Chapter 289 Qingdeng: 'Please allow me to marry the three of them!'

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Chapter 483 Qingdeng: "Please allow me to marry the three of them!"

Tokugawa Iemo and Tenjoin highly praised Nishino's achievements.

Therefore, Nishino also appears in the story they made up - he, like Ayoto, secretly accepted this top-secret mission and ultimately died heroically on the eve of dawn.

Not only was Nishino's body given a generous burial, but the pensions received by his family were also paid according to the highest standards, which can be described as an extremely grieving honor.

All in all, the mother and son succeeded in fooling the world.

Except for Sanako, Souji, the two sisters and other very few people who know the whole truth, most people, including the friends at the Imperial Guard Hall, believe that Aoto's "disappearance" during that time was really true.

Went on a top-secret mission.

Tokugawa Iemo and Tenjoin were indispensable to the fact that Aoto was able to rest peacefully in a medical hospital as he is today instead of being imprisoned. He was also widely and enthusiastically worshiped by the people of Edo.

The two of them greatly improved Qingdeng's personal image.

A person who sacrifices himself for the public and forgets his own interests, a person who sacrifices his life for charity and prays for the people - how can the people not be very fond of him?

Compared with Aoto, Ooka Echizen seems to be nothing more than that.

It can be said that without the help of this mother and son, the "Nioh fever" currently spreading in the streets and alleys of Edo would not be as wild as it is now.

Although it is just a personal speculation, Qingto believes that his smooth "cleansing" must have had the secret help of Kiryu's boss and Mr. Makimura.

Calabash House is a mysterious existence that dares to challenge the Fa Zhu Party and has an unfathomable background.

If there were no officials in the shogunate who were "connected with the Calabash House" or "close to the Calabash House", Aoto would definitely not believe it.

Although Kiryu and the others should not have the ability to interfere in national affairs, it should not be a problem to activate the energy of Gourd House, win over some officials, and ask them to put in a few good words for Qingnobo.

Qingto once asked Boss Kiryu in private to confirm whether this was really the case.

However, in the face of Qingden's eager questions, Kiryu's boss just smiled and did not respond directly.

A prisoner being imprisoned, a wanted criminal with a bounty on his head for allegedly killing innocent people, a hero who is widely respected - in just over a month, Qingdeng's identity has changed three times.

His extremely tortuous life experience has once again profoundly confirmed what is meant by "turns of fortune".

By the way - Qingdeng's sword: Defeat Ghosts and Gods, has been successfully returned to his hands.

Since the "Akaban Clan Massacre" occurred, Dingguishen has been strictly kept in the treasury of Beifansuo.

Although he now has a better and more powerful new sword, Qingdeng still has feelings for this old companion who has been with him for a long time.

When he grasped the hilt of the Ding Guishen's knife again, he couldn't help but feel a lot of confusion.

At this time, Kondo seemed to be recalling something, and cast a meaningful look at Aomori, with an intriguing smile on his face.

"It stands to reason that at this time, there should be a large number of matchmakers and matchmakers coming to your door in droves, ready to get your unmarried son-in-law."

While Kondo was talking, Harada Sanosuke over there secretly poked Nagakura Shinpachi next to him with the tip of his elbow:

"Why did Kondo call Mr. Tachibana a turtle?"

Nagakura Shinpachi: "Sanosuke, shut up."

Kondo’s words continued:

"It's just...thanks to that passionate kiss between you and her, no one will bother us anymore about the 'proposal'."

Shannan Keisuke added half-jokingly:

"Who dares to compete with the daughter of the Chiba family for a man? That would be too humiliating, right?"

After Qingdeng heard this, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

The air in the ward suddenly became cheerful.

Everyone naturally knows who the "she" Kondo Isamu refers to.

Suddenly, everyone's expressions became playful.

Even Saitoichi, who had always been aloof, had a faint smile on his face at this moment.

Kondo snickered and continued:

"Tachibana-kun, I won't beat around the bush with you anymore. Tell me, when will the wedding between you and Miss Sanako Chiba be held? I have experience in getting married, so I can help you organize the wedding."

Qingdeng took a deep breath, suppressed his embarrassment, forced himself to be calm, and said casually:

"'s a little too early to talk about this now..."

"It's not early at all." Kondo Isamu said with a serious face, "You are 19 years old and Sanako is 23. Let's not worry about Sanako for now. You are now at the most suitable age for marriage."

As soon as Isamu Kondo finished speaking, he heard Toshizo Hijikata complaining softly:

"Obviously you didn't get married until you were 26, so why are you now so confidently criticizing others for getting married late?"

That night, when Sanako threw herself into Qingden's arms, there were still many onlookers on both sides of the street.

In other words, they were kissing passionately in front of everyone...

Such a move, even in the civilized 21st century, is a bold act that will definitely attract attention.

This is true even in modern society, let alone the Edo period when folk customs were still very conservative.

In the Edo period, even an old couple who had been married for many years and had a deep relationship might not be able to pull off such a heroic act.

Sanako has always displayed a cold image of "only for viewing from a distance but not for playing with".

The number of people who propose marriage to her ranges from one thousand to eight hundred.

As for the people who like and secretly love her, there are countless people.

However, whether they are those who boldly seek love or those who keep their love secret, their ending is the same - being ignored by Sanako.

Even though she is a 23-year-old leftover woman, Sanako has always been lonely and never got too close to any man.

Over time, many people have come to a consensus: No one can pluck this flower of the high mountains.

The situation in Qingdeng is similar.

Ever since he first became famous, Yue Lao and matchmakers have been coming to him, wanting to propose marriage arrangements to him, but he has politely declined them all.

As a result...this "hard-to-break" man and woman unexpectedly became a pair without anyone noticing!

And that's not even the most jaw-dropping thing.

What is even more shocking is that many people at that time saw clearly: the person who jumped into the other person's arms and kissed him was not the man, but the woman!

So it turns out that the Flower of the High Mountain also has such a proactive side?

This made the public even more excited!

Those who had proposed marriage to Sanako and tried their best to please Sanako were heartbroken when they heard the news.

Throughout the ages, the general public has loved to listen to gossip, especially gossip related to the love between men and women.

For a moment, it was like a bomb was dropped, and the whole city was filled with storm and boiling. Some families were happy and some were sad.

It goes without saying who the happy person is...

Chiba Jutaro's face has been glowing recently, and he walks like a breeze. When he walks on the street, he always greets wild cats passing by and says "meow, meow, meow."

As for those who are worried, there are too many.

People who are jealous of Qingden and people who are envious of Zonazi are like the number of sands in the Ganges.

Sanako is recognized as the most beautiful woman in Edo! The dream goddess of countless people!

The goddess' heart already belongs to someone - how can one not be jealous? How can one not hate her?

As for Aoshito, he also enjoyed high popularity among young girls in Edo, and many young girls regarded him as their ideal husband.

Tall, young and promising, a genius, and a successful official... How many people can meet all these conditions?

What's more, Qingdeng himself is also a handsome guy with a very decent appearance.

After the news that "Aoto and Sanako have an ambiguous relationship" came out, the number of people who came to seek matchmaking with them dropped sharply, almost to zero.

Just like what Shannan Keisuke teased just now - competing with Sanako for a man? Who can't think of it this way? Why do you want to humiliate yourself? Who has the confidence to compete with Sanako in the ring?

The same is true for Qingto - fighting for a woman with the "Nioh"? Are you worthy? Regardless of whether you have the confidence or qualifications, let's talk about the most important question first: Do you dare? Your competitor is a killer.

There are countless ruthless people who have successively killed the Yi group and the Qingshui clan.

Sanako is the daughter of "the most famous martial arts family in Japan". Although her family is noble, there are still many people with better backgrounds than her.

However... a prominent family is only one of Sanako's most insignificant advantages.

Even if we put aside metaphysical things such as temperament, knowledge, conversation, and talent, and just talk about the most vulgar appearance——

People with better family backgrounds than Sanako don't have Sanako's beauty and figure.

There is no one who looks better than Sanako... There is no one who looks better than Sanako.

Although Sanako's appearance cannot be said to be "the most beautiful in the world", at least in this corner of Edo, no one's appearance is better than hers.

Among all the people Qingto has met, the only one who can compete with Sanako in appearance is Tianzhangin.

Both Mai Kinoshita and Souji are half as good looking as Sanako.

If we rank the appearance of these three girls... it would be roughly Sanako > Mai Kinoshita ≈ Souji.

Of course, although the appearance of the three women is quite different, Qingdeng's affection for them is the same! He will never favor one because of whose face is prettier or whose bear is bigger.


Even the man who hates Aoto the most and the woman who is the most jealous of Sanako have to admit the fact: Aingto and Sanako are indeed very compatible, and they are the most standard "beauties matching heroes".

Is it our turn to be opposed by monsters like us, a talented man and a beautiful woman?

"... Mr. Ju, I really belong to you."

At this time, a gentle sound passed through Qingden's ears.

Qingden was startled for a moment, then turned to look - before him was the smiling face of the General Secretary.

"Even the 'most beautiful woman in Edo' has fallen in love with you. The relationship between you two is so close that you can kiss each other on the street as if no one else is around... Wow~~ Well, that's it, that's it..."

Souji smiled so softly that his eyes turned into crescents.

But for some reason, after seeing Souji's smile, Qingto not only didn't feel the slightest warmth, but instead shivered, and the hairs all over his body stood on end...

Kondo and others stayed in Qingto's ward for half an hour before leaving.

Just as they filed out and prepared to return to the trial defense hall, Harada Sanosuke suddenly let out a sigh of relief and said with emotion:

"Hey, Mr. Tachibana, I wonder how big a reward you can get this time?"

The shogunate has not yet announced the rewards for Aonto and Nishino.

According to legend, Nishino's family fortune will be raised to a thousand koku, and the family will be promoted to a banner.

As for Qingdeng...

Qingdeng’s contribution is really great!

It’s so great that it’s hard to imagine what kind of glory he will face in the future!

Some people say that Qingteng's family fortune will be increased by at least 3,000 dan; others say that Qingteng will be promoted several levels in a row, from an army officer to an important minister of the shogunate with gold and purple... It's all there.

Recently, in teahouses, izakayas, bathhouses and other crowded urban areas, I often hear people discussing with great interest how the shogunate will reward Aonto.

After Qingdeng heard this, he raised the corners of his mouth and smiled without saying a word.

Hijikata Toshizo deliberately walked at the back of the crowd.

Just when he was about to pass by Qingdeng, he suddenly lowered his head, put his lips close to Qingdeng's ear, and whispered:

"Tachibana, you are free to marry as many women as you want. I don't want to dictate your love life. However, you must not harm adopted sister."

The moment he finished speaking, Qingden felt a sharp gaze on his body.

Before he could respond, Toshizo Hijikata had already walked away.

"I won't cause her to be wronged..." He murmured softly.

In the huge ward that had been noisy until just now, now only Qingto... and the Chief Division were left.

Since Qingdeng was hospitalized, everyone in the Imperial Guard Hall has been taking turns taking care of him.

Today's "person on duty" is none other than the General Director.

"Mr. Orange, do you want to eat an orange?"

The Souji pushed a basket of tangerines to his knees - this was one of the souvenirs brought by Kondo and others when they came to visit Qingteng today.

"No, I'm not hungry yet."

"Then I will put this basket of oranges here first. If you want to eat them, you can tell me and I will peel them for you."

"That...Miss Okita..."


The smile that Souji showed just now that made Qingden feel creepy flashed through his mind.

"Did the things between me and Miss Sanako... make you unhappy?"

"...That's not the case."

The general manager pursed his lips, looking emotional.

"After all, I have known your feelings for Miss Sanako and Miss Kinoshita for a long time. I just... feel a little unwilling to do so."

"Not willing?"

"At the critical moment when you need the company of others the most, the person staying by your side is not me... This makes me feel a little unwilling."

Speaking of this, the Souji bit his lower lip, thoughtfully.

"However, after hearing about the things that happened between you and Miss Sanako, I didn't feel any discomfort in my heart...that's not true."

Soon after that, she suddenly supported the tatami with both hands, leaned out, and sat astride Qingdeng's lap——

Qingdeng felt a soft touch on his lips.

" I feel a little more mentally balanced."

Souji left Qingto's body and sat back down. A charming blush suddenly appeared on both sides of his pretty cheeks, emotions rippled in his eyes, and the corners of his seductive mouth rose quietly.

"...You can 'balance' a little more, it doesn't matter to me."

Qingdeng said seriously and seriously.

"You are still recovering from your injuries. Please restrain your desires in that area."

The general manager gave Qingteng an angry look.

While saying this, she seemed to recall some embarrassing scene, and subconsciously stretched her hands back to cover her buttocks.

At this time, calm footsteps came from the direction of the corridor, approaching from far away.

With a bang, the door was pushed open.

"Ji Jun, Xiao Si, long time no see."

"Miss Guang?!", "Sister?!"

Qingto and Souji exclaimed in unison.

The person who came was none other than the eldest sister of the General Secretary: Hikaru Okita.

"Sister, why are you here?"

Okita Hikaru walked quickly to Qingto's bed with steady and generous steps, and sat down with his knees bent.

"I came to visit Mr. Tachibana. I heard that Mr. Tachibana was seriously injured while performing a mission, so I rushed over immediately."

"Ah, Miss Guang, it's really embarrassing for you to do this..."

Okita Hikaru does not live in Edo, she and her husband live in Hinojuku in Koshu Street.

According to a woman's footsteps... it takes at least 2 days to walk from Hino-juku to Edo.

In this era of underdeveloped transportation, Okita Hikaru made a two-day trip just to visit him... This made Qingto couldn't help but feel guilty.

"it's okay no problem."

Okita Hikaru shook his head gently.

"Compared to confirming with my own eyes whether you are safe or not, other things are trivial and not worth mentioning."

As she spoke, she showed a friendly smile.

I have to say, the Okita sisters are really alike.

Similar looks, similar beautiful smiles.

Looking at Okita Hikaru's bright smile, Qingden felt as if he was being showered with spring breeze.

"Tachibana-kun, how is your recovery going? Is it okay?"

"I'm in good health and nothing serious! The doctor just said that I can go home in a few days."

"...If that's the case, then I'm relieved."

Suddenly, Okita Hikaru's beautiful smile disappeared in an instant.

She put her hands on her legs and looked down at Qingdeng, who was lying on his back on the bed, expressionlessly.

"Tachibana-kun, I'll get straight to the point. Tell me, what's going on between you and that Chiba Sanako?"

Qingdeng's whole body froze.

Souji's delicate body also froze.

"As soon as I entered Edo, I heard someone say, 'Tachibana Aoden and Chiba Sanako are a match made in heaven'... What is going on? Can you give me an explanation? I always thought

The person you like is Xiao Si... and I always thought that you and Xiao Si would definitely become a loving couple..."

Although Okita Hikaru's tone was calm, there was a sharpness in his words that was as sharp as a slash.

"...Miss Guang, this is a long story..."

In order to get rid of his confused expression, Qingden brought the teacup on the pillow to his mouth.

Just as he was racking his brains to come up with words——

Snap, snap, snap, snap...

The sound of footsteps approaching from far away sounded again outside the room.

Wow - as the door of the room opened, a pair of glasses and a lovely bright red figure came into view.

"Awu? Boss Kiryu?"

Qingden took a deep breath.

Looking at the "enlarged version of Okita Souji" who was kneeling beside Aito's bed, Boss Kiryu was startled for a moment, and then immediately put on a smile that was both polite and distant:

"I remember that you are Okita-kun's eldest sister, right? We met at Kondo-kun's wedding. I am the shopkeeper of Chishiya, Kiryu Kazuma."

"I am Senshiya's Teshiro, Kinoshita Mai."

Kinoshita Mai then bowed and announced her name.

"Ah, it turns out it's Mr. Kiryu and Miss Kinoshita. I remember you too! Gui-an, long time no see!"

Okita Hikaru is worthy of being a mature woman who has taken on the responsibility of supporting her family since she was a child and has been in society for many years.

In just a blink of an eye, her facial expression changed from "cold eyebrows and cold eyes" to a "business-like smile."

After the two elders exchanged a few words of greetings, Kiryu turned his eyes sideways and cast a charming look at Aomori.

Qingdeng subconsciously looked away and looked into the void...

Kinoshita Mai and Boss Kiryu are one of the people closest to Aoto.

Therefore, the two of them naturally came to visit Qingdeng often.

Every time Kiryu comes, the atmosphere lingering between him and Aoto becomes extremely weird.

The reason was also because of his passionate kiss with Sanako on the street...

Just like Hikaru Okita always thought that Aoto would be with Souji, Boss Kiryu also always thought that Aoto and Mai Kinoshita would become a couple sooner or later.

The kiss between Aonto and Sanako made the boss Kiryu, who had always been so experienced, show an unspeakably weird expression for the first time. He stared into the distance and remained silent for a long time...

But the strange thing is that he did not ask Qingdeng about this matter.

And Qingdeng never found the right time to explain.

At this time, Mai Kinoshita, who seemed not to be able to read the air, jumped up and down to Qingteng's bed, her pretty face close to the tip of Qingtou's nose.

"Qingdeng, how do you feel? Has your body gotten better?"


Okita Hikaru softly repeated Kinoshita Mai's name to Qingden, his eyes narrowed and his lips tightened.

His throat was dry and his skin was numb... Qingden felt dizzy.

Also at this time——

Snap, snap, snap, snap...

The sound of footsteps approaching from far away sounded again in the direction of the corridor.

Qingdeng was too lazy to raise his head - he walked gracefully and exuded an elegant atmosphere. Now Qingdeng couldn't have heard wrong, he had already guessed who it was...

as expected--

"Huh? Why are there so many people today?"

Chiba Jutaro opened the door with one hand and strode into the room holding a palm-sized cloth bag in his other hand.

Sanako crossed the threshold half a beat behind him - and then froze on the spot for a moment.

Kinoshita Mai, Souji, Boss Kiryu, Souji's sister... Looking at the lineup in the room, especially after discovering that the old and young duo from Senshiya were also present, Sanako couldn't help but clasp their arms tightly in front of her.


"Tangerine-kun, come here! Here you go!"

Chiba Jutaro, who was very nervous, put the cloth bag in his hand next to Aoto's pillow.

"This is the Korean ginseng I bought specifically to replenish your body!"

Qingden was shocked.

"Korean ginseng? How can I accept such an expensive gift?"

"Hahahahaha! Orange-kun, you don't need to be polite to me!"

Chiba Jutaro laughed heartily, showing a proud expression on his face.

"I am your uncle! Since we are a family, why do we need to be so separated?"

Boss Kiryu: "..."

Okita Hikaru: "..."

Director-General: "..."

Kinoshita Mai: "..."

Sanako: "..."

Qingdeng: "..."

In an instant, the ward was surrounded by unparalleled silence...

"Huh? Did I say something wrong?"

The very nervous Chiba Jutaro still didn't realize what the problem was.

"...Boss Kiryu, Miss Hikaru, Jutaro, please listen to me!"

Qingden gritted his teeth violently, with a look on his face as if he was about to attack Qingshui Residence again.

"I like Chiba Sanako, Kinoshita Mai and Okita Souji!"

"So - I want to marry them now! Please allow me to marry them!"



The long-lost plot of Shura Field! Those book friends who always clamor to see Shura Field, if you don’t vote today, you will really be sorry for me!

Please give me a monthly ticket! Please give me a recommendation vote! (Leopard Head Cries)

Although from a third party's perspective, Qingdeng's bold courtship maneuver seems awkward, this is also part of his charm. He is free and easy, neat and unpretentious.

In another 2 or 3 chapters, this volume will come to a successful conclusion!


This chapter has been completed!
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