tournament field.

Immediately afterwards, another person took advantage of the opportunity to pounce on Qingdeng, swinging his sword to attack Qingdeng's exposed body.

Qingden narrowed his eyes slightly and pursed his lips thoughtfully.

If this "double relay" strategy only appears once, it can be explained by coincidence.

But it appeared twice in a row... Unless Qingdeng had water in his head, he didn't believe there was nothing fishy in it!

Qingdeng had already seen this trick once before, and Qingdeng, who had corresponding experience, was not panicked this time.


He galloped forward like a furious wave, swiping his bamboo sword quickly while making an "ape cry" that indicated his current flow.

Qingden understands more and more why the "monkey cry" is one of the core techniques of Shigenryu - because it is so easy to use.

Imagine this: the opponent who was very calm in the first half second suddenly screamed more horribly than the female ghost in the second half of the second... People who are not mentally strong enough will basically be frightened to the point of trembling, and their attention will be lost.

A moment of distraction - this moment of lack of concentration is enough to decide the outcome of the battle.

The other party's expression changed drastically due to the shock of the sound waves bursting out from Qingden's throat.

When he came to his senses, Qingdeng's bamboo sword had struck his body with a dull sound.

The sound of the 55th opponent entering the competition ring came from behind.

Qingden turned around, and after seeing who the 55th opponent was, he raised his eyebrows slightly - it was Aoi Oo who had the least presence in the third team's Iryoji force.

Aoi, who is short in stature and has a delicate face, does not look like a person who is proficient in martial arts.

And in fact, it is indeed the case.

He came onto the stage carrying a bamboo sword, but his grip on the sword was extremely poor - his palm was hard and the handle was tightly squeezed, without any "softness" at all.

This kind of holding method will only make the sword path stiff and lack speed and dexterity.

With a nervous look on his face, Aoi readied his bamboo sword, assumed an unconventional mid-level posture, stepped forward, and pointed the tip of the sword straight towards Qingden's chest.

Qingteng stood still with his legs spread apart, turning a blind eye to Aoi's slash, which had neither power nor speed.

When Aoi's bamboo sword was less than 3 inches away from Qingteng's chest, Qingteng suddenly turned sideways, and then used the bottom of the bamboo sword's handle to hit Aoi's right arm that was holding the sword.

Lan Jing screamed in pain, and the bamboo sword in his palm fell to the ground with a clang.

The weapon had been removed, but Aoi suddenly showed an unprovoked ferocity.

He was still screaming in pain, while he lowered his body and rushed straight towards Qingdeng's waist with a "desperate" momentum.

Judging from his movements, he wanted to pounce directly on Qingden and start a hand-to-hand fight with him.

When Mao Yao pounced forward, a trace of guilt appeared on Aoi's brows - but because he was lowering his head, even Qingden, who was very close to him, did not notice the strange color on his face.

How could Aoi, who was poor in martial arts, get close to Qingden?

Qingden cleverly dodged and jumped behind Aoi.

Aoi, who didn't know Qingden had moved behind him, still rushed forward stupidly.

Qingden slashed with his sword, hitting Lan Jing's back right in the middle.

Aoi let out an "Uh-huh" sound, staggered forward a few steps, and then fell straight to the ground with his shoulders on the ground.

Although his physical fatigue brought some thrills to Aoi's battle, Aoi managed to defeat his opponents No. 56, No. 57, and No. 58 after Aoi without any risk.

Since the war, the doubts that have accumulated in Qingdeng's heart have become so strong that they are difficult to ignore.

Qingzheng is very clear: from the moment he defeated Midorikawa, his subsequent opponents became weird.

To be more precise, their playing style became weird.

Some people cooperate with each other and join forces with each other - such as the two pairs of people using the "pair relay".

Every move and style of some people is no longer to defeat Qingteng, but to wear down Qingteng's physical and mental strength - such as Aoi, such as opponent No. 56. They all play hard.

, all of them used tricks that forced Qingteng to spend all his energy in defense and dodge. They all looked like a desperate Saburo who said, "As long as I still have the strength to stand, I won't end up."

According to the rules of "Liqie", each participant must fight until he is unable to fight anymore, or must voluntarily surrender before leaving.

Therefore, as long as those who enter the battle do not surrender and still have enough energy to fight again, they can continue to fight against the Ritsiri.

The playing style of so many people suddenly became weird... It was obvious that there must be someone secretly organizing and planning all of this.

Qingdeng had no time to think about all this - because at this moment, a strong wind like a tiger descending from the mountain struck Qingdeng from the side!

Qingdeng has defeated 58 people.

The only ones who are not "out" yet are the two Yuki who have a deep impression on Ayoto - Shirasaki and Akabane.

And the person taking the field at this moment is none other than the oldest man with the most seniority in the Third Division: Heijiro Shirasaki!

I saw Shirasaki holding a wooden gun with a piece of cloth wrapped around the tip, majestically flying forward and drawing the gun, heading straight for Qingdeng!

Qingdeng raised his sword to defend himself and deflected the fist-width spear head with a "pop" sound.

Qingdeng's eyes froze for an instant - the force transmitted from the sword to his palms clearly told Qingdeng: the old man in front of him is a master of spear skills!

Seeing that the blow missed, Shirasaki took seven steps back to widen the distance between him and Aoto, then spread his legs apart and pointed the tip of his spear diagonally at Aoto from top to bottom.

At this time, a breeze blew by, blowing his black and white eyebrows and short beard. Under the slightly swaying eyebrows, there was a pair of slender eyes that were staring at Qingdeng without blinking - this look

He really looks like a warrior who stepped out of an ancient painting!

Qingden looked at Shirasaki solemnly, and quietly held the bamboo sword in front of him.

——Finally... a capable person has arrived who can bear the title of "military general"!

The Huo Fu Thief is an army at best, and it should have generals and soldiers.

From a functional point of view, Yuli is the "general" modified by fire to fight thieves, and Tongxin is the "soldier" modified by fire against thieves.

As a result, the performance of the soldiers of the Third Division so far can only be described in one sentence: a general without a general, and a soldier without a soldier.

Shirasaki's appearance finally made Qingto remember: Oh! That's right, the Huofu Thieves are now an army!

Qingden glanced at Shirasaki's posture and thought to himself:

——The ‘King of One Hundred Weapons’ is indeed very oppressive...

Among the eighteen kinds of weapons, the spear with its simple attack method and wide attack range is the absolute king that allows the user to easily leapfrog the level and challenge the strong.

The blow that Shirasaki just delivered could only be executed by a spearman who has been immersed in spearmanship for many years - he has met a long-lost master of spearmanship... Qingto thought to himself.

The strength of the opponent in front of you cannot be underestimated.

And my current physical and mental state is in a less than ideal state due to fatigue.

All these factors combined together made Qingdeng dare not be careless.

He thought for a moment.

After a moment, Qingdeng took a step to his left side at a moderate speed.

Qingdeng's left foot was about to move laterally, and the tip of a spear wrapped in cloth pierced the air and stabbed straight towards Qingdeng's left body.

Aomori's step just now was actually just a fake move to lure Shirasaki into action.

As soon as Shirasaki's spear point was sent out, Aomori quickly retracted his left foot and cleverly avoided Shirasaki's thrust. The evasive distance was neither more nor less.

Immediately afterwards, Qingto began to step forward, trying to close the distance between himself and Shirasaki.

But every time Aoto took a step forward, Shirasaki took a few steps back, always maintaining a distance of about 7 steps from Aoto.


Shirasaki let out a deep shout, flicked his wrists, and the spear in his hand turned into a slippery snake with astonishing momentum.

The poisonous snake opened its huge mouth and rushed towards Qingdeng viciously.

This time, Qingdeng did not dodge.

Instead, he swung his bamboo sword and struck straight at the tip of the wooden spear that came within his attack range.

The sword blade and the spear tip collided in mid-air.

The "lateral force" exerted by the sword blade swept from left to right forcefully deflected Shirasaki's spear, causing it to deviate from its original trajectory.

The impact of the collision between the knife and the gun was transmitted along the gun shaft to both hands, making Shirasaki's face look a little surprised.

Later, this bit of surprise turned into a touch of strong solemnity.


Shirasaki shouted again.

As if he wanted to cheer up, he shook his head vigorously, then moved his left foot half a step back to widen the distance between himself and Qingdeng, and then changed his tactics.

Instead of stabbing, he started slashing.

The spear turned into a "whip" and struck Qingdeng heavily.

Aoto took two steps back to dodge it, but Shirasaki relentlessly continued with continuous attacks.

I saw him stepping forward, closing the gap created by Qingdeng's retreat, and then swept his spear forward again, slashing Qingdeng's waist.

Sweep the tough gun body once, then sweep again!

Whether it was his initial fake move or his subsequent steps toward Shirasaki, Aoto was testing Shirasaki.

After a simple trial, Aomori had a basic understanding of Shirasaki's skills.

Compared to thrusting, Shirasaki's slashing is obviously more powerful, faster, and more skillful.

Good at chopping and with astonishing destructive power - the above sentence is the perfect way to describe Shirasaki's spear skills.

Shirasaki's "mowing style" fighting style is very suitable for the battlefield. He can easily sweep away several soldiers by simply sweeping the gun body forward.

After once again blocking the spear that Shirasaki swept away, Qingto couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart:

——It is really difficult for a "sword" to get benefits in front of a "spear"...

An inch is long and an inch is strong - this proverb summed up by the ancients after experiencing various lessons is not nonsense.

If it were a person with average skill, faced with such a battle with a huge difference in attack distance, he would probably not know how to attack.

But fortunately, both Shusuke Kondo and Boss Kiryu taught Aoto how to deal with opponents who use long weapons.

And the methods taught by these two elders are exactly the same.

This method is called - "Half Body Entrance"!

Qingden took a deep breath, adjusted his breath, and concentrated.

Ahead, Shirasaki waved the spear in his hand again, and the spear drew a beautiful arc from the lower right to the upper left.

Qingdeng tightened his grip on the bamboo sword and changed his posture to the upper position——


There was a loud explosion.

Aomori's bamboo sword accurately hit the head of Shirasaki's spear from the side!

The two only touched each other for a moment, and Shirosaki's spear bounced away as if it hit a huge spring.

The force of the rebound was so great that the spear seemed to fly out of Shirasaki's palm at any time!

The moment he pushed back Shirasaki's spear, Aomori stepped forward with his back foot, and at full speed, he rushed straight towards Shirasaki, who was now wide open, at the highest speed he could reach!

In just the blink of an eye, Qingto closed the distance between him and Shirasaki in one breath.

When the spear in his hand was bounced away, a look of astonishment and shock appeared on Shirasaki's face.

After Qingteng rushed towards Shirasaki like an arrow from a string, Shirasaki quickly backed away, trying to put some distance between himself and Qingteng.

While widening the distance, he tried to adjust his posture and launch a counterattack against Qingden.

It's a pity - it's too late.

Aoto's speed was so fast that Shirasaki had no time to regroup.

Qingden quickly rushed into the range where he could cut Shirasaki, and then swung his bamboo sword fiercely, slashing Shirasaki to the ground.

[Ding! Talent scanned]

[Successfully copied talent: "You will get stronger when you are old"]

[Talent Introduction: Physical fitness and energy are not easily lost with age]



Shu Shuzi is still healthy today! It seems that Shu Shuzi may really have the talent of being "immune to the new crown"! (Leopard's Arrogance.jpg)

If nothing else happens, everyone will be able to see how Qingdeng rectifies this group of lawless subordinates tomorrow.

Please give me monthly votes! Please vote for recommendations! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Recommend a book!

"Tokyo Love Master Rejects Soft Rice"

A fascinating harem romance novel with a Japanese urban background.

If you are interested, please go to Kangyikang~~

This chapter has been completed!
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