Chapter 147 Qing Dengs tongue-in-cheek battle with the Confucians! [Leopard update 8100]

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A tense atmosphere instantly arose.

The person who created this atmosphere naturally suddenly quieted down and collectively glared at the Confucian scholars in Qingdeng.

There is no joke or ridicule meant.

The anger in the eyes of the Confucian scholars was about to turn into reality, as if they wanted to immediately shoot Qingdeng into a hedgehog with thousands of arrows missing.

The other guests in the tea house were as silent as cicadas in winter.

They either showed surprise on their faces, or cast worried glances at Qingdeng and the Confucian scholars who were confronting each other in the distance, or simply showed expressions of pure fun-loving people hoping to watch a good show.

Miss Teshiro, who was wiping a dirty table, now had to stop what she was doing, raised her eyes with uncertainty, looked at Qingdeng, and then at the Confucian scholars, her eyes bulging.

The ground turned around, and then he put on a cheerful expression and walked quickly between Qingdeng and the Confucian scholars.

"Ah hahaha, gentlemen, the tea in your cups is gone. Do you need more tea?"

When the last syllable fell, Miss Teshiro happened to stand between Qingto and the Confucian scholars, using her petite body as a wall to block the eyes of both parties.

The hearty laughter of Miss Teshiro diluted the tense atmosphere that was spreading everywhere at this moment, easing the tense atmosphere.

However, it was of no use.

"Sir, did you hear what I said?"

The man who relentlessly questioned Qingdeng repeatedly had fair skin, a tall figure, and a delicate face. Unfortunately, he had a lot of ugly freckles on his cheeks.

The freckled face stood up and strode towards Qingdeng.

On the way, he pushed away Miss Teshiro who was blocking him in a very rough manner.


Miss Teshiro screamed in surprise.

She did not expect that the Confucian scholar's attitude and behavior would be so rude.

She was not a martial arts master, but just an ordinary teahouse waiter. She couldn't control her body balance and fell straight to the ground.

Just when her left shoulder and half of her body were about to come into close contact with the ground, a big hand suddenly stretched out from the thorn and supported her with a powerful but graceful movement.

The frightened Miss Teshiro looked fearfully at the hard ground that was only 30 centimeters away from her. Then she raised her face and looked gratefully at the person who helped her at the critical moment.


Qingdeng nodded lightly: "Get away from here quickly."

After saying that, Qingden let go of Miss Teshiro. At the same time, he quietly turned his gaze to the freckled face in front of him, who was glaring at him angrily.

At this time, several more Confucian scholars stood up and quickly came to the handsome man's body.

With the support of so many companions, the freckled face unconsciously straightened his waist a little straighter, and at the same time raised his head a little higher, so that he could barely look at Qingdeng through his nostrils.

The freckled face swept his eyes around the traveler-style clothes worn by Qingnobu, Tokugawa Iemo and others, and a layer of disdain gradually appeared in his eyes.

The freckled face did not go out of its way to hide his disgust.

Therefore, Qingden easily noticed that there was almost no difference between the expression on his freckled face and the word "contempt" written directly on his forehead.

Qingto could see clearly what this guy was thinking and why he had such an expression - Damn! He's from out of town! He's come to Edo to beg for food!

If you want to say which place in Japan has the most regional discrimination, it is undoubtedly Kyoto.

As the nominal capital of Japan today and one of the ancient cities with the longest history, Kyoto has a transcendent status in the cultural and political fields.

This characteristic of Kyoto made the scholars and people living in this city love to regard themselves as "royal people" and had a strong sense of psychological superiority and exclusivity.

In the world view of Kyoto people, the world is only divided into two parts - Kyoto, except for Kyoto, which is considered a foreign land.

In the eyes of Kyoto people, people from outside Kyoto are all a bunch of unattractive rustics and country bumpkins - even the Kanto people who conquered them and the whole country are no exception.

Even under the governance of the Edo shogunate, the Kanto region headed by Edo has been built to be extremely prosperous, but the people of Kyoto still look down on the Kanto people.

Even now, when the Edo shogunate has ruled Japan for nearly 300 years, many people in Kyoto still despise the Kanto people as "Eastern Yi".

However, although the regional discrimination among Kyoto people is very serious, the Kanto people... to put it more specifically, even the Edo people are not much better.

Apart from people from Kyoto, people from Edo have the most severe regional discrimination.

In terms of historical heritage alone, let alone compared with ancient capitals like Kyoto and Nara that have existed for thousands of years, even if you look at the whole of Japan, Edo is considered a relatively "young" one among the cities.

Three hundred years ago, the land of Edo was still a barren wilderness. It was not until Tokugawa Ieyasu moved to Kanto that it was gradually built into the largest city in Japan today.

Edo is the current ruling center of the shogunate. Affected by this mentality, Edo people will inevitably feel arrogant.

No matter which vassal country you are a vassal, in the final analysis you are just a vassal of our shogunate!

Edo people...especially the ministers' sons, whose status is similar to that of the Eight Banners' sons in the Qing Dynasty, discriminate against foreigners. This kind of thing is so common that it cannot be called "news".

——These people have so many bad habits...

Qingdeng, who had such secret thoughts in his heart, felt even more disgusted with this group of arrogant Confucian scholars.

"Your Majesty." The freckled face spoke in an unceremonious and strong tone, "May I ask why you were laughing just now? I clearly saw you glance at us, and then sneer with disdain, you

What does this mean? Are you laughing at me?"

The freckled face's questions became more and more sharp.

Every time he asked a question, the eyes he and the other Confucian scholars beside him looked at Qingdeng became sharper.

The surrounding atmosphere also became more solemn.

Qingdeng, who had already decided not to argue with this group of Confucian scholars, could not help but feel angry.

Qing Deng disliked these rotten scholars. He had always hated rotten scholars... no, to be more precise, he hated all idiots with abnormal brains.

In fact, Qingteng himself did not hate Confucianism.

The original Confucianism founded by Confucius and the Confucianism transformed by Dong Zhongshu, Zhu Xi and others in later generations are not the same thing at all.

The former is a theory that has many merits and can lead people to be good to a certain extent.

The latter is just a useful tool that provides convenience to feudal rulers.

Qingden mainly has more prejudices against the latter.

The so-called corrupt Confucians are mainly divided into two categories.

One is an idiot who only knows how to read, and is stupid because of reading.

They don’t know how to adapt, their ideas are pedantic and outdated, they are stuck in their own ways, they love the past but not the present, they always talk about "it's the same" and "the laws of their ancestors are immutable". They don't understand the true essence of Confucianism at all. The six arts of the gentleman advocated by Confucius are "rituals, music, shooting, and imperial control."

He didn't learn anything about Shushu, but he mastered all kinds of dross in Confucianism.

The second one is the blood-sucking insect who pretends to be a fool.

Such people are well aware of the advantages and disadvantages of Confucianism becoming a tool of dominance, but they pretend to be blind and deaf and insist on maintaining the dominance of Confucianism in the field of thought.

All this is because they have vested interests in promoting Confucianism.

As long as Confucianism is still popular, they will be able to suck the blood of the country and its people crazily, until they are full of fat.

Judging from the way the group of Confucian scholars in front of them solemnly discussed the necessity of restoring the well-field system and lamented that they were born at the wrong time... they undoubtedly belong to the first category of corrupt Confucians mentioned above - reading and reading are stupid.

What an idiot.

Qingdeng's dissatisfaction with the group of corrupt people who were seeking trouble for no reason, as well as his disgust with their own existence, suddenly grew and swelled in Qingdeng's heart.

By the time Qingdeng came to his senses, he was already laughing out loud.

I'm too lazy to have a regular meeting with you rotten people who have been belittling me just now. It's better for you to come to my door yourself!

Faced with such people and things that actively come to seek his misfortune, Qingdeng never flinches and prays for peace. He always goes up to them without any fear and confronts them head-on.

In the past, there were the lunatics of the anti-barbarian group, and in the later, there were the subordinates who were rebellious and disobedient to his discipline. The fate of these people was not very good.

Since the other party took the initiative to trouble him, he wouldn't be polite!

After laughing for a long time, Qingden put his hands on his hands and smiled:

"Sir, you misunderstood. I was indeed laughing just now, but I wasn't laughing at you. I thought what you just said was really good. The shogunate really despises Confucianism and Confucian scholars too much now.


As soon as Qingdeng said this, he immediately attracted a lot of joking, mocking, and contemptuous looks - these looks basically came from the surrounding spectators who were waiting to watch the excitement.

They all believed that Qingdeng's words and actions were showing signs of cowardice.

Seeing that the other party was outnumbered and full of murderous intent, he lied and claimed that his laughter just now did not mean any ridicule.

It can not only take care of the other person's face, but also give yourself a step down.

This type of approach will always work when a dispute breaks out with someone.

At this moment, the onlookers around him were discussing quietly in groups of twos and threes.

"Why did you give in so quickly... I was looking forward to seeing a good show..."

"That warrior wearing a bamboo hat looks tall and powerful, but his character is very cowardly and fearful of trouble."

"Tsk, look at what you said, as if you are so brave and invincible. Look at how many people there are in that group of Confucian scholars, a total of 14 of them. There are so many people. Why don't you admit your cowardice and apologize?

If you apologize, what else can you do? Do you want to confront the other party head-on? If the man in the hat dares to do this, he will be severely punished."

Tokugawa Iemo blinked in confusion. He originally thought that Aoto would confront these ignorant rotten people without hesitation, but he did not expect that Aoto would actually back down.

The people showing similar expressions right now are the two sisters.

Only Tianzhangyuan still behaves calmly and the old god is still there.

It can be said that Tianzhangyuan, who has worked with Qingteng for a period of time and has a certain understanding of his personality, knows very well that this young man who was named "King" at such a young age will never eat it obediently.

This is a dumb loss.

The Confucian scholars, headed by the freckled-faced scholar, all looked surprised and surprised.

Qingdeng surrendered so smoothly, which was beyond their expectations.

With just one word, a strong foreigner was able to apologize obediently - the corners of his freckled face unconsciously raised slightly, and a strong sense of satisfaction and accomplishment filled his heart.

Since the other party has such a good attitude towards admitting his mistakes, then you should give him a lot of slack!

Just when the freckled face waved his hands and wanted to speak out loudly to express his forgiveness for Qingteng's rude behavior——

"Now, I see that all of you are great talents who are well versed in Confucianism. I have a question, are all the great talents here willing to help you answer your questions?"

The handsome guy was startled. He was obviously surprised by Qingdeng's sudden question. However, because Qingdeng just admitted his mistake and had a good attitude in asking the question, he nodded humbly: "Excuse me."

Qingdeng pretended to be humble and bowed in salute. The moment he lowered his head, a provocative look flashed in his eyes. However, as soon as this provocative look appeared, it was effectively suppressed by the innate "Emperor's Art".

Hidden down.

"I would like to ask you, the military fronts of the Western countries are directed in all directions, invincible and irresistible. Even the shogunate, which rules over three hundred princes, was forced to abolish the country-locking order because it was difficult to withstand the offensive of the Western countries. I don't know, sir.

What good strategy can we use to resist Xidi?"

Tokugawa Iemo and others next to them were slightly startled, and then immediately smiled.

They all understood in an instant what Qingdeng wanted to do.

The freckled face and the Confucian scholars behind him were also stunned.

The smile on his freckled face gradually faded away, and his brows were furrowed. How could he not hear the malicious meaning emanating from Qingdeng's words?

But he couldn't ignore Qingdeng's question at the moment.

There are so many people around them looking at them. If they are evasive or avoid talking about it, it will damage their face and thus tarnish their proud status as Confucian scholars.

In this case, then answer this person’s question head-on!

Anyway, this question is not difficult to answer!

How to resist Xidi's invasion? It's so simple!

The freckled face snorted coldly and cleared his throat:

"This is a very good question, Shiba!"

“This is one of the questions I discuss most frequently with my classmates!”

"People in today's world really think too highly of Xi Di and they are too mythical about Xi Di."

"The Xidis are all strong and strong, and their strength is many times that of us Orientals."

"How can Xidi not eat or sleep for three days and three nights?"

"All the Xidis have tall and long noses, and their eyes are all inhuman colors, so they are the descendants of the Tengu."

"All these are completely baseless rumors!"

"The only things Xidi relies on are strong ships and sharp cannons!"

"Weapons are an element of war, but they are by no means the decisive factor in victory or defeat! What determines victory or defeat is the human heart!"

"In the great battle of Julu in the Tang Dynasty in the past, Xiang Jun gathered his talents and combined his efforts with the efforts of all people to break the cauldron and sink the boat. The hundred and two Qin Passes finally belonged to Chu!"

"Looking at our country's Sekigahara Battle again, the Eastern Army was united, the top and bottom had the same desire, the generals were united, and the three armies were dedicated to their lives! On the other hand, the Western Army was full of intrigues, each had its own agenda, and was divided between moral principles."

"In terms of military strength and favorable terrain, the Western Army originally had the advantage. However, due to the gap in people's hearts, the Western Army was defeated and the Toyotomi clan has been unable to recover since then."

"Why did the shogunate lose to Xidi's troops? It was because people were distracted!"

"A soldier has no fighting spirit, and an army has no fighting spirit."

"If you want to reverse the situation, you need to promote Confucianism so that the people of the world can be educated in etiquette and admire the way of the saints. In this way, you can clean up and gather the people's hearts!"

"When the time comes, how can I, a high-spirited and righteous warrior, fight against the shameless people who have yet to become barbaric?"

Having said this, the freckled face paused.

After smiling meaningfully, he continued:

"Of course, there is a saying: to subjugate the enemy's army without fighting is the best thing to do!"

"Therefore, a military confrontation with Xidi is ultimately the most inferior method."

"I just have new insights and ideas on how to deal with Xidi today."

"Oh?" Qingdeng raised his eyebrows and raised his chin, "I would like to hear the details."

The freckled face smiled confidently:

"After all, the Xidi are just a group of barbarians from the frontier who are only proficient in strange skills and have never been transformed into kings. Therefore, instead of winning with strength, it is better to convince others with virtue!"

"We should impart the knowledge of saints to Xi Di, let them receive the enlightenment of saints, make them respect the etiquette of saints, let their hearts spontaneously obey the king's ways, and realize what a shameless and despicable act it is to invade other countries' territories without permission.

, then stop the troops and return!"

"In this way, we can expel the Yi Di and clear up the inner world without spending a single soldier!"

As soon as the freckled-faced man finished speaking, a wave of cheers suddenly erupted from the crowd of Confucian scholars behind him.

"Yes! Well said!"

"Do you want to spread the teachings of saints to Xidi? Well...yes! This method is feasible!"

"Honda-kun, listening to your words is like clearing the clouds and seeing the sun, and I am suddenly enlightened!"

The freckled face has quite a bit of speech talent. He speaks clearly, has a loud voice and is well organized.

Many onlookers present were even fascinated by what they heard.

Due to limited vision and knowledge, even the citizens of Edo, let alone people from remote areas, knew very little about Westerners.

Many people really think that the West only has great weapons and navigation technology, and other places are not worth mentioning.

Therefore, many onlookers at the scene were really stunned by the freckled face's speech, and they nodded frequently and subconsciously.

The eager responses from the people around him made the freckled face feel very proud.

He puffed out his already very high chest a little higher, like a general returning triumphantly from a victorious battle.

He looked at Qingdeng, eager to find the look of frustration on Qingdeng's face who was convinced by his eloquent words.

However, I found that Qingdeng's face remained unchanged - only a hint of mockery appeared on his lips.

After a while, when the noise around him gradually subsided, Qingdeng spoke:

"So - Is Shisama trying to use the Analects of Confucius to fight against the barbarians?"

The freckled face frowned and said displeasedly:

"When did I say that I would use "The Analects" to fight against the barbarians? You are taking it out of context. What I mean is that to promote the teachings of saints, we must not only promote it to our country's scholars and people to strengthen our national spirit, but also to other countries in the West.

Promote the barbarians, make them be influenced by the royal way, put down their wars, and make the disputes disappear invisible!"

Qingden snorted and laughed:

"I had a little bit of expectations for you bunch of rotten people. I wanted to see if you could come up with some original and outrageous remarks that would make my ears black. Unexpectedly, after thinking about it for a long time, what I said was still

This kind of ignorant talk is about looking into the sky."

The expression on the freckled face suddenly changed.

The person who changed his face, as well as the other people behind him - all the Confucian scholars, all raised their eyebrows and glared at Qingdeng fiercely.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly changed.

The onlookers around him all looked in shock at Qingdeng who suddenly stood upright and mocked the Confucian scholar.

Qingdeng ignored the murderous gazes of the scholars and laughed unscrupulously:

"You guys, you claim to be great talents, but in reality you are just a bunch of nerds who are blind and taciturn!"

Even though he had said this, Qingden still felt that it was not enough.

He put on a tone full of sarcasm, and after slightly modifying the famous lines written by Qing Dynasty scholar Xu Dachun in "Tao Qing", he recited loudly:

"Excessive writing is as rotten as mud. The shogunate's original plan was to recruit talents, but who knew it turned into a trick to deceive people. How does it feel to chew sugarcane bagasse again and again? It is also a waste of time and coma during the day to trick high-ranking officials.

The bad luck of the common people and the shogunate."

Qingdeng's move couldn't even be said to be pointing at his nose and swearing. It was almost equivalent to stepping on the faces of these Confucian scholars and rubbing them crazily.

Just like poking a hornet's nest, all the Confucian scholars present were extremely angry and denounced Qingdeng:

"How dare you! How dare Zhu Zian insult us?"

"Every one of us is full of knowledge and full of awe-inspiring righteousness. How can we not be great talents?"

"Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of talking nonsense in front of us?"

"Let me tell you, we are all students of Changpingzaka Institute of Studies! If we are not great talents, then who in this world can bear the title of 'great talent'?"

The fierce condemnation by the Confucian scholars not only failed to shock Qingdeng, but also had the opposite effect.

Qingdeng, whose face became increasingly sarcastic, took a deep breath and let his energy sink to his Dantian.

"I know you are all anxious now, but don't be impatient yet."

As soon as Qingdeng's voice came out, he instantly overwhelmed all the young people in the audience.

Qingdeng has the ability to "pierce clouds and crack stones" and "iron lung +1". At the same time, he has also practiced the ape cry that indicates the current flow.

Fighting loudly with Qing Deng? That is obviously overestimating one's abilities.

"Sir, you just kept saying that all Xidi can rely on is strong ships and sharp cannons. Then I dare to ask your Majesty - do you know why Xidi has such powerful ships and firearms?"

Qingden looked at the freckled face with burning eyes.

The expression on the freckled face froze, and the whole person turned to stone.

How would he know why Xidi had such powerful ships and artillery?

He doesn’t even know where England and France are!

Qingdeng was not surprised by the petrification of his freckled face.

The reaction and appearance of the freckled face were all within Qingdeng's expectations.

"Hmph, that's why I said you are just a bunch of frogs in a well with blinded ears and eyes."

Qingdeng changed into a sonorous and powerful tone.

"Let me tell you why - because Western countries have a higher level of civilization - it's that simple."

"To build a warship from steel as high as a mountain requires strong and effective organizational capabilities; it requires developed and advanced science and technology; it requires scientists who can develop technology and put it into practical use; it requires a certain level of education and rich experience

Craftsmen... In short, a strong country is needed."

"In terms of people's livelihood in today's Western countries, there are bicycles that can easily run several distances with just one pedal; there are railway trains that can travel thousands of miles a day."

"When it comes to military affairs, there are Spencer rifles that can fire bullets continuously; there are iron-clad battleships that are a master of navigation, metallurgy, firearms manufacturing, shipbuilding and many other disciplines."

"Technology, finance, education, military... Western countries have made extremely impressive achievements in every field you can think of."

"Strong ships and powerful cannons - these are just the appearance of the power of Western countries!"

With the blessing of "Yingwei" and "Healthy Tongue", Qingdeng's voice is both clear and pleasant to the ears, making it easy for people to listen to it.

Gradually, it became quieter inside and outside the tea house.

Everyone in the audience was silent.

The Confucian scholars who had just shouted to kill were all dumbfounded.

The onlookers who joined in the fun listened attentively to Chiyasu Aoshino's speech - as did Tokugawa Iemo, Tenshouin and others.

I saw Tokugawa Iemo and Tenshouin showing serious expressions that they had never shown when they eavesdropped on the debate among the Confucian scholars. They listened carefully to every word and sentence Aisho said, while nodding slightly from time to time.

Speaking of the Confucian scholars - their current mood can be described as extremely aggrieved.

All of them looked embarrassed and their faces turned red from holding back.

Being suppressed by Qingdeng, they desperately wanted to win back a victory and save their face.

But no matter how hard they racked their brains, they couldn't figure out what to say now to attack Qingdeng's arrogance.

When debating with someone, the most uncomfortable part is that you can't even understand the words the other person says!

What about railroad trains, Spencer rifles, bicycles, finance... not a single scholar in the room could understand what these words meant.

Confucian disciples like them study the books of sages and sages every day, so how can they understand this?

The knowledge and experience brought by the time-travelers are completely a dimensionality-reducing blow to these nerds.

In addition, the momentum that Qingdeng currently carries is so strong that it frightens the Confucian scholars and cannot muster the fighting spirit to interrupt Qingdeng's speech.

It is natural for such a situation to occur.

Who is Qingdeng?

The benevolent king who killed countless people and killed countless others!

Not only has he killed countless young people, he has also chatted and laughed with famous people from all walks of life such as Katsuro Rintaro, Chiba Sadayoshi, Tokugawa Iemo, etc.

The rich and exciting life experiences have long been turned into precious wealth and integrated into Qingdeng’s flesh and blood.

On the other hand, the Confucian scholars who are confronting Qingdeng are just a group of nerds who only know how to study and accept death!

It's completely normal for nerds who only know how to talk, to have stage fright in front of real hard-core ruthless people.

One of the things that rotten scholars like to do most is to use ancient texts to describe the present. They like to use the past events of our ancestors to talk about things... Okay! Then I will treat others in their own way.


Ayoto doesn't understand Japanese history, but he still knows Chinese history very well.

Although he has never systematically studied history, he took all the history classes in junior high and high school without fail.

In the Edo period, using Chinese allusions was far more stylish and cultured than using Japanese allusions!

"You bunch of rotten scholars always like to talk about 'the laws of our ancestors are immutable', but the ancestors you talk about are not as closed-minded as your thoughts!"

"Think back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in the Tang Dynasty two thousand years ago. At that time, rituals collapsed, music and music collapsed, the world was in chaos, and princes competed for hegemony. In this era of great strife, the enlightened Lord will always strive for strength!"

"With Shang Yang, the Qin State succeeded in the reform, and the remaining warriors of the Six Dynasties were annihilated. The reform failed, and there was no reform at all. The six kingdoms stubbornly clung to their own self-proclaimed states, and they unified the world."

"The ancients knew that there is no system in this world that can remain unchanged forever, and that it must evolve with the times according to the changes of the times, but you still cling to the old things and refuse to accept new things."

"You say: Promote Confucianism and make people in the world feel the royal way. This will strengthen the people's hearts and they will no longer be afraid of Xidi's soldiers... This is even more of a joke!"

"During the Ming Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty, from the meat eaters to the common people, Confucianism was highly respected, right? What was the result? Did the Four Books and Five Classics help the Ming Dynasty survive for generations to come?"

"Stop pretending to be a great talent and be a gentleman! I don't know what you think?"

“The reason why you reject Western learning and keep saying ‘that’s all there is to say’ is not only because you are stupid yourself, but also because you have ulterior motives!”

"You talk so much, but in reality, you are just jealous!"

"You are very jealous of Rintaro Katsu and Akiho Takashima, who are currently in great positions and are rising to prominence!"

"You are afraid that the shogunate will only reuse those truly talented and knowledgeable people from now on!"

"I'm afraid that the sage books I have studied so hard for many years will become useless paper!"

“I’m worried that all my hard work over the years will be wasted!”

"This is the fundamental reason why you boycott Western learning and criticize Dashu Gong, who advocated the founding of the country!"

"You are just a bunch of parasites who only know how to talk and talk on paper!"

"You guys, this group of insects who only waste rice, are also paired with Tachibana Aoden, and Katsu Rintaro is pointing at you?"

Qingdeng's words can be described as heart-breaking in every word.

He ruthlessly tore off the fig leaf of the corrupt Confucians,

Targeting the sore points of the rotten scholars without any mercy, and striking hard, shattering the psychological defenses of the rotten scholars, causing their mentality to collapse, and completely breaking their defenses.

The whole scene exploded.

"Damn it! Say that again?!"

"So rampant, you are truly a beast!"

"You bastard, if you have the guts, just say what you just said again!"

Samurai have always been the most honorable, and would rather risk their lives to save face, and the Edo samurai were the worst among them.

As a result, the situation naturally changed as follows——

"You beast! Come outside with us!"

The freckled face held the saber at his waist and shouted viciously at Qingdeng.



Today is the long-awaited 8000+ chapter!

A while ago, because my mother was injured and hospitalized, and the author had to accompany her, the number of updates to this book was reduced. Now, the author's mother has been discharged from the hospital smoothly, and the stitches were removed yesterday, and the author himself

My daily schedule has almost resumed, so starting from today, the author will be stunned!

The current monthly number of votes for this book is 555. As long as it reaches 640 votes today, the author will update it to 8,000+ tomorrow!

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