Chapter 554 I, Ju Qingden, just want to keep all my girlfriends close to me

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The array of more than a hundred people gave off the momentum of thousands of troops.

They cheered selflessly and kept singing.

They raised their arms wildly and looked full of energy.

Unstoppable tinnitus.

A constant roar.

The heat spreads to all directions, to the distance, and to the sky.

The birds on the branches raised their wings and flew over the top of the array, casting curious glances.

Although the spectators were isolated at a distance, those with good hearing were all excited and excited after hearing Qingdeng's mobilization speech.

After the heat was transferred, they also shouted together and released it.

Emotions are like strong infectious diseases.

It only takes one source and a little help to spread at a terrifying speed.

After a while, those who could not hear Qingdeng's speech clearly were all dancing and dancing because of the infection.

Of course, if we talk about which side is the most excited and touched right now, it is undoubtedly the Shinsengumi soldiers who stand under the high platform and face Ayoto.

They shouted and roared, even though their voices were hoarse.

A few people even shed tears because of their excessive emotions.

Needless to say, Souji, Kondo Isamu, Harada Sanosuke and other emotional people.

Even Sanako, who had always been calm and composed, couldn't help but feel moved at this moment.

This was not only because Qingdeng’s demeanor and tone were extremely contagious, but also because his speech spoke to the bottom of their hearts.

Unless you have personal experience, it is absolutely difficult to imagine just how depressing the lives of middle- and lower-level warriors and civilians are living based on a few sentences in books and a few words passed down by word of mouth.

Family income and salary have remained unchanged since two hundred and fifty years ago.

Increasing pressure in life.

Classes are extremely solidified, and there is no way to get ahead in life at a glance.

Under such circumstances, the emergence of a new army regardless of gender or origin, a stage on which they can show their ambitions... How can they not let their eyes shine? How can they not be complacent?

They are going to do something big!

Just like what Qingdeng said just now: From now on, whenever anyone who followed Qingdeng on February 1st speaks, they will feel that they are so lacking in heroism and ashamed!

At the same time, all the big guys behind the high platform - Ichitsubashi Keiki, Matsudaira Harugaku... including Tokugawa Iemo - all looked at each other with astonishment on their faces.

They all saw the same question in their eyes: How could Aoden Tachibana have such an excellent speaking talent?

Tokugawa Iemo blinked, and then laughed with a sigh of relief.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Katsurin Taro couldn't help but smile.

As for Hitotsubashi Keiki, Matsudaira Harugaku and others who were hostile to Aoto, they all had strange faces and heavy expressions - nothing is more frustrating than finding that your opponent is stronger than you expected.

To be honest, not only them, but also the person involved was shocked.

This is Qingdeng's first time speaking in front of others.

At the same time, this is also the first time he uses the talent "Failed Art Students +2".

With the blessing of the talent "Failed Art Students +2", Qingdeng's speech was particularly contagious.

However, this talent will only enhance the appeal, but will not make Qingdeng a good speaker, nor will it make him eloquent and witty.

This speech was originally Qingdeng's impromptu idea.

As for the speech, it burst out of Qingdeng's mind like bubbles from a fish, bit by bit, without interruption, and he couldn't stop it.

Looking at the fanatical scene in front of him, Qingdeng was in a daze and decided in his heart:

The military spirit is available!

The expedition ceremony ended successfully with great success.

The whole army is officially on the move! Step out of Zojoji Temple and line up in three columns to go west along the Tokaido!

The second, fourth, and tenth teams of the Batto team play as forwards, with Toshizo Hijikata and Hachiro Kiyokawa serving as forwards.

Teams 3, 5, 6 and 8 were at the back, with Isamu Kondo and Keisuke Yamanan serving as conductors.

Qingdeng personally led the 1st, 7th and 9th teams to control the central army.

This arrangement contains Qingdeng’s profound meaning.

The first, second, and third teams are the three most powerful units in the Shinsengumi, so Qingden evenly distributes these three teams into the front, middle, and rear armies to ensure that each part of the army has a certain combat capability.


Among the 10 captains, only the captain of the fourth division, Kamo Serizawa, and the captain of the fifth division, Niimi Nishiki, are not close confidants of Aoden, and these two are very close friends.

So Qingdeng separated the two people and refused to let them stay together.

Qinghe Hachiro is an unstable element, so it is correct to assign him and Hijikata Toizo together.

With the ability of the "Thorn Wicked Boy", it won't be a problem to suppress him.

As for why the captain of the first division, Souji Okita, the captain of the seventh division, Sanako Chiba, and the captain of the ninth division, Mai Kinoshita, are with Aoto... this is purely an accident! It is definitely not Aoto.

Public for personal gain!

The current Shinsengumi is so poor that even its military funds only have a measly 3,000 taels of gold... Ah, no, correct it, it should be 3,600 taels of gold.

The survival or decline of the Shinsengumi is related to Ayoto's future.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is even related to Qingdeng's future destiny.

Therefore, there is no point in being a miser and holding money tightly in your hands.

If he fails to build the Shinsengumi, no matter how much money he saves, it will be meaningless.

It would be better to spend all your wealth to subsidize the Shinsengumi's budget.

Now is the time to spend your money!

So, just a few days ago, Qingdeng sold all the personal belongings he had that he would most likely not use again in the future, such as the books he had read and the clothes he had worn.

The money he scraped together by selling iron and steel, plus the remaining personal money after buying weapons for the General Secretary and others, amounted to about 600 taels of gold.

Qingdeng added the 600 taels of gold and penny into the Shinsengumi's capital pool.

Anyway, the Shinsengumi can be regarded as his personal armed force, so if he puts all his money in it, he won't feel bad.

Perhaps no one would have thought of it - the dignified envoy of Gyeonggi Province and the captain of the Shinsengumi, the "nioh" Tachibana Tachibana, who had been working as a side official and servant of the imperial court high above the temple for one year and eight months.

Come on, you are extremely poor now. Your total wealth is less than 1 tael of gold.

Because the Shinsengumi has not yet formed a cavalry, nor does it have the financial resources to form a cavalry, the current livestock power of the Shinsengumi only consists of a dozen pack horses donated by the shogunate for transporting supplies.

Among the whole army, only Qingdeng has a mount.

I saw him riding his big black radish, surrounded by the Chinese army, moving forward slowly.

With Qingden's current status, it would not be a problem to get an excellent horse.

However, Qingden couldn't bear to part with the carrot.

Carrot is his old buddy and comrade-in-arms.

As early as when he took over the important task of "siting in the capital", Qingdeng had already made up his mind: he would take Luobo with him to the west.

From now on, he will continue to ride this big black bull and fight in the north and south!

Perhaps in the eyes of some people, a hero like Qingdeng should ride a horse, and it must be a white horse like a divine horse. Riding an ox is really too tasteless and a loss of status.

But in Qingdeng's eyes, bull riding is not a shameful thing.

Because in the long history of China, there once appeared a god who could summon meteorites to attack the enemy. His early mount was an ox.

Moreover, in terms of running and charging abilities, a carrot that dares to run and charge is no worse than a horse.

More importantly, Luobo is very smart, very understanding of human nature, can understand simple instructions, and has a tacit understanding with Qingdeng.

In a rapidly changing and fierce battlefield, the power exerted by riding a mount that has a tacit understanding with oneself is definitely far more powerful than riding a mount that has excellent abilities but cannot cooperate well with its owner.

Maybe it's because its two owners, Qingto and Sanako, are by its side, so Carrot is very happy now.

It held its big and silly head high, swung its tail behind it, and made cute calls like "moo moo~" from time to time, and its steps were bouncing.

Both sides of the road were lined with people who came to watch.

The "Three Chapters" of the execution center had been prepared in advance, and the officials of their own division used long sticks and bodies to form a solid human wall, ensuring the smoothness of the road and the stability of order.

All kinds of shouts and cheers came and went:

"Long live Nioh! Long live the Shinsengumi!"

"Lord Renwang! We must put an end to the rebellious officials and traitors in the capital!"

"Let the losers in Kyoto who only know how to apply powder and lipstick see how powerful Kanto men are!"

"Yes, that's right! On the battlefield of Guanyuan two hundred and fifty years ago, the warriors of Guandong were able to beat the rubbish from Gyeonggi and the Western Kingdom to the ground. Now our power can still scare them!"

[Note: Sekigahara Battlefield: The Battle of Sekigahara (1601), the battle for the Tokugawa family to dominate the world. In this battle, the Eastern Army defeated the Western Army in less than a day. 】

The warm greetings from the people of Edo raised the morale of the Shinsengumi soldiers to a higher level.

They either waved vigorously or shouted in response to the enthusiasm of the soldiers and the people.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Sanosuke Harada...the lively guy who likes the most liveliness, raised his hands above his head, waved them crosswise, and shouted enthusiastically, as if he was talking to his fans.

"Fathers and fellow citizens of Edo, just watch! We will definitely return in triumph!"

Taking advantage of the height advantage of sitting on the back of the cow, Qingdeng found many acquaintances on the roadsides on both sides.

"Hey! Everyone! Have a nice trip!"

Kondo Shusuke put his hands in front of his mouth, formed a simple trumpet, and shouted with all his strength.

Kondo Shusuke, Mrs. Abi, Kondo Isamu's wife Tsune, Hijikata Tobizo's sister, Hijikata Tobizo's brother-in-law Sato Hikoro, Tama's fellow villagers... these people have always been the most loyal supporters of the Shoeikan.

The young people they are most proud of are going to a foreign country to start a new journey. How can they not come to see them off?

Souji's sister, Hikaru Okita, and brother-in-law, Rintaro Okita, also came.

In order to see their sister off, they took the trouble to come all the way from Hino-juku.

"elder sister……"

Looking at his sister who was about to be separated and who didn't know when they would see each other again, Souji silently pursed his lips and his eyes flickered.

Okita Hikaru looked deeply at Souji for a moment, then raised his gaze and looked directly at Qingto, his red lips opening and closing as if comparing his lips.

With good eyesight and the fact that the meaning of the words Okita Hikaru wanted to express was not complicated, Qingto quickly understood the meaning of the other person's mouth shape:

(Protect Xiaosi, please.)

Qingdeng suddenly had a stern look on his face.

He returned his gaze firmly and nodded vigorously.

Due to the restrictions of the occasion, he could not speak to others freely now, let alone jump off the back of a cow, but he believed that his meaning had been conveyed smoothly - because Okita Hikaru showed a gentle smile.

However, just for a moment, she switched to complicated eyes and glanced at Sanako and Kinoshita Mai who were guarding beside Qingteng... Qingteng quietly turned his head away, pretending not to see anything or not knowing anything.

Ah, by the way, the old servant of the Tachibana family, Kubei, who has been serving the Tachibana family for decades since the days of Takayuki Tachibana, is also in the farewell procession.

Kubei stood next to Kondo Shusuke, with mixed emotions on his old face, as if tears would flow down at any time.

Ever since he moved into the Imperial Guard Hall, the loyal and honest Kubei has been assisting Mrs. Abi, Miss Azuma and Genzaburo Inoue in taking care of all the chores in the Imperial Guard Hall.

As the status continues to rise, the "distance" between the master and the servant becomes wider and wider.

Kyuubei can't help with Qingnobo's work and affairs.

And Qingdeng can no longer communicate and interact with each other as frequently as before.

However, Jiubei didn't care at all.

He worked diligently and tried his best to share Qingdeng's worries.

Even if Qingdeng temporarily neglected him due to his busy schedule, he never complained.

Qingto has always been deeply touched by Kubei's silent dedication.

Last night, he went out of his way to find her, and the two had a long chat.

At that time, Qingden took Jiubei's hand and thanked him in an extremely solemn and sincere tone, which moved the old servant to tears.

The hard work of traveling and traveling in this era is really hard work.

There are no smooth asphalt roads, only bumpy dirt roads, which are full of dust on sunny days and mud on rainy days.

Although there are a large number of campsites along the Tokaido where you can rest and there is no need to sleep outdoors, walking from Edo to Kyoto on just two legs is a great physical challenge.

Kubei was already quite old. He could no longer follow Aoto to Kyoto and could only stay in Edo.

After selling almost all his personal belongings, Qingden specially distributed 20 taels of gold to Jiubei, not only as a thank you for his many years of hard work, but also as a pension for him to take care of himself in the future.

After all... after going to Kyoto, it would not be surprising no matter when or where he died.

Therefore, it is absolutely right to prepare your posthumous affairs in advance.

The procession keeps moving forward.

In order to see Aoto and others a few more times, Kondo Shusuke and his party went together.

After walking for a while, Qingdeng suddenly spotted three beautiful figures.

Three very familiar figures...



Please give me a monthly ticket! Please give me a recommendation vote! (Leopard Head Cries)

It's a pity that seals can't be ridden, and they can't charge on land. Otherwise, I would definitely design Qingdeng's mount to be a seal!

Yesterday's speech actually integrated the content of three works: Shakespeare's "Henry V", the movie "Independence Day", and Pushkin's poem "To Chaadaev".


This chapter has been completed!
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