Traveling back to modern Japan in 1860 AD, it was the end of the turbulent Edo shogunate period, that is, the Tokugatsu period.brThe overseas powers that had completed the industrial revolution opened Japan's door with steam battleships, bringing to this country turmoil and opportunity.brThe Samu samurai who lived by the sword and died by the sword, desperately defending the old era; the reformers who shouted to fight against the barbarians and found the country and vowed to establish a new era; killed countless people in the name of heaven. The chilling murderers... all of them are holding their swords high for the justice they insist on.brIn this turbulent era, Tachibana Aoden, who traveled through time and became an ordinary policeman in Edo (today's Tokyo) , with the copy talent system, as long as you have competed with someone, you can copy a talent from the opponent regardless of victory or defeat.brFor example, after competing with a beautiful boy named Okita Souji, Tachibana Aoden copied it. The talent of [Swordsmanship talent increased 50 times that of ordinary people].brThis is the talent of a small policeman who, in this turbulent era, gathered a large number of swordsmen under the yin and yang and established a frightening swordsman group.*******brSwordsmen should feel lucky that in this era where guns and cannons have replaced swords, it was Niou Tachibana Aoto who led the Shinsengumi and allowed the sword to play its final role. The light and heat. brHistorians said this about Ju Qingden.
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I formed the strongest swordsman groupChapter Contents